Study on spectroscopic parameters and molecular constants of HCl(X1∑+) molecule by using multireference configuration interaction approach
张小妞, 施德恒, 张金平, 朱遵略, 孙金锋
2010 (5):
doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/5/053401
1625 )
Equilibrium internuclear separations, harmonic frequencies
and potential energy curves (PECs) of HCl($X^{1}\Sigma ^{ + })$
molecule are investigated by using the highly accurate valence
internally contracted multireference configuration interaction
(MRCI) approach in combination with a series of
correlation-consistent basis sets in the valence range. The PECs are
all fitted to the Murrell--Sorbie function, and they are used to
accurately derive the spectroscopic parameters ($D_{\rm e}$,
$D_{0}$, $\omega_{\rm e}\chi_{\rm e}$, $\alpha_{\rm e}$ and $B_{\rm
e})$. Compared with the available measurements, the PEC obtained at
the basis set, aug-cc-pV5Z, is selected to investigate the
vibrational manifolds. The constants $D_{0}$, $D_{\rm e}$, $R_{\rm
e}$, $\omega_{\rm e}$, $\omega_{\rm e}\chi_{\rm e}$, $\alpha_{\rm
e}$ and $B_{\rm e}$ at this basis set are 4.4006~eV, 4.5845~eV,
0.12757~nm, 2993.33~cm$^{ - 1}$, 52.6273~cm$^{ - 1}$, 0.2981~cm$^{ -
1}$ and 10.5841~cm$^{ - 1}$, respectively, which almost perfectly
conform to the available experimental results. With the potential
determined at the MRCI/aug-cc-pV5Z level of theory, by numerically
solving the radial Schr\"{o}dinger equation of nuclear motion in the
adiabatic approximation, a total of 21 vibrational levels are
predicted. Complete vibrational levels, classical turning points,
inertial rotation and centrifugal distortion constants are
reproduced, which are in excellent agreement with the available
Rydberg--Klein--Rees data. Most of these theoretical vibrational
manifolds are reported for the first time to the best of our
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