Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in NaZn13-type La(Fe, Al)13-based compounds
沈保根, 胡凤霞, 董巧燕, 孙继荣
2013 (1):
doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/1/017502
1155 )
In this article, our recent progress concerning the effects of atomic substitution, magnetic field, and temperature on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the LaFe13-xAlx compounds are reviewed. With an increase of the aluminum content, the compounds exhibit successively an antiferromagnetic (AFM) state, a ferromagnetic (FM) state, and a mictomagnetic state. Furthermore, the AFM coupling of LaFe13-xAlx can be converted to an FM one by substituting Si for Al, Co for Fe, and magnetic rare-earth R for La, or introducing interstitial C or H atoms. However, low doping levels lead to FM clusters embedded in an AFM matrix, and the resultant compounds can undergo, under appropriate applied fields, first an AFM-FM and then an FM-AFM phase transition while heated, with significant magnetic relaxation in the vicinity of the transition temperature. The Curie temperature of LaFe13-xAlx can be shifted to room temperature by choosing appropriate contents of Co, C, or H, and a strong magnetocaloric effect can be obtained around the transition temperature. For example, for the LaFe11.5Al1.5C0.2H1.0 compound, the maximal entropy change reaches 13.8 J·kg-1·K-1 for a field change of 0-5 T, occurring around room temperature. It is 42% higher than that of Gd, and therefore, this compound is a promising room-temperature magnetic refrigerant.
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