中国物理B ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (10): 104214-104214.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/acf205

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State transfer and entanglement between two- and four-level atoms in a cavity

Si-Wu Li(李思吾), Tianfeng Feng(冯田峰), Xiao-Long Hu(胡骁龙), and Xiaoqi Zhou(周晓祺)   

  1. School of Physics, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-07 修回日期:2023-08-04 接受日期:2023-08-21 出版日期:2023-09-21 发布日期:2023-10-08
  • 通讯作者: Xiaoqi Zhou
  • 基金资助:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61974168), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0305200), and the Special Project for Research and Development in Key Areas of Guangdong Province of China (Grant No. 2018B030325001).

State transfer and entanglement between two- and four-level atoms in a cavity

Si-Wu Li(李思吾), Tianfeng Feng(冯田峰), Xiao-Long Hu(胡骁龙), and Xiaoqi Zhou(周晓祺)   

  1. School of Physics, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
  • Received:2023-07-07 Revised:2023-08-04 Accepted:2023-08-21 Online:2023-09-21 Published:2023-10-08
  • Contact: Xiaoqi Zhou
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61974168), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0305200), and the Special Project for Research and Development in Key Areas of Guangdong Province of China (Grant No. 2018B030325001).

摘要: Qudits with a large Hilbert space to host quantum information are widely utilized in various applications, such as quantum simulation and quantum computation, but the manipulation and scalability of qudits still face challenges. Here, we propose a scheme to directly and locally transfer quantum information from multiple atomic qubits to a single qudit and vice versa in an optical cavity. With the qubit-qudit interaction induced by the cavity, our scheme can transfer quantum states efficiently and measurement-independently. In addition, this scheme can robustly generate a high-dimensional maximal entangled state with asymmetric particle numbers, showing its potential in realizing an entanglement channel. Such an information interface for qubits and qudit may have enlightening significance for future research on quantum systems in hybrid dimensions.

关键词: quantum state transfer, quantum entanglement, cavity quantum eletrodynamics

Abstract: Qudits with a large Hilbert space to host quantum information are widely utilized in various applications, such as quantum simulation and quantum computation, but the manipulation and scalability of qudits still face challenges. Here, we propose a scheme to directly and locally transfer quantum information from multiple atomic qubits to a single qudit and vice versa in an optical cavity. With the qubit-qudit interaction induced by the cavity, our scheme can transfer quantum states efficiently and measurement-independently. In addition, this scheme can robustly generate a high-dimensional maximal entangled state with asymmetric particle numbers, showing its potential in realizing an entanglement channel. Such an information interface for qubits and qudit may have enlightening significance for future research on quantum systems in hybrid dimensions.

Key words: quantum state transfer, quantum entanglement, cavity quantum eletrodynamics

中图分类号:  (Quantum optics)

  • 42.50.-p
42.50.Dv (Quantum state engineering and measurements) 03.67.-a (Quantum information)