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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51672180, 51622306, and 21673151), Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Science & Technology, the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD), the 111 Project, Joint International Research Laboratory of Carbon-Based Functional Materials and Devices.
Small-molecule organic semiconductor crystals (SMOSCs) combine broadband light absorption (ultraviolet–visible–near infrared) with long exciton diffusion length and high charge carrier mobility. Therefore, they are promising candidates for realizing high-performance photodetectors. Here, after a brief resume of photodetector performance parameters and operation mechanisms, we review the recent advancements in application of SMOSCs as photodetectors, including photoconductors, phototransistors, and photodiodes. More importantly, the SMOSC-based photodetectors are further categorized according to their detection regions that cover a wide range from ultraviolet to near infrared. Finally, challenges and outlooks of SMOSC-based photodetectors are provided.
Small-molecule organic semiconductor crystals (SMOSCs) have become one of the research hotspots in recent years due to their unique optical and electrical properties. Compared with organic thin films, SMOSCs possess fewer grain boundaries, fewer undesirable defects, and long-range-order molecular packing. Thus, they have many distinct advantages, including longer exciton diffusion lengths and higher charge carrier mobilities, which can largely suppress the recombination of excitons and accelerate charge transport.[1] Up to now, SMOSCs have been widely used for realizing high-performance organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), organic photovoltaics (OPVs), and organic photodetectors.[2–6]
Spectral response of SMOSCs can also be readily tuned from ultraviolet (UV) to the near infrared (NIR) region by controlling the molecular structure.[5,6] This has enabled the successful development of high-performance and panchromatic photodetectors that are targeted for image sensing and scanners.[7] Moreover, SMOSCs have excellent compatibility with solution-processed methods and flexible substrates, making them possible to realize innovative applications such as implantable optical communication, electronic eye, portable analyzer, and so on.[6–8] Over the past decades, rapid developments in photodetectors based on SMOSCs have been achieved. For example, Schwab et al.[9] gave the first demonstration of single-crystalline porphine nanorod-based photodetectors in 2004. Encouraged by their interesting discovery, highly sensitive, low-cost, and flexible photodetectors have been widely investigated by using SMOSCs as light harvesting materials. In addition, benefiting from the development of aligned/patterned strategies, integrated SMOSC-based photodetectors for image sensing applications have been successfully demonstrated.[10] However, no study has yet presented a comprehensive overview of the development and progress for SMOSC-based photodetectors.
Herein, after reviewing the fundamentals and key figure-of-merit parameters of photodetectors in Section
Photodetectors are typical optoelectronic devices that can detect light signals via the photoelectric effect.[11] In this section, the key figures of merit used to characterize photodetectors and most widely adopted device architectures of SMOSC-based photodetectors are summarized.
External quantum efficiency (EQE): EQE is the ratio of the number of photo-generated carriers to the number of incident photon. It can be expressed as
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Responsivity (R): R is defined as the ratio of photocurrent to incident-light intensity, which is usually expressed as
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Detectivity (D): it is used to describe the ability of weak light detection, the normalized value is called the specific detectivity (D*), which can be written as
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Response speed (t): it determines the ability of a photodetector to follow a rapid modulated light signal, which is characterized by the rise time (tr) and fall time (tf). The rise time tr or the fall time tf is defined as the time required for the response to rise from 10% to 90% or to decay from 90% to 10% of the peak value.
According to the working mechanisms, SMOSC-based photodetectors can be categorized as photoconductors, phototransistors, and photodiodes. Photoconductors are typical two-terminal devices (Fig.
Photoconductor is the simplest type of the three device structures. The photoactive region can generate excitons upon light illumination, which can then dissociate into free charge carriers under an external bias voltage.[6] In the past two decades, studies on the photoconductivity of SMOSCs have developed rapidly. In this section, we will review photoconductors based on SMOSCs for different spectral response regions, ranging from UV to NIR light.
The preparation of high-quality SMOSCs with appropriate optical bandgap is of significant importance for the realization of high-performance visible photodetectors. Solution-based self-assembly has been frequently adopted for the fabrication of organic single-crystalline nanowires, nanorods, or nanoribbons.[13] Early in 2004, Schwab and coworkers[9] used a simple drop-casting method to prepare meso-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine nanorods. Upon 488 nm light illumination, the device containing approximately 6100 nanorods showed a rapid response speed of less than 100 ms. Although the photoswitching ratio was not high due to the existence of the charge storage mechanism in the device, this work paved the way for using SMOSCs to realize visible photodetectors. In another example, Jiang et al.[14] studied the photoconductive behavior of self-assembled 2-anthracen-9-ylmethylene malononitrile micro-/nanowires (Figs.
