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    2020年, 第29卷, 第6期 刊出日期:2020-06-05 上一期    下一期
    SPECIAL TOPIC—Recent advances in thermoelectric materials and devices
    Quantum teleportation of particles in an environment
    杨璐, 刘雨辰, 李岩松
    2020 (6):  60301-060301.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84de
    摘要 ( 981 )   PDF(525KB) ( 540 )  
    We discuss the teleportation of particles in an environment of an N-body system. In this case, we can change a many-body system into an arbitrary shape in space by teleporting some or all the constituent particles, and thus we call the quantum teleportation under this circumstance as quantum tele-transformation (QTT). The particular feature of QTT is that the wave function of the internal degrees of freedom remains the same, while the spatial wave function experiences a drastic change. The notion of QTT provides conceptual and pedagogical convenience for quantum information processing. In view of QTT, teleportation is the change of a single particle in space, while entanglement swapping is the change of one particle of an entangled pair.
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    Quantum entanglement dynamics based oncomposite quantum collision model
    李晓明, 陈勇旭, 夏云杰, 张琦, 满忠晓
    2020 (6):  60302-060302.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84d0
    摘要 ( 655 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(864KB) ( 165 )  

    By means of composite quantum collision models, we study the entanglement dynamics of a bipartite system, i.e., two qubits S1 and S2 interacting directly with an intermediate auxiliary qubit SA, while SA is in turn coupled to a thermal reservoir. We are concerned with how the intracollisions of the reservoir qubits influence the entanglement dynamics. We show that even if the system is initially in the separated state, their entanglement can be generated due to the interaction between the qubits. In the long-time limit, the steady-state entanglement can be generated depending on the initial state of S1 and S2 and the environment temperature. We also study the dynamics of tripartite entanglement of the three qubits S1, S2, and SA when they are initially prepared in the GHZ state and separated state, respectively. For the GHZ initial state, the tripartite entanglement can be maintained for a long time when the collision strength between the environment qubits is sufficiently large.

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    Approximate solution to the time-dependent Kratzer plus screened Coulomb potential in the Feinberg-Horodecki equation
    Mahmoud Farout, Ramazan Sever, Sameer M. Ikhdair
    2020 (6):  60303-060303.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8379
    摘要 ( 505 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(1472KB) ( 115 )  
    We obtain the quantized momentum eigenvalues Pn together with space-like coherent eigenstates for the space-like counterpart of the Schrödinger equation, the Feinberg-Horodecki equation, with a combined Kratzer potential plus screened coulomb potential which is constructed by temporal counterpart of the spatial form of these potentials. The present work is illustrated with two special cases of the general form: the time-dependent modified Kratzer potential and the time-dependent screened Coulomb potential.
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    Non-Markovian entanglement transfer to distant atoms in a coupled superconducting resonator
    穆青霞, 林佩英
    2020 (6):  60304-060304.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84d8
    摘要 ( 758 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(857KB) ( 195 )  
    We investigate the non-Markovian effects on the entanglement transfer to the distant non-interacting atom qubits, which are embedded in a coupled superconducting resonator. The master equation governing the dynamics of the system is derived by the non-Markovian quantum state diffusion (NMQSD) method. Based on the solution, we show that the memory effect of the environment can lead to higher entanglement revival and make the entanglement last for a longer time. That is to say, the non-Markovian environment can enhance the entanglement transfer. It is also found that the maximum entanglement transferred to distant atoms can be modified by appropriately selecting the frequency of the modulated inter-cavity coupling. Moreover, with the initial anti-correlated state, the entanglement between the cavity fields can be almost completely transferred to the separated atoms. Lastly, we show that the memory effect has a significant impact on the generation of entanglement from the initial non-entangled states.
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    Exact analytical results for a two-level quantum system under a Lorentzian-shaped pulse field
    谢琼涛, 刘小良
    2020 (6):  60305-060305.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8890
    摘要 ( 645 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(453KB) ( 149 )  

    We investigate a two-level quantum system driven by a Lorentzian-shaped pulse field. An analytical solution is presented in terms of the confluent Heun functions. It is shown that for specially chosen parameter conditions, there are a number of the exact analytical solutions in an explicit form. The dependence of the final transition probabilities in the two levels on the system parameters is derived analytically and confirmed numerically.

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    A novel class of two-dimensional chaotic maps with infinitely many coexisting attractors
    张丽萍, 刘洋, 魏周超, 姜海波, 毕勤胜
    2020 (6):  60501-060501.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8626
    摘要 ( 823 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(1987KB) ( 234 )  
    We study a novel class of two-dimensional maps with infinitely many coexisting attractors. Firstly, the mathematical model of these maps is formulated by introducing a sinusoidal function. The existence and the stability of the fixed points in the model are studied indicating that they are infinitely many and all unstable. In particular, a computer searching program is employed to explore the chaotic attractors in these maps, and a simple map is exemplified to show their complex dynamics. Interestingly, this map contains infinitely many coexisting attractors which has been rarely reported in the literature. Further studies on these coexisting attractors are carried out by investigating their time histories, phase trajectories, basins of attraction, Lyapunov exponents spectrum, and Lyapunov (Kaplan-Yorke) dimension. Bifurcation analysis reveals that the map has periodic and chaotic solutions, and more importantly, exhibits extreme multi-stability.
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    Symmetry properties of fluctuations in an actively driven rotor
    李赫, 杨翔, 张何朋
    2020 (6):  60502-060502.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab862b
    摘要 ( 842 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(11591KB) ( 319 )  
    We investigate rotational dynamics of an actively driven rotor through experiments and numerical simulations. While probability density distributions of rotor angular velocity are strongly non-Gaussian, relative probabilities of observing rotation in opposite directions are shown to be linearly related to the angular velocity magnitude. We construct a stochastic model to describe transitions between different states from rotor angular velocity data and use the stochastic model to show that symmetry properties in probability density distributions are related to the detailed fluctuation relation (FR) of entropy productions.
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    Effect of transversal concentration gradient on H2-O2 cellular detonation
    王成, 吴易烜, 黄金, 韩文虎, 宋清官
    2020 (6):  60503-060503.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab81f5
    摘要 ( 630 )   PDF(3490KB) ( 243 )  

    A two-dimensional detonation in H2-O2 system is simulated by a high-resolution code based on the fifth-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme in the spatial discretization and the 3th-order additive Runge-Kutta schemes in the time discretization, by using a detailed chemical model. The effect of a concentration gradient on cellular detonation is investigated. The results show that with the increase of the concentration gradient, the cell instability of detonation increases and gives rise to the oscillation of average detonation velocity. After a long time, for the case of the lower gradient the detonation can be sustained, with the multi-head mode and single-head mode alternating, while for the higher gradient it propagates with a single-head mode.

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    Solid angle car following model
    马东方, 韩月一, 金盛
    2020 (6):  60504-060504.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab862c
    摘要 ( 742 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(1612KB) ( 310 )  
    Existing traffic flow models give little consideration on vehicle sizes. We introduce the solid angle into car-following theory, taking the driver's perception of the leading vehicle's size into account. The solid angle and its change rate are applied as inputs to the novel model. A nonlinear stability analysis is performed to analyze the asymmetry of the model and the size effect of the leading vehicle, and the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation is derived. The solid angle model can explain complex traffic characteristics and provide an important basis for modeling nonlinear traffic phenomena.
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    Chaotic signal denoising algorithm based on sparse decomposition
    黄锦旺, 吕善翔, 张足生, 袁华强
    2020 (6):  60505-060505.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8a3b
    摘要 ( 810 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(512KB) ( 121 )  
    Denoising of chaotic signal is a challenge work due to its wide-band and noise-like characteristics. The algorithm should make the denoised signal have a high signal to noise ratio and retain the chaotic characteristics. We propose a denoising method of chaotic signals based on sparse decomposition and K-singular value decomposition (K-SVD) optimization. The observed signal is divided into segments and decomposed sparsely. The over-complete atomic library is constructed according to the differential equation of chaotic signals. The orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm is used to search the optimal matching atom. The atoms and coefficients are further processed to obtain the globally optimal atoms and coefficients by K-SVD. The simulation results show that the denoised signals have a higher signal to noise ratio and better preserve the chaotic characteristics.
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    Design of NO2 photoacoustic sensor with high reflective mirror based on low power blue diode laser
    靳华伟, 谢品华, 胡仁志, 黄崇崇, 林川, 王凤阳
    2020 (6):  60701-060701.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8376
    摘要 ( 790 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(1632KB) ( 116 )  
    An NO2 photoacoustic sensor system with a high reflective mirror based on a low power blue diode laser is developed in this work. The excitation power is enhanced by increasing the number of reflections. Comparing with a traditional photoacoustic system, the pool constant is improved from 300.24 (Pa·cm)/W to 1450.64 (Pa·cm)/W, and the signal sensitivity of the photoacoustic sensor is increased from 0.016 μV/ppb to 0.2562 μV/ppb. The characteristics of temperature and humidity of the new photoacoustic sensor are also obtained, and the algorithm is adjusted to provide a quantitative response and drift of the resonance frequency. The results of this research provide a new method and concept for further developing the NO2 photoacoustic sensors.
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    Mechanism analysis of reaction S+(2D)+H2(X1Σg+)→SH+(X3Σ-)+H(2S) based on the quantum state-to-state dynamics
    张金玉, 许婷, 葛志伟, 赵娟, 高守宝, 孟庆田
    2020 (6):  63101-063101.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab889c
    摘要 ( 708 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(753KB) ( 111 )  
    We present a state-to-state dynamical calculation on the reaction S++H2→SH++H based on an accurate X2A" potential surface. Some reaction properties, such as reaction probability, integral cross sections, product distribution, etc., are found to be those with characteristics of an indirect reaction. The oscillating structures appearing in reaction probability versus collision energy are considered to be the consequence of the deep potential well in the reaction. The comparison of the present total integral cross sections with the previous quasi-classical trajectory results shows that the quantum effect is more important at low collision energies. In addition, the quantum number inversion in the rotational distribution of the product is regarded as the result of the heavy-light-light mass combination, which is not effective for the vibrational excitation. For the collision energies considered, the product differential cross sections of the title reaction are mainly concentrated in the forward and backward regions, which suggests that there is a long-life intermediate complex in the reaction process.
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    Energy transfer, luminescence properties, and thermal stability of color tunable barium pyrophosphate phosphors
    徐梦姣, 李素霞, 季辰辰, 雒晚霞, 王鲁香
    2020 (6):  63301-063301.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab821a
    摘要 ( 715 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(1195KB) ( 102 )  
    A series of barium pyrophosphate Ba2P2O7 (BPO) phosphors doped with Ce3+ or Tb3+ ions is synthesized via a co-precipitation method under reducing atmosphere. The phase structures, photoluminescence (PL) properties, and thermal stabilities of the samples are characterized by using powder x-ray diffraction (PXRD) and PL spectra. The emission colors of samples can be tuned from blue (0.1544, 0.0310) to green (0.2302, 0.4229) by changing the doping concentrations of Tb3+ under ultraviolet excitation. The energy transfer mechanism between Ce3+ and Tb3+ in the BPO is dipole-dipole interaction with a critical distance of 25.86 Å and an energy transfer efficiency of about 85%, which are determined through the PL spectrum and the decay curve. Moreover, the Ce3+/Tb3+ co-doped sample has good thermal stability for temperature quenching, and the emission intensity at 423 K is maintained at 95% measured at 298 K. The above results show that the BPO:Ce3+, Tb3+ can serve as a promising candidate of green emitting phosphor for solid-state lighting.
