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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51571085), the Key Science and Technology Program of Henan Province, China (Grant No. 19212210210), the Foundation of Henan Educational Committee, China (Grant No. 13B430019), and the Henan Postdoctoral Science Foundation, China.
Aluminum-doped ZnO (AZO) thin films with thin film metallic glass of Zr50Cu50 as buffer are prepared on glass substrates by the pulsed laser deposition. The influence of buffer thickness and substrate temperature on structural, optical, and electrical properties of AZO thin film are investigated. Increasing the thickness of buffer layer and substrate temperature can both promote the transformation of AZO from amorphous to crystalline structure, while they show (100) and (002) unique preferential orientations, respectively. After inserting Zr50Cu50 layer between the glass substrate and AZO film, the sheet resistance and visible transmittance decrease, but the infrared transmittance increases. With substrate temperature increasing from 25 °C to 520 °C, the sheet resistance of AZO(100 nm)/Zr50Cu50(4 nm) film first increases and then decreases, and the infrared transmittance is improved. The AZO(100 nm)/Zr50Cu50(4 nm) film deposited at a substrate temperature of 360 °C exhibits a low sheet resistance of 26.7 Ω/□, high transmittance of 82.1% in the visible light region, 81.6% in near-infrared region, and low surface roughness of 0.85 nm, which are useful properties for their potential applications in tandem solar cell and infrared technology.
Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) films have many electrical applications due to their high transparency and good electrical conductivity. Al-doped ZnO (AZO) has been developed as a promising material due to its low temperature growth, cheap cost, and environmental stability.[1–4] Especially, the high infrared transmittance gives AZO broad application prospects in tandem solar cells and infrared technology. Since the optical and electrical properties of AZO films are still not sufficient to meet the requirements for high efficiency devices, much effort has been devoted to the development of AZO with low-resistive and high-transmittance. The thickness increment of AZO films could promote their electrical characteristics, but weaken the quality due to the enlargement of absorption coefficient and surface roughness. In particular, near-infrared transmittance declines sharply. In order to reduce the thickness of AZO, the buffer layer is introduced and the conductivity and transparency are both confirmed to be improved. Lots of buffer materials have been developed including ITO, ZnO, Al2O3, MgO, ZnS, pure metal, and so on.[5–10] Among them, the metal buffer can effectively raise the conductivity of AZO thin film. Nonetheless, it also causes the transmittance of AZO/metal film to decrease since the continuous thin film can be formed only when the thickness of the metal films is over 10 nm. Recent investigations have reported that inserting thin film metallic glass (TFMG) between the substrate and TCOs presents both low resistivity and high transmittance. Lee et al.[11] has reported the ITO/ZrCu bi-layer films with transmittance of 73% and sheet resistance of 20 Ω/□. The ITO film with Ag22Al46Mg32 as a buffer exhibits the visible transmittance of 80% and the sheet resistance of 15Ω/┚.[12] Lin et al.[13] have found that AZO films shows the sheet resistance of 85 Ω/┚ and the visible transmittance of 74% after inserting Ag40Mg40Al20 TFMG as buffer.
Unlike traditional crystalline metals, metallic glasses (MGs) appear without dislocations or grain boundaries. TFMGs are expected to have distinctive electrical properties, e.g., less electron scattering. Owing to its amorphous nature, TFMG possesses better surface roughness, and the optimal thickness of TFMG interlayer is lower than that of the conventional metal film.[14,15] Moreover, TFMG exhibits extremely temperature sensitivity and unique characteristics in the supercooled liquid region (i.e., ΔT, the temperature range between the glass transition temperature and the crystallization temperature). For example, Liu et al.[16] found that the thermal stability for ZrCuNiAlHfTi TFMGs decreases with substrate temperature increasing. Chu et al. has reported[17] that after annealing within ΔT, the Cu51Zr42Al4Ti3 film transforms from crystalline into amorphous structure and its surface becomes smooth. These factors would affect the properties of AZO with TFMGs as buffer. However, there are few reports about the influence of these factors on the structural and optoelectrical properties of AZO/TFMG bi-layer films.
Many deposition techniques have been used to prepare the AZO films including pulsed laser deposition (PLD),[18] magnetron sputtering,[19] chemical vapor deposition,[20] sol–gel,[21] and atomic layer deposition.[22] Among these techniques, PLD technology is widely adopted because of good adhesion, strong controllability, and expected stoichiometric ratio. After decades of development, plenty of MGs have been presented such as Zr-based, Cu-based, Ni-based, Mg-based, etc.[23–25] The Zr50Cu50 binary alloy is a promising material with simple composition, strong undercooling ability, high thermal stability, and unique solidification characteristics. In this work, AZO films each with Zr50Cu50 TFMG as buffer are prepared on the glass substrates by PLD. The effects of buffer thickness and substrate temperature on the properties of AZO thin films are systematically investigated by analyzing their structures, optoelectrical characteristics and morphologies, which reveals the possible mechanism behind the high transmittance and low resistance.
