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    2009年, 第18卷, 第12期 刊出日期:2009-12-20 上一期    下一期
    Successive defects asymmetric simple exclusion processes with particles of arbitrary size
    蔡九菊, 肖松, 王若翚, 刘飞
    2009 (12):  5097-5102.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/001
    摘要 ( 2274 )   PDF(166KB) ( 940 )  
    This paper uses various mean-field approaches and the Monte Carlo simulation to calculate asymmetric simple exclusion processes with particles of arbitrary size in the successive defects system. In this system, the hopping probability p (p<1) and the size d of particles are not constant. Through theoretical calculation and computer simulation, it obtains the exact theoretical results and finds that the theoretical results are in agreement with the computer simulation. These results are helpful in analysing the effect of traffic with different hopping probabilities p and sizes d of particle.
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    Theoretical investigation of synchronous totally asymmetric simple exclusion process on lattices with two consecutive junctions in multiple-input-multiple-output traffic system
    肖松, 蔡九菊, 王瑞利, 刘明哲, 刘飞
    2009 (12):  5103-5110.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/002
    摘要 ( 2024 )   PDF(371KB) ( 850 )  
    In this paper, we study the dynamics of the synchronous totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) on lattices with two consecutive junctions in a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) traffic system, which consists of m sub-chains for the input and the output, respectively. In the middle of the system, there are N (nN synchronously increasing, the vertical phase boundary moves toward the right and the horizontal phase boundary moves toward the upside in the phase diagram. The boundary conditions of the system as well as the numbers of input and output determine the no-equilibrium stationary states, stationary-states phases, and phase boundaries. We use the results to compare with computer simulations and find that they are in very good agreement with each other.
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    A stochastic epidemic model on homogeneous networks
    刘茂省, 阮炯
    2009 (12):  5111-5116.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/003
    摘要 ( 1841 )   PDF(159KB) ( 835 )  
    In this paper, a stochastic SIS epidemic model on homogeneous networks is considered. The largest Lyapunov exponent is calculated by Oseledec multiplicative ergodic theory, and the stability condition is determined by the largest Lyapunov exponent. The probability density function for the proportion of infected individuals is found explicitly, and the stochastic bifurcation is analysed by a probability density function. In particular, the new basic reproductive number R*, that governs whether an epidemic with few initial infections can become an endemic or not, is determined by noise intensity. In the homogeneous networks, despite of the basic productive number R0>1, the epidemic will die out as long as noise intensity satisfies a certain condition.
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    Influence of velocity spatiotemporal correlations on the anomalous scaling exponents of passive scalars
    张晓强, 王光瑞, 陈式刚
    2009 (12):  5117-5122.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/004
    摘要 ( 1814 )   PDF(270KB) ( 515 )  
    In this paper, we consider spatial-temporal correlation functions of the turbulent velocities. With numerical simulations on the Gledzer--Ohkitani--Yamada (GOY) shell model, we show that the correlation function decays exponentially. The advecting velocity field is regarded as a colored noise field, which is spatially and temporally correlative. For comparison, we are also given the scaling exponents of passive scalars obtained by the Gaussian random velocity field, the multi-dimensional normal velocity field and the She--Leveque velocity field, introduced by She, et al. We observe that extended self-similarity scaling exponents H(p)/ H(2) of passive scalar obtained by the colored noise field are more anomalous than those obtained by the other three velocity fields.
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    Solving mKdV-sinh-Gordon equation by a modified variable separated ordinary differential equation method
    2009 (12):  5123-5132.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/005
    摘要 ( 1877 )   PDF(1180KB) ( 841 )  
    By introducing a more general auxiliary ordinary differential equation (ODE), a modified variable separated ODE method is developed for solving the mKdV--sinh-Gordon equation. As a result, many explicit and exact solutions including some new formal solutions are successfully picked up for the mKdV--sinh-Gordon equation by this approach.
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    Probabilistic and robust preparation of a GHZ-type state via atomic ensembles and linear optics
    陆小松, 史保森, 郭光灿
    2009 (12):  5133-5138.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/006
    摘要 ( 1878 )   PDF(295KB) ( 541 )  
    This paper proposes two simple and robust schemes to generate an atomic-ensemble Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger-type (GHZ-type) entangled state via linear optics and single photon detection. These schemes are based on two-photon Hong--Ou--Mandel-type interference, therefore they are insensitive to the phase fluctuation. This advantage will make the realizations of these two schemes easier. One scheme can scale efficiently with the number of ensembles because of the used quantum memory. Both schemes are also robust to the noise and within the reach of current technology.
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    The N-mode squeezed state with enhanced squeezing
    徐学翔, 胡利云, 范洪义
    2009 (12):  5139-5143.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/007
    摘要 ( 1701 )   PDF(116KB) ( 612 )  
    It is known that exp≤[iλ≤(Q1P1-i/2)] is a unitary single-mode squeezing operator, where Q1, P1 are the coordinate and momentum operators, respectively. In this paper we employ Dirac's coordinate representation to prove that the exponential operator Sn≡ exp≤[iλ\sum\limitsi=1n(QiPi+1 +Qi+1Pi))], (Qn+1=Q1, Pn+1=P1), is an N-mode squeezing operator which enhances the standard squeezing. By virtue of the technique of integration within an ordered product of operators we derive Sn's normally ordered expansion and obtain new N-mode squeezed vacuum states, its Wigner function is calculated by using the Weyl ordering invariance under similar transformations.
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    Finite-time disentanglement induced by single-mode thermal field
    韩峰, 夏云杰
    2009 (12):  5144-5148.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/008
    摘要 ( 1805 )   PDF(287KB) ( 652 )  
    In this paper, we study the entanglement dynamics of atoms locally coupled to a cavity field. By studying two different models within the framework of cavity QED, we show that the so-called atomic entanglement sudden death always occurs if initially the cavity field is in the thermal state, in clear contrast with that in the vacuum state where the same entanglement decay is in infinite time.
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    Exact solution for the thermo Jaynes--Cummings model
    袁洪春, 范洪义
    2009 (12):  5149-5154.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/009
    摘要 ( 1911 )   PDF(98KB) ( 663 )  
    Based on the construction of supersymmetric generators, we use the Lewis--Riesenfeld invariant method to deduce the exact and explicit eigen-energy spectrum with the time-dependent thermo Jaynes--Cummings model. One of the advantages of this approach is that it can transform the hidden form, related to the chronological product, of the time evolution operator into an explicit expression. Moreover, the dynamical and statistics properties of physical quantities are obtained for the given initial states in the thermo Jaynes--Cummings system.
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    Quantum information procession with fermions based on charge detection
    2009 (12):  5155-5160.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/010
    摘要 ( 1868 )   PDF(127KB) ( 654 )  
    This paper proposes a fermionic linear optical scheme for the teleportation and entanglement concentration via entanglement swapping based on charge detection. It also proves that this method is useful in generating entangled states such as GHZ states, W states, and cluster states by using fermionic polarizing beam splitters and single spin rotations assisted by a parity check on the fermionic qubits. This scheme is nearly deterministic (i.e., with 100\% successful probability) and does not need the joint Bell state measurement required in the previous schemes.
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    One-step implementing three-qubit phase gate via manipulating rf SQUID qubits in the decoherence-free subspace with respect to cavity decay
    邵晓强, 陈丽, 张寿, 赵永芳
    2009 (12):  5161-5167.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/011
    摘要 ( 1711 )   PDF(476KB) ( 767 )  
    We present a scheme for implementing a three-qubit phase gate via manipulating rf superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) qubits in the decoherence-free subspace with respect to cavity decay. Through appropriate changes of the coupling constants between rf SQUIDs and cavity, the scheme can be realized only in one step. A high fidelity is obtained even in the presence of decoherence.
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    Generation of arbitrary four-atom entangled decoherence-free states
    计新, 吕天全, 张寿
    2009 (12):  5168-5172.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/012
    摘要 ( 1387 )   PDF(117KB) ( 566 )  
    This paper proposes a scheme to generate arbitrary four-atom entangled decoherence-free states by using simple linear optical elements, four one-sided cavities in which four atoms are confined respectively. By conveniently tuning the titled angle of one half-wave plate, it can obtain arbitrary four-atom entangled decoherence-free states with a successful probability of 1 as long as there is no photon loss.
