中国物理B ›› 2023, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 77102-077102.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/aca7ef

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Topological properties of tetratomic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains with hierarchical long-range hopping

Guan-Qiang Li(李冠强), Bo-Han Wang(王博涵), Jing-Yu Tang(唐劲羽), Ping Peng(彭娉), and Liang-Wei Dong(董亮伟)   

  1. Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710021, China
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-24 修回日期:2022-11-20 接受日期:2022-12-02 出版日期:2023-06-15 发布日期:2023-06-15
  • 通讯作者: Guan-Qiang Li
  • 基金资助:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11405100), the Natural Science Basic Research Program in Shaanxi Province of China (Grant Nos. 2022JZ-02, 2020JM-507, and 2019JM-332), the Doctoral Research Fund of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology in China (Grant Nos. 2018BJ-02 and 2019BJ-58), and the Youth Innovation Team of Shaanxi Universities.

Topological properties of tetratomic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains with hierarchical long-range hopping

Guan-Qiang Li(李冠强), Bo-Han Wang(王博涵), Jing-Yu Tang(唐劲羽), Ping Peng(彭娉), and Liang-Wei Dong(董亮伟)   

  1. Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710021, China
  • Received:2022-10-24 Revised:2022-11-20 Accepted:2022-12-02 Online:2023-06-15 Published:2023-06-15
  • Contact: Guan-Qiang Li
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11405100), the Natural Science Basic Research Program in Shaanxi Province of China (Grant Nos. 2022JZ-02, 2020JM-507, and 2019JM-332), the Doctoral Research Fund of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology in China (Grant Nos. 2018BJ-02 and 2019BJ-58), and the Youth Innovation Team of Shaanxi Universities.

摘要: We propose a new generalized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with hierarchical long-range hopping based on a one-dimensional tetratomic chain. The properties of the topological states and phase transition, which depend on the cointeraction of the intracell and intercell hoppings, are investigated using the phase diagram of the winding number. It is shown that topological states with large positive/negative winding numbers can readily be generated in this system. The properties of the topological states can be verified by the ring-type structures in the trajectory diagram of the complex plane. The topological phase transition is strongly related to the opening (closure) of an energy bandgap at the center (boundaries) of the Brillouin zone. Finally, the non-zero-energy edge states at the ends of the finite system are revealed and matched with the bulk-boundary correspondence.

关键词: generalized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, tight-binding approximation, topological phase transition, long-range hopping, winding number, edge state

Abstract: We propose a new generalized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with hierarchical long-range hopping based on a one-dimensional tetratomic chain. The properties of the topological states and phase transition, which depend on the cointeraction of the intracell and intercell hoppings, are investigated using the phase diagram of the winding number. It is shown that topological states with large positive/negative winding numbers can readily be generated in this system. The properties of the topological states can be verified by the ring-type structures in the trajectory diagram of the complex plane. The topological phase transition is strongly related to the opening (closure) of an energy bandgap at the center (boundaries) of the Brillouin zone. Finally, the non-zero-energy edge states at the ends of the finite system are revealed and matched with the bulk-boundary correspondence.

Key words: generalized Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, tight-binding approximation, topological phase transition, long-range hopping, winding number, edge state

中图分类号:  (Electron density of states and band structure of crystalline solids)

  • 71.20.-b
71.23.An (Theories and models; localized states) 68.65.-k (Low-dimensional, mesoscopic, nanoscale and other related systems: structure and nonelectronic properties) 73.43.Nq (Quantum phase transitions)