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    2017年, 第26卷, 第11期 刊出日期:2017-11-05 上一期    下一期
    Parallel propagating modes and anomalous spatial damping in the ultra-relativistic electron plasma with arbitrary degeneracy
    H Farooq,M Sarfraz,Z Iqbal,G Abbas,H A Shah
    2017 (11):  110301-110301.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/110301
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    The dispersion relations of parallel propagating modes (Langmuir mode, right and left handed circular polarized waves) in the weak magnetic field limit|ω-k·v|>>Ω are considered for ultra-relativistic arbitrary degenerate electron plasma. The results are presented in terms of moments of Fermi-Dirac distribution. The increase in the electron equilibrium number density from negative large (weakly degenerate) to positive large (highly degenerate) values of μ/Te is observed (where μ is the electron chemical potential and Te is the electron thermal energy). As a result, shifting of the cutoff points in all the real dispersion branches towards the higher values and increasing in the band gap between unmagnetized longitudinal and transverse modes in k-space are examined. Also, the suppression of the weak magnetic field effects in weakly magnetized right handed and left handed circular polarized waves and a decrease in the longitudinal and transverse screening effects are observed in the graphical patterns due to an increase in the equilibrium number density.
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    Simple and practical method of characterizing the parametric down-conversion source
    王东, 伍娟, 赵良圆, 安雪碧, 银振强, 陈巍, 韩正甫, 王琴
    2017 (11):  110302-110302.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/110302
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    Parametric down-conversion (PDC) sources play an important role in quantum information processing, therefore characterizing their properties is necessary. Here we present a statistical model to assess the properties of the PDC source with certain distribution, such as the brightness and photon channel transmissions, we only need to measure the singles and coincidences counts in a few seconds. Furthermore, we validate the model by applying it to a PDC source generating highly non-degenerate photon pairs. The results of the experiment indicate that our method is more simple, efficient, and less time consuming.
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    Quantum coherence preservation of atom with a classical driving field under non-Markovian environment
    高德营, 高强, 夏云杰
    2017 (11):  110303-110303.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/110303
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    The exact dynamics of an open quantum system consisting of one qubit driven by a classical driving field is investigated. Our attention is focused on the influences of single-and two-photon excitations on the dynamics of quantum coherence and quantum entanglement. It is shown that the atomic coherence can be improved or even maintained by the classical driving field, the non-Markovian effect, and the atom-reservoir detuning. The interconversion between the atomic coherence and the atom-reservoir entanglement exists and can be controlled by the appropriate conditions. The conservation of coherence for different partitions is explored, and the dynamics of a system with two-photon excitations is different from the case of single-photon excitation.
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    Balancing four-state continuous-variable quantum key distribution with linear optics cloning machine
    吴晓东, 廖骎, 黄端, 吴湘华, 郭迎
    2017 (11):  110304-110304.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/110304
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    We show that the secret key generation rate can be balanced with the maximum secure distance of four-state continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CV-QKD) by using the linear optics cloning machine (LOCM). Benefiting from the LOCM operation, the LOCM-tuned noise can be employed by the reference partner of reconciliation to achieve higher secret key generation rates over a long distance. Simulation results show that the LOCM operation can flexibly regulate the secret key generation rate and the maximum secure distance and improve the performance of four-state CV-QKD protocol by dynamically tuning parameters in an appropriate range.
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    Performance optimization for quantum key distribution in lossy channel using entangled photons
    杨玉, 许录平, 阎博, 张洪阳, 申洋赫
    2017 (11):  110305-110305.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/110305
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    In quantum key distribution (QKD), the times of arrival of single photons are important for the keys extraction and time synchronization. The time-of-arrival (TOA) accuracy can affect the quantum bit error rate (QBER) and the final key rate. To achieve a higher accuracy and a better QKD performance, different from designing more complicated hardware circuits, we present a scheme that uses the mean TOA of M frequency-entangled photons to replace the TOA of a single photon. Moreover, to address the problem that the entanglement property is usually sensitive to the photon loss in practice, we further propose two schemes, which adopt partially entangled photons and grouping-entangled photons, respectively. In addition, we compare the effects of these three alternative schemes on the QKD performance and discuss the selection strategy for the optimal scheme in detail. The simulation results show that the proposed schemes can improve the QKD performance compared to the conventional single-photon scheme obviously, which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.
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    Effect of plasma on combustion characteristics of boron
    张鹏, 钟文丽, 李倩, 杨波, 李忠光, 栾骁
    2017 (11):  110501-110501.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/110501
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    As it is very difficult to release boron energy completely, kinetic mechanism of boron is not clear, which leads to the lack of theoretical guidance for studying how to accelerate boron combustion. A new semi-empirical boron combustion model is built on the King combustion model, which contains a chemical reaction path; two new methods of plasma-assisted boron combustion based on kinetic and thermal effects respectively are built on the ZDPLASKIN zero-dimensional plasma model. A plasma-supporting system is constructed based on the planar flame, discharge characteristics and the spectral characteristics of plasma and boron combustion are analyzed. The results show that discharge power does not change the sorts of excited-particles, but which can change the concentration of excited-particles. Under this experimental condition, plasma kinetic effect will become the strongest at the discharge power of 40 W; when the discharge power is less than 40 W, plasma mainly has kinetic effect, otherwise plasma has thermal effect. Numerical simulation result based on plasma kinetic effect is consistent with the experimental result at the discharge power of 40 W, and boron ignition delay time is shortened by 53.8% at the discharge power of 40 W, which indicates that plasma accelerates boron combustion has reaction kinetic paths, while the ability to accelerate boron combustion based on thermal effect is limited.

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    Multi-scroll hidden attractors and multi-wing hidden attractors in a 5-dimensional memristive system
    胡晓宇, 刘崇新, 刘凌, 姚亚鹏, 郑广超
    2017 (11):  110502-110502.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/110502
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    A novel 5-dimensional (5D) memristive chaotic system is proposed, in which multi-scroll hidden attractors and multi-wing hidden attractors can be observed on different phase planes. The dynamical system has multiple lines of equilibria or no equilibrium when the system parameters are appropriately selected, and the multi-scroll hidden attractors and multi-wing hidden attractors have nothing to do with the system equilibria. Particularly, the numbers of multi-scroll hidden attractors and multi-wing hidden attractors are sensitive to the transient simulation time and the initial values. Dynamical properties of the system, such as phase plane, time series, frequency spectra, Lyapunov exponent, and Poincaré map, are studied in detail. In addition, a state feedback controller is designed to select multiple hidden attractors within a long enough simulation time. Finally, an electronic circuit is realized in Pspice, and the experimental results are in agreement with the numerical ones.
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    Free-matrix-based time-dependent discontinuous Lyapunov functional for synchronization of delayed neural networks with sampled-data control
    王炜, 曾红兵
    2017 (11):  110503-110503.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/110503
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    This paper is concerned with the synchronization of delayed neural networks via sampled-data control. A new technique, namely, the free-matrix-based time-dependent discontinuous Lyapunov functional approach, is adopted in constructing the Lyapunov functional, which takes advantage of the sampling characteristic of sawtooth input delay. Based on this discontinuous Lyapunov functional, some less conservative synchronization criteria are established to ensure that the slave system is synchronous with the master system. The desired sampled-data controller can be obtained through the use of the linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness and the improvements of the proposed methods.
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    Nonlinear density wave and energy consumption investigation of traffic flow on a curved road
    金智展, 程荣军, 葛红霞
    2017 (11):  110504-110504.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/110504
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    A new car-following model is proposed based on the full velocity difference model (FVDM) taking the influence of the friction coefficient and the road curvature into account. Through the control theory, the stability conditions are obtained, and by using nonlinear analysis, the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equation and the modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equation are derived. Furthermore, the connection between TDGL and mKdV equations is also given. The numerical simulation is consistent with the theoretical analysis. The evolution of a traffic jam and the corresponding energy consumption are explored. The numerical results show that the control scheme is effective not only to suppress the traffic jam but also to reduce the energy consumption.
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    SPECIAL TOPIC—Non-equilibrium phenomena in soft matters
    Empirical topological investigation of practical supply chains based on complex networks
    廖好, 沈婧, 吴兴桐, 陈博奎, 周明洋
    2017 (11):  110505-110505.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/110505
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    The industrial supply chain networks basically capture the circulation of social resource, dominating the stability and efficiency of the industrial system. In this paper, we provide an empirical study of the topology of smartphone supply chain network. The supply chain network is constructed using open online data. Our experimental results show that the smartphone supply chain network has small-world feature with scale-free degree distribution, in which a few high degree nodes play a key role in the function and can effectively reduce the communication cost. We also detect the community structure to find the basic functional unit. It shows that information communication between nodes is crucial to improve the resource utilization. We should pay attention to the global resource configuration for such electronic production management.

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    Rubidium-beam microwave clock pumped by distributed feedback diode lasers
    刘畅, 周晟, 王延辉, 侯士敏
    2017 (11):  113201-113201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/113201
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    A rubidium-beam microwave clock, optically pumped by a distributed feedback diode laser, is experimentally investigated. The clock is composed of a physical package, optical systems, and electric servo loops. The physical package realizes the microwave interrogation of a rubidium-atomic beam. The optical systems, equipped with two 780-nm distributed feedback laser diodes, yield light for pumping and detecting. The servo loops control the frequency of a local oscillator with respect to the microwave spectrum. With the experimental systems, the microwave spectrum, which has an amplitude of 4 nA and a line width of 700 Hz, is obtained. Preliminary tests show that the clock short-term frequency stability is 7×10-11 at 1 s, and 3×10-12 at 1000 s. These experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the scheme for a manufactured clock.

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    Velocity-selective spectroscopy measurements of Rydberg fine structure states in a hot vapor cell
    何军, 裴栋梁, 王杰英, 王军民
    2017 (11):  113202-113202.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/113202
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    A velocity-selective spectroscopy technique for studying the spectra of Rydberg gases is presented. This method provides high-resolution spectrum measurements. We present experimental results for a ladder system 6S1/2→6P3/2nS(D) electromagnetically-induced transparency involving highly-excited Rydberg states. Based on a radio-frequency modulation technique, we measure the hyperfine structure splitting of intermediate states and the fine structure splitting of Rydberg states in a room temperature 133Cs vapor cell. The experimental data and theoretical predictions show excellent agreement.