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    Quantum demonstration of a bio-molecular solution of the satisfiability problem on spin-based ensemble
    任婷婷, 冯芒, 张云龙, 罗军
    2009 (12):  5173-5178.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/013
    摘要 ( 1492 )   PDF(128KB) ( 531 )  
    DNA computation (DNAC) has been proposed to solve the satisfiability (SAT) problem due to operations in parallel on extremely large numbers of strands. This paper attempts to treat the DNA-based bio-molecular solution for the SAT problem from the quantum mechanical perspective with a purpose to explore the relationship between DNAC and quantum computation (QC). To achieve this goal, it first builds up the correspondence of operations between QC and DNAC. Then it gives an example for the case of two variables and three clauses for details of this theory. It also demonstrates a three-qubit experiment for solving the simplest SAT problem with a single variable on a liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance ensemble to verify this theory. Some discussions are made for the potential application and for further exploration of the present work.
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    Entanglement of two atoms in two-mode Raman coupled model with intrinsic decoherence
    张剑, 邵彬, 邹健
    2009 (12):  5179-5188.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/014
    摘要 ( 1985 )   PDF(2890KB) ( 709 )  
    Considering intrinsic decoherence, the two-atom two-mode Raman coupled model is investigated in this paper. Utilizing the constants of motion in this model, we obtain the analytic expressions of the density operator of the system for investigating the entanglement of two atoms. The speed of entanglement decay increases with the increasing of the coupling coefficient of one atom. The difference between the oscillation periods when the initial state parameter of atomic subsystem belongs to two intervals becomes smaller with the increasing of the coupling coefficient of one atom. The increasing of the initial photon number of the second field can hasten the vanishing of entanglement of atomic subsystem. The robustness of atomic entanglement against decoherence depends on the interval of the initial state parameter of atomic subsystem.
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    Finite-size effects in a D-dimensional ideal Fermi gas
    苏国珍, 欧聪杰, Wang A Qiu-Ping, 陈金灿
    2009 (12):  5189-5195.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/015
    摘要 ( 1789 )   PDF(110KB) ( 766 )  
    By using the Euler--MacLaurin formula, this paper studies the thermodynamic properties of an ideal Fermi gas confined in a d-dimensional rectangular container. The general expressions of the thermodynamic quantities with the finite-size corrections are given explicitly and the effects of the size and shape of the container on the properties of the system are discussed. It is shown that the corrections of the thermodynamic quantities due to the finite-size effects are significant to be considered for the case of strong degeneracy but negligible for the case of weak degeneracy or non-degeneracy. It is important to find that some familiar conclusions under the thermodynamic limit are no longer valid for the finite-size systems and there are some novel characteristics resulting from the finite-size effects, such as the nonextensivity of the system, the anisotropy of the pressure, and so on.
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    M-ary information processing via an optimal nonlinear detector
    2009 (12):  5196-5202.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/016
    摘要 ( 1721 )   PDF(155KB) ( 634 )  
    This paper presents a novel approach of M-ary baseband pulse amplitude modulated signal processing via a parameter-optimized nonlinear dynamic system. This nonlinear system usually shows the phenomenon of stochastic resonance by adding noise. To thoroughly discuss the signal processing performance of the nonlinear system, we tune the system parameters to obtain a nonlinear detector with optimal performance. For characterizing the output of the nonlinear system, the derivation of the probability of detection error is given by the system response speed and the probability density function of the nonlinear system output. By varying the noise intensity with fixed system parameters, the phenomenon of stochastic resonance is shown and by tuning the system parameters with fixed noise, the probability of detection error is minimized and the nonlinear system is optimized. The detection performance of the two cases is compared with the theoretical probability of detection error, which is validated by numerical simulation.
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    A delay-decomposition approach for stability of neural network with time-varying delay
    邱芳, 崔宝同, 籍艳
    2009 (12):  5203-5211.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/017
    摘要 ( 1935 )   PDF(120KB) ( 732 )  
    This paper studies delay-dependent asymptotical stability problems for the neural system with time-varying delay. By dividing the whole interval into multiple segments such that each segment has a different Lyapunov matrix, some improved delay-dependent stability conditions are derived by employing an integral equality technique. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and less conservativeness of the proposed methods.
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    Anti-control of chaos in p--Ge photoconductor
    冯玉玲, 张喜和
    2009 (12):  5212-5218.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/018
    摘要 ( 1864 )   PDF(299KB) ( 2064 )  
    We present a scheme for the anti-control of chaos in the p--Ge photoconductor system by using a chaotic laser to irradiate and disturb this system. The numerical simulations show that this scheme can be effectively used to control periodic states in this p--Ge system into chaotic states. Moreover, the different chaos states with different chaotic orbits can be obtained by appropriately adjusting the disturbance intensity and disturbance frequency, and by increasing this intensity or reducing this frequency, this p--Ge system gradually evolves to fully developed chaotic states.
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    Digital chaotic sequence generator based on coupled chaotic systems
    刘树波, 孙婧, 徐正全, 刘金硕
    2009 (12):  5219-5227.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/019
    摘要 ( 2035 )   PDF(584KB) ( 1021 )  
    Chaotic systems perform well as a new rich source of cryptography and pseudo-random coding. Unfortunately their digital dynamical properties would degrade due to the finite computing precision. Proposed in this paper is a modified digital chaotic sequence generator based on chaotic logistic systems with a coupling structure where one chaotic subsystem generates perturbation signals to disturb the control parameter of the other one. The numerical simulations show that the length of chaotic orbits, the output distribution of chaotic system, and the security of chaotic sequences have been greatly improved. Moreover the chaotic sequence period can be extended at least by one order of magnitude longer than that of the uncoupled logistic system and the difficulty in decrypting increases 2128*2128 times indicating that the dynamical degradation of digital chaos is effectively improved. A field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of an algorithm is given and the corresponding experiment shows that the output speed of the generated chaotic sequences can reach 571.4~Mbps indicating that the designed generator can be applied to the real-time video image encryption.
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    Disturbance rejection and H pinning control of linear complex dynamical networks
    李忠奎, 段志生, 陈关荣
    2009 (12):  5228-5234.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/020
    摘要 ( 1634 )   PDF(109KB) ( 872 )  
    This paper concerns the disturbance rejection problem of a linear complex dynamical network subject to external disturbances. A dynamical network is said to be robust to disturbance, if the H norm of its transfer function matrix from the disturbance to the performance variable is satisfactorily small. It is shown that the disturbance rejection problem of a dynamical network can be solved by analysing the H control problem of a set of independent systems whose dimensions are equal to that of a single node. A counter-intuitive result is that the disturbance rejection level of the whole network with a diffusive coupling will never be better than that of an isolated node. To improve this, local feedback injections are applied to a small fraction of the nodes in the network. Some criteria for possible performance improvement are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities. It is further demonstrated via a simulation example that one can indeed improve the disturbance rejection level of the network by pinning the nodes with higher degrees than pinning those with lower degrees.
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    Bifurcation control and chaos in a linear impulsive system
    蒋贵荣, 胥布工, 杨启贵
    2009 (12):  5235-5241.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/021
    摘要 ( 1842 )   PDF(207KB) ( 754 )  
    Bifurcation control and the existence of chaos in a class of linear impulsive systems are discussed by means of both theoretical and numerical ways. Chaotic behaviour in the sense of Marotto's definition is rigorously proven. A linear impulsive controller, which does not result in any change in one period-1 solution of the original system, is proposed to control and anti-control chaos. The numerical results for chaotic attractor, route leading to chaos, chaos control, and chaos anti-control, which are illustrated with two examples, are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis.
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    Combined bottleneck effect of on-ramp and bus stop in a cellular automaton model
    宋玉鲲, 赵小梅
    2009 (12):  5242-5248.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/022
    摘要 ( 1774 )   PDF(3784KB) ( 854 )  
    The combined bottleneck effect is investigated by modeling traffic systems with an on-ramp and a nearby bus stop in a two-lane cellular automaton model. Two cases, i.e. the bus stop locates in the downstream section of the on-ramp and the bus stop locates in the upstream section of the on-ramp, are considered separately. The upstream flux and downstream flux of the main road, as well as the on-ramp flux are analysed in detail, with respect to the entering probabilities and the distance between the on-ramp and the bus stop. It is found that the combination of the two bottlenecks causes the capacity to drop off, because the vehicles entering the main road from the on-ramp would interweave with the stopping (pulling-out) buses in the downstream (upstream) case. The traffic conflict in the former case is much heavier than that in the latter, causing the downstream main road to be utilized inefficiently. This suggests that the bus stop should be set in the upstream section of the on-ramp to enhance the capacity. The fluxes both on the main road and on the on-ramp vary with the distance between the two bottlenecks in both cases. However, the effects of distance disappear gradually at large distances. These findings might give some guidance to traffic optimization and management.
