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    2002年, 第11卷, 第3期 刊出日期:2002-03-13 上一期    下一期
    Symmetry groups and spiral wave solution of a wave propagation equation
    张全举, 屈长征
    2002 (3):  207-212.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/301
    摘要 ( 1256 )   PDF(248KB) ( 431 )  
    We study a third-order nonlinear evolution equation, which can be transformed to the modified KdV equation, using the Lie symmetry method. The Lie point symmetries and the one-dimensional optimal system of the symmetry algebras are determined. Those symmetries are some types of nonlocal symmetries or hidden symmetries of the modified KdV equation. The group-invariant solutions, particularly the travelling wave and spiral wave solutions, are discussed in detail, and a type of spiral wave solution which is smooth in the origin is obtained.
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    Solutions, bifurcations and chaos of the nonlinear Schr?dinger equation with weak damping
    彭解华, 唐驾时, 于德介, 颜家壬, 海文华
    2002 (3):  213-217.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/302
    摘要 ( 1304 )   PDF(247KB) ( 642 )  
    Using the wave packet theory, we obtain all the solutions of the weakly damped nonlinear Schr?dinger equation. These solutions are the static solution, and solutions of planar wave, solitary wave, shock wave and elliptic function wave and chaos. The bifurcation phenomenon exists in both steady and non-steady solutions. The chaotic and periodic motions can coexist in a certain parametric space region.
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    Scheme for teleporting an unknown atomic state to any node in a quantum communication network
    宋克慧, 张为俊, 郭光灿
    2002 (3):  218-221.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/303
    摘要 ( 1477 )   PDF(214KB) ( 484 )  
    We propose a scheme for teleporting an unknown atomic state. In order to realize the teleportation to any node in a quantum communication network, an n-atom Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state is needed, which is utilized as the quantum channel. From this n-atom GHZ state, two-node entanglement of processing and receiving teleported states can be obtained through the quantum logic gate manipulation. Finally, for the unequally weighted GHZ state, probabilistic teleportation is shown.
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    New ways of deriving Arnowitt-Deser-Misner constraint equations in four-dimensional gravity
    吴亚波, 李久利, 李磊
    2002 (3):  222-225.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/304
    摘要 ( 1104 )   PDF(219KB) ( 499 )  
    In this paper, the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) constraint equations are naturally derived in two different ways. One method is to construct a one-parametric gravitational action in the Lorentzian spacetime. Hence, the one-parametric ADM constraint equations can be obtained. The other method is to apply the double complex function method to Einstein-Hilbert gravitational fields in Hamiltonian formulation. Therefore the double ADM constraint equations can be obtained, in which the well-known ADM constraint equations are included as a special case.
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    Numerical simulation of dispersion generated by a 180° turn in a microchannel
    姚朝晖, G. L. Yoder, C. T. Culbertson, J. M. Ramsey
    2002 (3):  226-232.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/305
    摘要 ( 1030 )   PDF(326KB) ( 517 )  
    A numerical scheme is developed to simulate electro-osmotic flow and mass transport in a microchannel which includes a 180° turn. The model has been used to predict the behaviour of electro-osmotically driven flows. The detailed structure of the flow field in a microchannel in combination with species mass diffusion can explain the concentration dispersion introduced by a 180° turn. The results of our simulations agree both qualitatively and quantitatively with experimental observation. It is demonstrated that an improved electro-osmotic force model could simulate the electrokinetically driven flow well without making detailed calculations of the electric charge density distribution within the electrical double layer. Additionally, because this model applies forces to the liquid as opposed to imposing local velocities, it should also be appropriate for use where pressure gradients exist in the flow field.
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    Tracking control and synchronization of chaotic systems based upon sampled-data feedback
    陈士华, 刘杰, 谢进, 陆君安
    2002 (3):  233-237.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/306
    摘要 ( 1333 )   PDF(220KB) ( 702 )  
    A novel tracking control and synchronization method is proposed based upon sampled-data feedback. This method can make a chaotic system approach any desired smooth orbit and synchronize the driving system and the response system, both in the same structure and in diverse structures. Finally, a numerical simulation with a Lorenz system is provided for the purpose of illustration and verification.
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    The formation of matter structures in the Universe
    2002 (3):  238-240.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/307
    摘要 ( 1183 )   PDF(179KB) ( 533 )  
    We discuss the formation of matter structures in the Universe, and show that spherical Higgs bosonic membranes were possibly produced homogeneously in the early Universe and expanded rapidly. After a period of evolution, the composition of the membranes began to change, the massive particles replaced the imaginary Higgs bosons through the Higgs mechanism, while the energy came from the Universe expansion. After that, the membranes reduced their speed and broke into pieces, which became the seeds of matter structures. It is proven that microscopic principles may affect the formation of large-scale structures, and the formation of structures such as cosmic foam is also possible.
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    Electromagnetically-induced transparency in a multi-V-type system in cesium atomic vapour
    赵建明, 尹王保, 江丽蓉, 肖连团, 贾锁堂
    2002 (3):  241-244.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/308
    摘要 ( 1402 )   PDF(202KB) ( 763 )  
    Electromagnetically-induced transparency is observed in a three-level multi-V-type system in cesium vapour at room temperature. The absorption property is measured and the hyperfine structures of atomic states can be determined. The results of the experiment agree with the theoretical analysis.