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    Retraction: Optical pumping nuclear magnetic resonance system rotating in a plane parallel to the quantization axis
    丁志超, 袁杰, 罗晖, 龙兴武
    2017 (11):  113301-113301.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/113301
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    Requested by the authors,the article entitled “Optical pumping nuclear magnetic resonance system rotating in a plane parallel to the quantization axis”,published in Chinese Physics B,2017,Vol.26,Issue 9,Article No.093301,has been withdrawn from the publication.The authors found that the axes in the rotating frame xy'z are not all time-invariant,so Eq.(12) obtained from Eq.(11) is incorrect,and the conclusion is inaccurate.
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    Helium nano-bubble bursting near the nickel surface
    龚恒风, 刘敏, 高飞, 李锐, 严岩, 黄恒, 刘彤, 任啟森
    2017 (11):  113401-113401.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/113401
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    We have investigated the expansion and bursting of a helium nano-bubble near the surface of a nickel matrix using a molecular dynamics simulation. The helium atoms erupt from the bubble in an instantaneous and volcano-like process, which leads to surface deformation consisting of cavity formation on the surface, along with modification and atomic rearrangement at the periphery of the cavity. During the kinetic releasing process, the channel may undergo the “open” and “close” states more than once due to the variation of the stress inside the nano-bubble. The ratio between the number of helium atoms and one of vacancies can directly reflect the releasing rate under different temperatures and crystallographic orientation conditions, respectively. Moreover, a special relationship between the stress and He-to-vacancy ratio is also determined. This model is tested to compare with the experimental result from Hastelloy N alloys implanted by helium ions and satisfactory agreement is obtained.

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    Combination of multiple tools for surface manipulation of polar molecules
    王强, 魏斌, 郭恒娇, 李胜强, 侯顺永, 印建平
    2017 (11):  113701-113701.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/113701
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    A scheme of surface manipulation and control of polar molecules is proposed, which combines three tools of electrostatic velocity filtering, bunching, and storing. In the scheme, a slow molecular beam is produced from an effusive beam by surface velocity filtering. Then the velocity spread of the slow molecular beam is compressed by a buncher consisting of a series of electrodes. Following that the molecular beam with a narrow velocity spread is stored in a storage ring. Using ND3 molecule as a tester, the feasibility of our scheme is analyzed theoretically and verified via numerical simulations that cover all three manipulation processes. The results show that cold molecular samples can be prepared from a thermal gas reservoir and stored in the storage ring with more than 10 round trips. Our combined scheme facilitates the production and manipulation of polar molecules, offering new opportunities for basic research and intriguing applications such as quantum information science and cold collisions.
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    Deterministic loading of an individual atom:Towards scalable implementation of multi-qubit
    何军, 刘贝, 王杰英, 刁文婷, 靳刚, 王军民
    2017 (11):  113702-113702.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/113702
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    We report the realization of a deterministic single-atom preparation by the method of all-optical feedback. Using a fast-real-time feedback, the light-induced atom desorption effect and blue detuned light-induced atom collision process can increase a success probability of single-atom preparation up to more than 99%. We investigate the dynamics of loading single atom trapped in a trap with a size of hundreds of micrometers into a pair of microscopic tweezers. The detailed experimental results show that the feedback loading is spatially insensitive, which implies that it is possible to use the feedback protocol to simultaneously implement the loading of large number of qubits arrays.
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    Tuning the velocity and flux of a low-velocity intense source of cold atomic beam
    陈姝, 李营营, 颜学术, 薛洪波, 冯焱颖
    2017 (11):  113703-113703.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/113703
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    We investigate experimentally and numerically the quantitative dependence of characteristics of a low-velocity intensity source (LVIS) of atomic beam on light parameters, especially the polarization of cooling laser along the atomic beam axis (pushing beam). By changing the polarization of the pushing beam, the longitudinal mean velocity of a rubidium atomic beam can be tuned continuously from 10 to 20 m/s and the flux can range from 3×108 to 1×109 atoms/s, corresponding to the maximum sensitivity of the velocity with respect to the polarization angle of 20 (m/s)/rad and the mean sensitivity of flux of 1.2×109 (atoms/s)/rad. The mechanism is explained with a Monte-Carlo based numerical simulation method, which shows a qualitative agreement with the experimental result. This is also a demonstration of a method enabling the fast and continuous modulation of a low-velocity intense source of cold atomic beam on the velocity or flux, which can be used in many fields, like the development of a cold atomic beam interferometer and atom lithography.
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    An electrically tunable metasurface integrated with graphene for mid-infrared light modulation
    王宗鹏, 邓娅, 孙连峰
    2017 (11):  114101-114101.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114101
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    We propose a low-cost plasmonic metasurface integrated with single-layer graphene for dynamic modulation of mid-infrared light. The plasmonic metasurface is composed of an array of split magnetic resonators (MRs) where a nano slit is included. Extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) through the deep subwavelength slit is observed by excitation of magnetic plasmons in the split MRs. Furthermore, the introduction of the slit provides strongly enhanced fields around the graphene layer, leading to a large tuning effect on the EOT by changing the Fermi energy of the graphene. The proposed metasurface can be utilized as an optical modulator with a broad modulation width (15 μm) or an optical switch with a high on/off ratio (>100). Meanwhile, the overall thickness of the metasurface is 430 nm, which is tens of times smaller than the operating wavelength. This work may have potential applications in mid-infrared optoelectrical devices and give insights into reconfigurable flat optics and optoelectronics.

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    Ultra-broadband and polarization-independent planar absorber based on multilayered graphene
    王娇, 高超宁, 姜彦南
    2017 (11):  114102-114102.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114102
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    We propose an ultra-broadband and polarization independent planar absorber comprising multilayered graphene. The bandwidth of the proposed absorber is extended by increasing the number of layers of graphene, and it is polarization independent due to its symmetrical unit structure. The full wave simulation results show that an absorber with three graphene-based layers can efficiently harvest an electromagnetic wave with random polarization from 17.9 GHz to 188.7 GHz (i.e., covering frequency regimes from K to D bands and relative bandwidth of~165%). The physical absorption mechanism of ultra-broadband absorption has been elaborated upon using the destructive interference method and multiple resonances approach in a multilayered medium. The proposed absorber can be used in many applications such as medical treatment, electromagnetic compatibility, and stealth technique.
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    Tunable coupling of a hybrid plasmonic waveguide consisting of two identical dielectric cylinders and a silver film
    王本立, 梁涵, 李家方
    2017 (11):  114103-114103.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114103
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    The propagation length of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) is intrinsically limited by the metallic ohmic loss that is enhanced by the strongly confined electromagnetic field. In this paper, we propose a new class of hybrid plasmonic waveguides (HPWs) that can support long-range SPP propagation while keeping subwavelength optical field confinement. It is shown that the coupling between the waveguides can be well tuned by simply varying the structural parameters. Compared with conventional HPWs, a larger propagation length as well as a better optical field confinement can be simultaneously realized. The proposed structure with better optical performance can be useful for future photonic device design and optical integration research.
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    Characteristics of photonic nanojets from two-layer dielectric hemisphere
    刘昀玥, 刘贤超, 李玲, 陈卫东, 陈艳, 黄跃容, 谢征微
    2017 (11):  114201-114201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114201
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    The properties of the photonic nanojet generated by a two-layer dielectric microsphere are studied. Simulation results indicate that this novel structure can generate a photonic nanojet outside its volume when the refractive index contrast relative to the background medium is higher than 2:1 in the condition of plane wave incidence. When the refractive index is smaller than 2, we show that an ultralong nanojet generated by the two-layer hemisphere has an extension of 28.2 wavelengths, and compared with the homogeneous dielectric hemisphere, it has superior performance in jet length and focal distance. Its dependence on the configuration and refractive index is investigated numerically. According to the simulation of the two-layer dielectric microsphere, a photonic nanojet with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) less than 1/2 wavelength is obtained and the tunable behaviors of the photonic nanojet are demonstrated by changing the reflective indices of the material or radius contrast ratio.

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    Quantum statistical properties of photon-added spin coherent states
    G Honarasa
    2017 (11):  114202-114202.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114202
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    The photon-added spin coherent state as a new kind of coherent state has been defined by iterated actions of the proper raising operator on the ordinary spin coherent state. In this paper, the quantum statistical properties of photon-added spin coherent states such as photon number distribution, second-order correlation function and Wigner function are studied. It is found that the Wigner function shows the negativity in some regions and the second-order correlation function is less than unity. Therefore, the photon-added spin coherent state is a nonclassical state.
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    Different influences of u-InGaN upper waveguide on the performance of GaN-based blue and green laser diodes
    梁锋, 赵德刚, 江德生, 刘宗顺, 朱建军, 陈平, 杨静, 刘炜, 李翔, 刘双韬, 邢瑶, 张立群, 李沫, 张健
    2017 (11):  114203-114203.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114203
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    Performances of blue and green laser diodes (LDs) with different u-InGaN upper waveguides (UWGs) are investigated theoretically by using LASTIP. It is found that the slope efficiency (SE) of blue LD decreases due to great optical loss when the indium content of u-InGaN UWG is more than 0.02, although its leakage current decreases obviously. Meanwhile the SE of the green LD increases when the indium content of u-InGaN UWG is varied from 0 to 0.05, which is attributed to the reduction of leakage current and the small increase of optical loss. Therefore, a new blue LD structure with In0.05Ga0.95N lower waveguide (LWG) is designed to reduce the optical loss, and its slope efficiency is improved significantly.

