中国物理B ›› 2018, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 23201-023201.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/27/2/023201
Wirth-Lima A J, Silva M G, Sombra A S B
Wirth-Lima A J
Wirth-Lima A J1,2, Silva M G3, Sombra A S B1,2
Wirth-Lima A J
About author:
32.30.Jc; 52.20.-j; 52.25.Dg; 52.25.Fi
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摘要: Two-dimensional (2D) metamaterials are considered to be of enormous relevance to the progress of all exact sciences. Since the discovery of graphene, researchers have increasingly investigated in depth the details of electrical/optical properties pertinent to other 2D metamaterials, including those relating to the silicene. In this review are included the details and comparisons of the atomic structures, energy diagram bands, substrates, charge densities, charge mobilities, conductivities, absorptions, electrical permittivities, dispersion relations of the wave vectors, and supported electromagnetic modes related to graphene and silicene. Hence, this review can help readers to acquire, recover or increase the necessary technological basis for the development of more specific studies on graphene and silicene.
中图分类号: (Visible and ultraviolet spectra)
Wirth-Lima A J,Silva M G,Sombra A S B. Comparisons of electrical and optical properties between graphene and silicene-A review[J]. 中国物理B, 2018, 27(2): 23201-023201.
Wirth-Lima A J, Silva M G, Sombra A S B. Comparisons of electrical and optical properties between graphene and silicene-A review[J]. Chin. Phys. B, 2018, 27(2): 23201-023201.
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