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    Molecular dynamic simulation of secondary ion emission from an Al sample bombarded with MeV heavy ions
    薛建明, 今西信嗣
    2002 (3):  245-248.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/309
    摘要 ( 1406 )   PDF(214KB) ( 483 )  
    Sputtering yields and kinetic energy distributions (KED) of Al atomic ions ejected from a pure aluminium sample under MeV silicon ion bombardment were simulated with the molecular dynamic method. Since the electronic energy loss Se is much higher than the nuclear energy loss Sn when the incident ion energy is as high as several MeV, the Se effect was also taken into consideration in the simulation. It was found that the simulated sputtering yield fits well with the experimental data and the electronic energy loss has a slight effect at incident ion energies higher than 4 MeV. The simulated secondary ion KED spectrum is a little lower in the peak energy and narrower in the peak width than that in the experiment.
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    Analysis of the low-lying spectrum of the He-tetramer
    鲍诚光, 贺彦章, 李训贵
    2002 (3):  249-253.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/310
    摘要 ( 1107 )   PDF(203KB) ( 421 )  
    There is a type of nodal surface imposed by symmetry on wavefunctions. These surfaces are crucial to the ordering of low-lying states. Based on an analysis of this type of surface and based on existing theoretical results, the feature of the low-lying spectrum of the He-tetramer is studied, and the candidates of bound states and narrow resonances are suggested.
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    Effect of temperature on the evolution of bright and dark screening-photovoltaic spatial solitons
    刘劲松, 郝中华
    2002 (3):  254-259.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/311
    摘要 ( 1434 )   PDF(247KB) ( 675 )  
    We investigate theoretically the temperature effects on the evolution of both bright and dark screening-photovoltaic optical spatial solitons in biased photovoltaic-photorefractive crystals in the case of neglecting the diffusion process. For a stable bright or dark screening-photovoltaic soliton originally formed in a crystal at a given temperature, when the crystal temperature changes, it will evolve into another stable screening-photovoltaic soliton if the change is quite small, whereas it will become unstable or break down if the temperature change is large enough. The spatial shape of a stable screening-photovoltaic soliton can be reshaped by appropriately adjusting the crystal temperature.
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    Characterization of the high-voltage pulsed discharge plasma of ammonia by emission spectroscopy
    杨炜东, 王培南, 刘征平, 糜岚, 李富铭
    2002 (3):  260-265.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/312
    摘要 ( 1434 )   PDF(241KB) ( 816 )  
    We have used optical emission spectroscopy to characterize the high-voltage pulsed discharge of ammonia. Ammonia was highly dissociated in the discharge at low pressures. More atomic nitrogen was generated as compared to the discharge of nitrogen gas at the same pressure of 0.8kPa. We discuss the elimination of the oxygen impurity in the ammonia discharge, and we estimate the time-dependent atomic excitation temperature and the electron density from the measured spectra.
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    Elastic analysis of a mode II crack in a decagonal quasi-crystal
    李显方, 范天佑
    2002 (3):  266-271.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/313
    摘要 ( 1250 )   PDF(246KB) ( 450 )  
    The elastic analysis of a mode II Griffith crack penetrating through a decagonal quasi-crystal along the periodic axis is made within the context of the continuum theory. By using a general solution obtained previously, the problem in the case of uniform shear stress at infinity is solved, and the analytical expressions for the entire stress field disturbed by an internal crack are derived in an explicit form. The asymptotic fields of the displacement and stress around a crack tip in both phonon and phason fields indicate that the stresses near a crack tip exhibit the square-root singularity. The formula for evaluating the energy release rate is also given. If imposing that the phason field is absent, the well-known results of a mode II crack in a conventional material are recovered from the present results.
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    Phase transition and pitting corrosion behaviour for Mo-implanted aluminium
    张通和, 吴瑜光, 刘培英, 钱卫东
    2002 (3):  272-276.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/314
    摘要 ( 1289 )   PDF(256KB) ( 520 )  
    Molybdenum ions are implanted into aluminium with high ion flux and high dose at elevated temperatures of 200℃, 400℃ and 500℃. Due to the high temperature and high flux of vacancies and interstitial atoms, the atom diffusion and chemical effects are enhanced during the ion implantation. The effects increase with increasing ion flux and dose, so that new phase formation and phase transition emerge noticeably. X-ray diffraction analysis shows that when the aluminium is implanted with Mo ions at a low ion flux (25μA/cm2), the Al5Mo alloy is formed. The atomic ratio of Mo/Al of the Al5Mo phase is close to 20%. When the aluminium is implanted with Mo ions at a high ion flux (50μA/cm2), the phase transition from Al5Mo to Al12Mo appears, and the latter is dominant, which is determined to be the final phase. The ratio of Mo/Al in Al12Mo is 7.7%. Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy indicates also that the Mo/Al atom ratio is ~7% to ~8% in Mo-implanted aluminium. The atomic ratios of the constituents in Al5Mo and Al12Mo are of stoichiometric composition for these alloys. The thicknesses of the Al12Mo alloy layers for Mo-implanted Al with ion doses of 3×1017/cm2 and 1×1018/cm2 are 550nm and 2000nm, respectively. The pitting corrosion potential Vp increases obviously. It is clear that due to the formation of Al12Mo alloy layer, the pitting corrosion resistance is enhanced.