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    Low-repetition-rate, all-polarization-maintaining Yb-doped fiber laser mode-locked by a semiconductor saturable absorber
    2017 (11):  114204-114204.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114204
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    A low-repetition-rate, all-polarization-maintaining (PM)-fiber sub-nanosecond oscillator is presented, which is simple and low-cost, composed of standard components. The ring cavity is elongated by 114-m-long standard PM fiber, and passively mode-locked by a fiber pigtailed semiconductor saturable absorber. Linearly polarized pulses with 1.66 MHz repetition rate and 22 dB polarization extinction ratio are generated at a wavelength of 1030 nm, which is determined by an intracavity filter. In addition, to demonstrate that the oscillator is a good seed for high energy pulse generation, an all-fiber master oscillator power amplifier is built and amplified pulses with energy about 2 μJ are obtained.
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    2-μm mode-locked nanosecond fiber laser based on MoS2 saturable absorber
    王小发, 彭晓玲, 姜秋霞, 顾小辉, 张俊红, 毛雪峰, 袁素贞
    2017 (11):  114205-114205.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114205
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    We demonstrated a 2-μm passively mode-locked nanosecond fiber laser based on a MoS2 saturable absorber (SA). Owing to the effect of nonlinear absorption in the MoS2 SA, the pulse width decreased from 64.7 to 13.8 ns with increasing pump power from 1.10 to 1.45 W. The use of a narrow-bandwidth fiber Bragg grating resulted in a central wavelength and 3-dB spectral bandwidth of 2010.16 and 0.15 nm, respectively. Experimental results show that MoS2 is a promising material for a 2-μm mode-locked fiber laser.
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    Two-color laser wavelength effect on intense terahertz generation in air
    李淑芬, 卢晨晖, 杨承帅, 余燕忠, 孙真荣, 张诗按
    2017 (11):  114206-114206.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114206
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    Near-IR femtosecond lasers have been proposed to produce high-field terahertz radiation in the air via the laser-plasma interaction, but the physical mechanism still needs to be further explored. In this work, we theoretically investigate the effect of the two-color laser wavelength on the terahertz generation in the air based on a transient photocurrent model. We show that the long wavelength laser excitation can greatly enhance the terahertz amplitude for a given total laser intensity. Furthermore, we utilize a local current model to illustrate the enhancement mechanism. Our analysis shows that the terahertz amplitude is determined by the superposition of contributions from individual ionization events, and for the long wavelength laser excitation, the electron production concentrates in a few ionization events and acquires the larger drift velocities, which results in the stronger terahertz radiation generation. These results will be very helpful for understanding the terahertz generation process and optimizing the terahertz output.
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    A new method of calculating the orbital angular momentum spectra of Laguerre-Gaussian beams in channels with atmospheric turbulence
    崔小舟, 尹霄丽, 常欢, 张志超, 王拥军, 吴国华
    2017 (11):  114207-114207.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114207
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    Studying orbital angular momentum (OAM) spectra is important for analyzing crosstalk in free-space optical (FSO) communication systems. This work offers a new method of simplifying the expressions for the OAM spectra of Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beams under both weak/medium and strong atmospheric turbulences. We propose fixing the radius to the extreme point of the intensity distribution, review the expression for the OAM spectrum under weak/medium turbulence, derive the OAM spectrum expression for an LG beam under strong turbulence, and simplify both of them to concise forms. Then, we investigate the accuracy of the simplified expressions through simulations. We find that the simplified expressions permit accurate calculation of the OAM spectrum for large transmitted OAM numbers under any type of turbulence. Finally, we use the simplified expressions to analytically address the broadening of the OAM spectrum caused by atmospheric turbulence. This work should contribute to the concise theoretical derivation of analytical expressions for OAM channel matrices for FSO-OAM communications and the analytical study of the laws governing OAM spectra.
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    Intensities and spectral features of the 4I13/2-4I15/2 potential laser transition of Er3+ centers in CaF2-CeF3 disordered crystal
    王庆国, 苏良碧, 刘军芳, 刘斌, 吴锋, 罗平, 赵衡煜, 施佼佼, 薛艳艳, 徐晓东, 王占山, 唐慧丽, 徐军
    2017 (11):  114208-114208.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114208
    摘要 ( 634 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(870KB) ( 312 )  
    A CaF2-CeF3 disordered crystal containing 1.06% of Er3+ ions was grown by the temperature gradient technique. Optical absorption and emission spectra recorded at room temperature and at 10 K, luminescence decay curve recorded at room temperature, and extended x-ray-absorption fine structure spectra were analyzed with an intention to assess the laser potential related to the 4I13/24I15/2 transition of Er3+. In addition, the thermal diffusivity of the crystal was measured at room temperature. The analysis of room-temperature spectra revealed that the 4I13/2 emission is long-lived with a radiative lifetime value of 5.5 ms, peak emission cross section of 0.73×10-20 cm2, and large spectral width pointing at the tunability of the emission wavelength in the region stretching from approximately 1480 nm to 1630 nm. The energies of the crystal field components for the ground and excited multiplets determined from low-temperature absorption and emission spectra made it possible to predict successfully the spectral position and shape of the room-temperature 4I13/24I15/2 emission band. Based on the correlation of the optical spectra and dynamics of the luminescence decay, it was concluded that in contrast to Yb3+ ions in heavily doped CaF2 erbium ions in the CaF2-CeF3 crystal reside in numerous sites with dissimilar relaxation rates.
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    Photonic crystal fiber polarization filter with two large apertures coated with gold layers
    吴君君, 李曙光, 刘强, 石敏
    2017 (11):  114209-114209.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114209
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    A novel photonic crystal fiber (PCF) polarization filter is designed and fabricated; it consists of two large apertures coated with gold. The asymmetric structure separates the resonance position in the vertical direction well. Due to the metal layer covering, loss is greatly improved. Finite element method is applied for numerical simulation. The influences of varying gold thickness and varying the diameters and the center positions of the larger apertures on filtering performance are evaluated. Theory of coupling between surface plasma and core mode is introduced. By modulating the parameters, we realize a single polarization filter at 1.31 μm and 1.55 μm. The basal mode loss in the y direction can reach 1408.80 dB/cm at 1.31 μm and 1911.22 dB/cm at 1.55 μm respectively, but basal mode loss in the x direction is relatively small, 0.82 dB/cm and 1.87 dB/cm. In addition, two kinds of broadband polarization filters are proposed. If the fiber length is set to 200 μm, the extinction ratio is greater than 20 dB with width of 570 nm and 490 nm. The filter has simple structure and excellent performance.
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    Angular-modulated spatial distribution of ultrahigh-order modes assisted by random scattering
    阚雪芬, 殷澄, 许田, 陈凡, 李建, 韩庆邦, 陈险峰
    2017 (11):  114210-114210.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114210
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    In designing an optical waveguide with metallic films on a nanometer scale, the random scattering by the natural roughness of the thin film is always ignored. In this paper, we demonstrate that for the ultrahigh-order modes (UOMs) in the symmetric metal cladding waveguide, such a scattering leads to drastic variations in their spatial distribution at different incident angles. Owing to the high mode density of the UOMs, the random scattering induced coupling can be easily related to different modes with different propagation directions or wavenumbers. At small incident angles, the intra-mode coupling dominates, which results in a spatial distribution in the form of concentric rings. At large incident angles, the inter-mode coupling plays the most important role and leads to an array-like pattern. Experimental evidence via optically trapped nanoparticles support the theoretical hypothesis.
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    Gamma-radiation effects in pure-silica-core photonic crystal fiber
    蔡伟, 宋凝芳, 金靖, 宋镜明, 李伟, 罗文勇, 徐小斌
    2017 (11):  114211-114211.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114211
    摘要 ( 802 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(462KB) ( 306 )  

    We investigated the steady state gamma-ray radiation response of pure-silica-core photonic crystal fibers (PSC-PCFs) under an accumulated dose of 500 Gy and a dose rate of 2.38 Gy/min. The radiation-induced attenuation (RIA) spectra in the near-infrared region from 800 nm to 1700 nm were obtained. We find that the RIA at 1550 nm is related with hydroxyl (OH-) absorption defects in addition to the identified self-trapped hole (STH) defects. Moreover, it is proposed and demonstrated that reduced OH- absorption defects can decrease the RIA at 1550 nm. The RIA at 1550 nm has effectively declined from 27.7 dB/km to 3.0 dB/km through fabrication improvement. Preliminary explanations based on the unique fabrication processes were given to interpret the RIA characteristics of PSC-PCFs. The results show that the PSC-PCFs, which offer great advantages over conventional fibers, are promising and applicable to fiber sensors in harsh environments.

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    Analysis of proton and γ-ray radiation effects on CMOS active pixel sensors
    马林东, 李豫东, 郭旗, 文林, 周东, 冯婕, 刘元, 曾骏哲, 张翔, 王田珲
    2017 (11):  114212-114212.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114212
    摘要 ( 746 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(643KB) ( 345 )  

    Radiation effects on complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) active pixel sensors (APS) induced by proton and γ-ray are presented. The samples are manufactured with the standards of 0.35 μm CMOS technology. Two samples have been irradiated un-biased by 23 MeV protons with fluences of 1.43×1011 protons/cm2 and 2.14×1011 protons/cm2, respectively, while another sample has been exposed un-biased to 65 krad(Si) 60Co γ-ray. The influences of radiation on the dark current, fixed-pattern noise under illumination, quantum efficiency, and conversion gain of the samples are investigated. The dark current, which increases drastically, is obtained by the theory based on thermal generation and the trap induced upon the irradiation. Both γ-ray and proton irradiation increase the non-uniformity of the signal, but the non-uniformity induced by protons is even worse. The degradation mechanisms of CMOS APS image sensors are analyzed, especially for the interaction induced by proton displacement damage and total ion dose (TID) damage.

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    Three-dimensional parabolic equation model for seismo-acoustic propagation:Theoretical development and preliminary numerical implementation
    唐骏, 朴胜春, 张海刚
    2017 (11):  114301-114301.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114301
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    A three-dimensional (3D) parabolic equation (PE) model for sound propagation in a seismo-acoustic waveguide is developed in Cartesian coordinates, with x, y, and z representing the marching direction, the longitudinal direction, and the depth direction, respectively. Two sets of 3D PEs for horizontally homogenous media are derived by rewriting the 3D elastic motion equations and simultaneously choosing proper dependent variables. The numerical scheme is for now restricted to the y-independent bathymetry. Accuracy of the numerical scheme is validated, and its azimuthal limitation is analyzed. In addition, effects of horizontal refraction in a wedge-shaped waveguide and another waveguide with a polyline bottom are illustrated. Great efforts should be made in future to provide this model with the ability to handle arbitrarily irregular fluid-elastic interfaces.

