Vibration properties of low-fraction hydrogen in deuterium ices
王燕, 董顺乐
2005 (10):
doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/14/10/005
1240 )
Inelastic incoherent neutron scattering spectra of D2O high-density
amorphous (hda) ice, ice-VIII and ice-II mixed with small amount of H2O (<5%) have been measured recently on high-energy transfer spectrometer at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK). The hydrogen atom on D2O ice lattices has three distinguished vibrational modes, two bending at low frequencies and one stretching at high frequencies, and their frequencies are slightly different for different phases of ice. It was found that the lower one of the bending modes is located at \sim 95\,meV for hda-ice, at \sim 95\,meV for ice-VIII and at \sim 96\,meV for ice-II and they are all lower than the value of 104\,meV for ice-Ih. It was also measured that the O-D and O-H covalent bond stretching modes of ice-VIII are at \sim 315 and \sim 425\,meV, ice-II at 307 and \sim $415\,meV, hda-ice at 312 and \sim 418\,meV, respectively. They are significantly higher than the values of ice-Ih at \sim 299 and \sim 406\,meV, respectively.
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