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    Dielectric effect on the rf characteristics of a helical groove travelling wave tube
    魏彦玉, 王文祥, 孙嘉鸿, 刘盛纲, Baofu Jia, Gun-Sik Park
    2002 (3):  277-281.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/315
    摘要 ( 1093 )   PDF(261KB) ( 645 )  
    A new type of partial-dielectric-loaded helical groove slow-wave structure (SWS) for millimetre wave travelling wave tube (TWT) is presented in this paper. The radio-frequency characteristics including the dispersion properties, the longitudinal electric field distribution and the beam-wave coupling impedance of this structure are analysed. The results show that the dispersion of the helical groove circuit is weakened, the phase velocity is reduced and the position of the maximum Ez is moved from the mouth to the inside of the groove after partially filling the dielectric materials in the helical groove SWS. Therefore, the dielectric-loaded helical groove SWS is suitable for a multi-beam TWT with broad band and high gain.
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    Study on the in-plane electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power in single crystals of La2-xBaxCuO4
    李鹏程, 杨宏顺, 李志权, 柴一晟, 曹烈兆
    2002 (3):  282-287.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/316
    摘要 ( 1399 )   PDF(255KB) ( 535 )  
    The in-plane electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power have been measured on single crystals of La2-xBaxCuO4 at around x=0.125. The room temperature resistivity and thermopower have their maximum values at x=0.125, indicating that the carrier concentration is the minimum and the carriers are most strongly localized at x=0.125. The observed semiconductor-like behaviour can be well described by the weak-localized quasi-two-dimensional state. The steep rise in electric resistivity of the sample at x=0.125 below 70K is attributed to the formation of static stripe-order of holes and spins, which are pinned by the low-temperature tetragonal (LTT) structure, as discovered in La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4. The temperature dependence of electric resistivity below 70K is still well described by the formula ρ∝ lnT. A definite change in the slope of thermopower is observed at the low-temperature orthorhombic-LTT structural phase transition temperature. The origin of the 1/8 anomaly is discussed in the text.
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    An investigation of phase separation by magnetic force microscopy in La0.45Sr0.55MnO3-$\delta$($\delta$≈0.01)
    李润伟, 张臻蓉, 李庆安, 孙继荣, 王志宏, 张绍英, 成昭华, 韩宝善, 沈保根
    2002 (3):  288-292.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/317
    摘要 ( 1509 )   PDF(443KB) ( 465 )  
    We have found phase separation in La0.45Sr0.55MnO3-δ (LSMO) by means of electron spin resonance, magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and magnetic measurements. Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases can coexist at low temperatures, and ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases coexist when the temperature lies between the Néel and Curie temperatures. The size and shape of the ferromagnetic phases (the minority phases) was first observed directly from MFM images. It is suggested that the phase separation in LSMO is not the charge segregation type, but an electroneutral type due perhaps to the nonuniform distribution of oxygen vacancies.
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    Crystallization of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change optical disk media
    刘波, 阮昊, 干福熹
    2002 (3):  293-297.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/318
    摘要 ( 1449 )   PDF(239KB) ( 903 )  
    In this paper, the crystallization behaviour of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films is investigated using differential scanning calorimetry), x-ray diffraction and optical transmissivity measurements. It is indicated that only the amorphous phase to face-centred-cubic phase transformation occurs during laser annealing of the normal phase-change structure, which is a benefit for raising the phase-change optical disk's carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR). For amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films, the crystallization temperature is about 200℃ and the melting temperature is 546.87℃. The activation energy for the crystallization, Ea, is 2.25eV. The crystallization dynamics for Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films obeys the law of nucleation and growth reaction. The sputtered Ge2Sb2Te5 films were initialized by an initializer unit. The initialization conditions have a great effect on the reflectivity contrast of the Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change optical disk.
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    Nucleation of diamond on silicon wafers using C60 in the hot filament chemical vapour deposition system
    费允杰, 王学, 王学进, 周玉清, 熊艳云, 冯克安
    2002 (3):  298-301.  doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/3/319
    摘要 ( 1076 )   PDF(224KB) ( 373 )  
    Scanning electron microscopy and Raman shifts were used to study the process of diamond nucleation and growth using C60 in the hot filament chemical vapour deposition (HFCVD) system. The process of nucleation and growth of diamond films on silicon wafer using C60 as intermediate layer in HFCVD system is described. In order to increase the density of diamond nuclei on the wafers, it is not necessary to use negative bias. The UV-light pre-treatment is not beneficial for improving the diamond nucleation. The multi-layers of C60 molecules, but not a monolayer, can increase the density of diamond nuclei in the presence of H atoms.
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