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    Review on second-harmonic generation of ultrasonic guided waves in solid media (I):Theoretical analyses
    李卫彬, 邓明晰, 项延训
    2017 (11):  114302-114302.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114302
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    Considering the high sensitivity of the nonlinear ultrasonic measurement technique and great advantages of the guided wave testing method, the use of nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves provides a promising means for evaluating and characterizing the hidden and/or inaccessible damage/degradation in solid media. Increasing attention on the development of the testing method based on nonlinear ultrasonic guided waves is largely attributed to the theoretical advances of nonlinear guided waves propagation in solid media. One of the typical acoustic nonlinear responses is the generation of second harmonics that can be used to effectively evaluate damage/degradation in materials/structures. In this paper, the theoretical progress of second-harmonic generation (SHG) of ultrasonic guided wave propagation in solid media is reviewed. The advances and developments of theoretical investigations on the effect of SHG of ultrasonic guided wave propagation in different structures are addressed. Some obscure understandings and the ideas in dispute are also discussed.

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    Theoretical analysis of interaction between a particle and an oscillating bubble driven by ultrasound waves in liquid
    武耀蓉, 王成会
    2017 (11):  114303-114303.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114303
    摘要 ( 602 )   HTML ( 1 )   PDF(598KB) ( 228 )  

    A theoretical model is developed to describe the interaction of a particle and an oscillating bubble at arbitrary separation between them. The derivation of the model is based on the multipole expansion of the particle and bubble velocity potentials and the use of Lagrangian mechanics. The model consists of three coupled ordinary differential equations. One of them accounts for the pulsation of the bubble and the other two describe the translation of the bubble and particle in an infinite, incompressible liquid. The model here is accurate to order 1/d10, where d is the distance between the centers of the particle and bubble. The effects of the size and density of the particle are investigated, namely, the interaction between the particle and bubble changes from repulsion to attraction with the increment of the particle density, and the increment of the particle size makes the interaction between the particle and bubble stronger. It is demonstrated that the driving frequency and acoustic pressure amplitude can affect the interaction of the particle and bubble. It is shown that the correct modeling of the translational dynamics of the bubble and particle at small separation distances requires terms accurate up to the tenth order.

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    Broadband acoustic focusing by symmetric Airy beams with phased arrays comprised of different numbers of cavity structures
    钱姣, 刘博阳, 孙宏祥, 袁寿其, 俞笑竹
    2017 (11):  114304-114304.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114304
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    We realize broadband acoustic focusing effect by employing two symmetric Airy beams generated from phased arrays, in which the units of the phased arrays consist of different numbers of cavity structures, each of which is composed of a square cavity and two inclined channels in air. The exotic phenomenon arises from the energy overlapping of the two symmetric Airy beams. Besides, we demonstrate the focusing performance with high self-healing property, and discuss the effects of structure parameters on focusing performance, and present the characteristics of the cavity structure with straight channels. Compared with other acoustic lenses, the proposed acoustic lens has advantages of broad bandwidth (about 1.4 kHz), high self-healing property of focusing performance, and free adjustment of focal length. Our finding should have great potential applications in ultrasound imaging and medical diagnosis.

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    Modified Maxwell model for predicting thermal conductivity of nanocomposites considering aggregation
    甄文开, 蔺子甄, 黄丛亮
    2017 (11):  114401-114401.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114401
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    The effect of nanoparticle aggregation on the thermal conductivity of nanocomposites or nanofluids is typically non-negligible. A universal model (Maxwell model) including nanoparticle aggregation is modified in order to predict the thermal conductivity of nanocomposites more accurately. The predicted thermal conductivities of silica and titania nanoparticle powders are compared first with that measured by a hot-wire method and then with those in previous experimental works. The results show that there is good agreement between our model and experiments, and that nanoparticle aggregation in a nanocomposite enhances the thermal conductivity greatly and should not be ignored. Because it considers the effect of aggregation, our model is expected to yield precise predictions of the thermal conductivity of composites.
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    Establishment of infinite dimensional Hamiltonian system of multilayer quasi-geostrophic flow & study on its linear stability
    黄思训, 王宇, 项杰
    2017 (11):  114701-114701.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114701
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    A multilayer flow is a stratified fluid composed of a finite number of layers with densities homogeneous within one layer but different from each other. It is an intermediate system between the single-layer barotropic model and the continuously stratified baroclinic model. Since this system can simulate the baroclinic effect simply, it is widely used to study the large-scale dynamic process in atmosphere and ocean. The present paper is concerned with the linear stability of the multilayer quasi-geostrophic flow, and the associated linear stability criteria are established. Firstly, the nonlinear model is turned into the form of a Hamiltonian system, and a basic flow is defined. But it cannot be an extreme point of the Hamiltonian function since the system is an infinite-dimensional one. Therefore, it is necessary to reconstruct a new Hamiltonian function so that the basic flow becomes an extreme point of it. Secondly, the linearized equations of disturbances in the multilayer quasi-geostrophic flow are derived by introducing infinitesimal disturbances superposed on the basic flows. Finally, the properties of the linearized system are discussed, and the linear stability criteria in the sense of Liapunov are derived under two different conditions with respect to certain norms.
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    Aerodynamic measurement of a large aircraft modelin hypersonic flow
    孟宝清, 韩桂来, 张德良, 姜宗林
    2017 (11):  114702-114702.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114702
    摘要 ( 668 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(4854KB) ( 206 )  
    Accurate aerodynamic measurements in the hypersonic flow of large aircraft models in tunnels have practical significance, but pose a significant challenge. Novel aerodynamic force measurement methods have been proposed,but lack theoretical support. The forms of the force signals techniques for signal processing and calculation of aerodynamics are especially problematic. A theoretical study is conducted to investigate the dynamic properties based on models of the draw-rod system and slender rods. The results indicate that the inertia item can be neglected in the rod governing equation; further, the solutions show that the signals of each rod are a combination of aerodynamic signals (with a constant value) and sine signals, which can be verified by experimental shock tunnel results. Signal processing and aerodynamics calculation techniques are also found to be achievable via the flat part of the signals.
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    Instabilities of thermocapillary-buoyancy convection in open rectangular liquid layers
    姜欢, 段俐, 康琦
    2017 (11):  114703-114703.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/114703
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    This article presents the experimental investigation on instabilities of thermocapillary-buoyancy convection in the transition process in an open rectangular liquid layer subject to a horizontal temperature gradient. In the experimental run, an infrared thermal imaging system was constructed to observe and record the surface wave of the rectangular liquid layer. It was found that there are distinct convection longitudinal rolls in the flow field in the thermocapillary-buoyancy convection transition process. There are different wave characterizations for liquid layers with different thicknesses. For sufficiently thin layers, oblique hydrothermal waves are observed, which was predicted by the linear-stability analysis of Smith & Davis in 1983. For thicker layers, the surface flow is distinct and intensified, which is because the buoyancy convection plays a dominant role and bulk fluid flow from hot wall to cold wall in the free surface of liquid layers. In addition, the spatiotemporal evolution analysis has been carried out to conclude the rule of the temperature field destabilization in the transition process.

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    Effect of aperture field distribution on the maximum radiated power at atmospheric pressure
    赵朋程, 郭立新
    2017 (11):  115101-115101.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/115101
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    The air breakdown in the high-power antenna near-field region limits the enhancement of the radiated power. A model coupling the field equivalent principle and the electron number density equation is presented to study the breakdown process in the near-field region of the circular aperture antenna at atmospheric pressure. Simulation results show that, although the electric field in the near-field region is nonuniform, the electron diffusion has small influence on the breakdown process when the initial electron number density is uniform in space. The field magnitude distribution on the aperture plays an important role in the maximum radiated power above which the air breakdown occurs. The maximum radiated power also depends on the phase difference of the fields at the center and edge of the aperture, especially for the uniform field magnitude distribution.
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    Effect of driving frequency on electron heating in capacitively coupled RF argon glow discharges at low pressure
    刘悦, 赵璐璐, 周艳文
    2017 (11):  115201-115201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/115201
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    A one-dimensional (1D) fluid model on capacitively coupled radio frequency (RF) argon glow discharge between parallel-plates electrodes at low pressure is established to test the effect of the driving frequency on electron heating. The model is solved numerically by a finite difference method. The numerical results show that the discharge process may be divided into three stages:the growing rapidly stage, the growing slowly stage, and the steady stage. In the steady stage, the maximal electron density increases as the driving frequency increases. The results show that the discharge region has three parts:the powered electrode sheath region, the bulk plasma region and the grounded electrode sheath region. In the growing rapidly stage (at 18 μs), the results of the cycle-averaged electric field, electron temperature, electron density, and electric potentials for the driving frequencies of 3.39, 6.78, 13.56, and 27.12 MHz are compared, respectively. Furthermore, the results of cycle-averaged electron pressure cooling, electron ohmic heating, electron heating, and electron energy loss for the driving frequencies of 3.39, 6.78, 13.56, and 27.12 MHz are discussed, respectively. It is also found that the effect of the cycle-averaged electron pressure cooling on the electrons is to “cool” the electrons; the effect of the electron ohmic heating on the electrons is always to “heat” the electrons; the effect of the cycle-averaged electron ohmic heating on the electrons is stronger than the effect of the cycle-averaged electron pressure cooling on the electrons in the discharge region except in the regions near the electrodes. Therefore, the effect of the cycle-averaged electron heating on the electrons is to “heat” the electrons in the discharge region except in the regions near the electrodes. However, in the regions near the electrodes, the effect of the cycle-averaged electron heating on the electron is to “cool” the electrons. Finally, the space distributions of the electron pressure cooling the electron ohmic heating and the electron heating at 1/4T, 2/4T, 3/4T, and 4/4T in one RF-cycle are presented and compared.
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    Tunneling dynamics of a few bosons with both two-and three-body interactions in a double-well potential
    常娜娜, 鱼自发, 张爱霞, 薛具奎
    2017 (11):  115202-115202.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/115202
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    We investigate the tunneling dynamics of a few bosons with both two-and three-body interactions in a double-well potential. Uncorrelated tunneling of Rabi oscillation with the minimum period can happen only when the two-and three-body interactions satisfy a critical condition, i.e., the effective interaction energy is minimized. When the atomic interactions are slightly away from the critical condition in the weak interaction regime, the uncorrelated tunneling exhibits collapse-revival character. When the atomic interactions are strong and far away from the critical condition, the correlated tunneling with Rabi oscillation occurs. The tunneling period (the period of collapse-revival) increases (decreases) when the rate between the two-body and three-body interactions is away from the corresponding critical condition or when the number of bosons increases. Further, the tunneling properties are understood with the help of the energy spectrum of the system. Eventually, the effect of the initial configuration on the tunneling dynamics of a few bosons for both odd and even numbers of bosons is studied, which results in intriguing consequences.

