Temporal behaviour of open-circuit photovoltaic solitons
张美志, 卢克清, 程光华, 李可昊, 张贻齐, 张玉虹, 张彦鹏
2009 (7):
doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/7/036
1399 )
Based on the time-dependent band-transport model in a photorefractive medium, dark open-circuit photovoltaic (PV) solitons are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Compared with those of the time-independent models, our theoretical results revealed that quasi-steady-state and steady-state PV solitons can both be obtained. Our results also revealed that when r < 1 (r is the normalized intensity at infinity), the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of solitons decreases monotonically to a constant value; when r > 1, however, the FWHM of solitons first decreases to a minimum before it increases to a constant value. Moreover, the FWHM of steady solitons decreases with increasing intensity ratio
for r < 1, and increases with increasing intensity ratio for r > 1. We further observed dark PV solitons in experiments, and recorded their evolution. These results indicated that steady solitons can be observed at low optical power, while
quasi-steady-state solitons can only be generated at higher optical power. Good agreement is found between theory and experiment.
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