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Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant Nos. 2017YFA0302903 and 2019YFA0308603), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11774422, 11774424, and 11674374), the CAS Interdisciplinary Innovation Team, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China, and the Research Funds of Renmin University of China (Grant No. 19XNLG13).
The magnetic and electronic properties of spinel oxide LiV2O4 have been systematically studied by using the spin-polarized first-principles electronic structure calculations. We find that a series of magnetic states, in which the ferromagnetic (FM) V4 tetrahedra are linked together through the corner-sharing antiferromagnetic (AFM) V4 tetrahedra, possess degenerate energies lower than those of other spin configurations. The large number of these energetically degenerated states being the magnetic ground state give rise to strong magnetic frustration as well as large magnetic entropy in LiV2O4. The corresponding band structure and density of states of such a typical magnetic state in this series, i.e., the ditetrahedron (DT) AFM state, demonstrate that LiV2O4 is in the vicinity of a metal–insulator transition. Further analysis suggests that the t2g and eg orbitals of the V atoms play different roles in the magnetic exchange interactions. Our calculations are consistent with previous experimental measurements and shed light on understanding the exotic magnetism and the heavy-fermion behavior of LiV2O4.
The transition metal spinel compounds AB2C4 have attracted broad interest due to their versatile physical properties that originate from the intimate interplay of the charge, spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom. There exist different forms of spinels.[1] In the normal spinels, the A cations occupy the tetrahedral sites and the B cations occupy the octahedral sites. In the inverse spinels, the tetrahedral site is occupied by B cations, while the octahedral site is shared between A and B cations. Among the normal spinels, there are superconducting LiTi2O4,[2–5] charge-ordering LiMn2O4,[6,7] antiferromagnetic ZnV2O4,[8] spin-orbital-liquid FeSc2S4,[9] ferroelectric Fe1 – xMnxV2O4,[zhao] etc. One typical normal spinel oxide LiV2O4 is known as the first d-electron heavy fermion (HF) compound, which shows a large electronic specific-heat coefficient of 420 mJ/(K2⋅mol) and an enhanced quasi-particle mass compared with conventional metals.[11] While in general the HF behavior is observed in the compounds containing rare earth elements with highly localized f electrons, the unexpected discovery of HF behavior in LiV2O4 with only d electrons has inspired numerous experimental and theoretical studies in the past two decades.[11–47] Nevertheless, the underlying mechanism of the HF behavior in LiV2O4 has not reached a consensus.
One scenario concerns about the Kondo effect as the one in a typical HF compound.[12] In LiV2O4, the crystal field effect splits the V 3d orbitals into the threefold t2g and the twofold e2g orbitals, and then the trigonal point-group symmetry on the V atom further splits the t2g orbitals into the onefold a1g and the twofold ég parts.[13–15] Since there are one and a half 3d electrons on each V3.5+ ion, one d electron occupies the lower-energy a1g orbital while the remaining d electron resides on the ég orbital.[14] The Kondo coupling between the local a1g electrons and the itinerant ég electrons, which mimics the coupling between localized f electrons and itinerant conduction electrons in a conventional HF compound, was proposed to be responsible for the HF behavior observed in LiV2O4.[14] However, it should be noted that by using the local density approximation plus dynamical mean field theory (LDA+DMFT) calculations, Arita and coworkers suggested that the HF behavior in LiV2O4 is only related to the relatively local a1g orbitals rather than the hybridization between the a1g and ég orbitals.[16]
Another standpoint focuses on the spin and/or orbital fluctuations in consideration of the geometrical frustration in LiV2O4.[17–19] Although there is neither long-range magnetic order nor structural phase transition under all measuring temperatures,[11,20,21] the negative Curie–Weiss temperature derived from the magnetic susceptibility experiment[11,12] indicates the existence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin interactions in LiV2O4. This is also consistent with the measurements of neutron scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and muon spin rotation/relaxation/resonance (μSR).[23,24] Recently, an orbital-selective NMR study suggested that a frustrated spin liquid, which is formed by the orbital-dependent local moments coupling with the itinerant electrons via the Hund’s effect, is relevant to the HF behavior.[24] In addition, a time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering experiment revealed two peaks of the scattering intensity in the moment–energy space and proposed that the spin–orbit fluctuations are highly possible based on the V ditetraheron.[17] Nevertheless, there is no density functional theory (DFT) study about the ditetrahedron magnetic configuration in LiV2O4. Is it the spin pattern that causes the exotic properties of LiV2O4, or even is the driving mechanism of its HF behavior?
