Modulation of carrier lifetime in MoS2 monolayer by uniaxial strain
Hong Hao1, Cheng Yang1, Wu Chunchun1, 2, Huang Chen1, Liu Can1, Yu Wentao1, Zhou Xu1, Ma Chaojie1, Wang Jinhuan1, 3, Zhang Zhihong1, Zhao Yun3, Xiong Jie2, Liu Kaihui1, †

PL and Raman spectra of MoS2 monolayer under strain: (a) schematic illustration of strain apparatus, where the uniaxial tensile strain can be applied on MoS2 by bending the flexible acrylic substrate. (b) Optical image of transferred MoS2 monolayers on acrylic substrate. (c) Raman spectroscopy of monolayer MoS2. The characteristic in-plane E2g1 and out-of -plane A1g phonon modes are labelled. (d) Strain-dependent PL spectra of monolayer MoS2. (e) PL peak position under different strain amplitudes. The PL peak red shifts monotonically as the strain increases. (f) PL peak FWHM under different strain amplitudes. The imposition of tensile strain gently broadens the PL peak of MoS2 monolayer.