† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, China (Grant No. JQ19004), the Excellent Talents Training Support Fund of Beijing, China (Grant No. 2017000026833ZK11), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51991340 and 51991342), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2016YFA0300903 and 2016YFA0300804), the Key Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province, China (Grant Nos. 2019B010931001, 2020B010189001, 2018B010109009, and 2018B030327001), the Science Fund from the Municipal Science … Technology Commission of Beijing, China (Grant No. Z191100007219005), the Graphene Innovation Program of Beijing, China (Grant No. Z181100004818003), the Fund from the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of Shenzhen City, China (Graphene platform 201901161512), the Innovative and Entrepreneurial Research Team Program of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2016ZT06D348), and the Fund from the Science, Technology, and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality, China (Grant No. KYTDPT20181011104202253).
Carrier lifetime is one of the most fundamental physical parameters that characterizes the average time of carrier recombination in any material. The control of carrier lifetime is the key to optimizing the device function by tuning the electro–optical conversion quantum yield, carrier diffusion length, carrier collection process, etc. Till now, the prevailing modulation methods are mainly by defect engineering and temperature control, which have limitations in the modulation direction and amplitude of the carrier lifetime. Here, we report an effective modulation on the ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited carriers in two-dimensional (2D) MoS2 monolayer by uniaxial tensile strain. The combination of optical ultrafast pump–probe technique and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy reveals that the carrier dynamics through Auger scattering, carrier–phonon scattering, and radiative recombination keep immune to the strain. But strikingly, the uniaxial tensile strain weakens the trapping of photoexcited carriers by defects and therefore prolongs the corresponding carrier lifetime up to 440% per percent applied strain. Our results open a new avenue to enlarge the carrier lifetime of 2D MoS2, which will facilitate its applications in high-efficient optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices.
Reduced dimension brings two-dimensional (2D) transit ion metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) many stimulating advantages, such as enhanced light–matter interaction,[1,2] unique physical properties,[3–7] and facile integration of hybrid structures.[8–10] With these features, TMDCs have led a revolutionary breakthrough in photodetectors,[11–13] optical modulators,[14] light-emitting diodes,[15,16] valleytronic devices,[17] etc. To realize and optimize those applications, understanding and engineering the photoexcited carrier dynamic processes are of paramount importance.[18–20] In TMDCs materials, the nonradiative rather than radiative relaxation pathways dominate the carrier dynamics.[21–23] Due to the large specific surface area and high density of defects, ∼ 43% excitons will be trapped by surface defect states and only 2.8% excitons can exhibit radiative recombination.[24] This defect trapping process is ultrafast with time scale of a few picoseconds, which is comparable with the interlayer charge transfer (∼ 1 ps)[25] and much faster than radiative recombination process (about hundreds of picoseconds).[23] Therefore, the defect trapping process rather than radiative recombination dominates the performances of TMDCs-based devices, such as charge collection efficiency, photoconductive gain, and response time. Many efforts have been devoted against the trap states. For example, the defect-mediated nonradiative recombination can be efficiently eliminated by decorating an organic superacid;[26] stacking graphene layer on TMDCs can selectively filter out the radiative recombination and enable pristine PL.[27] While it is still a challenge to directly prolong the lifetime of defect trapping process.
Benefiting from the high flexibility and toughness, strain has been regarded as a powerful route to effectively and continuously engineering the physical properties of TMDCs recently. The band structure,[28–32] phonon modes,[33,34] and the optical nonlinearity[35] can be significantly tuned. Under in-plane tensile strain, the strain-dependent carrier–phonon interaction in TMDCs has been fully studied and the corresponding nanosecond-scale lifetime is demonstrated to decrease slightly.[36,37] While a more comprehensive understanding of the modulation of carrier lifetime through the engineering of in-plane uniaxial strain is still lacking so far. Here, for the first time, we directly studied the modulation of the carrier dynamics in MoS2 monolayer by uniaxial tensile strain. We found that the carrier dynamic process in MoS2 has four channels (i.e., Auger scattering, trap states scattering, carrier–phonon scattering, and radiative recombination process) with different time scales. Strain can significantly prolong the carrier lifetime associated with defect trapping by 440% per percent strain, while the other three carrier dynamic channels remain largely unchanged.
MoS2 monolayer samples were grown on 300-nm SiO2/Si substrate by CVD method using MoO3 and S powders as precursors. 10.0-mg MoO3 powder was placed at the center of a tube furnace and 20-mg S powder at the upstream side 14 cm away from the MoO3 powder. The CVD process was carried out in ultrahigh-purity Argon gas atmosphere under ambient pressure.
