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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61378083), the International Cooperation Foundation of the National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2011DFA12220), the Major Research Plan of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 91123030), and the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province of China (Grant Nos. 2010JS110 and 2013SZS03-Z01).
The electrodynamic characteristics of single DNA molecules moving within micro-/nano-fluidic channels are important in the design of biomedical chips and bimolecular sensors. In this study, the dynamic properties of λ-DNA molecules transferring along the microchannels driven by the external electrickinetic force were systemically investigated with the single molecule fluorescence imaging technique. The experimental results indicated that the velocity of DNA molecules was strictly dependent on the value of the applied electric field and the diameter of the channel. The larger the external electric field, the larger the velocity, and the more significant deformation of DNA molecules. More meaningfully, it was found that the moving directions of DNA molecules had two completely different directions: (i) along the direction of the external electric field, when the electric field intensity was smaller than a certain threshold value; (ii) opposite to the direction of the external electric field, when the electric field intensity was greater than the threshold electric field intensity. The reversal movement of DNA molecules was mainly determined by the competition between the electrophoresis force and the influence of electro-osmosis flow. These new findings will theoretically guide the practical application of fluidic channel sensors and lab-on-chips for precisely manipulating single DNA molecules.
Over the last few decades, the rapid progresses of molecular biology, cell biology and single molecular imaging techniques have greatly promoted the developments of single-molecule biological science and technology.[1–5] Today, by combining the single-molecule biological science and the micro-/nano-scale confine techniques, researchers can directly investigate the statics dynamics and electrokinetical behaviors of a single bio-molecule in real-time.[6–9] Also with employing the micro-/nano-fluidic technologies, researchers have facilitated the separation, stretching, selection, mixing of DNA molecules, and can even visually study the interaction between DNA molecules in biomimetic environments.[10–14] In order to precisely manipulate a single DNA molecule, scientists have developed various kinds of functional structures and devices, such as T-junctions,[15] channel-arrays,[16] nano-scale slits,[17] and cross-slots.
Currently, micro-/nano-fluidic technologies have been widely employed to manipulate a single DNA molecule for understanding their various properties.[18–20] To drive DNA molecules within micro-/nano-fluidic channels, there are usually four kinds of mechanisms: (i) electro kinetic flow; (ii) pressure-driven flow; (iii) capillary effect; and (iv) diffusion.[21–23] Among these methods, both the capillary effect and diffusion are normally passive and hard to be controlled, and the pressure-driven flow has strict requirements for applied equipment.[22,24] The electrically driven flow is the most common and favorite method for researchers,[2,25] since it has many advantages such as being easy to control and fast to respond. However, there are still critical problems that have not been thoroughly comprehended. For example, how the velocity of DNA molecules changes when they move within the micro-/nano-fluidic channels. The complete investigations about these challenges will greatly advance the practical application of micro-/nano-scale fluidics and lab-on-chip techniques.
It is well known that the movement of a DNA molecule is quite complicated when it is driven through the micro-/nano-fluidic channels by an external electric field. The eventual moving velocity and direction are the comprehensive results of various effects, for example, electroosmosis, electrophoresis, and electroviscous.[24] In addition, the effect of the electrical double layer (EDL) of the wall and the DNA molecules cannot be ignored.[26] In fact, almost all of the relevant unprecedented phenomena are more or less related to the EDL effect when the bio-molecules move within the micro-/nano-fluidic channels.
Up to now, to measure the velocity distribution of the aqueous solution in micro-fluidic channels, effective techniques have been developed, such as micro particle imaging velocimetry (micro-PIV), particle tracking velocimetry (PTV), and molecular tagging velocimetry (MTV).[27–29] The basic principle of these methods is determined by calculating the velocity of tracer particles, which is considered to be equivalent to the velocity of fluid. In these techniques, polystyrene microspheres are widely used. However, the movements of DNA and other biological molecules in micro/nano-channels are very complicated. The results based on the aforementioned methods are not accurate enough to measure the velocity of DNA molecules. This is mainly because of the following essential differences: first, the DNA molecule is a soft material, its shape and configuration are not fixed but change with the properties of flow, the geometry of the channel, and the material of the channel wall; second, the interaction between the DNA molecules and the inner channel walls is also complex. In the micro-/nano-channel flow, the wall shear layer of flow can cause the intermittent tangle of DNA molecules. It is not conducive to continuously observing and investigating the DNA movements.[30–32] It has been found that the electrostatic force between the DNA molecule and the wall becomes more important and even plays the leading role when the ionic strength of the solution is low, regardless of the shape (e.g., square, rectangular, or triangular) of the micro-/nano-channel geometry.[33]
Combining the micro/nano-fluidics and the visualization techniques, scientists can characterize DNA molecules dynamically and non-destructively.[34–38] Bram et al have observed that a DNA molecule reeled in from both ends at the same time, and a kind of toroidal structure was likely to be formed under the tension. Xu et al.[39] found that when DNA molecules were compacted in the micro-channel fluidic device, DNA chains could be extended by flow forces; they also directly observed the deformation of a DNA chain by exposing it to the salt solution at the stagnation point.
