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Chin. Phys. B

Collective Surrounding Motion of Agents' Networks

1. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
2. School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
3. 电子科技大学
Abstract  This paper studies a collective surrounding motion problem for network with undirected and time-varying graphs, where the multiple targets are surrounded by agents. We first propose an algorithm to achieve the collective surrounding motion. Based on Lyapunov theory, graph theory and La Salle's Invariant Principle, a sufficient condition for the surrounding motion is established. Finally, some simulation results are provided to show effectiveness of the obtained theoretical results.
Keywords:  Surrounding motion, Networks  
Received:  13 June 2013      Revised:  21 October 2013      Published:  31 October 2013
Corresponding Authors:  Peng Lin   

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Collective Surrounding Motion of Agents' Networks Chin. Phys. B 0

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