中国物理B ›› 2010, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 26803-026803.doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/19/2/026803
张寒洁1, 鲍世宁1, 窦卫东2
Dou Wei-Dong(窦卫东)a)b), Zhang Han-Jie(张寒洁)a)†, and Bao Shi-Ning(鲍世宁)a)
摘要: The reconstructed structure of Cu (100) surface induced by atomic N adsorption is studied by using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The 2D structure of copper boundary between neighbouring N covered islands is found to be sensitive to the growth conditions, e.g. N+ bombardment time and annealing temperature. The copper boundary experiences a transition from nano-scale stripe to nano-particle when the substrate is continuously annealed at 623~K for a longer time. A well-defined copper-stripe network can be achieved by precisely controlling the growth conditions, which highlights the possibility of producing new templates for nanofabrication.
中图分类号: (Adsorption kinetics ?)