In the 1990’s, Chu’s group systematically studied the relaxation of DNA molecules with the visualization techniques. They found that the DNA molecules could be stretched to full extension in a flow, and the visual length was exponentially decayed with time when the flow stopped.[40] They also studied the single polymer dynamics in an elongational flow and a steady shear flow, and found that the probability distribution of molecular extension was related with the strain rate, in contrast to the behavior in pure elongation flow, and the average polymer extension in shear flow did not display a sharp coil-stretch transition.[41,42]
Nowadays, benefited from the approaches of soft lithography, various functional microfluidic devices have been fabricated inexpensively and reliably with tailored geometries.[43–45] Among these micro-/nano-channels the most commonly used structure in laboratories is still the straight channel, which is also widely utilized in practical application.[46–49] In fact, when the straight micro-/nano-channels are employed to study the DNA conformations new phenomena are still discovered from time to time. Recently, Tang et al.[50] reported that the uniform direct current (DC) electric fields were able to compress the DNA molecules, and the DNA molecular conformation relied on the intensity of electric field and the ionic strength of solution rather than the DNA location in the channel.
In this investigation, by adopting the single molecule fluorescent inverted microscopy and EMCCD, we found a significant phenomenon in the micro-/nano-fluidic channel: under the external electric field the DNA molecule can move reversely. To the best of our knowledge, this phenomenon is firstly reported here.
The reversal characteristics of DNA molecules moving through micro-/nano-fluidic channels were studied by the inverted fluorescence microscopy. Figure
The processes of experiments can be described briefly as follows. Firstly, the micro-channel chip was fixed on the sample platform, and the anode was inserted into the cis chamber, while the cathode was inserted into the trans chamber. Then, the buffer solution was dropped into the trans chamber. In order to prevent the retraction of aqueous solution, a small amount of buffer solution was dropped into the cis chamber as soon as the channel was filled with the buffer solution. After that, an appropriate amount of DNA solution was injected to both reservoirs. Subsequently, the power source was turned on, and an external DC voltage was applied to the two platinum electrodes, i.e., the electric field was established between the two poles. Finally, the movements of DNA-YOYO-1 molecules were analyzed in real-time.
The λ-phage DNA molecules (48.502 kbp, Sino-American Biotechnology Company, China) were used in all experiments. They were dyed with fluorescent dye YOYO-1 (Molecular Probes Company, USA). The fluorescent dye was inserted into the λ-phage DNA molecule at the ratio of base pair: dye molecule = 10 : 1. DNA molecules were suspended in the buffer solution (10 mM Tris-HCL, PH = 8.0, 50 mM bis-tris, Calbiochem, Co., Germany). During experiments, 1000 μL Tris and 100 μL bis-tris were firstly put into two containers which were marked 1 and 2, respectively. Secondly, 0.1 μL YOYO-1 and 0.411 μL DNA original solutions were respectively poured into container 1 and container 2. After being well mixed, the two containers were placed into a dark chamber and educated about 30 min at room temperature. Thirdly, 200 μL solution was removed from container 1 and placed in container 2 and then mixed. In order to stain completely and uniformly, the mixture of YOYO-1 and DNA was further incubated for about 30 min at room temperature in the dark room. Finally the concentration of the DNA-YOYO-1 solution was about 0.455 mg/L.
For the sake of leading the DNA molecule solution into the micro-channels easily, the PLL(20)–g(3.6)–PEG(2) solution (ShangHai Yuan Ye Biological technology co., LTD, China) was used to treat the inner wall of the channel.[51] The PLL (20 kDa) and PEG (2 kDa) were mixed at the ratio of 1:3.6. The mixture of PLL–g–PEG was dissolved into the 10 mL MHEPES solution. The final concentration was 1 g/L, and the PH value was about 7.4.
In the experiments, micro-fluidic channels with circular cross sections were used (Beijing Q&Q Technologies Co., Ltd). They are made by silica and have different inner diameters, which are 5 μm, 10 μm, and 300 μm, respectively. The lengths of all channels are about 5 mm.