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    Direct Coulomb explosion of N2O2+ induced by monochromatic extreme ultraviolet photons at 38.5 eV
    张敏, 海帮, 赵冬梅, 雷建廷, 董达谱, 张少锋, 马新文
    2020 (6):  63302-063302.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8629
    摘要 ( 643 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(678KB) ( 207 )  
    The direct Coulomb explosion of N2O2+ has been investigated experimentally after double-ionization by a single extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photon with an energy of ~38.5 eV. From the ion-ion time-of-flight coincidence spectrum, the de-nitrogenation (N2O2+→N++NO+) and de-oxygenation (N2O2+→O++N2+) photodissociation channels of N2O2+ are unequivocally identified. The measured kinetic energy release (KER) distribution of the de-nitrogenation channel presents a major peak accompanied by a shoulder structure. We find that the major peak can be attributed to the direct photodissociation of the 11Δ and 11Σ+ states, while the shoulder structure should be ascribed to the predissociation of the 11Δ and 11Σ+ states via 13Π state.
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    Extraordinary propagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves in one-dimensional anti-PT-symmetric ring optical waveguide network
    许杰锋, 杨湘波, 陈浩瀚, 林展鸿
    2020 (6):  64201-064201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8371
    摘要 ( 738 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(775KB) ( 144 )  
    In this paper, we design a one-dimensional anti-PT-symmetric ring optical waveguide network (1D APTSPROWN). Using the three-material network equation and the generalized Floquet-Bloch theorem, we investigate its photonic mode distribution, and observe weak extremum spontaneous anti-PT-symmetric breaking points (WBPs) and strong extremum spontaneous anti-PT-symmetric breaking points (SBPs). Then the transmission spectrum is obtained by using the three-material network equation and the generalized eigenfunction method. The 1D APTSPROWN is found to generate ultra-strong transmission near SBPs and ultra-weak transmission near WBPs and SBPs, with the maximal and minimal transmissions being 4.08×1012 and 7.08×10-52, respectively. The maximal transmission has the same order of magnitude as the best-reported result. It is not only because the distribution of photonic modes generated by the 1D APTSROWN results in the coupling resonance and anti-resonance, but also because the 1D APTSROWN composed of materials whose real parts of refractive indices are positive and negative has two kinds of phase effects, which results in the resonance and anti-resonance effects in the same kind of photonic modes. This demonstrates that the anti-PT-symmetric and PT-symmetric optical waveguide networks are quite different, which leads to a more in-depth understanding of anti-PT-symmetric and PT-symmetric structures. This work has the potential for paving a new approach to designing single photon emitters, optical amplifiers, and high-efficiency optical energy saver devices.
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    Propagation properties of radially polarized Pearcey-Gauss vortex beams in free space
    陈鑫鹏, 许创杰, 杨芊, 罗智明, 李希贤, 邓冬梅
    2020 (6):  64202-064202.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8202
    摘要 ( 799 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(2778KB) ( 172 )  
    We investigate a family of radially polarized Pearcey-Gauss vortex beams (RPPGVBs), obtain the general propagation expressions of an RPPGVB, and study the intensity distribution, phase pattern, spin currents as well as the orbital currents when the RPPGVB propagates in free space. The focal plane and the intensity of the focal point can be adjusted by changing the position of the vortex and the scaling factors. We also investigate how the waist size influences the propagation properties.
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    Non-Gaussian statistics of partially coherent light inatmospheric turbulence
    倪昊, 梁春豪, 王飞, 陈亚红, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, 蔡阳健
    2020 (6):  64203-064203.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8373
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    We derive theoretically and verify experimentally a concise general expression for the normalized intensity correlations (IC) of partially coherent light in a weak atmospheric turbulence in the fast detector measurement regime. The derived relation reveals that the medium turbulence acts, in general, as an additional noise source enhancing the IC of partially coherent beams. The maximum of the beam IC is, in general, enhanced, causing the fields to exhibit super-Gaussian statistics. On the other hand, the relation indicates that turbulence-induced noise is negligible for sufficiently low coherence light, which reveals the condition for the turbulence-free correlation imaging.
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    Three-Airy autofocusing beams
    张小红, 王飞利, 白露阳, 楼慈波, 梁毅
    2020 (6):  64204-064204.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84d2
    摘要 ( 801 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(2021KB) ( 220 )  
    We numerically and experimentally demonstrate that a three-Airy autofocusing beam can be generated by superposing three deformed two-dimensional (2D) Airy beams with a triangle symmetry. When the initial angle between two wings of the deformed 2D Airy beams increases, such a three-Airy autofocusing beam exhibits that the focusing length decreases and the intensity contrast at the focal point changes. Moreover, after introducing an optical vortex phase, this three-Airy autofocusing beam displays a transverse rotation in propagation. The rotation angle is determined by the topological charge of the vortex and the initial wing angle. Our results may have some potential applications in optical manipulation.
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    Gastroscopy-conjugated photoacoustic and ultrasonic dual-mode imaging for detection of submucosal gastric cancer: in vitro study
    吴华钦, 宋海洋, 黄玉钿, 李志芳, 吴淑莲, 章小曼, 李晖
    2020 (6):  64205-064205.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84d4
    摘要 ( 697 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(2822KB) ( 302 )  
    This paper presents photoacoustic and ultrasonic dual-mode imaging for real-time detection of submucosal gastric cancer with a combination of gastroscopy. The diagnostic capacity was directly addressed via several phantoms and ex vivo experiments. Results demonstrated that superficial and submucosal gastric cancer can be diagnosed with a perceptible depth of 6.33 mm, a lateral accuracy of 2.23 mm, and a longitudinal accuracy of 0.17 mm though capturing the morphology of angiogenesis, which is a main character of the therioma-related change. The capability of gastroscopy-conjugated photoacoustic and ultrasonic dual-mode imaging system will own great potential in improving the clinical diagnostic rate of submucosal gastric cancer.
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    M2-factor of high-power laser beams through a multi-apertured ABCD optical system
    曾祥梅, 张美志, 曹冬梅, 孙鼎宇, 周花
    2020 (6):  64206-064206.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab81f1
    摘要 ( 746 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(533KB) ( 118 )  
    Based on the generalized truncated second-order moments, an approximate analytical formula of the beam propagation factor M2 of high-power laser beams passing through the optical system with multiple hard-edged apertures is deduced. Numerical examples of the beams passing through an aperture-spatial filter are enclosed, and the influences of amplitude modulations (AMs) and phase fluctuations (PFs) on the beam propagation quality of high-power laser beams passing through the multi-apertured ABCD optical system are considered and discussed. It is shown that PFs are able to degrade the beam propagation quality of laser beams more than AMs when the high-power laser beams passing through the aperture-spatial filter, furthermore, one or two aperture-lens optical systems configured appropriate aperture parameters are both able to upgrade the beam propagation quality of high-power laser beams. The M2 factor of Gaussian beam passing through the multi-aperture optical system is a special case in this paper.
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    Inhibiting radiative recombination rate to enhance quantum yields in a quantum photocell
    陈镜伊, 赵顺才
    2020 (6):  64207-064207.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab836f
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    Inhibiting the radiative radiation is an efficient approach to enhance quantum yields in a solar sell. This work carries out the inhibition of radiative recombination rate (RRR) in a quantum photocell with two coupled donors. We perform explicit calculations of the transition rates, energy gaps and the absorbed solar wavelength-dependent RRR, and find that two different regimes play the crucial roles in inhibiting RRR. One is the quantum coherence generated from two different transition channels, the other includes the absorbed photon wavelength and gaps between the donor and acceptor in this proposed photocell model. The results imply that there may be some efficient ways to enhance the photoelectron conversion compared to the classic solar cell.
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    Simple and robust method for rapid cooling of 87Rb to quantum degeneracy
    魏春华, 颜树华
    2020 (6):  64208-064208.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8625
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    We demonstrate a simple and fast way to produce 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensates. A digital optical phase lock loop (OPLL) board is introduced to lock and adjust the frequency of the trap laser, which simplifies the optical design and improves the experimental efficiency. We collect atoms in a magneto-optical trap, then compress the cloud and cut off hot atoms by rf knife in a magnetic quadrupole trap. The atom clouds are then transferred into a spatially mode-matched optical dipole trap by lowering the quadrupole field gradient. Our system reliably produces a condensate with 2×106 atoms every 7.5 s. The compact optical design and rapid preparation speed of our system will open the gate for mobile quantum sensing.
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    Microwave frequency transfer over a 112-km urban fiber link based on electronic phase compensation
    薛文祥, 赵文宇, 全洪雷, 赵粹臣, 邢燕, 姜海峰, 张首刚
    2020 (6):  64209-064209.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84d6
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    We demonstrate the transmission of a microwave frequency signal at 10 GHz over a 112-km urban fiber link based on a novel simple-architecture electronic phase compensation system. The key element of the system is the low noise frequency divider by 4 to differentiate the frequency of the forward signal from that of the backward one, thus suppressing the effect of Brillouin backscattering and parasitic reflection along the link. In terms of overlapping Allan deviation, the frequency transfer instability of 4.2×10-15 at 1-s integration time and 1.6×10-18 at one-day integration time was achieved. In addition, its sensitivity to the polarization mode dispersion in fiber is analyzed by comparing the results with and without laser polarization scrambling. Generally, with simplicity and robustness, the system can offer great potentials in constructing cascaded frequency transfer system and facilitate the building of fiber-based microwave transfer network.

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    Excitation-wavelength-dependent THz wave modulation via external bias electric field
    冯世嘉, 董立泉, 马丹妮, 吴同, 谭永, 张亮亮, 张存林, 赵跃进
    2020 (6):  64210-064210.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84d7
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    A theoretical model was proposed to describe the effects of external bias electric field on terahertz (THz) generated in air plasma. The model predicted that for a plasma in a bias electric field, the amplification effect of the THz wave intensity increases with the increase of the excitation laser wavelength. We experimentally observed the relationship between the THz enhancement effect and the electric field strength at different wavelengths. Experimental results showed a good agreement with the model predictions. These results enhance our understanding of the physical mechanism by which femtosecond lasers excite air to generate THz and extend the practical applications of THz generation and modulation.
