Design and fabrication of Panda-type erbium-doped polarization-maintaining fibres
郑凯, 常德远, 傅永军, 魏淮, 卫延, 延凤平, 娄淑琴, 宁提纲, 简伟, 简水生
2007 (2):
doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/2/032
1369 )
To obtain the stable operation of erbium-doped fibre laser, the
simple and ideal technology is adopted by use of the erbium doped
polarization maintaining fibre (EDPMF). The design criteria of the
Panda-type EDPMF are presented, which take into account the cutoff
wavelength, mode field diameter, modal birefringence and background
loss. Four groups of optimum structural parameter combinations are
determined in terms of the design criteria. Two kinds of the
Panda-type EDPMFs are selected to be fabricated. The fabrication
process and the parameter control of the Panda-type EDPMFs are
presented in detail. Their refractive index profiles, birefringence
and absorption spectra are experimentally investigated. The
absorption coefficient of the EDPMF, whose core is co-doped with Bi,
Ga, Al and Ge, is about 57.9dB/m at 1.53\mum. Co-doping Bi, Ga
and Al can greatly increase the erbium concentration in the
silica-based fibre. The high birefringence is obtained for the
Panda-type EDPMF. The group birefringence of the EDPMF, whose outer
cladding diameter is 125\mum, is about 4.8\ti10-4.
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