The CVD-synthesized MoS2 monolayer was transferred onto flexible Acrylic substrate by the wet transfer method. PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate, 4%) in ethyl lactate solution was spin-coated onto MoS2 and baked at 120 °C for 2 min. Then the sample was placed into KOH (1 M) aqueous solution at 80 °C for 5 min to lift off the PMMA/MoS2 from the substrate. After thoroughly washing with deionized water for three times, the PMMA/MoS2 film was transferred to the target acrylic substrate. At last, the PMMA/MoS2/acrylic sample was dried naturally for several hours and baked at 80 °C for 10 min to enhance the interaction between MoS2 and acrylic.
PL and Raman spectra were measured using self-built equipment with 532-nm CW laser. The integral time was set as 1 s for the PL measurements and 30 s for the Raman measurements with laser power of 1 mW.
We performed the pump–probe measurements with femtosecond pulses (∼ 100 fs, 80 MHz) generated by a Ti:sapphire oscillator (Spectra-Physics Mai Tai laser) and an optical parametric amplifier (OPO). In our pump–probe experiments, we pumped at 410 nm and probed at 670 nm. Those two pulses are separated in the time-domain by a controllable delay-time and focused onto the sample. After collection of the reflected pulses, 460-nm long-pass filter was used to filter out the pump pulse. The transient absorption signal, defined as ΔR/R = (Rwith pump − Rwithout pump)/Rwithout pump, was recorded by a PMT and a lock-in amplifier with reflective geometry. The diameters of focused pump and probe pulse are ∼ 2 μm and ∼ 1 μm, respectively.
The time-resolved PL was excited by pulses from Ti:sapphire oscillator at 410 nm. We selected the PL signal of target wavelength by a 460-long-pass filter and a spectrometer (with resolution of ± 2 nm) after photoexcitation and collection. Then, we acquired the time-resolved PL signal using single-photon APD (PicoQuant Company, TDA 200) combining with a TCSPC module (TimeHarp 260 PICO Single).
In our experiments, uniaxial tensile strain was applied through bending the flexible acrylic substrate. The sample which is at the upper surface is stretched and the uniaxial tensile strain is applied by the friction force between the sample and substrate (Fig.
The PL spectrum of MoS2 monolayer features a prominent peak at ∼ 670 nm that corresponds to the A exciton radiative recombination at the K-valley in the Brillouin zone. Under imposition of tensile strain by bending the flexible acrylic substrate, the A exciton PL peak red shifts correspondingly (Fig.
To investigate the origin of PL broadening in MoS2 under tensile stain, we applied time-resolved experiments to track the carrier dynamic processes in the following. The dynamics of photoexcited carriers in MoS2 could be described by four processes as illustrated in Fig.
In the pump–probe experiment, we pumped MoS2 by 410 nm pulse (width of ∼ 100 fs, fluence of 3 μJ/cm2) and probed the carrier population around the band gap with tunable wavelength of 590 nm–710 nm. The transient absorption signal of MoS2 at different probe wavelengths and different pump–probe delay time is shown in the 2D mapping (Fig.
To obtain the slower carrier dynamic processes, we applied time-resolved PL and recorded the A exciton PL intensity under 410-nm pulse laser excitation. The A exciton PL dynamic process in the range of 0 ps–500 ps is shown in Fig.
After characterizing the carrier dynamic channels in MoS2, we then investigated the modulation of carrier lifetimes by uniaxial strain. As the A exciton peak position varies with strain, the wavelength of probe pulse and the time-resolved PL were tuned correspondingly during strain to ensure that we were always detecting the A exciton dynamics. Strain-dependent transient absorption spectra are shown in Fig.
To quantitatively analyze the strain engineering carrier dynamic processes, the measured transient absorption curves and time-resolved PL curves are fitted correspondingly. The strain-dependent fitting lifetimes are shown in Figs.
The rise of defect trapping lifetime is expected to enhance the PL intensity under strain. While from our experiment results, the PL intensity reduced slightly with strain increasing (Supplementary information in Fig.
![]() | Fig. A4. Strain-dependent PL intensity of MoS2 monolayer. The PL intensity reduces as the strain increases. |
Currently we do not have a quantitative understanding on the strain-dependent defect trapping lifetime in MoS2, and we believe more theoretical exploration on the strain modulation of carrier dynamics will be carried out and might provide more in-depth information in the near future. Strain-dependent lifetime under cryogenic temperature can be also very helpful, but it is quite technically challenging now and waiting for future investigations.
In conclusion, we have investigated the engineering of carrier lifetimes under uniaxial tensile strain in 2D MoS2. We found that, in contrast to the carrier dynamics through Auger scattering, carrier–phonon scattering, and radiative recombination which are insensitive to applied strain, the defect trapping lifetime can be enlarged by 440% per percent strain. As the carrier dynamics processes are similar for different TMDCs, in-plane uniaxial strain is believed to be a universal approach for carrier lifetime engineering. Since the defect states dominate many physical processes in TMDCs, the prolongation of defect trapping lifetime can be very useful for optimizing the performances of TMDCs-based devices.
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