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    Complex network analysis in inclined oil--water two-phase flow
    高忠科, 金宁德
    2009 (12):  5249-5258.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/023
    摘要 ( 1776 )   PDF(747KB) ( 955 )  
    Complex networks have established themselves in recent years as being particularly suitable and flexible for representing and modelling many complex natural and artificial systems. Oil--water two-phase flow is one of the most complex systems. In this paper, we use complex networks to study the inclined oil--water two-phase flow. Two different complex network construction methods are proposed to build two types of networks, i.e. the flow pattern complex network (FPCN) and fluid dynamic complex network (FDCN). Through detecting the community structure of FPCN by the community-detection algorithm based on K-means clustering, useful and interesting results are found which can be used for identifying three inclined oil--water flow patterns. To investigate the dynamic characteristics of the inclined oil--water two-phase flow, we construct 48 FDCNs under different flow conditions, and find that the power-law exponent and the network information entropy, which are sensitive to the flow pattern transition, can both characterize the nonlinear dynamics of the inclined oil--water two-phase flow. In this paper, from a new perspective, we not only introduce a complex network theory into the study of the oil--water two-phase flow but also indicate that the complex network may be a powerful tool for exploring nonlinear time series in practice.
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    Inverse Monte Carlo study on effective interaction potential of Ag--Rh alloy from pair correlation functions
    张景祥, 李辉, 宋西贵, 张洁
    2009 (12):  5259-5266.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/024
    摘要 ( 1931 )   PDF(1035KB) ( 786 )  
    This paper presents an inverse Monte Carlo method to reconstruct pair interaction potential from pair correlation function. This approach adopts an iterative algorithm on interaction potential to fit known pair correlation function by compelling deviations of canonical average to meet with Hamiltonian parameters on a basis of statistical mechanism. The effective interaction potential between particles in liquid Ag--Rh alloys has been calculated with the inverse Monte Carlo method. It demonstrates an effective and simple way to obtain the effective potential of complex melt systems.
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    Coulomb effects on the formation of proton halo nuclei
    梁玉洁, 李岩松, 朱民, 刘祖华, 周宏余
    2009 (12):  5267-5271.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/025
    摘要 ( 1868 )   PDF(445KB) ( 725 )  
    This paper makes some qualitative and quantitative analyses about halo formation rules of some mirror nuclei with the relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory and the Woods--Saxon mean-field model. By analysing two opposite effects of Coulomb interaction on the proton halo formation, it finds that the energy level shift has a larger contribution than that of the Coulomb barrier when the mass number A is small, the hindrance of the Coulomb barrier becomes more obvious with the increase of the mass number A, and the overall effect of the Coulomb interaction almost disappears when A≈39 as its two effects counteract with each other.
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    Lithium atom population transfer by population trapping in a chirped microwave pulse
    贾光瑞, 张现周, 任振忠, 伍素玲
    2009 (12):  5272-5276.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/026
    摘要 ( 1798 )   PDF(131KB) ( 625 )  
    Using a time-dependent multilevel approach, we demonstrate that lithium atoms can be transferred to states of lower principle quantum number by exposing them to a frequency chirped microwave pulse. The population transfer from n = 79 to n = 70 states of lithium atoms with more than 80% efficiency is achieved by means of the sequential two-photon Δ n = - 1 transitions. It is shown that the coherent control of the population transfer can be accomplished by the optimization of the chirping parameters and microwave field strength. The calculation results agree well with the experimental ones and novel explanations have been given to understand the experimental results.
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    Tunneling between double wells of atom in crossed electromagnetic fields
    沈礼, 汪磊, 杨海峰, 柳晓军, 刘红平
    2009 (12):  5277-5282.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/027
    摘要 ( 1559 )   PDF(135KB) ( 538 )  
    The tunneling between double wells of atom in crossed electromagnetic fields is investigated by a one-dimensional Hamiltonian model. The crossed fields induced outer well is apart from the nuclear origin and it is very difficult to access by means of spectroscopy but it will be possible if there exists the tunneling of the electron between the outer well and the Coulomb potential predominated well at the nuclear origin. A one-dimensional quantum calculation with B-spline basis has been performed for hydrogen atom in crossed fields accessible in our laboratory, at B=0.8~T and The calculation shows that the wavefunctions of some excited states close to the Stark saddle point in the outer well extend over to the Coulomb potential well, making it possible to penetrate the quantum information of the outer well. However, the tunneling rate is very small and the spectral measurement of the transitions from the ground state should be of a high resolution and high sensitivity.
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    Interference effects on the photoionization cross sections between two neighbouring atoms: nitrogen as an example
    吴建华, 袁建民
    2009 (12):  5283-5290.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/028
    摘要 ( 1636 )   PDF(212KB) ( 607 )  
    Interference effects on the photoionization cross sections between two neighbouring atoms are considered based on the coherent scattering of the ionized electrons by the two nuclei when their separation is less than or comparable to the de Broglie wave length of the ionized electrons. As an example, the single atomic nitrogen ionization cross section and the total cross sections of two nitrogen atoms with coherently added photoionization amplitudes are calculated from the threshold to about 60~\AA (1~\AA=0.1~nm) of the photon energy. The photoionization cross sections of atomic nitrogen are obtained by using the close-coupling R-matrix method. In the calculation 19 states are included. The ionization energy of the atomic nitrogen and the photoionization cross sections agree well with the experimental results. Based on the R-matrix results of atomic nitrogen, the interference effects between two neighbouring nitrogen atoms are obtained. It is shown that the interference effects are considerable when electrons are ionized just above the threshold, even for the separations between the two atoms are larger than two times of the bond length of N2 molecules. Therefore, in hot and dense samples, effects caused by the coherent interference between the neighbours are expected to be observable for the total photoionization cross sections.
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    Multiphoton ionization of the hydrogen atom exposed to circularly or linearly polarized laser pulses
    王培杰, 何峰
    2009 (12):  5291-5295.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/029
    摘要 ( 1998 )   PDF(449KB) ( 970 )  
    This paper studies the multiphoton ionization of the hydrogen atom exposed to the linearly or circularly polarized laser pulses by solving the time-dependent Schr?dinger equation. It finds that the ratio of the ionization probabilities by linearly and circularly polarized laser pulses varies with the numbers of absorbing photons. With the same laser intensity, the circularly polarized laser pulse favors to ionize the atom with more ease than the linearly polarized laser pulse if only two or three photons are necessary to be absorbed. For the higher order multiphoton ionization, the linearly polarized laser pulse has the advantage over circularly polarized laser pulse to ionize the atom.
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    An alternative view of condensed-phase photoionization
    马晓光, 杨传路, 龚玉兵, 王美山
    2009 (12):  5296-5300.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/030
    摘要 ( 1611 )   PDF(781KB) ( 642 )  
    This paper proposes an accurate valuable interpretation scheme to study the evolvement of the photoionization processes from the isolated to the condensed atoms by a unique ab initio method. The variations of the photoionization cross sections of the atomic sodium with the photoelectron energy and the boundary radius of the atomic configuration space are studied in this new scheme by the R-matrix method. The discrepancy in the photoionization spectra of the isolated and the condensed sodium has been explained quantitatively and understood successfully by this alternative view in detail for the first time.
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    Energy spectrum and superfluidity of spin-2 ultracold bosons in optical lattices
    王永俊, 刘先锋, 韩玖荣
    2009 (12):  5301-5307.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/031
    摘要 ( 2040 )   PDF(439KB) ( 626 )  
    This paper studies the superfluidity of ultracold spin-2 Bose atoms with weak interactions in optical lattices by calculating the excitation energy spectrum using the Bogoliubov approach. The energy spectra exhibit the characteristics of the superfluid-phase explicitly and it finds the nonvanishing critical speeds of superfluid. The obtained results display that the critical speeds of superfluid are different for five spin components and can be controlled by adjusting the lattice parameters in experiments. Finally it discusses the feasibilities of implementing and measuring superfluid.