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    Toroidal rotation induced by 4.6 GHz lower hybrid current drive on EAST tokamak
    尹相辉, 陈俊, 胡睿佶, 李颖颖, 王福地, 符佳, 丁伯江, 王茂, 刘甫坤, 臧庆, 石跃江, 吕波, 万宝年
    2017 (11):  115203-115203.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/115203
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    Using a tangentially viewing x-ray imaging crystal spectrometer, substantial co-current rotation driven by lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) at 4.6 GHz is observed on EAST tokamak. This study presents plasma rotation behaviors with 4.6 GHz LHCD injection. Typically, the 10-20 km/s co-current rotation change and the transport of rotation velocity from edge to core are observed. The relationship between plasma parameters and rotation is also investigated, indicating that rotation decreases with increasing internal inductance (li) and increases with increasing safety factor (q0). Hysteresis between rotation and Te plasma stored energy is observed, suggesting different response times between the electron heating and rotation acceleration by LHCD. A comparison between the rotations driven by 4.6 G LHCD and 2.45 G LHCD on EAST is also presented, in which higher frequency LHCD could induce more rotation changes.

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    Acceleration and radiation of externally injected electrons in laser plasma wakefield driven by a Laguerre-Gaussian pulse
    沈众辰, 陈民, 张国博, 罗辑, 翁苏明, 远晓辉, 刘峰, 盛政明
    2017 (11):  115204-115204.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/115204
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    By using three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, externally injected electron beam acceleration and radiation in donut-like wake fields driven by a Laguerre-Gaussian pulse are investigated. Studies show that in the acceleration process the total charge and azimuthal momenta of electrons can be stably maintained at a distance of a few hundreds of micrometers. Electrons experience low-frequency spiral rotation and high-frequency betatron oscillation, which leads to a synchrotron-like radiation. The radiation spectrum is mainly determined by the betatron motion of electrons. The far field distribution of radiation intensity shows axial symmetry due to the uniform transverse injection and spiral rotation of electrons. Our studies suggest a new way to simultaneously generate hollow electron beam and radiation source from a compact laser plasma accelerator.
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    Measurement of iron characteristics under ramp compression
    魏会冈, 赵刚
    2017 (11):  115205-115205.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/115205
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    Laser-driven ramp compression was used to investigate iron characteristics along the isentropic path. The iterative Lagrangian analysis method was employed to analyze the free surface velocity profiles in iron stepped target measured with two VISARs. The onset stress for the α to ε phase transformation was determined from the sudden change in the sound velocity and was found over-pressurized compared to the static and shock results. The derived stress (26 GPa) and strain rate (up to 108 s-1) are consistent with our previous experimental results. The stress-density relations were compared with those from previous ramp experiments and good agreements were found, which experimentally confirms the simulations, showing that iterative Lagrangian analysis can be applied to the ramp-compression data with weak shock.
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    Novel conductance step in carbon nanotube with wing-like zigzag graphene nanoribbons
    2017 (11):  116101-116101.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116101
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    Connecting one armchair carbon nanotube (CNT) to several zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) we find that the topologically-protected edge states of ZGNRs and the massless Dirac particle inherited from CNT still hold from the analysis of the band structure and the edge state. Furthermore, the lowest conductance step at the valley bottom increases proportionally with increasing the number of ZGNR wings. A novel conductance step of a peak occurs in the valley, which is two steps higher than the lowest step at the valley bottom. In addition, with increasing the number of ZGNR wings the width of the novel conductance step becomes narrow.
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    Slip on the surface of silicon wafers under laser irradiation:Scale effect
    贾志超, 李泽文, 周洁, 倪晓武
    2017 (11):  116102-116102.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116102
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    The slip mechanism on the surface of silicon wafers under laser irradiation was studied by numerical simulations and experiments. Firstly, the slip was explained by an analysis of the generalized stacking fault energy and the associated restoring forces. Activation of unexpected {110} slip planes was predicted to be a surface phenomenon. Experimentally, {110} slip planes were activated by changing doping concentrations of wafers and laser parameters respectively. Slip planes were {110} when slipping started within several atomic layers under the surface and turned into {111} with deeper slip. The scale effect was shown to be an intrinsic property of silicon.
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    Ab-initio investigation of AGeO3 (A=Ca, Sr) compounds via Tran–Blaha-modified Becke–Johnson exchange potential
    Rasul Bakhsh Behram,M A Iqbal,Muhammad Rashid,M Atif Sattar,Asif Mahmood,Shahid M Ramay
    2017 (11):  116103-116103.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116103
    摘要 ( 557 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(3076KB) ( 498 )  
    We employ ab-initio calculations to analyze the mechanical, electronic, optical and also thermoelectric properties associated with AGeO3 (A=Ca, Sr) compounds. The full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) technique in the generalized gradient approximation (GGA-PBEsol) and the lately designed Tran-Blaha-modified Becke-Johnson exchange potential are utilized to examine the mechanical and optoelectronic properties respectively. To explore the thermoelectric quality, we use the semi-classical Boltzmann transport theory. The particular structural stabilities regarding AGeO3 (A=Ca, Sr) materials are validated simply by computations from the elastic constants. The energy band structural framework and the density of states are displayed to indicate indirect bandgap under ambient conditions. The particular computed optical attributes that reveal prospective optoelectronic applications are usually elucidated simply by studying ε1(0) and also Eg, which can be connected by means of Penn's design. The optical details uncover the actual suitability to power ranging products. Finally, the BoltzTraP code is executed to analyze the actual thermoelectric properties, which usually presents that the increase of internal temperatures can enhance the electric conductivity, thermal conductivity and also the power factor, whilst Seebeck coefficient decreases. Therefore, the studied materials will also be ideal for thermoelectric products to understand helpful option for alternative energy resources.
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    Ce–Co-doped BiFeO3 multiferroic for optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications
    Jyoti Sharma,Deepak Basrai,A K Srivastava
    2017 (11):  116201-116201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116201
    摘要 ( 575 )   HTML ( 1 )   PDF(556KB) ( 330 )  
    The Ce-Co-doped BiFeO3 multiferroic, Bi1-xCexFe1-xCoxO3 (x=0.00, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05), has been prepared by a sol-gel auto-combustion method and analyzed through Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and UV-visible spectroscopy. We have observed an anomalous intensity of the second-order Raman mode at~1260 cm-1 in pure BFO and suppressed intensity in doped samples, which indicates the presence of spin two-phonon coupling in these samples. The photoluminescence spectra show reduction in the intensity of emission with the increasing dopant concentration, which indicates the high charge separation efficiency. A sharp absorption with three charge transfer (C-T) and two d-d transitions are shown by UV-visible spectra in the visible region. The band gap of BiFeO3 (BFO) is decreasing with increasing dopant concentrations and the materials are suitable for photovoltaic applications.
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    Exploring the compression behavior of HP-BiNbO4 under high pressure
    刘银娟, 张佳威, 贺端威, 许超, 胡启威, 戚磊, 梁阿坤
    2017 (11):  116202-116202.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116202
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    In the present work, a third form, the so-called HP-BiNbO4 synthesized at high pressure and high temperature is investigated with the in-situ angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction (ADXRD) measurements under high pressure. We explore the compression behavior and phase stability of HP-BiNbO4. The structure of HP-BiNbO4 is first determined. The x-ray diffraction data reveal that the structure HP-BiNbO4 is stable under pressures up to 24.1 GPa. The ADXRD data yield a bulk modulus Ko=185 (7) GPa with a pressure derivative Ko'=2.9 (0.8). Furthermore, the data are compared with those of other ABO4 compounds. The results show that the bulk modulus of HP-BiNbO4 (about 185 GPa) is slightly higher than that of tetragonal BiVO4 and significantly greater than those of the tungstates and molybdates.
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    First-principles calculations of structural and thermodynamic properties of β-PbO
    Vahedeh Razzazi,Sholeh Alaei
    2017 (11):  116501-116501.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116501
    摘要 ( 630 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(1488KB) ( 334 )  
    We employed ab-initio calculations to investigate the structural and thermodynamic properties of Massicot or orthorhombic phase of PbO named β-PbO using the projector augmented-wave (PAW) method within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The temperature and pressure dependence of bulk modulus, heat capacity at constant pressure and constant volume, entropy, thermal expansion coefficient and Grüneisen parameter were discussed. Accuracy of two different models, the Debye and Debye-Grüneisen which are based on the quasi-harmonic approximation (QHA) for producing thermodynamic properties of material were compared. According to calculation results, these two models can be used to designate thermodynamic properties for β-PbO with sensible accuracy over a wide range of temperatures and pressures, and our work on the properties of this structure will be useful for more deeply understanding various properties of this structure.
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    High-temperature thermodynamics of silver:Semi-empirical approach
    R H Joshi,B Y Thakore,P R Vyas,A R Jani,N K Bhatt
    2017 (11):  116502-116502.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116502
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    We report high-temperature thermodynamics for fcc silver by combining ab initio phonon dynamics to empirical quadratic temperature-dependent term for anharmonic part of Helmholtz free energy.The electronic free energy is added through an interpolation scheme,which connects ambient condition free electron gas model to Thomas-Fermi results. The present study shows good agreement with experimental and reported findings for several thermal properties,and the discrepancy observed in some caloric properties is addressed.The decreases in the product of volume thermal expansion coefficient and isothermal bulk modulus and in the constant volume anharmonic lattice specific heat at high temperature are the clear evidences of proper account of anharmonicity.The present study also reveals that T2-dependent anharmonic free energy is sufficient for correct evaluation of thermal pressure and conventional Grüneisen parameter.We observe that the intrinsic phonon anharmonicity starts dominating above characteristic temperature,which is attributed to higher order anharmonicity and can be related to higher order potential derivatives.We conclude that the uncorrelated and largeamplitude lattice vibrations at high temperature raise dominating intrinsic thermal stress mechanism,which surpasses the phonon-anharmonism and requires future consideration.
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    Thermal transport in twisted few-layer graphene
    王敏华, 谢月娥, 陈元平
    2017 (11):  116503-116503.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116503
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    Twisted graphene possesses unique electronic properties and applications, which have been studied extensively. Recently, the phonon properties of twisted graphene have received a great deal of attention. To the best of our knowledge, thermal transports in twisted graphene have been investigated little to date. Here, we study perpendicular and parallel transports in twisted few-layer graphene (T-FLG). It is found that perpendicular and parallel transports are both sensitive to the rotation angle θ between layers. When θ increases from 0° to 60°, perpendicular thermal conductivity κ first decreases and then increases, and the transition angle is θ=30°. For the parallel transport, the relation between thermal conductivity κ|| and θ is complicated, because intra-layer thermal transport is more sensitive to the edge of layer than their stacking forms. However, the dependence of interlayer scattering on θ is similar to that of κ. In addition, the effect of layer number on the thermal transport is discussed. Our results may provide references for designing the devices of thermal insulation and thermal management based on graphene.

