† These two authors contributed equally to this paper.
‡ Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61204049 and 51402366), Guangdong Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant No. S2012040007363), and Foundation for Distinguished Young Talents in Higher Education of Guangdong, China (Grant Nos. 2012LYM0058 and 2013LYM0022).
We report an effective enhancement in light extraction of GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with an Al-doped ZnO (AZO) transparent conductive layer by incorporating a top regular textured SiO2 layer. The 2 inch transparent through-pore anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membrane was fabricated and used as the etching mask. The periodic pore with a pitch of about 410 nm was successfully transferred to the surface of the SiO2 layer without any etching damages to the AZO layer and the electrodes. The light output power was enhanced by 19% at 20 mA and 56% at 100 mA compared to that of the planar LEDs without a patterned surface. This approach offers a technique to fabricate a low-cost and large-area regular pattern on the LED chip for achieving enhanced light extraction without an obvious increase of the forward voltage.
The development of high-efficiency GaN based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) is one of the most important topics in the area of solid state lighting. However, the severe current crowding under the p-electrode due to the high resistivity of p-GaN is one of the factors that limit the efficiency of the LEDs.[1] To address this, the thin Ni/Au layer[2] and transparent conductive oxides (TCO)[3] have been intensively used as the transparent conductive layer (TCL). In particular, the high-transparent and low resistivity indium tin oxides (ITO)[4] have been widely used as the p- and n-GaN contract layers. Unfortunately, indium is a rare and expensive element, which increases the production cost and is a disadvantage for large-scale commercialization in the future. Many researchers are motivated to find an alternative In-free TCL composed of abundant, inexpensive, and nontoxic elements. In the last decade, ZnO based TCLs including In-doped ZnO (IZO),[5] Al-doped ZnO (AZO),[6] and Ga-doped ZnO (GZO)[7] were reported to exhibit high transparency and low resistivity, and their properties are similar or even prior to those of ITO. For example, our recent study[8] has demonstrated that GaN based LEDs with AZO as TCL exhibit ultralow forward voltage and excellent light extraction.
On the other hand, the light extraction efficiency of a planar GaN based LED is still limited by the total internal reflection (TIR) resulting from the large index difference between GaN and air. The formation of micro- or nano-texture on the surface of the LED including photonic crystals (Phcs)[9–15] or roughening[16,17] is an effective approach to suppress the TIR by coupling the guided modes trapped inside the GaN layers. Various techniques such as electron beam lithography,[9,11] laser holographic lithography,[12] nano-sphere lithography,[13] and anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates[14–16] have been adapted to fabricate surface textures on the LED device. The AAO membrane has a self-organized nanostructure in spatially regular and hexagonal order, which is suitable to fabricate large-area two-dimensional periodic patterns with low cost and high throughout. The extraction efficiency of the GaN based LED with doped ZnO as the TCL is expected to be further increased by formatting textures on the surface. However, to the best of our knowledge, the fabrication of visible-scale ordered textures on the surface of the GaN based LED with doped ZnO as the TCL has not been reported. Also, an increased forward voltage is always accompanied with the fabrication of patterns[18,19] due to the etching damages on the current injection and spreading region, which is one of the critical issues that should be addressed for the practical LEDs incorporated with a textured structure.
In this paper, we report the fabrication of a highly ordered texture on the surface of the GaN based LED with AZO as the TCL by using the AAO membrane as the etching mask of inductively coupled plasma (ICP). In order to prevent an obvious increase of the forward voltage, the periodic texture is formed on the surface of the SiO2 layer instead of the TCL or p-GaN layer reported in most of the literature. Fabricating an ordered surface texture using the AAO mask provides a promising mass-production approach for the AZO-TCL GaN-based LEDs with enhanced light extraction efficiency.
InGaN/GaN LED structures were grown on patterned sapphire substrates by MOCVD. The epitaxial structure is comprised of 4 μm thick n-GaN, 0.2 μm thick InGaN/GaN MQW active layer, and 0.35 μm thick p-GaN. A 250 nm thick AZO was grown on top of the p-GaN layer by an MD 600A 38× 2″ MOCVD system. The 2″ wafer was fabricated into an LED chip with a size of 254 μm×762 μm. Stack layers of Cr/Pd/Au (20 nm/40 nm/200 nm) were deposited as the p- and n-type electrodes. The detail of the parameters of the epitaxial growth and chip fabrication can be found in our pervious report.[8] In the end of the fabrication, a 500 nm thick SiO2 layer was deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) as the passivation layer.
The AAO membrane was fabricated with a 0.3 mm thick aluminum foil (99.99%) by the standard two-step anodization. The Al was anodized in a 4 wt.% phosphoric acid solution at 180 V and 0°. We have developed a fabricating procedure which is crucial for obtaining a large-area AAO membrane with a through-pore structure. Before anodization, the foil was coated by a negative photo resist with a 2″ diameter exposed area for anodization. After the anodization, the photo resist and aluminum on the back side of the anodization window were removed in sequence. Finally, the pore on the back side of the membrane was further enlarged in a phosphoric acid solution.
The procedure of ICP etching has been optimized to obtain a uniform pattern transferred from the AAO mask to the surface of the SiO2 layer, which is illustrated in Fig.
The current–voltage (I–V) characteristic of the LED chip without packaging was measured by an Agilent B1500A semiconductor device analyzer. The light output was characterized by a Fit Tech IPT6000 LED chip/wafer probing and testing system. Electroluminescence and photoluminescence were measured using a Yokogawa AQ6373 optical spectrum analyzer and a Nanometrics RPM BLUE system (405 nm excitation source), respectively.
![]() | Fig. 2. (a) Photograph, (b) cross-section SEM image, and (c) top view SEM image of the two-inch diameter transparent through-pore AAO membrane. |
![]() | Fig. 3. (a) Cross-section SEM image and (b) top view SEM image of the surface patterned LED chip with AZO-TCL. |
![]() | Fig. 4. The voltage–current–light output power (V–I–L) curves of conventional LEDs and surface patterned LEDs. |
We demonstrate the low-cost and large-area fabrication of a regular pattern on the top SiO2 layer of LEDs with AZO as TCL. The 2 inch highly-ordered transparent through-pore anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membrane was fabricated by the conventional two-step anodization. Using the AAO membrane as the etching mask, the periodic pore structure with a pitch of about 410 nm was successfully transferred to the surface of the SiO2 layer by ICP dry etching. The SEM image revealed no etching damage to the AZO layer and the electrodes, which is believed to avoid the obvious increase of the device’s forward voltage. The light output power was enhanced by 19% at 20 mA and 56% at 100 mA compared to that of the conventional LED without patterned surface. The increase of the forward voltage was only about 0.05 V at 20 mA. Up to 45% enhancement in the PL peak intensity and 14% in the EL peak intensity (at 20 mA) were obtained from the patterned LED structure. The improvement of light extraction is attributed to the diffraction and scattering of the periodic texture, as well as the grading refractive index introduced by the patterned SiO2 layer.
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