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    Four-soliton solution and soliton interactions of the generalized coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation
    宋丽军, 徐晓雅, 王艳
    2020 (6):  64211-064211.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84ce
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    Based on the generalized coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation, we obtain the analytic four-bright-bright soliton solution by using the Hirota bilinear method. The interactions among four solitons are also studied in detail. The results show that the interaction among four solitons mainly depends on the values of solution parameters; k1 and k2 mainly affect the two inboard solitons while k3 and k4 mainly affect the two outboard solitons; the pulse velocity and width mainly depend on the imaginary part of ki (i=1, 2, 3, 4), while the pulse amplitude mainly depends on the real part of ki (i=1, 2, 3, 4).
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    Effect of dark soliton on the spectral evolution of bright soliton in a silicon-on-insulator waveguide
    刘振, 贾维国, 王红玉, 汪洋, 门克内木乐, 张俊萍
    2020 (6):  64212-064212.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84d9
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    The spectral evolution of bright soliton in a silicon-on-insulator optical waveguide is numerically simulated using the split-step Fourier method. The power and input chirp of the dark soliton and the second-order dispersion are varied to investigate the effect of dark soliton on the spectrum of bright soliton. The simulations prove that the dark soliton modifies the spectral shape of the bright soliton. Further, the variation in the power of dark soliton affects the splitting of bright soliton. Furthermore, the chirped dark soliton can improve the spectral width and flatness. The variation in the dispersion of dark soliton modifies the phase matching of the bright soliton and the dispersive wave emission, thereby affecting the spectral evolution.
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    Properties of off-axis hollow Gaussian-Schell model vortex beam propagating in turbulent atmosphere
    宋延嵩, 董科研, 常帅, 董岩, 张雷
    2020 (6):  64213-064213.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab836c
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    The analytical expression of off-axis hollow Gaussian-Schell model vortex beam (HGSMVB) generated by anisotropic Gaussian-Schell model source is first introduced. The evolution properties of off-axis HGSMVB propagating in turbulent atmosphere are analyzed. The results show that the off-axis HGSMVB with smaller coherence length or propagating in stronger turbulent atmosphere will evolve from dark hollow beam into Gaussian-like beam with a larger beam spot faster. The beams with different values of integer order N or the position for hollow and vortex factor R will have almost the same Gaussian-like spot distribution at the longer propagation distance.
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    Extended validity of weak measurement
    邱疆冬, 任昌亮, 李兆雪, 谢林果, 何宇, 张志友, 杜惊雷
    2020 (6):  64214-064214.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8622
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    We introduce a modified weak value that is related to the mean value of input meter variable. With the help of the modified weak value, the validity conditions for various modified versions of weak value formalism are investigated, in terms of the dependence of the pointer shift on the mean value of the input meter. The weak value formalism, often used to represent the pointer shift, with the modified weak value is of great use in simplifying calculations and giving guidance of practical experiments whenever the mean value of the input meter variable is nonzero. The simulation in a qubit system is presented and coincident well with our theoretical result.
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    Extra-narrowband metallic filters with an ultrathin single-layer metallic grating
    王然, 龚旗煌, 陈建军
    2020 (6):  64215-064215.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8899
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    Narrowband and high-transmission optical filters are extensively used in color display technology, optical information processing, and high-sensitive sensing. Because of large ohmic losses in metallic nanostructures, metallic filters usually exhibit low transmittances and broad bandwidths. By employing both strong field enhancements in metallic nano-slits and the Wood's anomaly in a periodic metallic grating, an extra-narrowband and high-transmission metallic filter is numerically predicted in an ultrathin single-layer metallic grating. Simulation results show that the Wood's anomaly in the ultrathin (thickness H=60 nm) single-layer metallic grating results in large field enhancements in the substrate and low losses in the metallic grating. As a result, the transmission bandwidth (transmittance T > 60%) at λ=1200 nm is as small as ΔλFWHM=1.6 nm, which is smaller than 4% of that in the previous thin dielectric and metallic filters. The corresponding quality factor is as high as Q=λλFWHM=750, which is 40 times greater than that in the previous reports. Moreover, the thickness of our metallic filter (H=60 nm) is smaller than 40% of that in the previous reports, and its maximum transmittance can reach up to 80%. In experiments, a narrowband metallic filter with a bandwidth of about ΔλFWHM=10 nm, which is smaller than 25% of that in the previous metallic filters, is demonstrated.
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    Frequency-dependent reflection of elastic wave from thin bed in porous media
    李红星, 陶春辉, 刘财, 黄光南, 姚振岸
    2020 (6):  64301-064301.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab888b
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    The reflection of elastic wave from thin bed in porous media is important for oil and gas reservoir seismic exploration. The equations for calculating frequency-dependent reflection amplitude versus incident angle (FDAVA) from thin bed in porous media are obtained based on porous media theory. Some conclusions are obtained from numerical analysis, specifically, slow compression wave may be ignored when considering boundary conditions in most situations; the dispersion of reflection from thin bed is much higher than that from thick layer and is periodic in frequency domain, which is affected by the thickness of thin bed, velocity, and incident angle; the reflection amplitude envelope in frequency domain decays exponentially, which is affected by the thickness of thin bed, attenuation, and incident angle; the reflection amplitude increases with thickness of thin bed increasing, and then it decreases when the thickness reaches to a quarter of wavelength.
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    Quasi-canonicalization for linear homogeneous nonholonomic systems
    王勇, 崔金超, 陈菊, 郭永新
    2020 (6):  64501-064501.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8627
    摘要 ( 577 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(403KB) ( 97 )  
    For conservative linear homogeneous nonholonomic systems, there exists a cotangent bundle with the symplectic structure dπμ∧dξμ, in which the motion equations of the system can be written into the form of the canonical equations by the set of quasi-coordinates πμ and quasi-momenta ξμ. The key to construct this cotangent bundle is to define a set of suitable quasi-coordinates πμ by a first-order linear mapping, so that the reduced configuration space of the system is a Riemann space with no torsion. The Hamilton-Jacobi method for linear homogeneous nonholonomic systems is studied as an application of the quasi-canonicalization. The Hamilton-Jacobi method can be applied not only to Chaplygin nonholonomic systems, but also to non-Chaplygin nonholonomic systems. Two examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the quasi-canonicalization and the Hamilton-Jacobi method.
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    Large eddy simulations of a triangular jet and its counterpart through a chamber
    肖秀, 王国昌, 徐敏义, 米建春
    2020 (6):  64701-064701.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8623
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    A free triangular jet (TJ1) and its counterpart initially passing a short circular chamber (TJ2) are numerically modeled using large eddy simulation (LES). This paper compares the near-field characteristics of the two jets in detail. To enable some necessary experimental validations, the LES conditions of TJ1 and TJ2 are taken to be identical to those measured by Xu et al. (Sci. China Phys. 56 1176 (2013)) and England et al. (Exp. Fluids. 48 69 (2010)), respectively. The LES predictions are found to agree well with those measurements. It is demonstrated that a strong swirl occurs near the chamber inlet plane for the TJ2 flow. At the center of the swirl, there is a cluster of three sink foci, where each focus is aligned midway between the original triangular apexes. In the vortex skeleton constructed from the time-averaged flow field, the vortices arising from the foci are helically twisted around the core of the jet. As the flow passes through the chamber, the foci merge to form a closed-loop “bifurcation line”, which separates the inward swirling flow and the outward oscillating jet. This global oscillation is regarded as a source node near the centerline of the chamber. If the chamber is removed for a “free” jet, i.e., TJ1, a cluster of three pairs of counter-rotating foci is produced and the net swirl circulation is zero, so the overall oscillation of the jet does not occur.
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    Discharge and flow characterizations of the double-side sliding discharge plasma actuator
    贺启坤, 梁华, 郑博睿
    2020 (6):  64702-064702.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8624
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    We investigate the discharge and flow characterizations of a double-side siding discharge plasma actuator driven by different polarities of direct current (DC) voltage. The discharge tests show that sliding discharge and extended discharge are filamentary discharge. The irregular current pulse of sliding discharge fluctuates obviously in the first half cycle, ultimately expands the discharge channel. The instantaneous power and average power consumptions of sliding discharge are larger than those of the extended discharge and dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). The flow characteristics measured by a high-frequency particle-image-velocimetry system together with high-speed schlieren technology show that the opposite jet at the bias DC electrode is induced by sliding discharge, which causes a bulge structure in the discharge channel. The bias DC electrode can deflect the direction of the induced jet, then modifying the properties of the boundary layer. Extended discharge can accelerate the velocity of the starting vortex, improving the horizontal velocity profile by 203%. The momentum growth caused by extended discharge has the largest peak value and the fastest growth rate, compared with sliding discharge and DBD. However, the momentum growth of sliding discharge lasts longer in the whole pulsed cycle, indicating that sliding discharge can also inject more momentum.
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    Forebody asymmetric vortex control with extended dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators
    郑博睿, 薛明, 葛畅
    2020 (6):  64703-064703.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8372
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    Plasma control of forebody asymmetric vortices is mostly achieved by means of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuators. However, DBD actuators suffer from some disadvantages such as a weak induced body force, a single-direction induced jet, and an unclear control mechanism. We carry out wind tunnel experiments involving the forebody vortex control of a slender body at high angles of attack using an innovative extended DBD actuator, which has a stronger capacity to induce an electric wind than a DBD actuator. Through synchronous measurements of the pressure distribution and particle image velocimetry (PIV), the spatiotemporal evolution of the dynamic interactions between plasma-actuation-induced vortices and forebody asymmetric vortices is analyzed. The influence of plasma discharge on the boundary layer separation around a slender body and the spatial topological structures of asymmetric vortices are further surveyed, as the optimized actuation parameters. Extended DBD actuators are found to be more capable of controlling asymmetric vortices than DBD actuators, and a linear proportionality of the sectional lateral force versus the duty ratio is achieved. There exists an optimal normalized reduced frequency (f+=2πfpd/U=2.39) for asymmetric vortex control under the present experimental conditions. The research results can provide technical guidance for the control and reuse of forebody asymmetric vortices.
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    SPECIAL TOPIC—Recent advances in thermoelectric materials and devices
    Self-assembled vesicle-colloid hybrid swimmers: Non-reciprocal strokes with reciprocal actuation
    Jaime Agudo-Canalejo, Babak Nasouri
    2020 (6):  64704-064704.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab892b
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    We consider a self-assembled hybrid system, composed of a bilayer vesicle to which a number of colloids are adhered. Based on known results of membrane curvature elasticity, we predict that, for sufficiently deflated prolate vesicles, the colloids can self-assemble into a ring at a finite distance away from the vesicle equator, thus breaking the up-down symmetry in the system. Because the relative variation of the position of the colloidal ring along the vesicle endows the system with an effective elasticity, periodic cycles of inflation and deflation can lead to non-reciprocal shape changes of the vesicle-colloid hybrid, allowing it to swim in a low Reynolds number environment under reciprocal actuation. We design several actuation protocols that allow control over the swimming direction.