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    Effect of the reagent vibration on stereodynamics of the reaction O(1D)+HF →F+OH
    许燕, 赵娟, 岳大光, 刘浩, 郑晓云, 孟庆田
    2009 (12):  5308-5312.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/032
    摘要 ( 1813 )   PDF(160KB) ( 781 )  
    This paper studies the influence of the reagent vibration on the reaction O(1D)+HF → HO+F by using a quasi-classical trajectory method on the new \textitab initio 1A' ground singlet potential energy surface (Gómez-Carrasco et al 2007 Chem. Phys. Lett. 435 188--193). The product angular distributions which reflect the vector correlation are calculated. Four polarization-dependent differential cross sections (PDDCSs) which are sensitive to many photoinitiated bimolecular reaction experiments are presented in the center of the mass frame, respectively. The differential cross section indicates that the OH product mainly tends to the forward scattering, and other PDDCSs are also influenced by the vibration levels of HF.
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    Band rules for the frequency spectra of three kinds of aperiodic photonic crystals with negative refractive index materials
    全小林, 杨湘波
    2009 (12):  5313-5325.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/033
    摘要 ( 1779 )   PDF(283KB) ( 614 )  
    By means of the theory of electromagnetic wave propagation and transfer matrix method, this paper investigates the band rules for the frequency spectra of three kinds of one-dimensional (1D) aperiodic photonic crystals (PCs), generalized Fibonacci GF(p,1), GF(1,2), and Thue--Morse (TM) PCs, with negative refractive index (NRI) materials. It is found that all of these PCs can open a broad zero-? gap, TM PC possesses the largest zero-? gap, and with the increase of p, the width of the zero-? gap for GF(p,1) PC becomes smaller. This characteristic is caused by the symmetry of the system and the open position of the zero-? gap. It is found that for GF(p,1) PCs, the possible limit zero-? gaps open at lower frequencies with the increase of p, but for GF(1,2) and TM PCs, their limit zero-? gaps open at the same frequency. Additionally, for the three bottom-bands, we find the interesting perfect self-similarities of the evolution structures with the increase of generation, and obtain the corresponding subband-number formulae. Based on 11 types of evolving manners Qi(i=1,2,....,11) one can plot out the detailed evolution structures of the three kinds of aperiodic PCs for any generation.
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    Optimal design of sub-wavelength metal rectangular gratings for polarizing beam splitter based on effective medium theory
    赵华君, 彭拥军, 谭菊, 廖长荣, 李鹏, 任晓霞
    2009 (12):  5326-5330.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/034
    摘要 ( 1737 )   PDF(199KB) ( 1415 )  
    A novel optimal design of sub-wavelength metal rectangular gratings for the polarizing beam splitter (PBS) is proposed. The method is based on effective medium theory and the method of designing single layer antireflection coating. The polarization performance of PBS is discussed by rigorous couple-wave analysis (RCWA) method at a wavelength of 1550~nm. The result shows that sub-wavelength metal rectangular grating is characterized by a high reflectivity, like metal films for TE polarization, and high transmissivity, like dielectric films for TM polarization. The optimal design accords well with the results simulated by RCWA method.
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    Controllable grating fabrication by three interfering replicas of single femtosecond laser pulse
    韩艳华, 曲士良, 王强, 郭忠义, 陈相君
    2009 (12):  5331-5335.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/035
    摘要 ( 1351 )   PDF(2468KB) ( 622 )  
    The controllable periodic M-shape gratings are fabricated on the surface of silica glass by three coplanar interfering beams from a single femtosecond pulse. The configuration of the M-shape periodic structure is characterized by optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The experimental results and the theoretical simulation show that the period and the modulation depth ratio between the neighboring grooves of the fabricated gratings can be controlled by adjusting the collision angles and pulse energy of the three beams, respectively.
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    The entanglement between two isolated atoms in double mode--mode competition model
    吴琴, 方卯发, 蔡建武, 胡要花
    2009 (12):  5336-5341.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/036
    摘要 ( 1649 )   PDF(423KB) ( 622 )  
    Extending the double Jaynes--Cummings model to a more complicated case where the mode--mode competition is considered, we investigate the entanglement character of two isolated atoms by means of concurrence, and discuss the dependence of atom--atom entanglement on the different initial state and the relative coupling strength between the atom and the corresponding cavity field. The results show that the amplitude and the period of the atom--atom entanglement evolution can be controlled by the choice of initial state and relative coupling strength, respectively. We find that the phenomenon of entanglement sudden death (ESD) is sensitive to the initial conditions. The length of the time interval for zero entanglement depends not only on the initial degree of entanglement between two atoms but also on the relative coupling strength of atom--field interaction. The ESD effect can be weakened by enhancing the mode--mode competition between the three- and single-photon processes.
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    Comparison between effects of Doppler broadening on pure and non-pure inversionless gains with frequency up-conversion
    樊锡君, 马慧, 刘中波, 仝殿民
    2009 (12):  5342-5349.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/037
    摘要 ( 1854 )   PDF(845KB) ( 564 )  
    A study is made of the effects of Doppler broadening on pure gain without inversion, which means that neither one-photon nor two-photon inversions are allowed, and non-pure gain without inversion, which means that one-photon inversion does not occur but two-photon inversion is present, in a closed Λ-type three-level system with incoherent pumping. It is shown that when the driving field is resonant but the probe field is not, in a certain range of Doppler width, for the case of the lower degree of frequency up-conversion, generally, pure gain without inversion increases monotonically and non-pure gain without inversion does not monotonically increase or decrease with increasing Doppler width; for the case of the higher degree of frequency up-conversion, pure gain without inversion decreases monotonically but non-pure gain without inversion cannot be produced. In the case of two-photon resonance, in some range of Doppler width, pure gain without inversion does not monotonically increase or decrease while non-pure gain without inversion decreases monotonically with Doppler width increasing. Finally, an experimental scheme for examining our theoretical result is given.
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    GaN-based violet laser diodes grown on free-standing GaN substrate
    张立群, 张书明, 江德生, 王辉, 朱建军, 赵德刚, 刘宗顺, 杨辉
    2009 (12):  5350-5353.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/038
    摘要 ( 1901 )   PDF(760KB) ( 740 )  
    A violet laser diode (LD) structure is grown on a free-standing c-plane GaN substrate and 4~μ m× 800~μ m ridge waveguide LDs are fabricated. The electrical and the optical characteristics of LDs under different facet-coating and chip-mounting conditions are investigated under pulse mode operation. The active region temperatures of p-side up and p-side down mounted LDs are calculated with different injection currents. The calculated thermal resistances of p-side up and p-side down mounted LDs are 4.6~K/W and 3~K/W, respectively. The threshold current of the p-side down mounted LD is much lower than that of the p-side up mounted LD. The blue shift of the emission wavelength with increasing injection current is observed only for the LD with p-side down mounting configuration, due to the more efficient heat dissipation.
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    Four-wave mixing and six-wave mixing in a four-level confined atomic system
    李昌彪, 张彦鹏, 聂志强, 郑淮斌, 史美震, 刘东宁, 宋建平, 卢克清
    2009 (12):  5354-5361.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/039
    摘要 ( 1574 )   PDF(188KB) ( 616 )  
    We have investigated coexisting four-wave mixing and six-wave mixing (SWM) in ultra-thin, micrometre and long vapour cells. There exists competition between Dicke-narrowing features and polarization interference in the micrometre cell. The oscillation behaviour of SWM signal intensities and linewidths results from destructive interference. With a larger destructive interference, the SWM signal in ultra-thin cells shows a narrow spectrum, in contrast to the long cell case. Due to the Dicke-narrowing features, a narrow spectrum can be obtained, and such spectra can be used for high precision measurements and metrological standards.
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    Measurement of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) threshold based on waveform variation of SBS optical limiting
    哈斯乌力吉, 鲁欢欢, 付美玲, 公胜, 吕志伟, 林殿阳, 何伟明, 高玮
    2009 (12):  5362-5365.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/040
    摘要 ( 1776 )   PDF(201KB) ( 661 )  
    This paper proposes a method for measuring the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) threshold based on waveform variation of SBS optical limiting. The output waveforms for different pump power densities are numerically simulated, and validated in the Nd:YAG seed-injected laser system. The results indicate that SBS does not take place in the case of a low pump power density and thus the output power scales up linearly with pump power. Once the pump power density exceeds the SBS threshold, SBS takes place and thereby the energies are transferred from pump to Stokes. As a result, a small shoulder appears in the trailing edge of the output waveform, which provides another method to determine the SBS threshold.