![]() | Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of self-assembled 2-anthracen-9-ylmethylene malononitrile (a) nanowires and (b) microwires. (c) Absorption spectra of 2-anthracen-9-ylmethylene malononitrile in solution, nanowire, and microwire phase. (d) Temporal response of the anthracen-based photoconductor under 5 mW·cm−2 white light with a bias voltage of 50 V. (a)–(d) Reproduced with permission.[14] Copyright 2008, American Chemical Society. (e) SEM image of a single benzothiophene sub-micron ribbon. (f) Absorption spectrum of benzothiophene sub-micron ribbons. (e), (f) Reproduced with permission.[15] Copyright 2008, Wiley-VCH. (g) Schematic diagram of a single benzothiophene sub-micron ribbon photoconductor. (h) Dependence of the responsivity on the light intensity, the devices are with different dielectric materials. (g), (h) Reproduced with permission.[16] Copyright 2013, Elsevier. |
Copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) is another typical small-molecule organic material for red light detection. Due to the outstanding thermal and chemical stability, the CuPc molecules can easily form ordered stacks during a physical vapor deposition (PVD) process. A schematic illustration is shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (a) Schematic illustration of a metallic nanoparticle-assisted PVD process. (b) Template-guided growth of CuPc nanowire arrays. (b) Reproduced with permission.[17] Copyright 2012, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) Au-induced growth of cross-aligned CuPc nanowires. (d) Schematic illustration of the measurement configuration for a image sensor: a red laser beam was projected onto the right-upper corner of the device. (e) The corresponding output current intensity mapping of the device. (a), (c)–(e) Reproduced with permission.[19] Copyright 2013, Nature Publishing Group. (f) Schematic illustration of a flexible image sensor based on CH3NH3PbI3 microwire arrays. (f) Reproduced with permission.[20] Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH. |
One of the very important advantages of photoconductive devices is that they can be easily integrated for image sensors. Jie et al.[18,19] first demonstrated patterning of CuPc nanowire arrays as image sensors. The patterning of CuPc nanowire arrays was realized by using a metallic nanoparticle-assisted PVD method, as shown in Fig.
The detection of UV light radiation presents a wide range of civil and military applications, such as flame detection, combustion monitoring, and missile warning.[21] SiC, GaN, and diamond as building blocks for UV photodetectors have attracted intense attention.[22–24] Fabrication of these devices requires costly processes, thus SMOSC-based UV photoconductors in this case provide the opportunity for device fabrication simplification.
Zhang et al.[25] demonstrated highly responsive UV photoconductors using ris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3) microplates and nanorods. In order to fabricate device, pre-patterned photoresist hollows were constructed by photolithography. With the aid of capillary force and alternating-electric field (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (a) Schematic illustration of the capillary-assisted alternating electric field method for patterning Alq3 crystals. (b)–(e) SEM images of the as-fabricated Alq3 crystals in different hollows. (f) Absorption spectrum of Alq3 single crystals. (a)–(f) Reproduced with permission.[25] Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH. (g) Schematic illustration of the dip-coating process for growing C60 microribbon arrays. (h) Optical microscopy image of the as-prepared C60 microribbon arrays. (i) I–V characteristics of the C60 microribbon arrays under different illumination conditions. Inset: optical microscopy image of a single device. (j) Photoswitching behavior of C60 microribbon arrays under 400 nm light with a bias of 10 V. (g)–(j) Reproduced with permission.[26] Copyright 2018, Elsevier. |
NIR photodetectors offer promising applications in passive night vision, optical communication, and bio-diagnostics.[27–29] Current inorganic NIR photodetectors are expensive and dependent on costly and complex epitaxial growth on crystalline substrates.[30] Contrastingly, narrow-bandgap SMOSCs offer opportunities for realizing low-cost and flexible NIR photodetectors.
Methyl-squarylium (MeSq) is an ideal organic compound for NIR light harvesting thanks to its good stability and absorption peak in the range of 700–1100 nm. Jie and coworkers reported photoconductors based on 1D MeSq micro-/nanostructures such as nanowires[31] and microwires[32] (Figs.