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    Diffusion and collective motion of rotlets in 2D space
    Daiki Matsunaga, Takumi Chodo, Takuma Kawai
    2020 (6):  64705-064705.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8ac3
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    We investigate the collective motion of rotlets that are placed in a single plane. Due to the hydrodynamic interactions, the particles move through the two-dimensional (2D) plane and we analyze these diffusive motions. By analyzing the scaling of the values, we predict that the diffusion coefficient scales with φ0.5, the average velocity with φ, and relaxation time of the velocity autocorrelation function with φ-1.5, where φ is the area fraction of the particles. In this paper, we find that the predicted scaling could be seen only when the initial particle position is homogeneous. The particle collective motions are different by starting the simulation from random initial positions, and the diffusion coefficient is the largest at a minimum volume fraction of our parameter range, φ=0.05. The deviations based on two initial positions can be explained by the frequency of the collision events. The particles collide during their movements and the inter-particle distances gradually increase. When the area fraction is large, the particles will result in relatively homogeneous configurations regardless of the initial positions because of many collision events. When the area fraction is small (φ < 0.25), on the other hand, two initial positions would fall into different local solutions because the rare collision events would not modify the inter-particle distances drastically. By starting from the homogeneous initial positions, the particles show the maximum diffusion coefficient at φ≈0.20. The diffusion coefficient starts to decrease from this area fraction because the particles start to collide and hinder each other from a critical fraction ~23%. We believe our current work contributes to a basic understanding of the collective motion of rotating units.
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    Simulation of helium supersonic molecular beam injection in tokamak plasma
    吴雪科, 王占辉, 李会东, 石黎铭, 万迪, 樊群超, 许敏
    2020 (6):  65201-065201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab81fd
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    To study helium (He) supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI) into H-mode tokamak plasma, a simplified multicomponent-plasma model under the assumption of quasi-neutral condition is developed and implemented in the frame of BOUT ++. The simulation results show that He species propagate inwards after He SMBI, and are deposited at the bottom of the pedestal due to intensive ionization and weak spreading speed. It is found that almost all injected helium particles strip off all the bounded electrons. He species interact intensively with background plasma along the injection path during He SMBI, making deuterium ion density profile drop at the He-deposited location and resulting in a large electron temperature decreasing, but deuterium ion temperature decreasing a little at the top of the pedestal.

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    Oblique collisional effects of dust acoustic waves in unmagnetized dusty plasma
    M S Alam, M R Talukder
    2020 (6):  65202-065202.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab829b
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    Effects of oblique collisions of the dust acoustic (DA) waves in dusty plasma are studied by considering unmagnetized fully ionized plasma. The plasma consists of inertial warm negatively charged massive dusts, positively charged dusts, superthermal kappa distributed electrons, and isothermal ions. The extended Poincaré-Lighthill-Kuo (ePLK) method is employed for the drivation of two-sided Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations (KdVEs). The KdV soliton solutions are derived by using the hyperbolic secant method. The effects of superthermality index of electrons, temperature ratio of isothermal ion to electron, and the density ratio of isothermal ions to negatively charged massive dusts on nonlinear coefficients are investigated. The effects of oblique collision on amplitude, phase shift, and potential profile of right traveling solitons of DA waves are also studied. The study reveals that the new nonlinear wave structures are produced in the colliding region due to head-on collision of the two counter propagating DA waves. The nonlinearity is found to decrease with the increasing density ratio of ion to negative dust in the critical region. The phase shifts decrease (increase) with increasing the temperature ratio of ion to electron (κe). The hump (compressive, κe < κec) and dipshaped (rarefactive, κe > κec) solitons are produced depending on the angle (θ) of oblique collision between the two waves.
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    Influence of polarization of laser beam on emission intensity of femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
    杨岚, 刘淼, 刘奕彤, 李庆雪, 李苏宇, 姜远飞, 陈安民, 金明星
    2020 (6):  65203-065203.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84dc
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    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is an important technique which is widely used to analyze element composition. In order to improve the sensitivity of LIBS, much effort has been made to enhance the spectral intensity of LIBS by proposing a number of methods. In addition, we find that laser polarization has great influence on the emission intensity of femtosecond LIBS. By comparing the emission intensity of femtosecond LIBS in the circular polarization with that in the linear polarization, the spectral intensity in the case of circular polarization is stronger than that in the case of linear polarization. Moreover, this phenomenon is more obvious as laser energy increases. The polarization plays an important role in LIBS signal intensity. Based on the observation, the enhanced mechanism of the laser polarization for the spectral intensity is discussed in this paper, which will be helpful in spectral analysis and component analysis.
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    Tests of the real-time vertical growth rate calculation on EAST
    鲍娜娜, 黄耀, Jayson Barr, 罗正平, 汪悦航, 陈树亮, 肖炳甲, David Humphreys
    2020 (6):  65204-065204.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84da
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    In order to measure controllability of vertical instability in EAST, the calculation of model-based vertical growth rate, called rt-gamma, has been successfully carried out in real time. The numerical computing method is adapted from rigid plasma response model in TokSys, which is a widely-used analysis tool for tokamak devices in Matlab environment, but the code is rewritten by taking advantage of GPU parallel computing capability to accelerate the computation. The calculation of rt-gamma is validated by comparing it with the corresponding result generated by TokSys for totally 3508 cases. It is shown that the average absolute value of relative errors is about 0.85%. In addition, the calculation program of rt-gamma has been successfully applied during 2019 EAST campaign. The comparison with experimental results is discussed in this paper. The real-time calculation tool is well able to calculate model-based vertical growth rate, which is convenient for fast and continuous evaluations of EAST control system stability performances.
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    Determination of activation energy of ion-implanted deuterium release from W-Y2O3
    王雪峰, 吴吉良, 李强, 杨蕊竹, 王占雷, 陈长安, 冯春蓉, 饶咏初, 谌晓洪, 叶小球
    2020 (6):  65205-065205.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8204
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    The retention and release of deuterium in W-2%Y2O3 composite materials and commercially pure tungsten after they have been implanted by deuterium plasma (flux ~3.71×1021 D/m2·s, energy ~25 eV, and fluence up to 1.3×1026 D/m2) are studied. The results show that the total amount of deuterium released from W-2%Y2O3 is 5.23×1020 D/m2(2.5 K/min), about 2.5 times higher than that from the pure tungsten. Thermal desorption spectra (TDS) at different heating rates (2.5 K/min-20 K/min) reveal that both W and W-2%Y2O3 have two main deuterium trapped sites. For the low temperature trap, the deuterium desorption activation energy is 0.85 eV (grain boundary) in W, while for high temperature trap, the desorption activation energy is 1.57 eV (vacancy) in W and 1.73 eV (vacancy) in W-2%Y2O3.
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    Measurement of molybdenum ion density for L-mode and H-mode plasma discharges in the EAST tokamak
    沈永才, 张洪明, 吕波, 李颖颖, 符佳, 王福地, 臧庆, 万宝年, 潘盼, 叶民友, the EAST team
    2020 (6):  65206-065206.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8456
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    We report the measurement of total molybdenum ion density for L-mode and H-mode plasmas on EAST using spectral lines observation and calculation based on an impurity transport code. A flat-filed extreme ultraviolet spectrometer with some spatial resolution is used to obtain the radial profiles of molybdenum spectral line emissions. The absolute calibration for the extreme ultraviolet spectrometer is finished by comparing the calculated bremsstrahlung intensity with the readings of CCD detector. Molybdenum ion transport study is performed using the radial ion density profiles and one-dimensional impurity transport code STRAHL. The total molybdenum density profiles are determined from the transport analysis. The molybdenum density during L-mode and H-mode phases are obtained, which are about 3 and 4 orders of magnitude smaller than the electron density, respectively. An inward pinch is found during the H-mode phase that leads to the peaked profile of molybdenum density.
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    Experimental study on energy characteristics and ignition performance of recessed multichannel plasma igniter
    蔡帮煌, 宋慧敏, 贾敏, 吴云, 崔巍, 黄胜方
    2020 (6):  65207-065207.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab820c
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    In the extreme conditions of high altitude, low temperature, low pressure, and high speed, the aircraft engine is prone to flameout and difficult to start secondary ignition, which makes reliable ignition of combustion chamber at high altitude become a worldwide problem. To solve this problem, a kind of multichannel plasma igniter with round cavity is proposed in this paper, the three-channel and five-channel igniters are compared with the traditional ones. The discharge energy of the three igniters was compared based on the electric energy test and the thermal energy test, and ignition experiments was conducted in the simulated high-altitude environment of the component combustion chamber. The results show that the recessed multichannel plasma igniter has higher discharge energy than the conventional spark igniter, which can increase the conversion efficiency of electric energy from 26% to 43%, and the conversion efficiency of thermal energy from 25% to 73%. The recessed multichannel plasma igniter can achieve greater spark penetration depth and excitation area, which both increase with the increase of height. At the same height, the inlet flow helps to increase the penetration depth of the spark. The recessed multichannel plasma igniter can widen the lean ignition boundary, and the maximum enrichment percentage of lean ignition boundary can reach 31%.
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    Interaction of supersonic molecular beam with low-temperature plasma
    刘东, 曲国峰, 王占辉, 王华杰, 刘灏, 王艺舟, 徐子虚, 李敏, 杨朝文, 刘星泉, 林炜平, 颜敏, 黄宇, 朱宇轩, 许敏, 韩纪锋
    2020 (6):  65208-065208.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8457
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    The interaction between the supersonic molecular beam (SMB) and the low-temperature plasma is a critical issue for the diagnosis and fueling in the Tokamak device. In this work, the interaction process between the argon SMB and the argon plasma is studied by a high-speed camera based on the Linear Experimental Advanced Device (LEAD) in Southwestern Institute of Physics, China. It is found that the high-density SMB can extinct the plasma temporarily and change the distribution of the plasma density significantly, while the low-density SMB can hardly affect the distribution of plasma density. This can be used as an effective diagnostic technique to study the evolution of plasma density in the interaction between the SMB and plasma. Moreover, the related simulation based on this experiment is carried out to better understand the evolution of electron density and ion density in the interaction. The simulation results can be used to analyze and explain the experimental results well.
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    Effects of 3d-transition metal doping on the electronic and magnetic properties of one-dimensional diamond nanothread
    苗珍珍, 曹粲, 张蓓, 段海明, 龙孟秋
    2020 (6):  66101-066101.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84dd
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    The diamond nanothread (DNT), a new one-dimensional (1D) full carbon sp3 structure that has been successfully synthesized recently, has attracted widespread attention in the carbon community. By using the first-principles calculation method of density functional theory (DFT), we have studied the effects of 3d transition metal (TM) atomic doping on the electronic and magnetic properties of DNT. The results show that the spin-polarized semiconductor characteristics are achieved by doping Sc, V, Cr, Mn, and Co atoms in the DNT system. The magnetic moment ranges from 1.00 μB to 3.00 μB and the band gap value is from 0.35 eV to 2.54 eV. The Fe-doped DNT system exhibits spin-metallic state with a magnetic moment of 2.58 μB, while the Ti and Ni-doped DNT systems are nonmagnetic semiconductors. These results indicate that the 3d TM atoms doping can modulate the electronic and magnetic properties of 1D-DNT effectively, and the TM-doped DNT systems have potential applications in the fields of electronics, optoelectronics, and spintronics.
