Nanoscale carbon tubules deposited in anodic aluminium oxide template: a study of soft x-ray transmission
刘利峰, 周维亚, 朱佩平, 崔明启, 郑雷, 朱杰, 赵屹东, 宋礼, 闫小琴, 周振平, 袁华军, 慈立杰, 刘东方, 高燕, 王健雄, 王刚
2004 (11):
doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/13/11/028
1060 )
Well-aligned, catalyst-free nanoscale carbon tubules array was prepared by organic compound vapour deposition method using anodic aluminium oxide (AAO) as a template. The experiment of soft x-ray channelling in such carbon tubules array deposited in AAO template was performed at Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The transmission of x-rays in carbon tubules array with AAO template support was found even higher than that in bare AAO template at high-energy part of energy spectrum though the porous area of the former was smaller than that of the latter. A qualitative explanation is presented to interpret our results.
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