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    Optimization of a solar-blind and middle infrared two-colour photodetector using GaN-based bulk material and quantum wells
    岑龙斌, 沈波, 秦志新, 张国义
    2009 (12):  5366-5369.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/041
    摘要 ( 1927 )   PDF(422KB) ( 603 )  
    This paper calculates the wavelengths of the interband transitions as a function of the Al mole fraction of AlxGa1-xN bulk material. It is finds that when the Al mole fraction is between 0.456 and 0.639, the wavelengths correspond to the solar-blind (250~nm to 280~nm). The influence of the structure parameters of AlyGa1-yN/GaN quantum wells on the wavelength and absorption coefficient of intersubband transitions has been investigated by solving the Schr?dinger and Poisson equations self-consistently. The Al mole fraction of the AlyGa1-yN barrier changes from 0.30 to 0.46, meanwhile the width of the well changes from 2.9~nm to 2.2~nm, for maximal intersubband absorption in the window of the air (3~μm <λ <5~μm). The absorption coefficient of the intersubband transition between the ground state and the first excited state decreases with the increase of the wavelength. The results are finally used to discuss the prospects of GaN-based bulk material and quantum wells for a solar-blind and middle infrared two-colour photodetector.
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    Below-diffraction-limited hybrid recording using silicon thin film super-resolution structure
    焦新兵, 魏劲松, 干福熹
    2009 (12):  5370-5374.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/042
    摘要 ( 1782 )   PDF(2089KB) ( 492 )  
    We report on new experimental results for below-diffraction-limited hybrid recording. In our experiments, by means of focused laser assisted magnetic recording, the magnetic domains within TbFeCo thin films are obtained under an external perpendicular direct magnetic field. For a single magnetic medium, the domain size is mainly determined by the focused spot, which is about 620~nm for the laser wavelength λ =406~nm, and a numerical aperture of the lens of 0.80. However, when a silicon thin film structure is inserted between the substrate and the magnetic medium, the recording domains can be reduced obviously. By optimizing the experimental condition, even the size can be reduced to about 100~nm, which is below the diffraction limit, i.e. about 1/6 of the spot size. This is very useful for improving the hybrid recording density in practical applications.
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    Optimization control of modulation-instability gain in photonic crystal fibres with two-zero dispersion wavelengths
    王河林, 冷雨欣, 徐至展
    2009 (12):  5375-5384.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/043
    摘要 ( 1846 )   PDF(3294KB) ( 705 )  
    We design three kinds of photonic crystal fibres (PCF) with two zero-dispersion wavelengths (ZDWs) using the improved full vector index method (FVIM) and finite-difference frequency domain (FDFD) techniques. Based on these designed fibres, the effect of fibre structure, pump power and wavelength on the modulation instability (MI) gain in the anomalous dispersion region close to the second ZDW of the PCFs is comprehensively analysed in this paper. The analytical results show that an optimal MI gain can be obtained when the optimal pump wavelength (1530~nm) is slightly shorter than the second ZDW (1538~nm) and the optimal pump power is 250~W. Importantly, the total MI gain bandwidth has been increased to 260~nm for the first time, so far as we know, for an optimally-designed fibre with Λ = 1.4~nm and d/Λ = 0.676, and the gain profile became much smoother. The optimal pump wavelength relies on the second ZDW of the PCF whereas the optimal pump power depends on the corporate operation of the optimal fibre structure and optimal pump wavelength, which is important in designing the most appropriate PCF to attain higher broadband and gain amplification.
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    Study of runaway electron behaviour during electron cyclotron resonance heating in the HL-2A Tokamak
    张轶泼, 杨进蔚, 刘仪, 宋先瑛, 袁国梁, 李旭, 周艳, 周俊, 杨青巍, 陈燎原, 饶军, 段旭如, 潘传红, HL-A Team
    2009 (12):  5385-5394.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/044
    摘要 ( 1718 )   PDF(2103KB) ( 743 )  
    During the current flat-top phase of electron cyclotron resonance heating discharges in the HL-2A Tokamak, the behaviour of runaway electrons has been studied by means of hard x-ray detectors and neutron diagnostics. During electron cyclotron resonance heating, it can be found that both hard x-ray radiation intensity and neutron emission flux fall rapidly to a very low level, which suggests that runaway electrons have been suppressed by electron cyclotron resonance heating. From the set of discharges studied in the present experiments, it has also been observed that the efficiency of runaway suppression by electron cyclotron resonance heating was apparently affected by two factors: electron cyclotron resonance heating power and duration. These results have been analysed by using a test particle model. The decrease of the toroidal electric field due to electron cyclotron resonance heating results in a rapid fall in the runaway electron energy that may lead to a suppression of runaway electrons. During electron cyclotron resonance heating with different powers and durations, the runaway electrons will experience different slowing down processes. These different decay processes are the major cause for influencing the efficiency of runaway suppression. This result is related to the safe operation of the Tokamak and may bring an effective control of runaway electrons.
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    Energetic-ion generation by the combination of laser pressure and Coulomb explosion
    金张英, 沈百飞, 张晓梅, 王凤超, 吉亮亮
    2009 (12):  5395.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/045
    摘要 ( 1883 )   PDF(220KB) ( 834 )  
    A scheme of generating energetic ions by the interaction of an ultrahigh-intensity laser pulse and a thin solid foil is studied. The combination of the effects of radiation pressure and Coulomb explosion makes the ion acceleration more effective. The maximum ion velocity variation with time is predicted theoretically while the temporal evolution of the electrostatic field due to the Coulomb explosion is taken into consideration. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations are done to verify the theory.
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    The influence of the structures and compounds of DLC coatings on the barrier properties of PET bottles
    杨莉, 王正铎, 张受业, 杨丽珍, 陈强
    2009 (12):  5401-5405.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/046
    摘要 ( 1529 )   PDF(2924KB) ( 1451 )  
    To reduce the oxygen transmission rate through a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle (an organic plastic) diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings on the inner surface of the PET bottle were deposited by radio frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (RF-PECVD) technology with C2H2 as the source of carbon and Ar as the diluted gas. As the barrier layer to humidity and gas permeation, this paper analyses the DLC film structure, composition, morphology and barrier properties by Fourier transform infrared, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and oxygen transmission rate in detail. From the spectrum, it is found that the DLC film mainly consists of sp3 bonds. The barrier property of the films is significantly relevant to the sp3 bond concentration in the coating, the film thickness and morphology. Additionally, it is found that DLC film deposited in an inductively coupled plasma enhanced capacitively coupled plasma source shows a compact, homogeneous and crack-free surface, which is beneficial for a good gas barrier property in PET bottles.
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    Mitigation and prediction of disruption on the HL-2A Tokamak
    郑永真, 邱银, 张鹏, 黄渊, 崔正英, 孙平, 杨青巍
    2009 (12):  5406-5413.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/047
    摘要 ( 1644 )   PDF(240KB) ( 850 )  
    Injection of high-Z impurities into plasma has been proved to be able to reduce the localized thermal load and mechanical forces on the in-vessel components and the vacuum vessel, caused by disruptions in Tokamaks. An advanced prediction and mitigation system of disruption is implemented in HL-2A to safely shut down plasmas by using the laser ablation of high-Z impurities with a perturbation real-time measuring and processing system. The injection is usually triggered by the amplitude and frequency of the MHD perturbation field which is detected with a Mirnov coil and leads to the onset of a mitigated disruption within a few milliseconds. It could be a simple and potential approach to significantly reducing the plasma thermal energy and magnetic energy before a disruption, thereby achieving safe plasma termination. The plasma response to impurity injection, a mechanism for improving plasma thermal and current quench in major disruptions, the design of the disruption prediction warner, and an evaluation of the mitigation success rate are discussed in the present paper.
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    Polarized spin transport in mesoscopic quantum rings with electron--phonon and Rashba spin--orbit coupling
    刘平, 熊诗杰
    2009 (12):  5414-5419.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/048
    摘要 ( 2334 )   PDF(342KB) ( 661 )  
    The influence of electron--phonon (EP) scattering on spin polarization of current output from a mesoscopic ring with Rashba spin--orbit (SO) interaction is numerically investigated. There are three leads connecting to the ring at different positions; unpolarized current is injected to one of them, and the other two are output channels with different bias voltages. The spin polarization of current in the outgoing leads shows oscillations as a function of EP coupling strength owing to the quantum interference of EP states in the ring region. As temperature increases, the oscillations are evidently suppressed, implying decoherence of the EP states. The simulation shows that the magnitude of polarized current is sensitive to the location of the lead. The polarized current depends on the connecting position of the lead in a complicated way due to the spin-sensitive quantum interference effects caused by different phases accumulated by transmitting electrons with opposite spin states along different paths.
