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Chin. Phys. B

A Class of Asymptotic Solution for Time Delay Wind Field Model of Ocean

Xian-Chun ZHOU,Lan-Fang SHI,Jiaq-Qi MO
Abstract  The time delay model of two layers barotropic ocean with Rayleigh dissipation is built. Using improving perturbation method, the analytic asymptotic solution of better approximate degree is solved at mid-latitude wind field, and the physical meaning of corresponding solution discussed.
Keywords:  two layers barotropic      time delay model      asymptotic method.  
Received:  23 June 2013      Revised:  20 September 2013      Published:  31 October 2013
Corresponding Authors:  Jiaq-Qi MO   

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Xian-Chun ZHOU Lan-Fang SHI Jiaq-Qi MO A Class of Asymptotic Solution for Time Delay Wind Field Model of Ocean Chin. Phys. B 0

[1] A class of asymptotic solution for the time delay wind field model of an ocean
Zhou Xian-Chun, Shi Lan-Fang, Mo Jia-Qi. Chin. Phys. B, 2014, 23(4): 040202.
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