† Corresponding author. E-mail:
‡ Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. E2015201203) and the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics of China (Grant No. 2015DFE62900).
The epitaxial-Si (epi-Si) growth on the crystalline Si (c-Si) wafer could be tailored by the working pressure in plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). It has been systematically confirmed that the epitaxial growth at the hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H)/c-Si interface is suppressed at high pressure (hp) and occurs at low pressure (lp). The hp a-Si:H, as a purely amorphous layer, is incorporated in the lp-epi-Si/c-Si interface. We find that: (i) the epitaxial growth can also occur at a-Si:H coated c-Si wafer as long as this amorphous layer is thin enough; (ii) with the increase of the inserted hp layer thickness, lp epi-Si at the interface is suppressed, and the fraction of a-Si:H in the thin films increases and that of c-Si decreases, corresponding to the increasing minority carrier lifetime of the sample. Not only the epitaxial results, but also the quality of the thin films at hp also surpasses that at lp, leading to the longer minority carrier lifetime of the hp sample than the lp one although they have the same amorphous phase.
In Si-based solar cells, the highest open circuit voltage (Voc) (750 mV) and cell efficiency (25.6%) have been achieved by the hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H)/crystalline Si (c-Si) heterojunction structure using a-Si:H to passivate symmetrically both sides of the c-Si wafer (so-called HIT solar cell).[1,2] One of the key factors for the high performance of the HIT solar cell is that there is no epitaxial growth at the a-Si:H/c-Si interface, which improves the surface passivation and junction properties.[3,4] Unfortunately, an epitaxial layer is formed rather easily at the a-Si/c-Si interface during the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), even without the presence of H2 gas.[5] It has been widely accepted that this epitaxial Si (epi-Si) is detrimental to solar cells since it includes many structural defects, such as H-related defect complexes, resulting in a low minority carrier lifetime.[6,7] But some researchers argued that the epi-Si growth is not always harmful and sometime even beneficial to the performance of the devices.[8–10] It was proposed that epitaxial growth is of two types:[8] (i) an epitaxial layer with a sharp interface and (ii) a mixed phase of crystalline and amorphous materials, and the presence of the former will not cause the loss in Voc but the latter must be suppressed to achieve high efficiencies in a-Si:H/c-Si solar cells. Very recently, it was reported that a high lifetime of over 7 ms was achieved in an intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon oxide (a-SiOx:H) passivated c-Si wafer when the epitaxial phase was present.[9] A simple control of process for the epitaxy on the c-Si surface is necessary to apply or avoid this special phase microstructure in heterojunction solar cells.
The epi-Si growth often occurs at high substrate temperature, low power, and high H2 dilution.[11] For instance, Fujiwara et al. found that the intrinsic a-Si:H layer is partially epitaxial at the temperature of over 140 °C and becomes completely epitaxial at temperature higher than 180 °C. It was also reported that epitaxial growth was suppressed at high working pressure.[6] The working pressure involves the silane depletion fraction, radical interaction probability, electron density, surface diffusion, and mean free path of generated radials from the plasma.
In this work, pure a-Si:H layer on c-Si substrate is achieved at high pressure (hp) and epi-Si layer at low pressure (lp), both thin films on Si wafer, glass, and a-Si:H/c-Si substrates have been investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and Sinton WCT-120 effective lifetime measurement setup. Especially SE, as a rapid, noncontact optical technique, plays an importance role for measuring the dielectric function, the film thickness, and the film crystallinity using the Tauc–Lorentz method combined with the Bruggeman effective medium approximation (BEMA) model. To study the effect of the initial stage of the thin film growth on the epi-Si growth, a hp pure a-Si:H layer is incorporated between the lp a-Si:H layer and the c-Si substrate, as stated above, the epi-Si growth at lp should plausibly be prevented. However, the lp epitaxial growth is avoided only when the thickness of the hp layer is up to 9 nm while failing to suppress when it is < ∼ 3.6 nm, which implies epi-Si can also occur at the a-Si:H coated c-Si wafer surface as long as this amorphous layer is thin enough. For further confirmation, the structural compositions and the minority carrier lifetimes of some stack schemes as functions of the thickness of the hp amorphous layer are also evaluated.
280 μm-thick (100)-oriented boron-doped float zone (FZ)-Si wafers (1–5 Ω·cm) with double-side polished (DSP) surfaces were used as the substrate materials. The high quality of the FZ-Si wafer allows us to neglect the contribution of the bulk to the total recombination, and the DSP mirror surface eliminates the influence of the wafer surface roughness on the passivation properties and allows the application of SE measurements. The samples were dipped in HF solution (5%, 3 min) to remove the native oxide layer, and then immediately transferred to the chamber of a cluster-PECVD system for the deposition of a-Si:H film to achieve symmetrical passivation on both sides of the c-Si wafers. Glass (Schott AF 32TM eco) substrates always accompanied each side of the wafer as a reference. The details of the deposition conditions are provided in Table
![]() | Table 1. Deposition condition of a-Si:H thin films. . |
The kinetics of material growth is often related to the deposition rate (Rd).[12] In this study, to reduce this effect, two deposition conditions with similar Rd but very different working pressures were adopted although they had different plasma chemistry and species.[13] Figure
The epitaxial growth of a-Si:H thin films on c-Si was analyzed by an UV–visible SE (Horiba JobinYvon UVISEL spectroscopic ellipsometer, using a 70° fixed incidence angle). SE is a powerful optical diagnostics technology commonly used to characterize Si-based thin films, and measures the change in the polarization of light upon reflection from a surface and provides information on the linear optical properties, thickness, and surface roughness of the films and substrates.[14,15] Especially its application to characterize the formation of fully epitaxial Si and the breakdown of epi-Si into mixed phase material has been systematically studied in theory[16–18] and confirmed in experiment by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM).[4,6,8,19] The optical properties from SE, as represented by the imaginary part of the dielectric function, provide a clear indication of the crystalline growth and allow the quantification of crystallinity, voids, density, and even hydrogen content of the thin films.[16] The model is important for accurate analysis in SE measurement. In this paper, three models have been built as shown in Fig.