![]() | Fig. 5. (a) MeSq nanowires obtained from the solvent exchange self-assembly method. Inset: photography of the precipitation of MeSq nanowires in a glass vial. (b) SEM images of MeSq microwires. (c) Cross-polarized optical microscopy image of the MeSq microwire arrays. (d) Schematic illustration of the patterning strategy for growing MeSq microwire arrays. (e) Absorption spectra of the MeSq nanowires and the MeSq solution with photocurrent spectral response behavior of a single nanowire device. (a), (e) Reproduced with permission.[31] Copyright 2008, Wiley-VCH. (f) Temporal response of the MeSq microwire arrays under 200 mW·cm−2 808 nm light. (c), (d), (f) Reproduced with permission.[33] Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society. (g) I–V characteristics of a flexible MeSq microwire photoconductor with different curvatures in dark and under 808 nm light irradiation. Inset: photograph of the device on a flexible PDMS substrate. (b), (g) Reproduced with permission.[32] Copyright 2015, American Scientific Publishers. |
To date, organic phototransistors (OPTs) have attracted great research interest, because they are able to realize photodetection and signal amplification at the same time. Compared with photoconductive devices, phototransistors can provide significantly higher photoconductive gains with the aid of gate bias. Therefore, they are promising candidates for high-performance photodetectors.[5,6] Here, we will review OPTs based on SMOSCs for different spectral regions, ranging from UV to NIR light.
First example of SMOSC-based visible light phototransistors was demonstrated by Rovira et al. in 2006.[34] Microscale tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) single crystals with a high mobility of 1 cm2·V−1·s−1 were adopted to fabricate OPTs. The OPTs showed a very high photoswitching ratio up to 104 at a gate voltage of 10 V under white light (2.5 W·cm−2). In most cases, solution-phase synthesis is preferable for designing well-ordered molecular structures with face-to-face or slip-stacked π–π arrangement, where the strong π–π interaction facilitates the charge transport. For example, 1D 9,10-bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene (BPEA) nanoribbons,[35] 6-methyl-anthra[2,3-b]benzo[d]thiophene (Me-ABT) microribbons,[36] and N,N'-bis(2-phenylethyl)-perylene-3,4:9,10-tetracarboxylic diimide (BPE-PTCDI) nanowires[37] have been fabricated successfully by simple solution-based self-assembly methods. Typically, the Me-ABT-based OPT had a high R of 1.2 × 104 A·W−1 under white light, which is comparable to commercial single-crystalline silicon thin film transistors (∼ 300 A·W−1).[38] In terms of charge-transfer complexes, they are often found in organic conjugated polymers, while Zhu’s group[39] fabricated two-dimensional (2D) cocrystals successfully. Meso-diphenyltetrathia[22]-annulene[2,1,2,1] (DPTTA) molecules (donors) and C60/C70 molecules (acceptors) were segregated to form linear column networks in long-range order (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. (a) Optical microscopy images of OPTs based on C60-DPTTA and C70-DPTTA cocrystals. (b) Transfer characteristics of the ambipolar device in dark (red line) and illumination (blue) conditions. (a), (b) Reproduced with permission.[39] Copyright 2013, American Chemical Society. (c) Schematic illustration of the capillary tube induced self-assembly of TCNQ crystals. (d) Optical microscopy image of a TCNQ-based OPT. (e) Output characteristics of a TCNQ-based OPT at low gate and source-drain voltages. (c)–(e) Reproduced with permission.[40] Copyright 2011, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (f) Optical microscopy image of a single PTCDI-C8 nanowire OPT with different channel lengths. (g) The normalized photocurrent spectra of PTCDI-C8-based OPTs with different channel lengths versus the normalized absorption spectra of PTCDI-C8. (h) Temporal response of a single PTCDI-C8 nanowire OPT with different channel lengths under 500 nm light. (f)–(h) Reproduced with permission.[42] Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society. |
For large-scale device application, the capillary tube induced self-assembly was developed to fabricate ordered organic single-crystalline nanowire arrays. As shown in Figs.
