Investigation the positive moments on the M-T curve of YBCO films measured by using zero-field cooling
郭树权, 王凤林, 周岳亮, 赵柏儒, 高炬
2002 (4):
doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/4/312
1336 )
The superconducting transition of a YBCO film was measured by a MPMS-5 superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer, using a zero-field cooling process. The experimental results have shown that there are positive magnetic moment and positive peak on the M-T curve. We have proven that these anomalous behaviours are due to measurement error, but not phase transition. We have proposed a simple formula to explain and to calculate quantitatively these anomalous behaviours. It was found that, provided dH>0.59Hp (dH is the inhomogeneous field of the remnant field, Hp is the fully penetrated field of the measured sample), the experimental results will be positive, not negative. If dH≥2Hp, the experimental results will be symmetrical to their real negative values. From the M-T curve, which has positive moment and positive peak below Tc (superconducting transition temperature), we found a new possible method to obtain Hp of the measured sample.
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