Chai Jin-hua (柴金华)ab, Lu Yi-qun (路轶群)b, Leung Pui-tang (梁培)a
a Department of Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; b Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
Abstract A complete whispering-gallery-mode microsphere laser theory is developed, which combines usual laser semiclassical theory with Lorenz-Mie theory. The linear and nonlinear problems of the microsphere lasing are dealt with in the universal mode picture. The threshold condition, average amplitude of the steady state and frequency effect are obtained. A comparison between the theory and experiments is also made.
Received: 30 May 1999
Revised: 04 March 2000
Accepted manuscript online:
(Mechanical effects of light on atoms, molecules, and ions)
Fund: Project supported by the Foundation of Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Chai Jin-hua (柴金华), Lu Yi-qun (路轶群), Leung Pui-tang (梁培) LINEAR AND NONLINEAR SEMICLASSICAL THEORY OF WHISPERING-GALLERY-MODE MICROSPHERE LASER 2000 Chinese Physics 9 590
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