J-aggregated organic semiconductors of 1,3,6,8-tetrakis((4-hexyl phenyl)ethynyl)pyrene(PY-4(THB)) were developed by Choi’s group to detect 400 nm light.[43] In its single-crystalline microribbon, PY-4(THB) had face-on aggregated pyrene cores which were favorable for charge transport. The PY-4(THB) microribbon-based OPTs exhibited a high field-effect mobility of 0.7 cm2·V−1⋅s−1 with a R of 2000 A·W−1 under quite low light intensity of 5.6 μW·cm−2. Microplates of anthracene derivative consisting of phenyl planes and acetylene groups were reported by Kim et al.[44] The microplate-based OPT had a quite high R of 1.1 × 104 A·W−1 and a champion photoswitching ratio of 1.4 × 105 among single-crystalline microplate-based OPTs. In recent years, concerns have focused on pure-UV detectors with visible-blind response. Well-aligned 2,7-dioctyl[1]benzothieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene (C8-BTBT) nanoribbon arrays (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. (a), (b) Optical microscopy images of C8-BTBT nanoribbon arrays and a single NDI nanoribbon, respectively. (c) Transfer characteristics of the C8-BTBT device (VSD = −30 V) in dark condition (red curve) and under the illumination of 280 nm (blue curve), 365 nm (yellow curve), 405 nm (magenta curve), and visible light (green curve). (d), (e) Absorption spectra of C8-BTBT crystals and NDI derivatives in different phases, respectively. (f) Relative photocurrent and threshold voltage change of OPTs based on NDI derivatives under the illumination of light with different wavelengths. (b), (e), (f) Reproduced with permission.[46] Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society. (g) Light on/off characteristics of the C8-BTBT device, the inset indicates the rise time of the device. (h) Multiple-stage modulation of IDS by changing the gate bias: ① light-on, ② light-off, ③ VG = −30 V, ④ VG = 0 V, ⑤ VG = −50 V, ⑥ VG = 0 V, ⑦ VG = −100 V. (a), (c), (d), (g), (h) Reproduced with permission.[45] Copyright 2015, Wiley-VCH. (i) SEM image of PTCDA nanoparticles. Inset: SAED pattern of a PTCDA nanoparticle. (j) Schematic illustration of a single PTCDA nanoparticle-based OPT. (k) Three-dimensional (3D) transmission electron microscopy (TEM) tomography image of the nanoparticle device. (l) Photoswitching behavior of the nanoparticle device with different UV intensities: P1 = 1.32 mW·cm−2 (blue curve), P2 = 2.24 mW·cm−2 (red curve). (i)–(l) Reproduced with permission.[48] Copyright 2013, AIP Publishing. |
It is noteworthy that the photomemory phenomenon was observed in the C8-BTBT nanoribbon-based phototransistors.[45] The photoswitching behavior of C8-BTBT at zero gate bias is shown in Fig.
Besides conventional OPTs based on 1D and 2D nanostructures, the UV response behavior of single-crystalline nanoparticles has been studied by Nguyen et al.[48] Perylene tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA) nanoparticles with diameters of ∼ 80 nm (Fig.
The existence of many applications of highly sensitive NIR photodetectors in the field of remote control, fire and airborne early warning, and biomedicine, pushed the development of NIR phototransistors.[27–29] Recently, novel NIR OPTs based on ultrathin SMOSCs have been reported by Wang and coworkers.[49] 2D single-crystalline films based on a furan-thiophene quinoidal compound called TFT-CN were fabricated successfully on water surface (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 8. (a) Schematic illustration of transferring 2D TFT-CN films onto an arbitrary substrate. (b) Optical microscopy image of a TFT-CN film, the inset is the corresponding SAED pattern. (c) Atomic force microscopy (AFM) image of a TFT-CN film with an average roughness of ∼ 0.36 nm and thickness of ∼ 4.8 nm. (d) Schematic diagram of OPTs with different active layer thicknesses under different VG in dark. (a)–(d) Reproduced with permission.[49] Copyright 2018, Wiley-VCH. (e) High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) image of a hybrid BPE-PTCDI nanowire. Inset: TEM image of Au nanorods. (f) FDTD simulation of the electric field enhancement in a hybrid BPE-PTCDI nanowire under 980 nm light. (g) Absorption spectra of BPE-PTCDI nanowires, Au nanorods, and a hybrid BPE-PTCDI nanowire dispersion in ethanol. (e)–(g) Reproduced with permission.[50] Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH. |
Photodiodes rely on a built-in electric field to separate excitons, providing an efficient separation and a fast collection of photogenerated charge carriers.[5] For organic photodiodes based on SMOSCs, the common configurations include all SMOSC-based p–n junctions, Schottky junctions, and organic/inorganic heterojunctions. The three types of devices will be discussed in this section.