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    Temperature-induced effect on refractive index of graphene based on coated in-fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer
    李丽君, 宫顺顺, 刘仪琳, 徐琳, 李文宪, 马茜, 丁小哲, 郭晓丽
    2017 (11):  116504-116504.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116504
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    The temperature-induced complex refractive index (CRI) effect of graphene is demonstrated theoretically and experimentally based on a graphene coated in-fiber MZI (Mach-Zehnder interferometer). The relationships between real and imaginary parts of the graphene CRI and temperature are obtained through investigating the dip wavelength and intensity of the MZI interference spectrum changing with temperature, respectively. The temperature effect of CRI of the graphene is also analyzed theoretically. Both experimental and theoretical studies show that the real part and imaginary part of the CRI nonlinearly decrease and increase with temperature increasing, respectively. This graphene-coated in-fiber MZI structure also possesses the advantages of easy fabrication, miniaturization, low cost and robustness. It has potential applications in nanomaterial-based optic devices for communication and sensing.
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    Structural characterization of indium-rich nanoprecipitate in InGaN V-pits formed by annealing
    薛俊俊, 蔡青, 张保花, 葛梅, 陈敦军, 智婷, 陈将伟, 汪联辉, 张荣, 郑有炓
    2017 (11):  116801-116801.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116801
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    InGaN layers capped with GaN were annealed at 550℃ for 1 hour. During annealing, cracks appeared and dissolved InGaN penetrated through the microcracks into the V-pits to form indium-rich nanoprecipitates. Some precipitates, in-situ annealed under nitrogen ion irradiation by MBE, were confirmed to be cubic GaN on the tops of precipitates, formed by nitriding the pre-existing Ga droplets under nitrogen ions irradiation.

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    Formation of high-Sn content polycrystalline GeSn films by pulsed laser annealing on co-sputtered amorphous GeSn on Ge substrate
    张璐, 洪海洋, 王一森, 李成, 林光杨, 陈松岩, 黄巍, 汪建元
    2017 (11):  116802-116802.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116802
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    Polycrystalline Ge1-xSnx (poly-Ge1-xSnx) alloy thin films with high Sn content (> 10%) were fabricated by co-sputtering amorphous GeSn (a-GeSn) on Ge (100) wafers and subsequently pulsed laser annealing with laser energy density in the range of 250 mJ/cm2 to 550 mJ/cm2. High quality poly-crystal Ge0.90Sn0.10 and Ge0.82Sn0.18 films with average grain sizes of 94 nm and 54 nm were obtained, respectively. Sn segregation at the grain boundaries makes Sn content in the poly-GeSn alloys slightly less than that in the corresponding primary a-GeSn. The crystalline grain size is reduced with the increase of the laser energy density or higher Sn content in the primary a-GeSn films due to the booming of nucleation numbers. The Raman peak shift of Ge-Ge mode in the poly crystalline GeSn can be attributed to Sn substitution, strain, and disorder. The dependence of Raman peak shift of the Ge-Ge mode caused by strain and disorder in GeSn films on full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) is well quantified by a linear relationship, which provides an effective method to evaluate the quality of poly-Ge1-xSnx by Raman spectra.

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    Improvement of sensitivity of graphene photodetectorby creating bandgap structure
    张倪侦, 何孟珂, 余鹏, 周大华
    2017 (11):  116803-116803.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/116803
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    Graphene has aroused large interest in optoelectronic applications because of its broad band absorption and ultrahigh electron mobility. However, the low absorption of 2.3% seriously limits its photoresponsivity and restricts the relevant applications. In this paper, a method to enhance the sensitivity of graphene photodetector is demonstrated by introducing electron trapping centers and creating a bandgap structure in graphene. The carrier lifetime obviously increases, and more carriers are collected by the electrodes. Compared with intrinsic graphene detector, the defective graphene photodetector possesses high photocurrent and low-driving-voltage, which gives rise to great potential applications in photodetector area.

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    Enhancement of electroluminescent properties of organic optoelectronic integrated device by doping phosphorescent dye
    雷疏影, 钟建, 周殿力, 朱方云, 邓朝旭
    2017 (11):  117001-117001.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117001
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    Organic optoelectronic integrated devices (OIDs) with ultraviolet (UV) photodetectivity and different color emitting were constructed by using a thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) material 4, 5-bis(carbazol-9-yl)-1, 2-dicyanobenzene (2CzPN) as host. The OIDs doping with typical red phosphorescent dye[tris(1-phenylisoquinoline)iridium(Ⅲ), Ir(piq)3], orange phosphorescent dye bis[2-(4-tertbutylphenyl)benzothiazolato-N, C2']iridium (acetylacetonate), (tbt)2Ir(acac), and blue phosphorescent dye[bis(2, 4-di-fluorophenylpyridinato)-tetrakis(1-pyrazolyl)borate iridium(Ⅲ), FIr6] were investigated and compared. The (tbt)2Ir(acac)-doped orange device showed better performance than those of red and blue devices, which was ascribed to more effective energy transfer. Meanwhile, at a low dopant concentration of 3 wt.%, the (tbt)2Ir(acac)-doped OIDs showed the maximum luminance, current efficiency, power efficiency of 70786 cd/m2, 39.55 cd/A, and 23.92 lm/W, respectively, and a decent detectivity of 1.07×1011 Jones at a bias of-2 V under the UV-350 nm illumination. This work may arouse widespread interest in constructing high efficiency and luminance OIDs based on doping phosphorescent dye.
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    TOPICAL REVIEW—ZnO-related materials and devices
    The p-type ZnO thin films obtained by a reversed substitution doping method of thermal oxidation of Zn3N2 precursors
    李炳生, 肖芝燕, 马剑刚, 刘益春
    2017 (11):  117101-117101.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117101
    摘要 ( 850 )   HTML ( 0 )   PDF(1297KB) ( 776 )  

    P-type ZnO is crucial for the realization of ZnO-based homojunction ultraviolet optoelectronic devices. The problem associated with the preparation of stable p-type ZnO with high hole density still hinders device applications. In this paper, we introduce an alternative route to stabilizing N in the oxidation process, the thermal stability of p-ZnO is significantly improved. Finally, we discuss the limitations of the alternative doping method and provide some prospective outlook of the method.

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    Uncertainties of clock and shift operators for an electron in one-dimensional nonuniform lattice systems
    巩龙延, 丁友根, 邓永强
    2017 (11):  117201-117201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117201
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    The clock operator U and shift operator V are higher-dimensional Pauli operators. Just recently, tighter uncertainty relations with respect to U and V were derived, and we apply them to study the electron localization properties in several typical one-dimensional nonuniform lattice systems. We find that uncertainties △ U2 are less than, equal to, and greater than uncertainties △ V2 for extended, critical, and localized states, respectively. The lower bound LB of the uncertainty relation is relatively large for extended states and small for localized states. Therefore, in combination with traditional quantities, for instance inverse participation ratio, these quantities can be as novel indexes to reflect Anderson localization.
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    Biaxial strain-induced enhancement in the thermoelectric performance of monolayer WSe2
    沈婉慧子, 邹代峰, 聂国政, 许英
    2017 (11):  117202-117202.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117202
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    The effects of biaxial strain on the electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of monolayer WSe2 have been investigated by using first-principles calculations and the semi-classical Boltzmann transport theory. The electronic band gap decreases under strain, and the band structure near the Fermi level of monolayer WSe2 is modified by the applied biaxial strain. Furthermore, the doping dependence of the thermoelectric properties of n-and p-doped monolayer WSe2 under biaxial strain is estimated. The obtained results show that the power factor of n-doped monolayer WSe2 can be increased by compressive strain while that of p-doping can be increased with tensile strain. Strain engineering thus provides a direct method to control the electronic and thermoelectric properties in these two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides materials.