After the lp, hp, lp/hp (3.6 nm), and lp/hp (9.0 nm) deposition, a yellowish silicon layer can be easily found on the glass substrate. SE fitting based on model II (a-Si:H layer on glass) yields a thickness of around 50 nm for the four samples (as can be seen in Table
![]() | Table 2. Site experiment observations and measurements. . |
Further, we attempt to incorporate the hp a-Si:H layer in the lp a-Si/c-Si interface to prevent the epitaxial growth of lp [a-Si:H] on c-Si. In this case, the total thickness of the passivation layer is always kept to be similar from sample to sample. The incorporation of the ∼3.6 nm-thick hp a-Si:H layer brings about a little increase of the lifetime (171 μs), but the thickness fit of the thin films is still the same as the lp [a-Si:H] thin film directly grown on c-Si, i.e., model III, rather than model I, has provided an effective thickness. It indicates that the epitaxial growth still occurs, which may be attributed to the hp layer being too thin to separate the interaction of c-Si surface energy with radicals dropped to the surface of c-Si from plasma.[22] When a 9 nm hp layer is applied to the lp a-Si:H/c-Si interface, the lifetime of the sample increases to 663 μs dramatically, and the thickness of the thin film can be presented by model I which just includes the amorphous phase, implying that the epitaxial growth has been suppressed. Note that the lifetime is not equal to that of the sample with the complete hp layer, and the reason will be unraveled hereinafter.
Raman spectra and dielectric functions from SE are employed to demonstrate the crystallinity of these samples in Table
Test data suggests that lp and lp/hp (3.6 nm) thin films are epitaxially grown on c-Si wafer, i.e., a lot of and even all crystalline phase has been shaped in thin films, so model III is the best choice for the SE fit (including the data in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. The deposition rates of the thin films on different substrates at high pressure and low pressure. |
The SE analysis based on model III also provides the structural fractions (percentage) of c-Si, a-Si:H, and void in the thin film. We use the thickness of the hp layer (dhp) divided by the total thickness of the hp layer and the lp layer (dhp + dlp) as abscissa and plot the curves about the structural percentages of c-Si, a-Si:H, and void in the thin film as a function of dhp/(dhp + dlp), as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. (a) The fractions of c-Si, a-Si:H, and void in the thin film and (b) the lifetime and implied Voc as a function of dhp/(dhp + dlp). |
We can draw a conclusion that hp not only suppresses the epitaxial growth, but also presents a high quality a-Si:H film on c-Si substrate, and lp results in the epi-Si easily. Even if no epitaxial growth occurs (e.g, in this study, epitaxial growth has been avoided by the incorporation of a 9 nm hp layer), lp a-Si:H also does not possess the best film quality and hence lp is not suitable to be used for passivating c-Si wafer in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells. It is still a question of why the working pressure can affect the epitaxial growth and the thin film quality? It is known that hp would increase the number of ionization events and silicon radicals colliding, leading to the increase of the electron density and the decrease of the electron temperatures, which favor the volume reaction rather than the surface reaction because of the reduction in the mean free path of the generated radials in the plasma.[4] The hp also accomplishes more silane depletion and the lower void fraction inside the film with moderating hydrogen content. It was reported that the atomic hydrogen can react with the silane network and terminate dangling bonds and remove weak bonds, and hp contributes to hydrogen dominating the film.[19,24] In addition, the ion bombardment becomes weaker at hp, favoring the growth of high quality films.[6]
A fruitful investigation is provided for confirmation that the control of the epitaxial growth status of a-Si:H thin film can be achieved by the working pressure in PECVD technology. The millisecond lifetime can be obtained at high working pressure due to suppression of epi-Si growth. The thin film with high quality, such as less voids and high density, can also be obtained at high pressure. While at low pressure, the low quality of thin film and the poor passivation effect are yielded because of the presence of epi-Si. In lp epi-Si/c-Si samples, the incorporation of a hp layer at the interface can prevent epitaxial growth unless the thickness of this layer is too thin. As the thickness of the hp layer increases, the lp thin film tends to amorphous phase thoroughly, generating the increase of the lifetime and the implied Voc. All detailed studies pave the way for epistemology in HIT solar cell industrialization.
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