中国物理B ›› 2013, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 60511-060511.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/6/060511
赖玲玲a, 程荣军b, 李志鹏c, 葛红霞a
Lai Ling-Ling (赖玲玲)a, Cheng Rong-Jun (程荣军)b, Li Zhi-Peng (李志鹏)c, Ge Hong-Xia (葛红霞)a
摘要: Based on the full velocity difference model, Jiang et al. put forward the speed gradient model through the micro-macro linkage. In this paper, the Taylor expansion is adopted to modify the model. The backward travel problem is overcome by our model, which exists in many higher-order continuum models. The neutral stability condition of the model is obtained through the linear stability analysis. Nonlinear analysis shows clearly that the density fluctuation in traffic flow leads to a variety of density waves. Moreover, the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers (KdV-Burgers) equation is derived to describe the traffic flow near the neutral stability line and the corresponding solution for traffic density wave is derived. The numerical simulation is carried out to investigate the local cluster effects. The results are consistent with the realistic traffic flow and also further verify the results of nonlinear analysis.
中图分类号: (Phase transitions: general studies)