Generally, the surface of the quartz tube is hydrophobic, and the silica substrates have the negatively charged surface at a PH value above 3 due to the deprotonation of the surface silanol (Si-OH) group. Because the PLL is positively charged, the PEG can be embedded into the backbone of PLL by electrostatic interaction. As a kind of neutral hydrophilic polymer, the PEG chain can effectively prevent the DNA molecules from nonspecifically being absorbed onto the inner wall of the channels.[51] Therefore, the PEG prevents the absorption of DNA molecules onto the channel inner surface.[52] This is very useful, since it is not only easy to guide the DNA molecules into channels, but also can reduce the influence of EDL.
The two reservoirs of samples were made with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) (chloroform: PMMA = 1 : 1). In order to strengthen the reservoirs and protect them from being damaged by the buffer solution, the upper surfaces of reservoirs were coated by a layer of glue (epoxy resin: polyamide resin = 1 : 1).
The velocity of DNA molecules moving within micro-fluidic channels might be affected by multiple factors, such as the inner diameter of the channel, electric field intensity, PH value and the concentration of the buffer solution.[53] The different buffer will also influence the DNA molecules movement, so the body forces of different electrolytes in the microchannel were different.[54]
The details of λ-DNA molecules transferring along the microfluidic channels with 10 μm diameter were systemically studied. During the experiments, the external applied voltages ranged from 0 V to 100 V. In other words, the electric field intensities were changed from 0 V/m to 1.33×104 V/m. When the applied electric field was smaller, about E < 1.43×103 V/m, no DNA molecule was observed inside the channel. As the electric field intensity was gradually increased to about E = 2.67×103 V/m, a few DNA molecules were observed moving through the channel. After that, with the electric field enhancing, the number of DNA molecules translocating through the channels increased.
![]() | Fig. 2. The snapping images of DNA molecules moving from the cis chamber to the trans chamber along the microchannel with 10 μm diameter at E = 2.67×103 V/m. |
What causes this phenomenon? In general, when DNA molecules transfer within micro-/nano-fluidic channels under an external electric field, there are majorly four kinds of electrokinetic forces,[24] e.g., electroosmosis force (EOF), electrophoresis force (EP), dielectrophoresis and electrorotation. In addition, the diffusion effect may influence the DNA movement.
The dielectrophoresis is also called two-dimensional electrophoresis, this mechanical phenomenon is that one force is exerted on a low dielectric object when it is subjected to a non-uniform electric field.[55,56] The electrorotation is the circular movement of an electrically polarized particle;[57] it can be generated from a phase lag between an applied rotating electric field and the respective relaxation processes, e.g., when a small biological particle is put into the perpendicular electrode and the four electrodes provide AC signal. At the beginning of our experiment, benefiting from the capillary force, the microchannels were filled with buffer solutions. Therefore, except the electroosmosis and diffusion effect, other forces did not make a considerable contribution to guide the DNA molecules to transfer from the cis chamber to the trans chamber.
In order to judge what the dominant factor was for the reversal phenomenon, electroosmos or diffusion effect, other additional experiments were conducted at E = 2.67×103 V/m. (i) The DNA solutions were only dropped into the cis chamber, then after about ten seconds, the DNA solutions were dropped into the trans chamber. It was found that the DNA molecules moved from the cis chamber to the trans chamber. (ii) The DNA solutions were dropped into both chambers, however, the order of adding samples was fastidious. That is, the DNA molecule solutions were firstly dropped into the trans chamber and then the cis chamber. The same results were found as in the case (i). DNA molecules moved from the cis chamber to the trans chamber. The reason for the DNA molecules translocating from the cis chamber to the trans chamber, for the experiment (i), may be attributed to the diffusion effect. However, the same result was observed from experiment (ii), where it was evidently beyond the diffusion effect. It is the electroosmosis force that can explicate the phenomenon reasonably, since the moving directions of negatively charged molecules driven by the electroosmotic force are the same direction with the applied electric field.
When the external electric field was continuously increased up to the E = 4.0×103 V/m, the reversal phenomenon of the DNA molecule was observed as shown in Fig.
When the external electric field was further enhanced, i.e., the applied electric field was larger than 4.0×103 V/m, it was found that all the DNA molecules transferred from the trans chamber to the cis chamber. The moving direction of DNA molecule was opposite to the applied electric field.
