[1] |
Hui Xu(徐慧), Ziqi Li(李子琦), Chi Pang(逄驰), Rang Li(李让), Genglin Li(李庚霖), Sh. Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou(周生强), Qingming Lu(路庆明), Yuechen Jia(贾曰辰), and Feng Chen(陈峰). Second harmonic generation from precise diamond blade diced ridge waveguides[J]. 中国物理B, 2022, 31(9): 94209-094209. |
[2] |
Zhongyang Li(李忠洋), Qianze Yan(颜钤泽), Pengxiang Liu(刘鹏翔), Binzhe Jiao(焦彬哲), Gege Zhang(张格格), Zhiliang Chen(陈治良), Pibin Bing(邴丕彬), Sheng Yuan(袁胜), Kai Zhong(钟凯), and Jianquan Yao(姚建铨). THz wave generation by repeated and continuous frequency conversions from pump wave to high-order Stokes waves[J]. 中国物理B, 2022, 31(7): 74209-074209. |
[3] |
Daohan Ge(葛道晗), Yujie Zhou(周宇杰), Mengcheng Lv(吕梦成), Jiakang Shi(石家康), Abubakar A. Babangida, Liqiang Zhang(张立强), and Shining Zhu(祝世宁). High-sensitivity Bloch surface wave sensor with Fano resonance in grating-coupled multilayer structures[J]. 中国物理B, 2022, 31(4): 44102-044102. |
[4] |
Jia-Li You(游佳丽), Yu-Song Wang(王雨松), Tong Wang(王彤), Li-Li Fu(付丽丽), Qing-Yang Yue(岳庆炀), Xiang-Fu Wang(王祥夫), Rui-Lin Zheng(郑锐林), and Chun-Xiao Liu(刘春晓). Optical properties of He+-implanted and diamond blade-diced terbium gallium garnet crystal planar and ridge waveguides[J]. 中国物理B, 2022, 31(11): 114203-114203. |
[5] |
Ning Liu(刘宁), Li-Min Zhang(张利民), Xue-Ting Liu(刘雪婷), Shuo Zhang(张硕), Tie-Shan Wang(王铁山), and Hong-Xia Guo(郭红霞). Lattice damage in InGaN induced by swift heavy ion irradiation[J]. 中国物理B, 2022, 31(10): 106103-106103. |
[6] |
Wen-Si Ai(艾文思), Jie Liu(刘杰), Qian Feng(冯倩), Peng-Fei Zhai(翟鹏飞), Pei-Pei Hu(胡培培), Jian Zeng(曾健), Sheng-Xia Zhang(张胜霞), Zong-Zhen Li(李宗臻), Li Liu(刘丽), Xiao-Yu Yan(闫晓宇), and You-Mei Sun(孙友梅). Degradation of β-Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diode under swift heavy ion irradiation[J]. 中国物理B, 2021, 30(5): 56110-056110. |
[7] |
Guang-Tai Xue(薛广太), Xiao-Hui Tian(田晓慧), Chi Zhang(张弛), Zhenda Xie(谢臻达), Ping Xu(徐平), Yan-Xiao Gong(龚彦晓), and Shi-Ning Zhu(祝世宁). Effect of thickness variations of lithium niobate on insulator waveguide on the frequency spectrum of spontaneous parametric down-conversion[J]. 中国物理B, 2021, 30(11): 110313-110313. |
[8] |
Chang-Wei Sun(孙昌伟), Yu Sun(孙宇), Jia-Chen Duan(端家晨), Guang-Tai Xue(薛广太), Yi-Chen Liu(刘奕辰), Liang-Liang Lu(陆亮亮), Qun-Yong Zhang(张群永), Yan-Xiao Gong(龚彦晓), Ping Xu(徐平), and Shi-Ning Zhu(祝世宁). Widely tunable single-photon source with high spectral-purity from telecom wavelength to mid-infrared wavelength based on MgO:PPLN[J]. 中国物理B, 2021, 30(10): 100312-100312. |
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刘振, 贾维国, 王红玉, 汪洋, 门克内木乐, 张俊萍. Effect of dark soliton on the spectral evolution of bright soliton in a silicon-on-insulator waveguide[J]. 中国物理B, 2020, 29(6): 64212-064212. |
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刘振, 贾维国, 汪洋, 王红玉, 门克内木乐, 张俊萍. Propagation characteristics of parallel dark solitons in silicon-on-insulator waveguide[J]. 中国物理B, 2020, 29(1): 14203-014203. |
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吴嘉野, 吴栩航, 杨湘波, 李海盈. Extraordinary transmission and reflection in PT-symmetric two-segment-connected triangular optical waveguide networks with perfect and broken integer waveguide length ratios[J]. 中国物理B, 2019, 28(10): 104208-104208. |
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王继厚, 陈长鸣, 郑洋, 王希斌, 衣云骥, 孙小强, 王菲, 张大明. Tunable wavelength filters using polymer long-period waveguide gratings based on metal-cladding directly defined technique[J]. 中国物理B, 2017, 26(2): 24212-024212. |
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张胜霞, 刘杰, 曾健, 胡培培, 翟鹏飞. Structural modification in swift heavy ion irradiated muscovite mica[J]. 中国物理B, 2017, 26(10): 106102-106102. |
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田文龙, 王兆华, 朱江峰, 魏志义. Tunable femtosecond near-infrared source based on a Yb:LYSO-laser-pumped optical parametric oscillator[J]. 中国物理B, 2016, 25(1): 14207-014207. |
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曾健, 刘杰, 张胜霞, 翟鹏飞, 姚会军, 段敬来, 郭航, 侯明东, 孙友梅. Irradiation effects of graphene and thin layer graphite induced by swift heavy ions[J]. 中国物理B, 2015, 24(8): 86103-086103. |