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    Multiple car-following model of traffic flow and numerical simulation
    彭光含, 孙棣华
    2009 (12):  5420-5430.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/049
    摘要 ( 1747 )   PDF(745KB) ( 935 )  
    On the basis of the full velocity difference (FVD) model, an improved multiple car-following (MCF) model is proposed by taking into account multiple information inputs from preceding vehicles. The linear stability condition of the model is obtained by using the linear stability theory. Through nonlinear analysis, a modified Korteweg-de Vries equation is constructed and solved. The traffic jam can thus be described by the kink--antikink soliton solution for the mKdV equation. The improvement of this new model over the previous ones lies in the fact that it not only theoretically retains many strong points of the previous ones, but also performs more realistically than others in the dynamical evolution of congestion. Furthermore, numerical simulation of traffic dynamics shows that the proposed model can avoid the disadvantage of negative velocity that occurs at small sensitivity coefficients λ in the FVD model by adjusting the information on the multiple leading vehicles. No collision occurs and no unrealistic deceleration appears in the improved model.
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    Orbital magnetization in semiconductors
    方诚, 王志刚, 李树深, 张平
    2009 (12):  5431-5436.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/050
    摘要 ( 1860 )   PDF(477KB) ( 662 )  
    This paper theoretically investigates the orbital magnetization of electron-doped (n-type) semiconductor heterostructures and of hole-doped (p-type) bulk semiconductors, which are respectively described by a two-dimensional electron/hole Hamiltonian with both the included Rashba spin--orbit coupling and Zeeman splitting terms. It is the Zeeman splitting, rather than the Rashba spin--orbit coupling, that destroys the time-reversal symmetry of the semiconductor systems and results in nontrivial orbital magnetization. The results show that the magnitude of the orbital magnetization per hole and the Hall conductance in the p-type bulk semiconductors are about 10-2--10-1 effective Bohr magneton and 10-1--1 e2/h, respectively. However, the orbital magnetization per electron and the Hall conductance in the n-type semiconductor heterostructures are too small to be easily observed in experiment.
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    Screening influence on the Stark effect of impurity states in strained wurtzite GaN/AlxGa1-xN heterojunctions under pressure
    张敏, 班士良
    2009 (12):  5437-5442.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/051
    摘要 ( 1570 )   PDF(161KB) ( 725 )  
    The screening effect of the random-phase-approximation on the states of shallow donor impurities in free strained wurtzite GaN/AlxGa1-xN heterojunctions under hydrostatic pressure and an external electric field is investigated by using a variational method and a simplified coherent potential approximation. The variations of Stark energy shift with electric field, impurity position, Al component and areal electron density are discussed. Our results show that the screening dramatically reduces both the blue and red shifts as well as the binding energies of impurity states. For a given impurity position, the change in binding energy is more sensitive to the increase in hydrostatic pressure in the presence of the screening effect than that in the absence of the screening effect. The weakening of the blue and red shifts, induced by the screening effect, strengthens gradually with the increase of electric field. Furthermore, the screening effect weakens the mixture crystal effect, thereby influencing the Stark effect. The screening effect strengthens the influence of energy band bending on binding energy due to the areal electron density.
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    Kondo effect in a deformed molecule coupled asymmetrically to ferromagnetic electrodes
    王瑞强, 蒋开明
    2009 (12):  5443-5450.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/052
    摘要 ( 1765 )   PDF(170KB) ( 656 )  
    The nonequilibrium Kondo effect is studied in a molecule quantum dot coupled asymmetrically to two ferromagnetic electrodes by employing the nonequilibrium Green function technique. The current-induced deformation of the molecule is taken into account, modeled as interactions with a phonon system, and phonon-assisted Kondo satellites arise on both sides of the usual main Kondo peak. In the antiparallel electrode configuration, the Kondo satellites can be split only for the asymmetric dot-lead couplings, distinguished from the parallel configuration where splitting also exists, even though it is for symmetric case. We also analyze how to compensate the splitting and restore the suppressed zero-bias Kondo resonance. It is shown that one can change the TMR ratio significantly from a negative dip to a positive peak only by slightly modulating a local external magnetic field, whose value is greatly dependent on the electron--phonon coupling strength.
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    A theoretical study of harmonic generation in a short period AlGaN/GaN superlattice induced by a terahertz field
    陈军峰, 郝跃
    2009 (12):  5451-5456.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/053
    摘要 ( 1621 )   PDF(1460KB) ( 739 )  
    Based on an improved energy dispersion relation, the terahertz field induced nonlinear transport of miniband electrons in a short period AlGaN/GaN superlattice is theoretically studied in this paper with a semiclassical theory. To a short period superlattice, it is not precise enough to calculate the energy dispersion relation by just using the nearest wells in tight binding method: the next to nearest wells should be considered. The results show that the electron drift velocity is 30% lower under a dc field but 10% higher under an ac field than the traditional simple cosine model obtained from the tight binding method. The influence of the terahertz field strength and frequency on the harmonic amplitude, phase and power efficiency is calculated. The relative power efficiency of the third harmonic reaches the peak value when the dc field strength equals about three times the critical field strength and the ac field strength equals about four times the critical field strength. These results show that the AlGaN/GaN superlattice is a promising candidate to convert radiation of frequency ω to radiation of frequency 3ω or even higher.
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    The effects of vicinal sapphire substrates on the properties of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
    许志豪, 张进成, 张忠芬, 朱庆玮, 段焕涛, 郝跃
    2009 (12):  5457-5461.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/054
    摘要 ( 1771 )   PDF(1716KB) ( 919 )  
    AlGaN/GaN heterostructures on vicinal sapphire substrates and just-oriented sapphire substrates (0001) are grown by the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition method. Samples are studied by high-resolution x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, capacitance--voltage measurement and the Van der Pauw Hall-effect technique. The investigation reveals that better crystal quality and surface morphology of the sample are obtained on the vicinal substrate. Furthermore, the electrical properties are also improved when the sample is grown on the vicinal substrate. This is due to the fact that the use of vicinal substrate can promote the step-flow mode of crystal growth, so many macro-steps are formed during crystal growth, which causes a reduction of threading dislocations in the crystal and an improvement in the electrical properties of the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure.
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    Spin-dependent electron transport of a waveguide with Rashba spin--orbit coupling in an electromagnetic field
    肖贤波, 李小毛, 陈宇光
    2009 (12):  5462-5467.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/055
    摘要 ( 2046 )   PDF(191KB) ( 677 )  
    We investigate theoretically the spin-dependent electron transport in a straight waveguide with Rashba spin--orbit coupling (SOC) under the irradiation of a transversely polarized electromagnetic (EM) field. Spin-dependent electron conductance and spin polarization are calculated as functions of the emitting energy of electrons or the strength of the EM field by adopting the mode matching approach. It is shown that the spin polarization can be manipulated by external parameters when the strength of Rashba SOC is strong. Furthermore, a sharp step structure is found to exist in the total electron conductance. These results can be understood by the nontrivial Rashba subbands intermixing and the electron intersubband transition when a finite-range transversely polarized EM field irradiates a straight waveguide.
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    Energetics and electronic structure of a single copper atomic chain wrapped in a carbon nanotube: a first-principles study
    张建民, 杜秀娟, 王素芳, 徐可为
    2009 (12):  5468-5473.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/056
    摘要 ( 1786 )   PDF(482KB) ( 693 )  
    In the generalized gradient approximation, the energy and electronic structure are investigated for a single copper atomic chain wrapped in (4, 4), (5, 5) and (6, 6) armchair carbon nanotubes by using the first-principles projector-augmented wave potential within the framework of density functional theory. The results show that the (4, 4) and (5, 5) tubes are too narrow to wrap a Cu chain, but the (6, 6) tube is nearly ideal to wrap a Cu chain on its centre axis. Wider tubes are anticipated to wrap more than one Cu chain spontaneously with forces amounting to a fraction of a nanonewton. Although the tube--chain interaction decreases with the increase of the tube diameter of (4, 4), (5, 5) and (6, 6) successively, the charge density of the Cu@(6, 6) combined system still does not show complete superposition of that of the pristine (6, 6) tube and Cu chain. Successively reducing the restrictions of (4, 4), (5, 5) and (6, 6) tubes on the Cu chain leads to a reduction in shift of the highest peak of the Cu chain towards lower energies, that is from -0.5177~eV of the isolated Cu chain to -1.36785~eV, -0.668~eV and -0.588~eV for the Cu@(4, 4), Cu@(5, 5) and Cu@(6, 6) systems, respectively. In reverse, the strong metallic character of the Cu chain also enhances the metallic character of the combined systems so that the broader pseudogaps of the pristine carbon nanotubes around the Fermi level change into the narrow pseudogaps of the combined systems.