In general, when the DNA molecules are driven to move along the microchannels by the external applied electric field, the influences of electrophoresis and electroosmosis are existing simultaneously, however, they are unbalanced. Figure
When the motions of buffer solution and DNA molecules are both in a steady state, the overall velocity (vreal) of DNA molecule can be approximately obtained by summing up the velocity of electroosmotic flow (vEOF)[24,58] and the velocity of DNA due to electrophoresis force (vEP),[24,59] and described as following:[27]
During the experiments, when E < 4.0×103 V/m, the electroosmotic flow played a major role on driving the DNA molecules compared with the electrophoresis effect. The motion of DNA molecules was decided by the electroosmotic flow and the moving direction of the DNA molecule was consistent with that of the electric field. When E > 4.0×103 V/m, the electrophoresis played a leading role, and then the motion states of DNA molecules were decided by the electrophoresis, the movement direction of the DNA molecules was the opposite direction to the electric field, due to the negative charges of DNA molecules. As the electric field intensity approaching 4.0×103 V/m, the electroosmotic effect became weaker than the effect of electrophoresis progressively and hence vEOF<vEP. The direction of the resultant force applied on the DNA molecules was opposite to that of the external electric field. Thus, the velocity of DNA molecules translocation along the electric field direction became slower and slower. After its speed value reached zero, then the DNA molecules moved along the opposite direction to that of the external electric field.
The value about 4.0×103 V/m was a special value that the translocation direction of DNA molecules was changed from the cis chamber to the trans chamber, just the reverse one compared to the initial direction. In order to facilitate the future research and analysis, the electric field Etre,10 = 4.0×103 V/m is defined as the threshold value of the reversal movement of DNA molecules in the microchannel with 10 μm inner diameter.
For the sake of verifying, the reversal motion of DNA molecule under an external electric field is a universal phenomenon in micro-fluidic channels, besides 10 μm diameter channel, other micro-/nano-channels with different diameters (300 μm and 5 μm) were also employed.
![]() | Fig. 5. The instantaneous movement images of DNA moving in the micro-fluidic channel with different diameters: (a) 300 μm, (b) 10 μm, and (c) 5 μm. |
Under the same working condition (i.e., the DNA molecules and the concentration of buffer solution), the smaller diameter of the channel, the larger the entropy of the DNA molecules needed to break through. Other research groups[60–62] have found the entropy is related with the diameter of channel, and the entropic trap decreased with the diameter of the channel. Han et al. studied the mobility of λ-phage DNA (48.5 kbp) moving within four different kinds of channels, and found that the smaller the channel diameter, the smaller of the DNA molecular mobility was, that is, the entropy was larger in the smaller diameter channel, so it would be more difficult for the DNA molecule to enter into the channel with smaller diameter.
Only when the entropy is large enough to exceed the threshold values, can the DNA molecule transfer into the fluidic-channel.
The reversal phenomenon of DNA molecules under applied electric field (E = 5.3×103 V/m) as displayed in the Fig.
Comparing the reversal motions of DNA molecules in different inner diameter channels as described in Figs.
To further demonstrate the relation between EP and EOF that cause the reversal behavior of DNA molecules in microchannel, the accelerations of DNA molecules moving within microchannels were investigated as shown in Fig.
From Eqs. (
During the experiments, under the external electric field, the DNA molecules moving within the microchannel were not one uniform deformation. This phenomenon existed in both situations: under the same and different external electric fields.
For the first situation, i.e., there were different deformations of DNA molecules under a different external electric field. Figure
It could be clearly found that during the same time, the distances of DNA molecules moving were different, da < db < dc, where da, db, dc are the distances of the DNA molecules moving along microchannels for 1.047 s as shown in Figs.
For the second situation, the DNA molecules have different deformation under the same applied electric field intensity. When the DNA molecules are driven into the channel, the effect of the nozzle of microchannel and the internal electrostatic repulsion among DNA molecules would bring about the DNA molecule’s conformation being rearranged, which leads to the different initial states of DNA molecules while entering into the channel. Figure
Based on the single molecule fluorescence imaging technique, the electrokinetic characteristics of λ-DNA molecules transferring within microfluidic channels were systemically studied. It was found that there existed a universal phenomenon of DNA molecule reversal motion. When the applied electric field intensity was smaller than the threshold value of reversal motion, the DNA molecules moved in the same direction as the external electric field. While the applied electric field was larger than the threshold value, the DNA molecules moved in the opposite direction to the external electric field. The reversal threshold values of 5 μm and 10 μm diameter channels are 5.3×103 V/m and 4.0×103 V/m, respectively. The direction of the DNA molecules movement is mainly determined by the competition between the electrophoresis force and the influence of electroosmotic flow. When the electric field is smaller, the electroosmotic flow is more important to drive the DNA molecules; while the electric field is larger, the electrophoresis force is the major role. In addition, it was found that the higher electric field compressed the DNA molecule and generated much larger ζDNA than that in the natural case, and the recorded deformation of DNA molecule is closely related to the velocity while moving in the microchannel. The larger the velocity is, the more significant the deformation of the DNA molecule is.
The reversal motion phenomenon and its threshold electric field intensity are important and helpful for the precise manipulation of a single DNA molecule within the micro-/nano-fluidic channel. These new findings will theoretically guide the practical application of fluidic channel sensors and lab-on-chips based on the electrohydrodynamics and optofluidics.
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