Angular dependence of coercivity of grains in nanocrystalline permanent magnets
龚依民, 蓝志环, 闫羽, 杜晓波, 王文全, 王学凤, 苏峰, 卢磊, 张之胜, 金汉民, 温戈辉
2008 (3):
doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/17/3/063
1399 )
In this paper magnetization remanence curves were studied for
nanocrystalline Pr8Fe87B5, Pr12Fe82B6
and Pr15Fe77B8. Initially the sample was at remanence
following saturation along $z$-axis. After rotating the magnet by
$5n$ degrees (n=0, 1, ..., 18) a field H was applied along
$z$-axis and then decreased to zero, and the remanence Jr^{n} $ was
measured as a function of $H$. The curves were compared with those
calculated based on the nucleation of reverse domain model and domain
wall pinning model. The latter model succeeds in simulation much
better than the former, and it is concluded that the magnetization
reversal is dominated by domain wall pinning for all the samples. The
nucleation mechanism contribution, while remains small, increases
with the increase of Pr content.
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