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    Exploring ferromagnetic half-metallic nature of Cs2NpBr6 via spin polarized density functional theory
    Malak Azmat Ali, G Murtaza, A Laref
    2020 (6):  66102-066102.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab7da4
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    By employing the spin resolved density functional theory, half-metallic character is investigated in Cs2NpBr6 having a K2PtCl6-type structure. The results precisely predict the half-metallic behavior of Cs2NpBr6. In spin-down state it presents an indirect band gap, while in spin-up channel it turns metallic. The structure optimization confirms the half-metallic nature in ferromagnetic configuration. The calculated magnetic moment is 3 μB toward which the main contributor is the Np atom. Furthermore, all the computed results are compared with the available experimental and theoretical values. According to the present analysis, we recommend Cs2NpBr6 for spintronic applications.
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    First-principles calculations of solute-vacancy interactions in aluminum
    张莎莎, 姚正军, 孔祥山, 陈良, 秦敬玉
    2020 (6):  66103-066103.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8458
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    The interactions of solute atoms with vacancies play a key role in diffusion and precipitation of alloying elements, ultimately influencing the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys. In this study, first-principles calculations are systematically performed to quantify the solute-vacancy interactions for the 3d-4p series and the 4d-5p series. The solute-vacancy interaction gradually transforms from repulsion to attraction from left to right. The solute-vacancy binding energy is sensitive to the supercell size for elements at the beginning. These behaviors of the solute-vacancy binding energy can be understood in terms of the combination and competition between the elastic and electronic interactions. Overall, the electronic binding energy follows a similar trend to the total binding energy and plays a major role in the solute-vacancy interactions.
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    Extended damage range of (Al0.3Cr0.2Fe0.2Ni0.3)3O4 high entropy oxide films induced by surface irradiation
    张健聪, 孙森, 杨朝明, 裘南, 汪渊
    2020 (6):  66104-066104.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8374
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    Irradiation makes structural materials of nuclear reactors degraded and failed. However, the damage process of materials induced by irradiation is not fully elucidated, mostly because the charged particles only bombarded the surface of the materials (within a few microns). In this work, we investigated the effects of surface irradiation on the indirect irradiation region of the (Al0.3Cr0.2Fe0.2Ni0.3)3O4 high entropy oxide (HEO) films in detail by plasma surface interaction. The results show that the damage induced by surface irradiation significantly extends to the indirect irradiation region of HEO film where the helium bubbles, dislocations, phase transformation, and the nickel oxide segregation were observed.
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    Balancing strength and plasticity of dual-phase amorphous/crystalline nanostructured Mg alloys
    王佳怡, 宋海洋, 安敏荣, 邓琼, 李玉龙
    2020 (6):  66201-066201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84d5
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    The dual-phase amorphous/crystalline nanostructured model proves to be an effective method to improve the plasticity of Mg alloys. The purpose of this paper is to explore an approach to improving the ductility and strength of Mg alloys at the same time. Here, the effect of amorphous phase strength, crystalline phase strength, and amorphous boundary (AB) spacing on the mechanical properties of dual-phase Mg alloys (DPMAs) under tensile loading are investigated by the molecular dynamics simulation method. The results confirm that the strength of DPMA can be significantly improved while its excellent plasticity is maintained by adjusting the strength of the amorphous phase or crystalline phase and optimizing the AB spacing. For the DPMA, when the amorphous phase (or crystalline phase) is strengthened to enhance its strength, the AB spacing should be increased (or reduced) to obtain superior plasticity at the same time. The results also indicate that the DPMA containing high strength amorphous phase exhibits three different deformation modes during plastic deformation with the increase of AB spacing. The research results will present a theoretical basis and early guidance for designing and developing the high-performance dual-phase hexagonal close-packed nanostructured metals.
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    Effect of Sn and Al additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of amorphous Ti-Cu-Zr-Ni alloys
    陈福川, 代富平, 杨霄熠, 阮莹, 魏炳波
    2020 (6):  66401-066401.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8628
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    Amorphous Ti-Cu-Zr-Ni alloys with minor addition of Sn and Al were prepared by melt spinning technique. The effects of Sn and Al additions on the microstructures and mechanical properties of glassy ribbons were investigated. The amorphous state of ribbons was confirmed by x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, where those ribbons with Sn addition exhibited a fully amorphous state. The characteristic temperature indicates that Ti45Cu35Zr10Ni5Sn5 alloy has a stronger glass-forming ability, as proven by differential scanning calorimetry. Ti45Cu35Zr10Ni5Al5 alloy showed a better hardness of 9.23 GPa and elastic modulus of 127.15 GPa and good wear resistance. Ti45Cu35Zr10Ni5Sn5 alloy displayed a pop-in event related to discrete plasticity according to nanoindentation. When the temperature is below 560 K, Ti45Cu35Zr10Ni5Sn5 alloy mainly exhibits elasticity. When the temperature rises between 717 K and 743 K, it shows a significant increase in elasticity but decrease in viscoelasticity after the ribbon experiences the main relaxation at 717 K. When the temperature is above 743 K, the ribbon shows viscoplasticity.
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    Growth and aggregation of Cu nanocrystals on ionic liquid surfaces
    沈佳伟, 叶迅亨, 鲍志龙, 李璐, 杨波, 陶向明, 叶高翔
    2020 (6):  66801-066801.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8896
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    We report a catalyst-free growth of Cu nanocrystals on ionic liquid surfaces by thermal evaporation method at room temperature. After deposition of Cu on ionic liquid surfaces, ramified Cu aggregates form. It is found that the aggregates are composed of both granules and nanocrystals with triangular or hexagonal appearances. The sizes of the nanocrystals are in the range of tens to hundreds of nanometers and increase with the nominal deposition thickness. The growth mechanism of the Cu aggregates and nanocrystals is presented.
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    Scalable preparation of water-soluble ink of few-layered WSe2 nanosheets for large-area electronics
    冼国裕, 张建烁, 刘丽, 周俊, 刘洪涛, 鲍丽宏, 申承民, 李永峰, 秦志辉, 杨海涛
    2020 (6):  66802-066802.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab889e
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    Few-layer two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor nanosheets with a layer-dependent band gap are attractive building blocks for large-area thin-film electronics. A general approach is developed to fast prepare uniform and phase-pure 2H-WSe2 semiconducting nanosheets at a large scale, which involves the supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) treatment and a mild sonication-assisted exfoliation process in aqueous solution. The as-prepared 2H-WSe2 nanosheets preserve the intrinsic physical properties and intact crystal structures, as confirmed by Raman, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). The uniform 2H-WSe2 nanosheets can disperse well in water for over six months. Such good dispersivity and uniformity enable these nanosheets to self-assembly into thickness-controlled thin films for scalable fabrication of large-area arrays of thin-film electronics. The electronic transport and photoelectronic properties of the field-effect transistor based on the self-assembly 2H-WSe2 thin film have also been explored.
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    Significant role of nanoscale Bi-rich phase in optimizing thermoelectric performance of Mg3Sb2
    王杨, 张忻, 刘燕琴, 张久兴, 岳明
    2020 (6):  67201-067201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84cd
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    Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5-based alloys have received much attention, and current reports on this system mainly focus on the modulation of doping. However, there lacks the explanation for the choice of Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5 as matrix. Here in this work, the thermoelectric properties of Mg3Sb2-xBix (0.4 ≤ x ≤ 0.55) compounds are systematically investigated by using the first principles calculation combined with experiment. The calculated results show that the band gap decreases after Bi has been substituted for Sb site, which makes the thermal activation easier. The maximum figure of merit (ZT) is 0.27 at 773 K, which is attributed to the ultra-low thermal conductivity 0.53 W·m-1·K-1 for x=0.5. The large mass difference between Bi and Sb atoms, the lattice distortion induced by substituting Bi for Sb, and the nanoscale Bi-rich particles distributed on the matrix are responsible for the reduction of thermal conductivity. The introduction of Bi into Mg3Sb2-based materials plays a vital role in regulating the transport performance of thermoelectric materials.
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    Theoretical design of single-molecule NOR and XNOR logic gates by using transition metal dibenzotetraaza[14]annulenes
    王子群, 唐菲, 董密密, 王明郎, 胡贵超, 冷建材, 王传奎, 张广平
    2020 (6):  67202-067202.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84cf
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    The idea of replacing traditional silicon-based electronic components with the ones assembled by organic molecules to further scale down the electric circuits has been attracting extensive research focuses. Among the molecularly assembled components, the design of molecular logic gates with simple structure and high Boolean computing speed remains a great challenge. Here, by using the state-of-the-art nonequilibrium Green's function theory in conjugation with first-principles method, the spin transport properties of single-molecule junctions comprised of two serially connected transition metal dibenzotetraaza[14]annulenes (TM(DBTAA), TM=Fe, Co) sandwiched between two single-walled carbon nanotube electrodes are theoretically investigated. The numerical results show a close dependence of the spin-resolved current-voltage characteristics on spin configurations between the left and right molecular kernels and the kind of TM atom in TM(DBTAA) molecule. By taking advantage of spin degree of freedom of electrons, NOR or XNOR Boolean logic gates can be realized in Fe(DBTAA) and Co(DBTAA) junctions depending on the definitions of input and output signals. This work proposes a new kind of molecular logic gates and hence is helpful for further miniaturization of the electric circuits.
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    Experimental evaluation of interface states during time-dependent dielectric breakdown of GaN-based MIS-HEMTs with LPCVD-SiNx gate dielectric
    赵亚文, 李柳暗, 阙陶陶, 丘秋凌, 何亮, 刘振兴, 张津玮, 吴千树, 陈佳, 吴志盛, 刘扬
    2020 (6):  67203-067203.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8895
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    We experimentally evaluated the interface state density of GaN MIS-HEMTs during time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB). Under a high forward gate bias stress, newly increased traps generate both at the SiNx/AlGaN interface and the SiNx bulk, resulting in the voltage shift and the increase of the voltage hysteresis. When prolonging the stress duration, the defects density generated in the SiNx dielectric becomes dominating, which drastically increases the gate leakage current and causes the catastrophic failure. After recovery by UV light illumination, the negative shift in threshold voltage (compared with the fresh one) confirms the accumulation of positive charge at the SiNx/AlGaN interface and/or in SiNx bulk, which is possibly ascribed to the broken bonds after long-term stress. These results experimentally confirm the role of defects in the TDDB of GaN-based MIS-HEMTs.