A breakthrough of fabricating p–n junctions constructed by all SMOSCs was made by Zhang and coworkers in 2010.[51] Bilayer nanoribbons consisting of p-type CuPc and n-type copper hexadecafluorophthalocyanine (F16CuPc) were successfully fabricated by using a two-step PVD method. The two kinds of SMOSCs are similar in molecular structure and lattice constants, ensuring highly selective crystallization (Figs.
![]() | Fig. 9. (a)–(d) Optical, SEM, AFM characterizations and the height profile of a CuPc/F16CuPc p–n junction nanowire, respectively. (a)–(d) Reproduced with permission.[51] Copyright 2010, American Chemical Society. (e), (f) SEM images of the CuPc/H2TPyP p–n junction and the corresponding device, respectively. (e), (f) Reproduced with permission.[52] Copyright 2012, Wiley-VCH. (g) Schematic illustration of the transfer and patterning procedure for the fabrication of cross-stacked organic p–n junctions. (h) SEM image of the cross-stacked C60/TIPS-PEN p–n junction. (i) Photograph of integrated C60/TIPS-PEN photodiodes on a flexible substrate. (g)–(i) Reproduced with permission.[53] Copyright 2014, American Chemical Society. (j) AFM images of a graphene layer before (left) and after (right) epitaxial growth of C8-BTBT. Scale bar: 2 μm. (k) Raman spectrum of the C8-BTBT layer grown on graphene. Inset: Raman mapping of the C8-BTBT signal. Scale bar: 2 μm. (l) The device structure illustration of a PTCDA/C8-BTBT p–n junction photodiode. (m) I–V characteristics of the PTCDA/C8-BTBT p–n junction in linear scale (black) and log scale (blue), the red line is the fitting curve of a standard diode. (j)–(m) Reproduced with permission.[54] Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society. |
Besides all SMOSC-based p–n junction photodiodes, single-crystalline organic semiconductor/metal Schottky junction photodiodes and organic/inorganic semiconductor p–n junction photodiodes have also been reported so far. Jie’s group[55] reported the in situ self-assembly of 2,4-bis[4-(N, N-dimethylamino)phenyl]squaraine (SQ) nanowire arrays directly on a SiO2/Si substrate with pre-deposited Au/Ti electrodes (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 10. (a) Schematic illustration of an SQ nanowires/Ti Schottky photodiode. (b) Optical microscopy image of the integrated SQ nanowires/Ti Schottky photodiode. (c) Energy band diagram of the SQ nanowires/Ti Schottky junction. (d) Distribution of the rectification ratio for each Schottky-type device in dark. (e) 2D contrast map of the integrated Schottky-type photodiode under 0.1 mW·cm−2 white light. (a)–(e) Reproduced with permission.[55] Copyright 2013, American Chemical Society. (f) SEM image of a single SQ nanowire/c-Si device. (g) Wavelength-dependent R and D* of the SQ nanowire/c-Si device. (f), (g) Reproduced with permission.[56] Copyright 2014, American Chemical Society. |
In summary, SMOSCs with low defect density and few grain boundaries provide an efficient way for charge transport, and a diversity of SMOSCs brings about broadband light absorption from UV to NIR. Therefore, they are promising candidates for high-performance photodetectors. Over the past few decades, different types of SMOSC-based photodetectors, such as photoconductors, phototransistors, and photodiodes, have been successfully achieved, and the device performances have been significantly improved. As summarized in Table
![]() | Table 1. Device performances of the present SMOSC-based photodetectors with three different structures: photoconductors (OPCs), phototransistors (OPTs), and photodiodes (OPDs). . |
Despite the great progresses of SMOSC-based photodetectors that have been achieved in recent years, there are many challenges left in this field. (i) The response speed needs to be further enhanced to meet the requirements for practical applications. Currently, the response times of most of SMOSC-based photodetectors remain tens or hundreds of milliseconds, which are not enough to capture videos. (ii) The current developed SMOSC-based photodetectors have a very weak sensitivity to infrared light. Although narrow-bandgap conjugated organic semiconductors can be obtained through chemical synthesis, the resulting compounds are unstable in air. Therefore, device encapsulation is necessary to enhance the stability of infrared light detectors. Also, novel hybrid device structures utilizing plasmonic technologies can be employed to improve infrared light detection. (iii) Although the applications of SMOSC-based photodetectors in image sensors have been demonstrated, the image resolution needs to be further improved and the commercialization still remains difficult to realize. This is mainly because the integration of SMOSC-based photodetectors is not compatible with the conventional complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technologies. Therefore, further development of high-performance photodetectors based on SMOSCs is a long-term challenge.
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