中国物理B ›› 2010, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (8): 84203-084203.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/8/084203
陈洪建1, 阎文博1, 陈贵锋1, 沈俊1, 申绪男1, 李养贤1, 师丽红2
Chen Hong-Jian(陈洪建)a), Shi Li-Hong(师丽红)b), Yan Wen-Bo(阎文博)a)†, Chen Gui-Feng(陈贵锋)a), Shen Jun(沈俊)a), Shen Xu-Nan(申绪男)a), and Li Yang-Xian(李养贤)a)
摘要: In this paper, the temporary UV-light-induced absorption in LiNbO3:Fe, Co crystal is investigated for different UV intensities. It is found that the sensitizing process in LiNbO3:Fe, Co can be considered as a combination of two sub-processes with different time constants. Based on the lattice structure and the photochromic mechanism of the material, the two sub-processes are suggested to arise from electron transfer from O2 - to Fe3 + through two paths with different distances. The two-colour recording experiment in LiNbO3:Fe, Co is also preformed by using UV and green light as gating and writing beams respectively. High sensitivity is obtained in the recording, which is considered as the consequence of direct charge transfer from O2 - to Fe3 + .
中图分类号: (Other nonmetallic inorganics)