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    Capacitive coupling induced Kondo-Fano interference in side-coupled double quantum dots
    孙复莉, 王援东, 魏建华, 严以京
    2020 (6):  67204-067204.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8ac1
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    We report capacitive coupling induced Kondo-Fano (K-F) interference in a double quantum dot (DQD) by systematically investigating its low-temperature properties on the basis of hierarchical equations of motion evaluations. We show that the interdot capacitive coupling U12 splits the singly-occupied (S-O) state in quantum dot 1 (QD1) into three quasi-particle substates: the unshifted S-O0 substate, and elevated S-O1 and S-O2. As U12 increases, S-O2 and S-O1 successively cross through the Kondo resonance state at the Fermi level (ω=0), resulting in the so-called Kondo-I (KI), K-F, and Kondo-II (KII) regimes. While both the KI and KII regimes have the conventional Kondo resonance properties, remarkable Kondo-Fano interference features are shown in the K-F regime. In the view of scattering, we propose that the phase shift η(ω) is suitable for analysis of the Kondo-Fano interference. We present a general approach for calculating η(ω) and applying it to the DQD in the K-F regime where the two maxima of η(ω=0) characterize the interferences between the Kondo resonance state and S-O2 and S-O1 substates, respectively.
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    Optical spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion instructured optical fields
    赵阳, 阳成熙, 朱家玺, 林峰, 方哲宇, 朱星
    2020 (6):  67301-067301.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab862a
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    We investigate the dynamic quantities: momentum, spin and orbital angular momenta (SAM and OAM), and their conversion relationship in the structured optical fields at subwavelength scales, where the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) plays a key role and determines the behaviors of light. Specifically, we examine a nanostructure of a Ag nanoparticle (Ag NP) attached on a cylindrical Ag nanowire (Ag NW) under illumination of elliptically polarized light. These dynamic quantities obey the Noether theorem, i.e., for the Ag nanoparticle with spherical symmetry, the total angular momentum consisting of SAM and OAM conserves; for the Ag NW with translational symmetry, the orbital momentum conserves. Meanwhile, the spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion is mediated by SOI arising from the spatial variation of the optical potential. In this nanostructure, the conservation of momentum imposes a strict restriction on the propagation direction of the surface plasmon polaritons along the Ag NW. Meanwhile, the orbital momentum is determined by the polarized properties of the excitation light and the topography of the Ag NP. Our work offers insights to comprehend the light behaviors in the structured optical fields in terms of the dynamic quantities and benefits to the design of optical nano-devices based on interactions between spin and orbital degrees of freedom.
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    Zero-energy modes in serially coupled double quantum dots
    孙复莉, 李振华, 魏建华
    2020 (6):  67302-067302.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8378
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    We investigate symmetrically coupled double quantum dots via the hierarchical equations of motion method and propose a novel zero-energy mode (ZEM) at a temperature above the spin singlet-triplet transition temperature. Owing to the resonance of electron quasi-particle and hole quasi-particle, ZEM has a peak at ω=0 in the spectral density function. We further examine the effect of the magnetic field on the ZEM, where an entanglement of spin and charge has been determined; therefore, the magnetic field can split the ZEM in the spectra.
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    Multiple Fano resonances in metal-insulator-metal waveguide with umbrella resonator coupled with metal baffle for refractive index sensing
    祁云平, 王力源, 张宇, 张婷, 张宝和, 邓翔宇, 王向贤
    2020 (6):  67303-067303.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab888c
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    A single baffle metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide coupled with a semi-circular cavity and a cross-shaped cavity is proposed based on the multiple Fano resonance characteristics of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) subwavelength structure. The isolated state formed by two resonators interferes with the wider continuous state mode formed by the metal baffle, forming Fano resonance that can independently be tuned into five different modes. The formation mechanism of Fano resonance is analyzed based on the multimode interference coupled mode theory (MICMT). The finite element method (FEM) and MICMT are used to simulate the transmission spectra of this structure and analyze the influence of structural parameters on the refractive index sensing characteristics. And the transmission responses calculated by the FEM simulation are consistent with the MICMT theoretical results very well. The results show that the figure of merit (FOM) can reach 193 and the ultra-high sensitivity is 1600 nm/RIU after the structure parameters have been optimized, and can provide theoretical basis for designing the high sensitive refractive index sensors based on SPPs waveguide for high-density photonic integration with excellent performance in the near future.
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    Quasiparticle interference testing the possible pairing symmetry in Sr2RuO4
    张聪聪, 孙金华, 杨阳, 王万胜
    2020 (6):  67401-067401.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8888
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    The quasiparticle interference (QPI) patterns of the superconducting state in Sr2RuO4 are theoretically studied by taking into account the spin-orbital coupling and two different pairing modes, chiral p-wave pairing and equal d-wave pairing, in order to propose an experimental method to test them. Both of the QPI spectra for the two pairing modes have clearly peaks evolving with energy, and their locations can be determined from the tips of the constant energy contour. But the number, location, and evolution of these peaks with energy are different between the two pairing modes. The different behaviors of the QPI patterns in these two pairing modes may help to resolve whether Sr2RuO4 is a chiral p-wave or d-wave superconductor.
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    NMR and NQR studies on transition-metal arsenide superconductors LaRu2As2, KCa2Fe4As4F2, and A2Cr3As3
    罗军, 王春光, 王志成, 郭琦, 杨杰, 周睿, K Matano, T Oguchi, 任治安, 曹光旱, 郑国庆
    2020 (6):  67402-067402.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab892d
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    We report 75As-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurements on transition-metal arsenides LaRu2As2, KCa2Fe4As4F2, and A2Cr3As3. In the superconducting state of LaRu2As2, a Hebel-Slichter coherence peak is found in the temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 just below Tc, which indicates that LaRu2As2 is a full-gap superperconducor. For KCa2Fe4As4F2, antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations are observed in the normal state. We further find that the anisotropy rate RAF=T1c/T1ab is small and temperature independent, implying that the low energy spin fluctuations are isotropic in spin space. Our results indicate that KCa2Fe4As4F2 is a moderately overdoped iron-arsenide high-temperature superconductor with a stoichiometric composition. For A2Cr3As3 (A=Na, K, Rb, Cs), we calculate the electric field gradient by first-principle method and assign the 75As-NQR peaks to two crystallographically different As sites, paving the way for further NMR investigation.
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    SPECIAL TOPIC—Recent advances in thermoelectric materials and devices
    Effect of graphene grain boundaries on MoS2/graphene heterostructures
    张悦, 张祥喆, 邓楚芸, 葛奇, 黄俊杰, 卢捷, 林高翔, 翁泽锴, 张学骜, 蔡伟伟
    2020 (6):  67403-067403.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8a37
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    The grain boundaries of graphene are disordered topological defects, which would strongly affect the physical and chemical properties of graphene. In this paper, the spectral characteristics and photoresponse of MoS2/graphene heterostructures are studied. It is found that the blueshift of the G and 2D peaks of graphene in Raman spectrum is due to doping. The lattice mismatch at the graphene boundaries results in a blueshift of MoS2 features in the photoluminescence spectra, comparing to the MoS2 grown on SiO2. In addition, the photocurrent signal in MoS2/hexagonal single-crystal graphene heterostructures is successfully captured without bias, but not in MoS2/polycrystalline graphene heterostructures. The electron scattering at graphene grain boundaries affects the optical response of MoS2/graphene heterostructures. The photoresponse of the device is attributed to the optical absorption and response of MoS2 and the high carrier mobility of graphene. These findings offer a new approach to develop optoelectronic devices based on two-dimensional material heterostructures.
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    Quadruple-stacked Nb/NbxSi1-x/Nb Josephson junctions for large-scale array application
    曹文会, 李劲劲, 王兰若, 钟源, 钟青
    2020 (6):  67404-067404.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab90e3
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    Large-scale Josephson junction (JJ) arrays are essential in many applications, especially quantum voltage standards application for which hundreds of thousands of junctions are required to realize a high quantum voltage. For almost all applications, high-quality JJ arrays must be realized in a small chip area. This study proposes vertically quadruple-stacked Nb/(NbxSi1-x/Nb)4 JJs to increase the integration density of junctions in an array. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of a single stack of Nb/(NbxSi1-x/Nb)4 JJs have been measured at 4.2 K. The uniformity of junctions in one stack and the uniformity of several stacks over the entire 2 inches wafer have been analyzed. By optimizing the fabrication parameters, a large-scale quadruple-stacked Nb/(NbxSi1-x/Nb)4 array consisting of 400000 junctions is realized. Good DC I-V characteristics are obtained, indicating the good uniformity of the large-scale array.
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    Exact solution of a topological spin ring with an impurity
    黄旭初, 宋艺华, 孙毅
    2020 (6):  67501-067501.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8886
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    The spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain coupled to a spin-S impurity moment with anti-periodic boundary condition is studied via the off-diagonal Bethe ansatz method. The twisted boundary breaks the U(1) symmetry of the system, which leads to that the spin ring with impurity can not be solved by the conventional Bethe ansatz methods. By combining the properties of the R-matrix, the transfer matrix, and the quantum determinant, we derive the T-Q relation and the corresponding Bethe ansatz equations. The residual magnetizations of the ground states and the impurity specific heat are investigated. It is found that the residual magnetizations in this model strongly depend on the constraint of the topological boundary condition, the inhomogeneity of the impurity comparing with the hosts could depress the impurity specific heat in the thermodynamic limit. This method can be expand to other integrable impurity models without U(1) symmetry.
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    Physical properties and magnetic structure of a layered antiferromagnet PrPd0.82Bi2
    杨萌, 伊长江, 朱锋锋, 王霄, 闫大禹, 苗杉杉, 苏夷希, 石友国
    2020 (6):  67502-067502.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab889f
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    We report the physical properties, crystalline and magnetic structures of singe crystals of a new layered antiferromagnetic (AFM) material PrPd0.82Bi2. The measurements of magnetic properties and heat capacity indicate an AFM phase transition at TN~7 K. A large Sommerfeld coefficient of 329.23 mJ·mol-1·K-2 is estimated based on the heat capacity data, implying a possible heavy-fermion behavior. The magnetic structure of this compound is investigated by a combined study of neutron powder and single-crystal diffraction. It is found that an A-type AFM structure with magnetic propagation wavevector k=(0 0 0) is formed below TN. The Pr3+ magnetic moment is aligned along the crystallographic c-axis with an ordered moment of 1.694(3) μB at 4 K, which is smaller than the effective moment of the free Pr3+ ion of 3.58 μB. PrPd0.82Bi2 can be grown as large as 1 mm×1 cm in area with a layered shape, and is very easy to be cleaved, providing a unique opportunity to study the interplay between magnetism, possible heavy fermions, and superconductivity.