In this work, we have performed first-principles studies on the magnetic and electronic properties of the spinel oxide LiV2O4. We find a series of ditetrahedron antiferromagnetic states with the degenerate energies lower than those of other magnetic states. The magnetic mechanism is analyzed based on the density of states and the charge densities. The enlightment of our calculations on the exotic properties of LiV2O4 is further discussed.
The spin-polarized first-principles electronic structure calculations were performed by using the projector augmented wave (PAW) method[48,49] as implemented in the VASP package.[50–53] For the exchange–correlation functional, the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) type[54] was employed. The kinetic energy cutoff of the plane-wave basis was set to 520 eV. A fully variable-cell relaxation for the cubic cell of LiV2O4 was first carried out to obtain the equilibrium lattice parameters. The internal atomic positions were relaxed with the quasi-Newton algorithm and the PBE functional until the forces on all atoms were smaller than 0.01 eV/Å. Different supercells were used to study various spin configurations. For the Brillouin zone (BZ) sampling of the 1×1×1 and 2×1×1 supercells, the 8×8×8 and 4×8×8 k-point meshes were adopted, respectively. The Gaussian smearing method with a width of 0.05 eV was utilized for the Fermi surface broadening. The density of states (DOS) and total energies were also checked by using the tetrahedron method with Blöchl corrections,[55] which does not change our conclusions. At the equilibrium structure of LiV2O4, due to the well-known underestimation of band gaps by using the GGA functional, the electronic structures were examined with the modified Becke–Johnson (MBJ) exchange potential[56,57] in combination with the GGA correlation at the meta-GGA level of Jacob’s ladder for density functional approximation.[58]
Spinel oxide LiV2O4 has a face-centered cubic (FCC) structure with the
The calculated energies of these magnetic states with respect to that of the nonmagnetic state are listed in Table
![]() | Table 1. Relative energies Etotal (in units of meV per V atom) of the AFM1, AFM2, AFM3, FM, and a series of DT AFM states with respect to the nonmagnetic state for LiV2O4 calculated with the PBE functional at the GGA level. One case is with fully relaxed lattice parameters and internal atomic positions, the other is in perfect cell with experimental lattice constants (a = b = c = 8.255 Å[43] and high-symmetry atomic positions. The corresponding average local moments M (in units of μB) on V atoms are also listed. . |
Since there is no long-range magnetic order observed in LiV2O4 even down to 0.02 K,[11] we would like to know whether or not there are low-lying magnetic states competing with the DT AFM state [Fig.
Among the DT series of magnetic states, we take the DT AFM state [Fig.
In order to study the magnetic interactions in the DT AFM state of LiV2O4, we calculated the partial density of states (PDOS) for the Li, V, O-12, and O-22 atoms (Fig.
On the other hand, the PDOS in the energy range from –1.5 eV to 0 eV mainly consists of V t2g orbitals [Fig.
Our calculations demonstrate that in spinel oxide LiV2O4 there are a series of DT AFM states with the degenerate lowest energies (Table
From the electronic structure of the magnetic ground state of LiV2O4 (Figs.
As to the magnetic mechanism in LiV2O4, the 3d orbitals on each V atom in the VO6 octahedron have been splitted to the eg and t2g components due to the crystal field effect [Fig.
In summary, based on spin-polarized first-principles calculations, we have found that in the spinel oxide LiV2O4 there are a series of ditetrahedron magnetic states with corner-sharing FM and AFM V4 tetrahedra that have the degenerate lowest energies. The random combinations of these states constitute the magnetic ground state of LiV2O4, which does not develop any static magnetic order. The magnetic and geometric frustrations in LiV2O4 lead to the strong spin fluctuations and the heavy-fermion behavior, which are in accordance with previous experiments.[17,24] Our calculations not only shed light on understanding the exotic magnetic properties of LiV2O4, but also show the possibility of using the electronic structure calculations to distinguish the magnetically disordered materials from the ordered ones.
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