中国物理B ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (10): 104215-104215.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/acedf6

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Novel transmission property of zero-index metamaterial waveguide doped with gain and lossy defects

Qionggan Zhu(朱琼干)1, Lichen Chai(柴立臣)1, and Hai Lu(路海)2,†   

  1. 1 Department of Science, Taiyuan Institute of Technology, Taiyuan 030008, China;
    2 Engineering Laboratory for Optoelectronic Technology and Advanced Manufacturing, School of Physics, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-06 修回日期:2023-07-29 接受日期:2023-08-08 出版日期:2023-09-21 发布日期:2023-10-08
  • 通讯作者: Hai Lu
  • 基金资助:
    Project supported by Scientific and Technological Innovation Program of Higher Education Institutions in Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2021L554).

Novel transmission property of zero-index metamaterial waveguide doped with gain and lossy defects

Qionggan Zhu(朱琼干)1, Lichen Chai(柴立臣)1, and Hai Lu(路海)2,†   

  1. 1 Department of Science, Taiyuan Institute of Technology, Taiyuan 030008, China;
    2 Engineering Laboratory for Optoelectronic Technology and Advanced Manufacturing, School of Physics, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China
  • Received:2023-06-06 Revised:2023-07-29 Accepted:2023-08-08 Online:2023-09-21 Published:2023-10-08
  • Contact: Hai Lu
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by Scientific and Technological Innovation Program of Higher Education Institutions in Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2021L554).

摘要: Taking inspiration from quantum parity-time (PT) symmetries that have gained immense popularity in the emerging fields of non- Hermitian optics and photonics, the interest of exploring more generalized gain-loss interactions is never seen down. In this paper we theoretically present new fantastic properties through a zero-index metamaterial (ZIM) waveguide loaded gain and loss defects. For the case of epsilon-and-mu-near-zero (EMNZ) based ZIM medium, electromagnetic (EM) waves are cumulative and the system behaves as an amplifier when the loss cavity coefficient is greater than the gain cavity coefficient. Conversely, when loss is less than gain, EM waves are dissipated and the system behaves as an attenuator. Moreover, our investigation is extended to non-Hermitian scenarios characterized by tailored distributions of gain and loss in the epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) host medium. The transport effect in ZIM waveguide is amplified in one mode, while it is dissipative in the other mode, which breaks the common sense and its physic is analyzed by magnetic flux. That is which cavity has the smaller loss/gain coefficient, the larger its magnetic flux, which cavity dominates. This paper is of significant importance in the manipulation of electromagnetic waves and light amplification as well as the enhancement of matter interactions.

关键词: zero-index metamaterial, non-Hermitian, gain-loss interaction, magnetic flux

Abstract: Taking inspiration from quantum parity-time (PT) symmetries that have gained immense popularity in the emerging fields of non- Hermitian optics and photonics, the interest of exploring more generalized gain-loss interactions is never seen down. In this paper we theoretically present new fantastic properties through a zero-index metamaterial (ZIM) waveguide loaded gain and loss defects. For the case of epsilon-and-mu-near-zero (EMNZ) based ZIM medium, electromagnetic (EM) waves are cumulative and the system behaves as an amplifier when the loss cavity coefficient is greater than the gain cavity coefficient. Conversely, when loss is less than gain, EM waves are dissipated and the system behaves as an attenuator. Moreover, our investigation is extended to non-Hermitian scenarios characterized by tailored distributions of gain and loss in the epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) host medium. The transport effect in ZIM waveguide is amplified in one mode, while it is dissipative in the other mode, which breaks the common sense and its physic is analyzed by magnetic flux. That is which cavity has the smaller loss/gain coefficient, the larger its magnetic flux, which cavity dominates. This paper is of significant importance in the manipulation of electromagnetic waves and light amplification as well as the enhancement of matter interactions.

Key words: zero-index metamaterial, non-Hermitian, gain-loss interaction, magnetic flux

中图分类号:  (Wave propagation, transmission and absorption)

  • 42.25.Bs
41.20.Jb (Electromagnetic wave propagation; radiowave propagation) 73.20.Mf (Collective excitations (including excitons, polarons, plasmons and other charge-density excitations))