中国物理B ›› 2009, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 630-635.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/2/040

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Effect of interstitial air holes on Bragg gratings in photonic crystal fibre with a Ge-doped core

张慧嘉, 李曙光, 侯蓝田   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, College of Science, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
  • 收稿日期:2007-08-23 修回日期:2008-07-11 出版日期:2009-02-20 发布日期:2009-02-20
  • 基金资助:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10874145), and the Yanshan University Doctoral Foundation (Grant No B153).

Effect of interstitial air holes on Bragg gratings in photonic crystal fibre with a Ge-doped core

Zhang Hui-Jia(张慧嘉), Li Shu-Guang(李曙光), and Hou Lan-Tian(侯蓝田)   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, College of Science, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
  • Received:2007-08-23 Revised:2008-07-11 Online:2009-02-20 Published:2009-02-20
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10874145), and the Yanshan University Doctoral Foundation (Grant No B153).

摘要: The effect of interstitial air holes on Bragg gratings in photonic crystal fibre (PCF) with a Ge-doped core is numerically investigated by using the beam propagation method (BPM). It is shown that the interstitial air holes (IAHs) can make Bragg resonance wavelength λB shift a little towards short wavelengths and increase λB1 (the wavelength spacing between the main peak with Bragg resonance wavelength λB and the first side peak with wavelength λ1 and the coupling coefficient к of Bragg resonance. Moreover, when the ratio of air hole diameter (d) to pitch (Λ), d/Λ, is small, IAHs can suppress the cladding mode resonance. When d/Λ is large, IAHs increase the number of mode that could strongly interact with the fundamental mode. By comparing the transmission spectral characteristics of PCF-based fibre Bragg grating (FBG) with IAHs with those without IAHs at the same air-filling fraction, it is clarified that the change of transmission spectral characteristics of PCF-based FBG with IAHs is not due to a simple change in air-filling fraction. It is also closely related to the distribution of interstitial air holes.

关键词: photonic crystal fibre, fibre grating, beam propagation method, interstitial air holes

Abstract: The effect of interstitial air holes on Bragg gratings in photonic crystal fibre (PCF) with a Ge-doped core is numerically investigated by using the beam propagation method (BPM). It is shown that the interstitial air holes (IAHs) can make Bragg resonance wavelength $\lambda _{\rm B}$ shift a little towards short wavelengths and increase $\lambda _{\rm B}-\lambda _{1}$ (the wavelength spacing between the main peak with Bragg resonance wavelength $\lambda _{\rm B}$ and the first side peak with wavelength $\lambda _{1})$ and the coupling coefficient $\kappa $ of Bragg resonance. Moreover, when the ratio of air hole diameter ($d$) to pitch (${\it\Lambda}$), $d/{\it\Lambda}$, is small, IAHs can suppress the cladding mode resonance. When $d/{\it\Lambda}$ is large, IAHs increase the number of mode that could strongly interact with the fundamental mode. By
comparing the transmission spectral characteristics of PCF-based fibre Bragg grating (FBG) with IAHs with those without IAHs at the same air-filling fraction, it is clarified that the change of transmission spectral characteristics of PCF-based FBG with IAHs is
not due to a simple change in air-filling fraction. It is also closely related to the distribution of interstitial air holes. 

Key words: photonic crystal fibre, fibre grating, beam propagation method, interstitial air holes

中图分类号:  (Photonic bandgap materials)

  • 42.70.Qs
42.81.Bm (Fabrication, cladding, and splicing) 42.81.Dp (Propagation, scattering, and losses; solitons) 42.79.Dj (Gratings) 61.72.J- (Point defects and defect clusters)