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    Analytical model for reverse characteristics of 4H--SiC merged PN--Schottky (MPS) diodes
    宋庆文, 张玉明, 张义门, 吕红亮, 陈丰平, 郑庆立
    2009 (12):  5474-5478.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/057
    摘要 ( 1761 )   PDF(134KB) ( 994 )  
    A new analytical model for reverse characteristics of 4H--SiC merged PN--Schottky diodes (MPS or JBS) is developed. To accurately calculate the reverse characteristics of the 4H--SiC MPS diode, the relationship between the electric field at the Schottky contact and the reverse bias is analytically established by solving the cylindrical Poisson equation after the channel has pinched off. The reverse current density calculated from the Wentzel--Kramers--Brillouin (WKB) theory is verified by comparing it with the experimental result, showing that they are in good agreement with each other. Moreover, the effects of P-region spacing (S) and P-junction depth (Xj) on the characteristics of 4H--SiC MPS are analysed, and are particularly useful for optimizing the design of the high voltage MPS diodes.
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    Study on the degradation of NMOSFETs with ultra-thin gate oxide under channel hot electron stress at high temperature
    胡仕刚, 郝跃, 马晓华, 曹艳荣, 陈炽, 吴笑峰
    2009 (12):  5479-5484.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/058
    摘要 ( 1748 )   PDF(169KB) ( 1004 )  
    This paper studies the degradation of device parameters and that of stress induced leakage current (SILC) of thin tunnel gate oxide under channel hot electron (CHE) stress at high temperature by using n-channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (NMOSFETs) with 1.4-nm gate oxides. The degradation of device parameters under CHE stress exhibits saturating time dependence at high temperature. The emphasis of this paper is on SILC of an ultra-thin-gate-oxide under CHE stress at high temperature. Based on the experimental results, it is found that there is a linear correlation between SILC degradation and Vh degradation in NMOSFETs during CHE stress. A model of the combined effect of oxide trapped negative charges and interface traps is developed to explain the origin of SILC during CHE stress.
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    Nonlocal Andreev reflection and spin current in a three-terminal Aharonov--Bohm interferometer
    彭菊, 郁华玲, 王之国
    2009 (12):  5485-5490.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/059
    摘要 ( 1797 )   PDF(132KB) ( 557 )  
    This paper theoretically reports the nonlocal Andreev reflection and spin current in a normal metal-ferromagnetic metal-superconducting Aharonov--Bohm interferometer. It is found that the electronic current and spin current are sensitive to systematic parameters, such as the gate voltage of quantum dots and the external magnetic flux. The electronic current in the normal metal lead results from two competing processes: quasiparticle transmission and nonlocal Andreev reflection. The appearance of zero spin-up electronic current (or spin-down electronic current) signals the existence of nonlocal Andreev reflection, and the presence of zero electronic current results in the appearance of pure spin current.
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    Differential conductance in normal-metal/insulator/metal/d-wave superconductor junction carrying a supercurrent
    2009 (12):  5491-5495.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/060
    摘要 ( 1689 )   PDF(147KB) ( 558 )  
    This paper applies the Bogoliubov--de Gennes equation and the Blonder--Tinkham--Klapwijk approach to study the oscillatory behaviour of differential conductance in a normal metal/insulator/metal/d-wave superconductor junction carrying a supercurrent Is. We find that (i) a three-humped structure appears at a nearly critical supercurrent Is and z ≈ 0.5 for the normal metal/insulator/metal/d_x2 + y2-wave superconductor junction; (ii) the zero-bias conductance peak splits into two peaks with sufficiently large applied current for the normal metal/insulator/metal/dxy-wave superconductor junction; (iii) the conductance spectrum exhibits oscillating behaviour with the bias voltage and the peaks of the resonances are suppressed by increasing supercurrent Is.
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    The phenomenon of even bulk modes variance in a ferromagnetic A--A bilayer system
    周文平, 云国宏, 梁希侠
    2009 (12):  5496-5500.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/061
    摘要 ( 1613 )   PDF(135KB) ( 662 )  
    The eigenproblems of spin waves in a symmetrical ferromagnetic bilayered system with periodic boundary conditions are solved using the interface-rescaling approach (IRA). The results show that interface coupling between two sublayers would not change the excitation energy of odd bulk modes, but change excitation energy of even bulk modes. We call this peculiar phenomenon the phenomenon of even bulk mode variance (PEBMV). There are two kinds of mechanisms which cause PEBMV: phase reversal and phase translation of the magnon at the interface, corresponding, respectively, to the antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interface coupling cases. PEBMV embodies the selective effect of the interface on different bulk magnons.
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    Comparative studies on Zn0.95Co0.05O thin films on C- and R-sapphire substrates
    彭英姿, Thomas Liew, Song Wen-Dong, Chong Tow Chong
    2009 (12):  5501-5506.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/062
    摘要 ( 1766 )   PDF(4850KB) ( 607 )  
    Zn_0.95Co_0.05O precipitate-free single crystal thin films were synthesized by a dual beam pulsed laser deposition method. The films form a wurtzite structure whose hexagonal axis is perpendicular or parallel to the plane of the surface depending on the C-plane (0001) or R-plane (11\bar 20) sapphire substrate. Based on the results of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction, C-plane films show larger lattice mismatch. The films exhibit magnetic and semiconductor properties at room temperature. The coercivity of the film is about 8000 A/m at room temperature. They are soft magnetic materials with small remanent squareness S for both crystal orientations. There is no evidence to show that the anisotropy is fixed to the hexagonal axis (C-axis) for the wurtzite structure.
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    Self-consistent nonlinear analysis of a frequency-quadrupling terahertz gyroklystron
    刘頔威, 袁学松, 鄢扬, 刘盛纲
    2009 (12):  5507-5510.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/063
    摘要 ( 2076 )   PDF(289KB) ( 688 )  
    This paper analyses a three-cavity frequency-quadrupling terahertz gyroklystron with successive frequency-doubling in each cavity with self-consistent nonlinear theory. The beam--wave interaction efficiency and the electron bunching process are studied. The variation of output efficiency with the length of drift tubes and output power and the variation of Ohmic loss with the length of output cavity are considered. Numerical simulations predict an optimal output efficiency of 1.8%, a power output of more than 2~kW and a gain of 33~dB after taking into account Ohmic losses when the frequency-quadrupling gyroklystron, driven by a 40-kV, 3-A electron beam and 1 Watt input power, operates at 225~GHz.
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    Diffraction of terahertz waves after passing through a Fresnel lens
    施宇蕾, 周庆莉, 张存林
    2009 (12):  5511-5517.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/064
    摘要 ( 1793 )   PDF(1060KB) ( 754 )  
    The spatiotemporal and spectral characteristics of ultrawide-band terahertz pulses after passing through a Fresnel lens are studied by using the scalar diffraction theory. The simulation shows that the transmitted terahertz waveforms compress with increasing propagation distance, and the multi-frequency focusing phenomenon at different focal points is observed. Additionally, the distribution of terahertz fields in a plane perpendicular to the axis is also discussed, and it is found that the diffraction not only induces focusing on-axis but also inhibits focusing at off-axis positions. Therefore, the Fresnel lens may be a useful alternative approach to being a terahertz filter. Moreover, the terahertz pulses travelling as a basic mode of a Gaussian beam are discussed in detail.
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    Anomalous behaviours of terahertz reflected waves transmitted from GaAs induced by optical pumping
    施宇蕾, 周庆莉, 赵冬梅, 张存林
    2009 (12):  5518-5522.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/065
    摘要 ( 1652 )   PDF(410KB) ( 664 )  
    Femtosecond pump-terahertz probe studies of carrier dynamics in semi-insulating GaAs have been investigated in detail for various pump powers. It is observed that, at high pump powers, the reflection peaks flip to the opposite polarity and dramatically enhance as the pump arrival time approaches the reflected wave of the terahertz pulse. The abnormal polarity-flip and enhancement can be interpreted by the pump-induced enhancement in the photoconductivity of GaAs and half-wave loss. Moreover, the carrier relaxation processes and surface states filling in GaAs are also studied in these measurements.