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    Spin transport in a chain of polygonal quantum rings with Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling
    唐翰昭, 要晓腾, 刘建军
    2017 (11):  117203-117203.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117203
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    Using a transfer matrix method, we investigate spin transport through a chain of polygonal rings with Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling (DSOC). The spin conductance is dependent on the number of sides in the polygons. When DSOC is considered in a chain which also has Rashba spin-orbit coupling (RSOC) of the same magnitude, the total conductance is the same as that for the same chain with no SOC. However, when the two types of SOC have different values, there results a unique anisotropic conductance.
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    Band structure and edge states of star-like zigzag graphene nanoribbons
    2017 (11):  117301-117301.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117301
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    Connecting three zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) together through the sp3 hybrid bonds forms a star-like ZGNR (S-ZGNR). Its band structure shows that there are four edge states at k=0.5, in which the three electrons distribute at three outside edge sites, and the last electron is shared equally (50%) by two sites near the central site. The lowest conductance step in the valley is 2, two times higher than that of monolayer ZGNR (M-ZGNR). Furthermore, in one quasi-three-dimensional hexagonal lattice built, both of the Dirac points and the zero-energy states appear in the band structure along the z-axis for the fixed zero k-point in the x-y plane. In addition, it is an insulator in the x-y plane due to band gap 4 eV, however, for any k-point in the x-y plane the zero-energy states always exist at kz=0.5.
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    Photon-assisted electronic and spin transport through two T-shaped three-quantum-dot molecules embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer
    白继元, 李立, 贺泽龙, 叶树江, 赵树军, 党随虎, 孙伟民
    2017 (11):  117302-117302.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117302
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    We investigate the time-modulated electronic and spin transport properties through two T-shaped three-quantum-dot molecules embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm (A-B) interferometer. By using the Keldysh non-equilibrium Green's function technique, the photon-assisted spin-dependent average current is analyzed. The T-shaped three-quantum-dot molecule A-B interferometer exhibits excellent controllability in the average current resonance spectra by adjusting the interdot coupling strength, Rashba spin-orbit coupling strength, magnetic flux, and amplitude of the time-dependent external field. Efficient spin filtering and multiple electron-photon pump functions are exploited in the multi-quantum-dot molecule A-B interferometer by a time-modulated external field.

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    Fluctuating specific heat in two-band superconductors
    乔雷, 迟诚, 王江帆
    2017 (11):  117401-117401.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117401
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    Theory of thermal fluctuations in two-band superconductors under an essentially homogeneous magnetic field is developed within the framework of the two-band Ginzburg-Landau theory. The fluctuating specific heat is calculated by using the optimized self-consistent perturbation approach and the results are applied to analyze the thermodynamic data of the iron-based superconductors Ba1-xKxFe2As2 with x~0.4, which have been suggested to have a two-band structure by recent experiments. We estimate the fluctuation strength in this material and find that the specific heat is described well with the Ginzburg number Gi=4·10-4. The influence of interband coupling strength is investigated and the result of the two-band Gaussian approximation approach is compared.

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    Observation of giant magnetocaloric effect under low magnetic fields in EuTi1-xCoxO3
    孙启磊, 莫兆军, 沈俊, 黎玉进, 李兰, 张君凯, 刘国栋, 唐成春, 孟凡斌
    2017 (11):  117501-117501.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117501
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    The magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in EuTi1-xCoxO3 (x=0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1) compounds have been investigated. When the Ti4+ ions were substituted by Co2+ ions, the delicate balance was changed between antiferromagnetic (AFM) and ferromagnetic (FM) phases in the EuTiO3 compound. In EuTi1-xCoxO3 system, a giant reversible MCE and large refrigerant capacity (RC) were observed without hysteresis. The values of-△ SMmax were evaluated to be around 10 J·kg-1·K-1 for EuTi0.95Co0.05O3 under a magnetic field change of 10 kOe. The giant reversible MCE and large RC suggests that EuTi1-xCoxO3 series could be considered as good candidate materials for low-temperature and low-field magnetic refrigerant.
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    TOPICAL REVIEW—Magnetism, magnetic materials, and interdisciplinary research
    Anisotropic nanocomposite soft/hard multilayer magnets
    刘伟, 张志东
    2017 (11):  117502-117502.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117502
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    Experimental and theoretical researches on nanostructured exchange coupled magnets have been carried out since about 1988.Here,we review the structure and magnetic properties of the anisotropic nanocomposite soft/hard multilayer magnets including some new results and phenomena from an experimental point of view.According to the different component of the oriented hard phase in the nanocomposite soft/hard multilayer magnets,three types of magnets will be discussed:1) anisotropic Nd2Fe14B based nanocomposite multilayer magnets,2) anisotropic SmCo5 based nanocomposite multilayer magnets,and 3) anisotropic rare-earth free based nanocomposite multilayer magnets.For each of them,the formation of the oriented hard phase,exchange coupling,coercivity mechanism,and magnetic properties of the corresponding anisotropic nanocomposite multilayer magnets are briefly reviewed,and then the prospect of realization of bulk magnets on new results of anisotropic nanocomposite multilayer magnets will be carried out.

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    Effects of dipolar interactions on magnetic properties of Co nanowire arrays
    李洪健, 岳明, 吴琼, 彭懿, 李玉卿, 刘卫强, 张东涛, 张久兴
    2017 (11):  117503-117503.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117503
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    Magnetic properties and magnetization processes of Co nanowire arrays with various packing densities are investigated by means of object-oriented micromagnetic framework (OOMMF) software package with finite difference micromagnetic simulations. The packing density of nanowires is changed with the diameter, number of nanowires and center-to-center spacing between the wires. The magnetization reversal mechanism and squareness of the hysteresis loops of the nanowire arrays are very sensitive to the packing density of nanowires. Clear steps and plateaux on the demagnetization are visible, which turns out that dipolar interactions among the wires have a significant influence on switching field.
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    On the parameters for electrocaloric effect predicted by indirect method
    2017 (11):  117701-117701.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117701
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    The influences of specific heat capacity CP, temperature step △T, electric field step △ E, and initial electric field E1 on predicted electrocaloric (EC) temperature △ T of monodomain BaTiO3 are examined by combining the Maxwell equation and phenomenological theory. Since the procedure is similar to indirect measurement of the EC effect, the results can serve as a reference for experiments. The results suggest that (i) it is reasonable to use zero-field CP, (ii) optimized △ T should be 2 K, (iii) it is better to keep △ E<EC, and (iv) E1<EC. Here, EC is the coercive field of material.
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    Resonant magneto-optical Kerr effect induced by hybrid plasma modes in ferromagnetic nanovoids
    张霞, 石磊, 李晶, 夏云杰, 周仕明
    2017 (11):  117801-117801.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117801
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    With nanovoids buried in Co films, resonant structures were observed in spectra of polar magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE), where both a narrow bandwidth and high intensity were acquired. Through changing the thickness of Co films and the lattice of voids, different optical modes were introduced. For a very shallow array of voids, the resonant MOKE was induced by Ag plasma edge resonance, for deeper ones, hybrid plasma modes, such as void plasmons in the voids, surface lattice plasmons between the voids, and the co-action of them, etc. resulted in resonant MOKE. We found that resonant MOKE resulted from the void plasmons resonance which possesses the narrowest bandwidth for the lowest absorption of voids. The simulated electromagnetic field (EF) distribution consolidated different effects of these three optical modes on resonant MOKE modulation. Such resonant polar MOKE possesses high sensitivity, which might pave the way to on-chip MO devices.
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    Nano-infrared imaging of localized plasmons in graphene nano-resonators
    段嘉华, 陈闰堃, 陈佳宁
    2017 (11):  117802-117802.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/117802
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    We conduct in-situ near-field imaging of propagating and localized plasmons (cavity and dipole modes) in graphene nano-resonator. Compared with propagating graphene plasmons, the localized modes show twofold near-field amplitude and high volume confining ability (~106). The cavity resonance and dipole mode of graphene plasmons can be effectively controlled through optical method. Furthermore, our numerical simulation shows quantitative agreement with experimental measurements. The results provide insights into the nature of localized graphene plasmons and demonstrate a new way to study the localization of polaritons in Van der Waals materials.

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    Effects of Al particles and thin layer on thermal expansion and conductivity of Al-Y2Mo3O12 cermets
    刘献省, 葛向红, 梁二军, 张伟风
    2017 (11):  118101-118101.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/118101
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    Low thermal expansion composites are difficult to obtain by using Al with larger positive thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) and the materials with smaller negative TECs. In this investigation, Y2Mo3O12 with larger negative TEC is used to combine with Al to obtain a low thermal expansion composite with high conductivity. The TEC of Al is reduced by 19% for a ratio Al:Y2Mo3O12 of 0.3118. When the mass ratio of Al:Y2Mo3O12 increases to 2.0000, the conductivity of the composite increases so much that a transformation from capacitance to pure resistance appears. The results suggest that Y2Mo3O12 plays a dominant role in the composite for low content of Al (presenting isolate particles), while the content of Al increases enough to contact each other, the composite presents mainly the property of Al. For the effect of high content Al, it is considered that Al is squeezed out of the cermets during the uniaxial pressure process to form a thin layer on the surface.
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    TOPICAL REVIEW—ZnO-related materials and devices
    One-dimensional ZnO nanostructure-based optoelectronics
    张铮, 康卓, 廖庆亮, 张晓梅, 张跃
    2017 (11):  118102-118102.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/118102
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    Semiconductor nanowires, with their unique capability to bridge the nanoscopic and macroscopic worlds, have been demonstrated to have potential applications in energy conversion, electronics, optoelectronics, and biosensing devices. One-dimensional (1D) ZnO nanostructures, with coupled semiconducting and piezoelectric properties, have been extensively investigated and widely used to fabricate nanoscale optoelectronic devices. In this article, we review recent developments in 1D ZnO nanostructure based photodetectors and device performance enhancement by strain engineering piezoelectric polarization and interface modulation. The emphasis is on a fundamental understanding of electrical and optical phenomena, interfacial and contact behaviors, and device characteristics. Finally, the prospects of 1D ZnO nanostructure devices and new challenges are proposed.

