中国物理B ›› 2020, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (12): 120302-.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/abc0dc
Wen-Lei Zhao(赵文垒)1,†, Pengkai Gong(巩膨恺)1, Jiaozi Wang(王骄子)2, and Qian Wang(王骞)3,‡
†Corresponding author. E-mail: Supported by:
中图分类号: (Quantum mechanics)
. [J]. 中国物理B, 2020, 29(12): 120302-.
Wen-Lei Zhao(赵文垒), Pengkai Gong(巩膨恺), Jiaozi Wang(王骄子), and Qian Wang(王骞). Chaotic dynamics of complex trajectory and its quantum signature[J]. Chin. Phys. B, 2020, 29(12): 120302-.
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