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    Improved anti-Stokes energy transfer between rare earth ions in Er(0.5)Yb(9.5):FOV oxyfluoride vitroceramics explains the strong color reversal
    陈晓波, 王策, Gregory J. Salamo, Naruhito Sawanobori, 康栋国, Masaaki Ohtsuka, 杨国建, 彭芳麟
    2009 (12):  5523-5533.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/066
    摘要 ( 1591 )   PDF(198KB) ( 536 )  
    The widely used energy transfer theory is a foundation of luminescence, in which the rates of Stokes and anti-Stokes processes have the same calculation formula. An improvement on the anti-Stokes energy transfer to explain the fluorescence intensity reversal between the red and green fluorescence of Er(0.5)Yb(9.5):FOV is reported in the present article. The range of the intensity reversal \varSigma was measured to be 877. Dynamic processes for 16 levels were simulated. A coefficient, the improvement factor of the intensity ratio of Stokes to anti-Stokes processes in quantum Raman theory compared to classical Raman theory, is introduced to successfully describe the anti-Stokes energy transfer. A new method to calculate the distance between the rare earth ions, which is critical for the energy transfer calculation, is proposed. The validity of these important improvements is also proved by experiment.
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    Intraband dynamics and terahertz emission in biased semiconductor superlattices coupled to double far-infrared pulses
    李敏, 米贤武
    2009 (12):  5534-5538.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/067
    摘要 ( 1656 )   PDF(123KB) ( 806 )  
    This paper studies both the intraband polarization and terahertz emission of a semiconductor superlattice in combined dc and ac electric fields by using the superposition of two identical time delayed and phase shifted optical pulses. By adjusting the delay between these two optical pulses, our results show that the intraband polarization is sensitive to the time delay. The peak values appear again for the terahertz emission intensity due to the superposition of two optical pulses. The emission lines of terahertz blueshift and redshift in different ac electric fields and dynamic localization appears. The emission lines of THz only appear to blueshift when the biased superlattice is driven by a single optical pulse. Due to excitonic dynamic localization, the terahertz emission intensity decays with time in different dc and ac electric fields. These are features of this superlattice which distinguish it from a superlattice generated by a single optical pulse to drive it.
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    Enhanced nonlinear optical absorption of Au/SiO2 nano-composite thin films
    赵翠华, 张波萍, 尚鹏鹏
    2009 (12):  5539-5543.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/068
    摘要 ( 1707 )   PDF(1794KB) ( 852 )  
    Nano metal-particle dispersed glasses are the attractive candidates for nonlinear optical material applications. Au/SiO2 nano-composite thin films with 3~vol\% to 65~vol% Au are prepared by inductively coupled plasma sputtering. Au particles as perfect spheres with diameters between 10~nm and 30~nm are uniformly dispersed in the SiO2 matrix. Optical absorption peaks due to the surface plasmon resonance of Au particles are observed. The absorption property is enhanced with the increase of Au content, showing a maximum value in the films with 37~vol% Au. The absorption curves of the Au/SiO2 thin films with 3~vol\% to 37~vol% Au accord well with the theoretical optical absorption spectra obtained from Mie resonance theory. Increasing Au content over 37~vol% results in the partial connection of Au particles, whereby the intensity of the absorption peak is weakened and ultimately replaced by the optical absorption of the bulk. The band gap decreases with Au content increasing from 3~vol\% to 37~vol % but increases as Au content further increases.
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    Noise effect in metabolic networks
    李政言, 谢正伟, 陈同, 欧阳颀
    2009 (12):  5544-5551.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/069
    摘要 ( 1909 )   PDF(426KB) ( 933 )  
    Constraint-based models such as flux balance analysis (FBA) are a powerful tool to study biological metabolic networks. Under the hypothesis that cells operate at an optimal growth rate as the result of evolution and natural selection, this model successfully predicts most cellular behaviours in growth rate. However, the model ignores the fact that cells can change their cellular metabolic states during evolution, leaving optimal metabolic states unstable. Here, we consider all the cellular processes that change metabolic states into a single term `noise', and assume that cells change metabolic states by randomly walking in feasible solution space. By simulating a state of a cell randomly walking in the constrained solution space of metabolic networks, we found that in a noisy environment cells in optimal states tend to travel away from these points. On considering the competition between the noise effect and the growth effect in cell evolution, we found that there exists a trade-off between these two effects. As a result, the population of the cells contains different cellular metabolic states, and the population growth rate is at suboptimal states.
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    A new mammalian circadian oscillator model including the Camp module
    王军威, 周天寿
    2009 (12):  5552-5559.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/070
    摘要 ( 1668 )   PDF(954KB) ( 565 )  
    In this paper, we develop a new mathematical model for the mammalian circadian clock, which incorporates both transcriptional/translational feedback loops (TTFLs) and a cAMP-mediated feedback loop. The model shows that TTFLs and cAMP signalling cooperatively drive the circadian rhythms. It reproduces typical experimental observations with qualitative similarities, e.g. circadian oscillations in constant darkness and entrainment to light--dark cycles. In addition, it can explain the phenotypes of cAMP-mutant and Rev-erbα-/- -mutant mice, and help us make an experimentally-testable prediction: oscillations may be rescued when arrhythmic mice with constitutively low concentrations of cAMP are crossed with Rev-erbα-/- mutant mice. The model enhances our understanding of the mammalian circadian clockwork from the viewpoint of the entire cell.
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    Mechanism for propagation of rate signals through a 10-layer feedforward neuronal network
    李捷, 于婉卿, 徐定, 刘锋, 王炜
    2009 (12):  5560-5565.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/071
    摘要 ( 1535 )   PDF(395KB) ( 483 )  
    Using numerical simulations, we explore the mechanism for propagation of rate signals through a 10-layer feedforward network composed of Hodgkin--Huxley (HH) neurons with sparse connectivity. When white noise is afferent to the input layer, neuronal firing becomes progressively more synchronous in successive layers and synchrony is well developed in deeper layers owing to the feedforward connections between neighboring layers. The synchrony ensures the successful propagation of rate signals through the network when the synaptic conductance is weak. As the synaptic time constant τsyn varies, coherence resonance is observed in the network activity due to the intrinsic property of HH neurons. This makes the output firing rate single-peaked as a function of τsyn, suggesting that the signal propagation can be modulated by the synaptic time constant. These results are consistent with experimental results and advance our understanding of how information is processed in feedforward networks.
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    Inverse computation for cardiac sources using single current dipole and current multipole models
    王倩, 马平, 陆宏, 唐雪正, 华宁, 唐发宽
    2009 (12):  5566-5574.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/072
    摘要 ( 1627 )   PDF(3817KB) ( 612 )  
    Two cardiac functional models are constructed in this paper. One is a single current model and the other is a current multipole model. Parameters denoting the properties of these two models are calculated by a least-square fit to the measurements using a simulated annealing algorithm. The measured signals are detected at 36 observation nodes by a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). By studying the trends of position, orientation and magnitude of the single current dipole model and the current multipole model in the QRS complex during one time span and comparing the reconstructed magnetocardiography (MCG) of these two cardiac models, we find that the current multipole model is a more appropriate model to represent cardiac electrophysiological activity.
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    Neutrino oscillation interference phase in Kerr space--time
    任军, 贾孟文, 袁常青
    2009 (12):  5575-5582.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/12/073
    摘要 ( 1620 )   PDF(104KB) ( 632 )  
    The mass neutrino interference phases along the null trajectory and the geodesic line in Kerr space--time are studied on the plane θ=π/2. Because of the rotation object in Kerr space--time, a particle travelling along the radial geodesic must have a dragging effect produced by the angular momentum of the central object. We give the correction of the phase due to the rotation of the space--time. We find that the type-I interference phase along the geodesic remains the double of that along the null on the condition that the rotating quantity parameter a2 is preserved and the higher order terms are negligible (e.g. a4). In addition, we calculate the proper oscillation length in Kerr space--time. All of our results can return to those in Schwarzschild space--time as the rotating parameter a approaches zero.
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