Magnetization reversal mechanism of magnetic tunnel junctions
刘存业, 李建, 王跃, 陈建勇, 徐庆宇, 倪刚, 桑海, 都有为
2002 (1):
doi: 10.1088/1009-1963/11/1/314
1144 )
Using the ion-beam-sputtering technique, we have fabricated Fe/Al2O3/Fe magnetic tunnelling junctions (MTJs). We have observed double-peaked shapes of curves, which have a level summit and a symmetrical feature, showing the magnetoresistance of the junction as a function of applied field. We have measured the tunnel conductance of MTJs which have insulating layers of different thicknesses. We have studied the dependence of the magnetoresistance of MTJs on tunnel conductance. The microstructures of hard- and soft-magnetic layers and interfaces of ferromagnets and insulators were probed. Analysing the influence of MJT microstructures, including those having clusters or/and granules in magnetic and non-magnetic films, a magnetization reversal mechanism (MRM) is proposed, which suggests that the MRM of tunnelling junctions may be explained by using a group-by-group reversal model of magnetic moments of the mesoscopical particles. We discuss the influence of MTJ microstructures, including those with clusters or/and granules in the ferromagnetic and non-magnetic films, on the MRM.
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