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    An easy way to controllably synthesize one-dimensional SmB6 topological insulator nanostructures and exploration of their field emission applications
    杨汛, 甘海波, 田颜, 许宁生, 邓少芝, 陈军, 陈焕君, 梁世东, 刘飞
    2017 (11):  118103-118103.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/118103
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    A convenient fabrication technique for samarium hexaboride (SmB6) nanostructures (nanowires and nanopencils) is developed, combining magnetron-sputtering and chemical vapor deposition. Both nanostructures are proven to be single crystals with cubic structure, and they both grow along the[001] direction. Formation of both nanostructures is attributed to the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism, and the content of boron vapor is proposed to be the reason for their different morphologies at various evaporation distances. Field emission (FE) measurements show that the maximum current density of both the as-grown nanowires and nanopencils can be several hundred μA/cm2, and their FN plots deviate only slightly from a straight line. Moreover, we prefer the generalized Schottky-Nordheim (SN) model to comprehend the difference in FE properties between the nanowires and nanopencils. The results reveal that the nonlinearity of FN plots is attributable to the effect of image potential on the FE process, which is almost independent of the morphology of the nanostructures. All the research results suggest that the SmB6 nanostructures would have a more promising future in the FE area if their surface oxide layer was eliminated in advance.

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    Improvement of laser damage thresholds of fused silica by ultrasonic-assisted hydrofluoric acid etching
    李源, 严鸿维, 杨科, 姚彩珍, 王志强, 闫春燕, 邹鑫书, 袁晓东, 杨李茗, 巨新
    2017 (11):  118104-118104.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/118104
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    Polished fused silica samples were etched for different durations by using hydrofluoric (HF) acid solution with HF concentrations in an ultrasonic field. Surface and subsurface polishing residues and molecular structure parameters before and after the etching process were characterized by using a fluorescence microscope and infrared (IR) spectrometer, respectively. The laser induced damage thresholds (LIDTs) of the samples were measured by using pulsed nanosecond laser with wavelength of 355 nm. The results showed that surface and subsurface polishing residues can be effectively reduced by the acid etching process, and the LIDTs of fused silica are significantly improved. The etching effects increased with the increase of the HF concentration from 5 wt.% to 40 wt.%. The amount of polishing residues decreased with the increase of the etching duration and then kept stable. Simultaneously, with the increase of the etching time, the mechanical strength and molecular structure were improved.

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    Sampled-data modeling and dynamical effect of output-capacitor time-constant for valley voltage-mode controlled ewline buck-boost converter
    周述晗, 周国华, 曾绍桓, 冷敏瑞, 徐顺刚
    2017 (11):  118401-118401.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/118401
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    By analyzing the output voltage ripple of a buck-boost converter with large equivalent series resistance (ESR) of output capacitor, one valley voltage-mode controller for buck-boost converter is proposed. Considering the fact that the increasing and decreasing slopes of the inductor current are assumed to be constant during each switching cycle, an especial sampled-data model of valley voltage-mode controlled buck-boost converter is established. Based on this model, the dynamical effect of an output-capacitor time-constant on the valley voltage-mode controlled buck-boost converter is revealed and analyzed via the bifurcation diagrams, the movements of eigenvalues, the Lyapunov exponent spectra, the boundary equations, and the operating-state regions. It is found that with gradual reduction of output-capacitor time-constant, the buck-boost converter in continuous conduction mode (CCM) shows the evolutive dynamic behavior from period-1 to period-2, period-4, period-8, chaos, and invalid state. The stability boundary and the invalidated boundary are derived theoretically by stability analysis, where the stable state of valley voltage-mode controlled buck-boost converter can enter into an unstable state, and the converter can shift from the operation region to a forbidden region. These results verified by time-domain waveforms and phase portraits of both simulation and experiment indicate that the sampled-data model is correct and the time constant of the output capacitor is a critical factor for valley voltage-mode controlled buck-boost converter, which has a significant effect on the dynamics as well as control stability.

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    A phenomenological memristor model for synaptic memory and learning behaviors
    邵楠, 张盛兵, 邵舒渊
    2017 (11):  118501-118501.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/118501
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    Properties that are similar to the memory and learning functions in biological systems have been observed and reported in the experimental studies of memristors fabricated by different materials. These properties include the forgetting effect, the transition from short-term memory (STM) to long-term memory (LTM), learning-experience behavior, etc. The mathematical model of this kind of memristor would be very important for its theoretical analysis and application design. In our analysis of the existing memristor model with these properties, we find that some behaviors of the model are inconsistent with the reported experimental observations. A phenomenological memristor model is proposed for this kind of memristor. The model design is based on the forgetting effect and STM-to-LTM transition since these behaviors are two typical properties of these memristors. Further analyses of this model show that this model can also be used directly or modified to describe other experimentally observed behaviors. Simulations show that the proposed model can give a better description of the reported memory and learning behaviors of this kind of memristor than the existing model.
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    An improved memristor model for brain-inspired computing
    周二瑞, 方粮, 刘汝霖, 汤振森
    2017 (11):  118502-118502.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/118502
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    Memristors, as memristive devices, have received a great deal of interest since being fabricated by HP labs. The forgetting effect that has significant influences on memristors' performance has to be taken into account when they are employed. It is significant to build a good model that can express the forgetting effect well for application researches due to its promising prospects in brain-inspired computing. Some models are proposed to represent the forgetting effect but do not work well. In this paper, we present a novel window function, which has good performance in a drift model. We analyze the deficiencies of the previous drift diffusion models for the forgetting effect and propose an improved model. Moreover, the improved model is exploited as a synapse model in spiking neural networks to recognize digit images. Simulation results show that the improved model overcomes the defects of the previous models and can be used as a synapse model in brain-inspired computing due to its synaptic characteristics. The results also indicate that the improved model can express the forgetting effect better when it is employed in spiking neural networks, which means that more appropriate evaluations can be obtained in applications.
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    Luminescent properties of thermally activated delayed fluorescence molecule with intramolecular π-π interaction betweendonor and acceptor
    蔡磊, 范建忠, 孔祥朋, 蔺丽丽, 王传奎
    2017 (11):  118503-118503.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/118503
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    Influence of intramolecular π-π interaction on the luminescent properties of thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) molecule (3, 5-bis(3,6-di-tert-butyl-9H-carbazol-9-yl)-phenyl)(pyridin-4-yl) methanone (DTCBPY) is theoretically studied by using the density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT). Four conformations (named as A, B, C, and D) of the DTCBPY can be found by relax scanning, and the configuration C corresponds to the luminescent molecule detected experimentally. Besides, we calculate the proportion of each conformation by Boltzmann distribution, high configuration ratios (44% and 52%) can be found for C and D. Moreover, C and D are found to exist with an intramolecular π-π interaction between one donor and the acceptor; the intramolecular interaction brings a smaller Huang-Rhys factor and reduced reorganization energy. Our work presents a rational explanation for the experimental results and demonstrates the importance of the intramolecular π-π interaction to the photophysical properties of TADF molecules.

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    Improved simultaneous multislice magnetic resonance imaging using total variation regularization
    马亚军, 李莎, 高嵩
    2017 (11):  118701-118701.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/118701
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    Controlled aliasing in parallel imaging results in higher acceleration (CAIPIRINHA) for simultaneous multislice imaging has been proposed recently, which combines multiband excitation and phase cycling techniques to reduce scan time and improve subsequent imaging reconstruction. In this work, the total variation (TV) regularization method is used to further improve CAIPIRINHA. The TV regularization uses an edge-preserving prior, which establishes a relationship between neighboring pixels for image reconstruction. It reduces artifacts and suppresses noise amplification simultaneously. The results are presented with a standard eight-channel head coil with an acceleration factor of 4, where the TV-regularized CAIPIRINHA generates an improved reconstruction as compared with a typical nonregularized CAIPIRINHA.
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    Wavelet optimization for applying continuous wavelet transform to maternal electrocardiogram component enhancing
    于琼, 管群, 李萍, 刘铁兵, 司峻峰, 肇莹, 刘红星, 王元庆
    2017 (11):  118702-118702.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/118702
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    In the procedure of non-invasive fetal electrocardiogram (ECG) extraction, high-quality maternal R wave peak detection demands enhancing the maternal ECG component firstly. Among all the enhancing algorithms, the one based on the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is very important and its effectiveness depends on the optimization of the used wavelet. However, up to now, there is still no clear conclusion on the optimal wavelet (including type and scale) for CWT to enhance the maternal ECG component of an abdominal ECG signal. To solve this problem, in this paper, we select several common used types of wavelets to carry out our research on what the optimal wavelets are. We first establish big-enough training datasets with different sampling rates and make a maternal QRS template for each signal in the training datasets. Second, for each type of selected wavelets, we find its optimal scale corresponding to each QRS template in a training dataset based on the principle of maximal correlation. Then calculating the average of all optimized wavelet scales results in the mean optimal wavelet of this type for the dataset. We use two original abdominal ECG databases to train and test the optimized mean optimal wavelets. The test results show that, as a whole, the mean optimal wavelets obtained are superior to the wavelets used in other publications for applying CWT to maternal ECG component enhancing.

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    Image of local energy anomaly during a heavy rainfall event
    杨帅, 左群杰, 高守亭
    2017 (11):  119201-119201.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/11/119201
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    A clear and interesting image of local total energy anomaly (EA) is depicted for a heavy rainfall event in this study. Before the convection development, it exhibits a positive local EA, implying local total energy (TE) experiences heaping up to prepare for the future system development. As the convection grows, it transforms into an opposite spatial modality with negative EA dominant, which means that the local TE is consumed to feed the convection growth in the middle and lower levels. The local total EA has consistent variation regular in intensity with severe weather system evolution. By utilizing the local TE budget equation in variable density fluid, the flux divergence of energy and its components are investigated, which could account for the local TE variation better. To relax the restriction and complexity introduced by identifying sporadic and alternative positive/negative signals of EA, the method taking the absolute-value operator on energy flux divergence is used to further simplify analyses. The derived characteristic signal of absolute EA is clearer and cleaner than before. Thus, the EA could be illustrated based on the active degree of energy supply/consumption in a generalized sense whatever positive or negative anomaly should be it, which could be used easily to identify and even predict the system development for operational application. Note that, although two sets of methodologies are used to define EA herein, they play absolutely different roles in nature throughout the whole context. For example, the taking-perturbation method provides a diagnostic tool to portray a preliminary sketch and to give sufficient necessity of this research, while tendency equation of local TE illuminates more predictive sense and accounts for future local EA related to following system evolution. Therefore, the latter could be a more effective tool to routine usage.
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