中国物理B ›› 2010, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (6): 60203-060203.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/6/060203
吴枝喜1, 关剑月2, 汪映海2, 冯存芳3
Feng Cun-Fang(冯存芳)a)b), Guan Jian-Yue(关剑月) a), Wu Zhi-Xi(吴枝喜)c), and Wang Ying-Hai(汪映海) a)†
摘要: We have investigated the influence of the average degree \langle k \rangle of network on the location of an order--disorder transition in opinion dynamics. For this purpose, a variant of majority rule (VMR) model is applied to Watts--Strogatz (WS) small-world networks and Barab\'{a}si--Albert (BA) scale-free networks which may describe some non-trivial properties of social systems. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we find that the order--disorder transition point of the VMR model is greatly affected by the average degree \langle k \rangle of the networks; a larger value of \langle k \rangle results in a more ordered state of the system. Comparing WS networks with BA networks, we find WS networks have better orderliness than BA networks when the average degree \langle k \rangle is small. With the increase of \langle k \rangle, BA networks have a more ordered state. By implementing finite-size scaling analysis, we also obtain critical exponents \beta/\nu, \gamma/\nu and 1/\nu for several values of average degree \langle k \rangle. Our results may be helpful to understand structural effects on order--disorder phase transition in the context of the majority rule model.
中图分类号: (Phase transitions: general studies)