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    Critical behavior in the layered organic-inorganic hybrid (CH3NH3)2CuCl4
    Tina Raoufi, 马怡妮娜, 孙阳
    2020 (6):  67503-067503.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab892c
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    The critical properties and the nature of the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic phase transition in the 2D organic-inorganic hybrid (CH3NH3)2CuCl4 single crystal have been investigated by dc magnetization in the vicinity of the magnetic transition. Different techniques were used to estimate the critical exponents near the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic phase transition such as modified Arrott plots, the Kouvel-Fisher method, and the scaling hypothesis. Values of β=0.22, γ=0.82, and δ=4.4 were obtained. These critical exponents are in line with their corresponding values confirmed through the scaling hypothesis as well as the Widom scaling relation, supporting their reliability. It is concluded that this 2D hybrid compound possesses strong ferromagnetic intra-layer exchange interaction as well as weak interlayer ferromagnetic coupling that causes a crossover from 2D to 3D long-range interaction.
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    Influence of the anisotropy on the magneto-acoustic response of magnetic surface acoustic wave resonators
    鲁亚巍, 胡文彬, 刘婉, 白飞明
    2020 (6):  67504-067504.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8375
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    One-port magnetic surface acoustic wave (MSAW) resonators are fabricated by stacking multilayered (FeCoSiB/SiO2)n films directly on top of interdigital electrodes. It is shown that the magneto-acoustic response of the MSAW resonators critically depends the hysteresis of ΔE effect. For the magnetic multilayer without induced magnetic anisotropy, the resonance frequency (fR) exhibits a butterfly-like dependence on the external field, therefore, enabling bipolar detection of magnetic field smaller than its coercive field. However, for the magnetic multilayers with induced magnetic anisotropy, butterfly-like or loop-like fR-H curves are measured along the interdigtial electrode fingers or the SAW propagation direction, which can be attributed to the competition between the magnetic field-induced anisotropy and the stress-induced or shape anisotropy.
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    Effect of interface magnetization depinning on the frequency shift of ferromagnetic and spin wave resonance in YIG/GGG films
    林凡庆, 张守珩, 赵国霞, 李洪飞, 宗卫华, 李山东
    2020 (6):  67601-067601.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8dac
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    Nowadays the yttrium iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12, YIG) films are widely used in the microwave and spin wave devices due to their low damping constant and long propagation distance for spin waves. However, the performances, especially the frequency stability, are seriously affected by the relaxation of the interface magnetic moments. In this study, the effect of out-of-plane magnetization depinning on the resonance frequency shift (Δfr) was investigated for 3-μm YIG films grown on Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG) (111) substrates by liquid-phase epitaxy. It is revealed that the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and spin wave propagation exhibit a very slow relaxation with relaxation time τ even longer than one hour under an out-of-plane external magnetic bias field. The Δfr span of 15.15-24.70 MHz is observed in out-of-plane FMR and forward volume spin waves. Moreover, the Δfr and τ depend on the magnetic field. The Δfr can be attributed to that the magnetic moments break away from the pinning layer at the YIG/GGG interface. The thickness of the pinning layer is estimated to be about 9.48 nm to 15.46 nm according to the frequency shifting. These results indicate that Δfr caused by the pinning layer should be addressed in the design of microwave and spin wave devices, especially in the transverse magnetic components.
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    Effect of deposition temperature on SrFe12O19@carbonyl iron core-shell composites as high-performance microwave absorbers
    刘渊, 李茸, 贾瑛, 何祯鑫
    2020 (6):  67701-067701.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab81fb
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    The SrFe12O19@carbonyl iron (CI) core-shell composites used in microwave absorption are prepared by the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The x-ray diffractometer, scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive spectrometer, and vector network analyzer are used to characterize the structural, electromagnetic, and absorption properties of the composites. The results show that the SrFe12O19@CI composites with a core-shell structure could be successfully prepared under the condition: deposition temperatures above 180 ℃, deposition time 30 min, and gas flow rate 30 mL/min. The electromagnetic properties of the composites change significantly, and their absorption capacities are improved. Of the obtained samples, those samples prepared at a deposition temperature of 180 ℃ exhibit the best absorption performance. The reflection loss of SrFe12O19@CI (180 ℃) with 1.5 mm-2.5 mm in thickness is less than -10 dB in a frequency range of 8 GHz-18 GHz, which covers the whole X band and Ku band.
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    First-principles calculation of influences of La-doping on electronic structures of KNN lead-free ceramics
    王挺, 樊晏辰, 邢洁, 徐泽, 李庚, 王轲, 吴家刚, 朱建国
    2020 (6):  67702-067702.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84db
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    The electronic structures of lead-free piezoceramic (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 (KNN) and La-doped KNN ((K0.5Na0.5)0.994La0.006NbO3) are studied by using first principles calculation on the basis of density functional theory (DFT). The results reveale that the piezoelectricity stems from strong hybridization between the Nb atom and the O atom. At the same time, the K or Na atoms are replaced by the La doping atoms, which brings about the anisotropic relaxation. The La doping reduces the forbidden band, at the same time it makes Fermi surfaces shift toward the energetic conduction band (CB) of KNN. With the increase of La-doping intent, the phase structure of KNN extends from O-phase to T-phase and improves the piezoelectric properties of KNN.
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    SPECIAL TOPIC—Recent advances in thermoelectric materials and devices
    Acoustic plasmonics of Au grating/Bi2Se3 thin film/sapphirehybrid structures
    李伟武, Konstantin Riegel, 刘传普, Alexey Taskin, Yoichi Ando, 廖志敏, Martin Dressel, 严缘
    2020 (6):  67801-067801.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8a3c
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    The surface plasmon polaritons of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 can be excited by using etched grating or grave structures to compensate the wave vector mismatch of the incident photon and plasmon. Here, we demonstrate novel gold grating/Bi2Se3 thin film/sapphire hybrid structures, which allow the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons propagating through nondestructive Bi2Se3 thin film with the help of gold diffractive gratings. Utilizing periodic Au surface structures, the momentum can be matched and the normal-incidence infrared reflectance spectra exhibit pronounced dips. When the width of the gold grating W (with a periodicity 2W) increases from 400 nm to 1500 nm, the resonant frequencies are tuned from about 7000 cm-1 to 2500 cm-1. In contrast to the expected √q dispersion for both massive and massless fermions, where qπ/W is the wave vector, we observe a sound-like linear dispersion even at room temperature. This surface plasmon polaritons with linear dispersion are attributed to the unique noninvasive fabrication method and high mobility of topological surface electrons. This novel structure provides a promising application of Dirac plasmonics.
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    High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission study of oxygen adsorbed Fe/MgO(001)
    Mingtian Zheng, Eike F. Schwier, Hideaki Iwasawa, Kenya Shimada
    2020 (6):  67901-067901.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab9196
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    We have investigated the electronic states of clean Fe(001) and oxygen adsorbed Fe(001)-p(1×1)-O films epitaxially grown on MgO(001) substrates by means of polarization-dependent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and extensive density-functional theory (DFT) calculations. The observed Fermi surfaces and band dispersions of pure Fe near the Fermi level were modified upon oxygen adsorption. By the detailed comparison of ARPES and DFT results of the oxygen adsorbed Fe surface, we have clarified the orbital-dependent p-d hybridization in the topmost and second Fe layers. Furthermore, the observed energy levels and Fermi wave numbers for the oxygen adsorbed Fe surface were deviated from the DFT calculations depending on the orbital characters and momentum directions, indicating an anisotropic interplay of the electron correlation and p-d hybridization effects in the surface region.
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    Uncovering the internal structure of five-fold twinned nanowires through 3D electron diffraction mapping
    2020 (6):  68101-068101.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8370
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    Five-fold twinned nanostructures are intrinsically strained or relaxed by extended defects to satisfy the space-filling requirement. Although both of metallic and semiconductor five-fold twinned nanostructures show inhomogeneity in their cross-sectional strain distribution, the evident strain concentration at twin boundaries in the semiconductor systems has been found in contrast to the metallic systems. Naturally, a problem is raised how the chemical bonding characteristics of various five-fold twinned nanosystems affects their strain-relieving defect structures. Here using three-dimensional (3D) electron diffraction mapping methodology, the intrinsic strain and the strain-relieving defects in a pentagonal Ag nanowire and a star-shaped boron carbide nanowire, both of them have basically equal radial twin-plane width about 30 nm, are non-destructively characterized. The non-uniform strain and defect distribution between the five single crystalline segments are found in both of the five-fold twinned nanowires. Diffraction intensity fine structure analysis for the boron carbide five-fold twinned nanowire indicates the presence of high-density of planar defects which are responsible for the accommodation of the intrinsic angular excess. However, for the Ag five-fold twinned nanowire, the star-disclination strain field is still present, although is partially relieved by the formation of localized stacking fault layers accompanied by partial dislocations. Energetic analysis suggests that the variety in the strain-relaxation ways for the two types of five-fold twinned nanowires could be ascribed to the large difference in shear modulus between the soft noble metal Ag and the superhard covalent compound boron carbide.
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    Facile and fast growth of high mobility nanoribbons of ZrTe5
    王璟岳, 牛晶晶, 李新祺, 马秀梅, 姚湲, 吴孝松
    2020 (6):  68102-068102.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab889a
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    Recently, ZrTe5 has received a lot of attention as it exhibits various topological phases, such as weak and strong topological insulators, a Dirac semimetal, a three-dimensional quantum Hall state, and a quantum spin Hall insulator in the monolayer limit. While most of studies have been focused on the three-dimensional bulk material, it is highly desired to obtain nanostructured materials due to their advantages in device applications. We report the synthesis and characterizations of ZrTe5 nanoribbons. Via a silicon-assisted chemical vapor transport method, long nanoribbons with thickness as thin as 20 nm can be grown. The growth rate is over an order of magnitude faster than the previous method for the bulk crystals. Moreover, transport studies show that the nanoribbons are of low unintentional doping and high carrier mobility, over 30000 cm2/V·s, which enable reliable determination of the Berry phase of π in the ac plane from quantum oscillations. Our method holds great potential in growth of high quality ultra-thin nanostructures of ZrTe5.
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    SPECIAL TOPIC—Recent advances in thermoelectric materials and devices
    Design and management of lithium-ion batteries: A perspective from modeling, simulation, and optimization
    王乾坤, 沈佳妮, 贺益君, 马紫峰
    2020 (6):  68201-068201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab90f8
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    Although the lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been increasingly applied in consumer electronics, electric vehicles, and smart grid, they still face great challenges from the continuously improving requirements of energy density, power density, service life, and safety. To solve these issues, various studies have been conducted surrounding the battery design and management methods in recent decades. In the hope of providing some inspirations to the research in this field, the state of the art of design and management methods for LIBs are reviewed here from the perspective of process systems engineering. First, different types of battery models are summarized extensively, including electrical model and multi-physics coupled model, and the parameter identification methods are introduced correspondingly. Next, the model based battery design methods are reviewed briefly on three different scales, namely, electrode scale, cell scale, and pack scale. Then, the battery model based battery management methods, especially the state estimation methods with different model types are thoroughly compared. The key science and technology challenges for the development of battery systems engineering are clarified finally.

