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Chin. Phys. B, 2010, Vol. 19(11): 117301    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/11/117301

Preparation and study on performance of submicron nickel powder for multilayer chip positive temperature coefficient resistance

Chen Yong(陈勇)a)b), Gong Shu-Ping(龚树萍)a), Fu Qiu-Yun(傅邱云)a), Zheng Zhi-Ping(郑志平)a), Huang Ri-Ming(黄日明)a), and Su Peng(苏鹏)b)
Department of Electronic Science & Technology, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, China; b School of Physics and Electronic Technology and Key Laboratory of Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials and Devices of Hubei Province, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China
Abstract  Base metal nickel is often used as the inner electrode in multilayer chip positive temperature coefficient resistance (PTCR). The fine grain of ceramic powders and base metal nickel are necessary. This paper uses reducing hydrazine to gain submicron nickel powder whose diameter was 200–300 nm through adjusting the consumption of nucleating agent PVP properly. The submicron nickel powder could disperse well and was fit for co——fired of multilayer chip PTCR. It analyes the submicron nickel powder through x-ray Diffraction (XRD) and calculates the diameter of nickel by PDF cards. Using XRD analyses it obtains several conclusions: If the molar ratio of hydrazine hydrate and nickel sulfate is kept to be a constant, when enlarging the molar ratio of NaOH/Ni2+, the diameter of nickel powder would become smaller. When the temperature in the experiment raises to 70–80℃, nickel powder becomes smaller too. And if the molar ratio of NaOH/Ni2+ is 4, when molar ratio of (C2H5O)2/Ni2+ increases, the diameter of nickel would reduce. Results from viewing the powders by optical microscope should be the fact that the electrode made by submicron nickel powder has a better formation and compactness. Furthermore, the sheet resistance testing shows that the electrode made by submicron nickel is smaller than that made by micron nickel.
Keywords:  submicron      nickel powder      liquid-reduction process      positive temperature coefficient (PTC)  
Received:  01 April 2010      Revised:  01 June 2010      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  73.23.-b (Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems)  
  73.40.Gk (Tunneling)  
  73.63.Kv (Quantum dots)  
Fund: Project supported by the "863" (Grant No. SQ2008AA03Z4471960), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60676050).

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Chen Yong(陈勇), Gong Shu-Ping(龚树萍), Fu Qiu-Yun(傅邱云), Zheng Zhi-Ping(郑志平), Huang Ri-Ming(黄日明), and Su Peng(苏鹏) Preparation and study on performance of submicron nickel powder for multilayer chip positive temperature coefficient resistance 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 117301

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