[1] |
Hongzhen Tang(唐宏珍), Peng Hu(胡鹏), Da-Jian Cui(崔大健), Hong Xiang(向红), and Dezhuan Han(韩德专). Bound states in the continuum in metal—dielectric photonic crystal with a birefringent defect[J]. 中国物理B, 2022, 31(10): 104209-104209. |
[2] |
Zhe Li(李哲), Shuang Yang(杨爽), Zhirong Zhang(张志荣), Hua Xia(夏滑), Tao Pang(庞涛),Bian Wu(吴边), Pengshuai Sun(孙鹏帅), Huadong Wang(王华东), and Runqing Yu(余润磬). High-sensitivity methane monitoring based on quasi-fundamental mode matched continuous-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy[J]. 中国物理B, 2022, 31(9): 94207-094207. |
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Qing-Yan Li(李青岩), Yu Zhang(张雨), Shi-Yu Yan(闫诗雨),Bin Zhang(张斌), and Chun-Hui Wang(王春晖). Design of three-dimensional imaging lidar optical system for large field of view scanning[J]. 中国物理B, 2022, 31(7): 74201-074201. |
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Changjian Xie(解长健), Xihua Zou (邹喜华), Fang Zou(邹放), Lianshan Yan(闫连山), Wei Pan(潘炜), and Yong Zhang(张永). A 32-channel 100 GHz wavelength division multiplexer by interleaving two silicon arrayed waveguide gratings[J]. 中国物理B, 2021, 30(12): 120703-120703. |
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Tingting Shi(施婷婷), Xuan Qian(钱轩), Tianjiao Sun(孙天娇), Li Cheng(程力), Runjiang Dou(窦润江), Liyuan Liu(刘力源), and Yang Ji(姬扬). Asymmetric coherent rainbows induced by liquid convection[J]. 中国物理B, 2021, 30(12): 124208-124208. |
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Xi-Cheng Zhang(张熙程), Zuo-Gang Yang(杨佐刚), Long-Jie Fang(方龙杰), Jing-Lei Du(杜惊雷), Zhi-You Zhang(张志友), and Fu-Hua Gao(高福华). Phase-shift interferometry measured transmission matrix of turbid medium: Three-step phase-shifting interference better than four-step one[J]. 中国物理B, 2021, 30(10): 104202-104202. |
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Jianfeng Huang(黄剑峰), Qianju Song(宋前举), Peng Hu(胡鹏), Hong Xiang(向红), and Dezhuan Han(韩德专). Bound states in the continuum on perfect conducting reflection gratings[J]. 中国物理B, 2021, 30(8): 84211-084211. |
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Xingbing Chao(潮兴兵), Yuan Gao(高源), Jianping Ding(丁剑平), and Hui-Tian Wang(王慧田). Impact of the spatial coherence on self-interference digital holography[J]. 中国物理B, 2021, 30(8): 84212-084212. |
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Fang Xue(薛芳), Ya-Xuan Duan(段亚轩), Xiao-Yi Chen(陈晓义), Ming Li(李铭), Suo-Chao Yuan(袁索超), and Zheng-Shang Da(达争尚). Broad-band phase retrieval method for transient radial shearing interference using chirp Z transform technique[J]. 中国物理B, 2021, 30(8): 84209-084209. |
[10] |
Dan Liu(刘丹), Yichun Gao(高益淳), Jianqin Xu(许建琴), and Jing Qian(钱静). Stable quantum interference enabled by coexisting detuned and resonant STIRAPs[J]. 中国物理B, 2021, 30(5): 53701-053701. |
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Ya-Fei Zhang(张亚飞), Yu-Tao Feng(冯玉涛), Di Fu(傅頔), Peng-Chong Wang(王鹏冲), Jian Sun(孙剑), Qing-Lan Bai(白清兰). [J]. 中国物理B, 2020, 29(10): 104204-. |
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陆子晴, 韩勤, 叶焓, 王帅, 肖峰, 肖帆. High common mode rejection ratio InP 90° optical hybrid in ultra-broadband at 60 nm with deep-rigded waveguide based on ×4 MMI coupler[J]. 中国物理B, 2020, 29(5): 54206-054206. |
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李敏, 冯彪, 尹辑文. Highly sensitive optical fiber temperature sensor based on resonance in sidewall of liquid-filled silica capillary tube[J]. 中国物理B, 2019, 28(11): 114201-114201. |
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周宇, 刘建彬, 郑淮斌, 陈辉, 李福利, 徐卓. Second-order interference of two independent photons with different spectra[J]. 中国物理B, 2019, 28(10): 104205-104205. |