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    Understanding the Li diffusion mechanism and positive effect of current collector volume expansion in anode free batteries
    庄严, 邹喆乂, 吕浡, 李亚捷, 王达, Maxim Avdeev, 施思齐
    2020 (6):  68202-068202.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab943c
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    In anode free batteries (AFBs), the current collector acts as anode simultaneously and has large volume expansion which is generally considered as a negative effect decreasing the structural stability of a battery. Moreover, despite many studies on the fast lithium diffusion in the current collector materials of AFB such as copper and aluminum, the involved Li diffusion mechanism in these materials remains poorly understood. Through first-principles calculation and stress-assisted diffusion equations, here we study the Li diffusion mechanism in several current collectors and related alloys and clarify the effect of volume expansion on Li diffusion respectively. It is suggested that due to the lower Li migration barriers in aluminum and tin, they should be more suitable to be used as AFB anodes, compared to copper, silver, and lead. The Li diffusion facilitation in copper with a certain number of vacancies is proposed to explain why the use of copper with a thickness ≤ 100 nm as the protective coating on the anode improves the lifetime of the batteries. We show that the volume expansion has a positive effect on Li diffusion via mechanical-electrochemical coupling. Namely, the volume expansion caused by Li diffusion will further induce stress which in turn affects the diffusion. These findings not only provide in-depth insight into the operating principle of AFBs, but also open a new route toward design of improved anode through utilizing the positive effect of mechanical-electrochemical coupling.

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    Photocurrent improvement of an ultra-thin silicon solar cell using the localized surface plasmonic effect of clustering nanoparticles
    F Sobhani, H Heidarzadeh, H Bahador
    2020 (6):  68401-068401.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab836d
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    The cluster-shaped plasmonic nanostructures are used to manage the incident light inside an ultra-thin silicon solar cell. Here we simulate spherical, conical, pyramidal, and cylindrical nanoparticles in a form of a cluster at the rear side of a thin silicon cell, using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. By calculating the optical absorption and hence the photocurrent, it is shown that the clustering of nanoparticles significantly improves them. The photocurrent enhancement is the result of the plasmonic effects of clustering the nanoparticles. For comparison, first a cell with a single nanoparticle at the rear side is evaluated. Then four smaller nanoparticles are put around it to make a cluster. The photocurrents of 20.478 mA/cm2, 23.186 mA/cm2, 21.427 mA/cm2, and 21.243 mA/cm2 are obtained for the cells using clustering conical, spherical, pyramidal, cylindrical NPs at the backside, respectively. These values are 13.987 mA/cm2, 16.901 mA/cm2, 16.507 mA/cm2, 17.926 mA/cm2 for the cell with one conical, spherical, pyramidal, cylindrical NPs at the backside, respectively. Therefore, clustering can significantly improve the photocurrents. Finally, the distribution of the electric field and the generation rate for the proposed structures are calculated.
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    Estimation of sea clutter inherent Doppler spectrum from shipborne S-band radar sea echo
    张金鹏, 张玉石, 许心瑜, 李清亮, 吴家骥
    2020 (6):  68402-068402.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab888a
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    Measurement of shipborne radar sea echo is instrumental in collecting the sea clutter data in open sea areas. However, the ship movement would introduce an extra Doppler component into the spectrum of the sea clutter, so the sea clutter inherent spectrum must be estimated prior to investigating the sea clutter Doppler characteristics from the shipborne radar sea echo. In this paper we show some results about a shipborne sea clutter measurement experiment that was conducted in the South China Sea in a period between 2017 and 2018; abundant clutter data have been collected by using a shipborne S-band clutter measurement radar. To obtain the sea clutter inherent Doppler spectrum from these data, an estimation method, based on the mapping relationship between the shipborne clutter spectrum and the inherent clutter spectrum, is proposed. This method is validated by shipborne clutter data sets under the same measuring conditions except for the ship speed. Using this method, the characteristics of the Doppler spectrum lineshapes in the South China Sea are calculated and analyzed according to different sea states, wave directions, and radar resolutions, which can be instrumental in designing the radar target detection algorithms.
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    High-performance midwavelength infrared detectors based on InAsSb nBn design
    张璇, 贾庆轩, 孙矩, 蒋洞微, 王国伟, 徐应强, 牛智川
    2020 (6):  68501-068501.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8377
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    we report nBn photodetectors based on InAs0.91Sb0.09 with a 100% cut-off wavelength of 4.75 μm at 300 K. The band of an nBn detector is similar to that of a standard pin detector, but there is special wide bandgap AlAs0.08Sb0.92 barrier layer in the nBn detector, in which the depletion region of nBn detector exists. The nBn design has many advantages, such as low dark current and high quantum efficiency, because the nBn design can suppress the generation-recombination (GR) current that is the main composition of standard pin detector dark current. The constant slope of the Arrhenius plot of J0-1/T indicates the absence of the generation-recombination dark current. We fabricate an nBn detector with a quantum efficiency (QE) maximum of ~ 60% under -0.2-V bias voltage. The InAsSb nBn detectors may be a competitive candidate for midwavelength infrared detector.
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    Compact ultra-narrowband superconducting filter using N-spiral resonator with open-loop secondary coupling structure
    陶琳, 魏斌, 郭旭波, 李宏成, 骆晨杰, 曹必松, 姜立楠
    2020 (6):  68502-068502.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab888d
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    A novel N-spiral resonator with open-loop secondary coupling structure (OLSCS) is proposed to realize a compact ultra-narrowband high temperature superconducting (HTS) filter. The coupling strength and polarity between the resonators can be significantly reduced and changed by introducing OLSCS, thus the required weak coupling can be achieved in a very compact size. A six-pole superconducting filter at 1701 MHz with a fractional bandwidth of 0.19% is designed to validate this method. The filter is fabricated on MgO substrate with a compact size of 15 mm×10 mm. The measured insertion loss is 0.79 dB, and the return loss is better than 17.4 dB. The experimental results show a good agreement with the simulations.
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    Design of a novel high holding voltage LVTSCR with embedded clamping diode
    朱玲, 梁海莲, 顾晓峰, 许杰
    2020 (6):  68503-068503.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab836e
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    In order to reduce the latch-up risk of the traditional low-voltage-triggered silicon controlled rectifier (LVTSCR), a novel LVTSCR with embedded clamping diode (DC-LVTSCR) is proposed and verified in a 0.18-μm CMOS process. By embedding a p+ implant region into the drain of NMOS in the traditional LVTSCR, a reversed Zener diode is formed by the p+ implant region and the n+ bridge, which helps to improve the holding voltage and decrease the snapback region. The physical mechanisms of the LVTSCR and DC-LVTSCR are investigated in detail by transmission line pulse (TLP) tests and TCAD simulations. The TLP test results show that, compared with the traditional LVTSCR, the DC-LVTSCR exhibits a higher holding voltage of 6.2 V due to the embedded clamping diode. By further optimizing a key parameter of the DC-LVTSCR, the holding voltage can be effectively increased to 8.7 V. Therefore, the DC-LVTSCR is a promising ESD protection device for circuits with the operation voltage of 5.5-7 V.
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    SPECIAL TOPIC—Recent advances in thermoelectric materials and devices
    Influence of matrix-metalloproteinase inhibitor on the interaction between cancer cells and matrigel
    叶腾, 叶方富, 邱峰
    2020 (6):  68701-068701.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab85c1
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    Various behaviors of cancer cells are strongly influenced by their interaction with extracellular matrices (ECM). We investigate how this interaction may be influenced if the cancer cells' ability of secreting matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) to degrade ECM is inhibited by adding the MMP inhibitor. We use MDA-MB-231-GFP cells as model cells and use matrigel to mimic ECM. It is found that the added MMP inhibitor significantly reduces the migration speed of cancer cells covered by matrigel but has little influence on the migration persistence and shape factor of the cells and that with the MMP inhibitor added the presence of matrigel on the top has no influence on the migration speed of the cells but increases the cells' shape factor and migration persistence.
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    Entrainment range affected by the difference in sensitivity to light-information between two groups of SCN neurons
    朱宝, 周建, 贾梦婷, 杨会杰, 顾长贵
    2020 (6):  68702-068702.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8897
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    The mammals can not only entrain to the natural 24-h light-dark cycle, but also to the artificial cycle with non 24-h period through the main clock named suprachiasmatic nucleus in the brain. The range of the periods of the artificial cycles which the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) can entrain, is called entrainment range reflecting the flexibility of the SCN. The SCN can be divided into two groups of neurons functionally, based on the different sensitivities to the light information. In the present study, we examined whether the entrainment range is affected by this difference in the sensitivity by a Poincaré model. We found that the relationship of the entrainment range to the difference depends on the coupling between two groups. When the coupling strength is much smaller than the light intensity, the relationship is parabolic-like, and the maximum of the entrainment range is obtained with no difference of the sensitivity. When the coupling strength is much larger than the light intensity, the relationship is monotonically changed, and the maximum of the entrainment range is obtained when the difference is the largest. Our finding may provide an explanation for the exitance of the difference in the sensitivity to light-information as well as shed light on how to increase the flexibility of the SCN represented by widening the entrainment range.
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    Biases of estimated signals in x-ray analyzer-based imaging
    夏健霖, 徐文, 周瑞成, 石晓敏, 任坤, 陈恒, 王志立
    2020 (6):  68703-068703.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab8887
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    Recently, a novel three-image algorithm has been proposed to retrieve the sample's absorption, refraction, and scattering properties in x-ray analyzer-based imaging. The feasibility of the three-image algorithm was validated by synchrotron radiation experiments. However, it is unclear yet whether the estimated refraction and scattering signals are biased or not and how the analyzer angular position affects the biases in the estimated signals. For this purpose, the biases of the extracted refraction and scattering signals are theoretically derived for the three-image algorithm. The theoretical models are further confirmed by numerical experiments. The results show that both the estimated refraction and scattering signals are biased, and the biases are strongly dependent on the analyzer angular position. Besides, the biases also show dependence on the sample's refraction and scattering properties locally. Those results can be used as general guidelines to optimize experimental parameters for bias reduction and accurate imaging of different features within the sample.
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    Potential dynamic analysis of tumor suppressor p53 regulated by Wip1 protein
    刘楠, 王丹妮, 刘海英, 杨红丽, 杨联贵
    2020 (6):  68704-068704.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/ab84d1
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    The tumor suppressor p53 plays a key role in protecting genetic integrity. Its dynamics have important physiological significance, which may be related to the cell fate. Previous experiments have shown that the wild-type p53-induced phosphatase 1 (Wip1) protein could maintain p53 oscillation. Therefore, we add Wip1 to remodel the p53 network. Firstly, we use the binomial τ-leap algorithm to prove our model stable under internal noise. Then, we make a series of bifurcation diagrams, that is, p53 levels as a function of p53 degradation rate at different Wip1 generation rates. The results illustrate that Wip1 is essential for p53 oscillation. Finally, a two-dimensional bifurcation diagram is made and the stability of some p53 dynamics under external noise is analyzed by potential landscape. Our results may have some implications for artificially interfering with p53 dynamics to achieve tumor suppression.
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