Abstract An optical pulse autocorrelator for rapid and slow scanning is described in this paper. Using an audio loudspeaker on one arm, an interferometric rapid-scanning signal of the output from a high-repetition laser oscillator is obtained. However, by adjusting the positions of the mirrors and using a step-motor on another arm, the intensity autocorrelation function of the output from a low-repetition laser amplifier can be easily measured. Using all-reflecting optics and an adequate nonlinear crystal, the whole instrument is very compact and has been used to measure sub-20 fs light pulses in both configurations with excellent agreement. In the slow-scanning configuration, a pulse train as long as 500ps has been determined. Using this autocorrelator, the home-made JIGUANG-I CPA laser facility was characterized for its pulse duration evolution.
Received: 27 March 2001
Revised: 14 May 2001
Accepted manuscript online:
(Beam characteristics: profile, intensity, and power; spatial pattern formation)
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 19825110 and 69878032) and by the National High-Technology High Power Laser Program, China.
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Xia Jiang-fan (夏江帆), Wei Zhi-yi (魏志义), Qiu Yang (邱阳), Lü Tie-zheng (吕铁铮), Teng Hao (腾浩), Wang Zhao-hua (王兆华), Zhang Jie (张杰) TEMPORAL CHARACTERIZATION OF LASER PULSES FROM JIGUANG-I LASER FACILITY WITH A COMPACT DUAL FUNCTION AUTOCORRELATOR 2001 Chinese Physics 10 946
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