The AZO and Zr50Cu50 films were prepared on the glass substrates by PLD (COMPexPro 203) through using AZO (ZnO:Al2O3, 98:2 wt%) target and Zr50Cu50 (wt%) alloy target, respectively. The Zr50Cu50(ZrCu) target was fabricated by arc melting high-purity metals of Zr and Cu together under Ti-gettered Ar atmosphere. In order to achieve chemical homogeneity, the ingots were melted four times, and then suction casted into copper mold with 20 mm×20 mm and thickness of 3 mm. The amorphous glass (BF33) is used as substrate, and its surface roughness is less than 1 nm. The films were deposited in a high vacuum (below 5×10–4 Pa), and the distance between the target and the substrate was maintained at 10 cm. The targets were ablated on the target surface using a KrF excimer laser at a pulse repetition rate of 5 Hz. The laser energy was 200 mJ. The target surface was ablated with a pulsed laser prior to film preparation to remove oxides and impurities. The samples with different thickness buffer were deposited at room temperature (25°C). The thickness of AZO layer was fixed at 100 nm and that of ZrCu metallic films was varied from 4 nm to 20 nm. To evaluate the effects of the dependence of substrate temperature on the properties of films, AZO/ZrCu films were deposited at the temperatures of 120 °C, 200 °C, 280 °C, 360 °C, 440 °C, and 520 °C, respectively.
The thicknesses of AZO and ZrCu films were measured by α-step profilometer (DektakXT, Bruker), and the deposition rates were calculated. The structure of sample was characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD, Rigaku D/MAX 200V/PC). The transmittance of thin film was probed by using an ultraviolet–visible–infrared (UV-3600, Shimadzu) spectrophotometer. The electrical performance was measured by using a Hall Effect system (HMS 5300, Ecopia). The surface morphology of the film was imaged by using an atomic force microscope (AFM, Dektak 150), and the roughness of film surface was calculated.
There is no preferred growth of (002) crystal plane for any AZO bi-layer film in this experiment, which is obviously different from that for AZO film with other buffers existing at present (e.g., Al2O3 and ITO).[26,27] Generally, owing to the lower surface energy of (002) plane (9.9 eV/nm2) than that of (100) plane (20.9 eV/nm2), ZnO film grows preferentially in the (002) crystallographic direction. If ZnO is deposited under non-thermodynamic equilibrium conditions, it is possible to obtain other crystal planes. Growth of thin film at room temperature by PLD is a typical non-thermodynamic equilibrium condition. Meanwhile, TFMG has a metastable structure. In the deposition process of AZO film on ZrCu layer, atomic clusters in TFMG obtain the energy and are rearranged gradually, resulting in the fact that the non-thermodynamic equilibrium condition is aggravated. The degree of influence increases with ZrCu thickness increasing. Therefore, uncommon (100) orientation is present and the (002)-oriented growth is hindered for samples with the buffer thickness between 12 nm and 20 nm.
The optical transmittance spectra of AZO films varying with ZrCu thickness are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (a) Optical transmittance spectra for various buffer thicknesses and (b) plots of sheet resistance, carrier concentration, and mobility versus ZrCu thickness of AZO/ZrCu films. |
![]() | Table 1. Optical and electrical properties of AZO/ZrCu films with different buffer thicknesses. . |
The basic requirement for a TCO film is that it should have high electrical conductivity combined with good optical transmittance. The quality of the film can be determined by a figure of merit (FOM) defined as[31]
In order to further improve the optical and electrical properties of the AZO/ZrCu films, the influence of the substrate temperature on the AZO/Zr50Cu50 film is investigated. The thickness of AZO layer and ZrCu are fixed at 100 nm and 4 nm, respectively. Figure
![]() | Table 2. Optical, electrical, and morphological properties of AZO thin films with ZrCu buffer layer at different substrate temperatures. . |
![]() | Fig. 5. (a) Optical transmittance spectra at different substrate temperatures and (b) plots of sheet resistance, carrier concentration, and mobility versus substrate temperature of AZO/ZrCu films. |
It is observed in Fig.
To further reveal the evolution of structure in the deposition process, AFM analysis is performed. Figure
![]() | Fig. 6. AFM images of AZO/ZrCu films at different substrate temperatures: (a) 120 °C, (b) 200 °C, (c) 280 °C, (d) 360 °C, (e) 440 °C, and (f) 520 °C. |
The microstructure of the film is closely related to the substrate temperature. MG is essentially “frozen liquid”, and to a large extent the amorphous solid inherits the structure from its original liquid metal. The faster the cooling rate, the larger the preservation of amorphous structure is. Therefore, the ZrCu film deposited at 120 °C is prone to holding amorphous structure, and the AZO film deposited thereon exhibits low roughness (see Fig.
The FOM values of the bi-layered AZO(100 nm)/Zr50Cu50 (4 nm) films deposited at different substrate temperatures are shown in Fig.
The influence of Zr50Cu50 TFMGs as buffer layer on the structure, optical, and electrical properties of AZO films have been carefully investigated. As a result of inserting ZrCu film, the AZO/ZrCu bi-layered film is developed and exhibits the low resistance as well as high transmittance. The ZrCu thickness and substrate temperature can remarkably affect the structure of AZO film, and the single-oriented growth mode is observed. The AZO(100 nm)/Zr50Cu50(4 nm) film deposited at 360 °C shows the optimal properties, and possesses a sheet resistance of 26.7 Ω/□, average transmittance of 82.1% in the visible region and 81.6% in the NIR. Comparing with single-layered AZO film, the sheet resistance is reduced by 86.9% and the infrared transmittance is increased by 10.1%. The improvement of the properties is attributed to the smooth characteristic caused by ZrCu TFMG and the interaction between AZO and ZrCu. The electrical conductivity and the transmittance in the NIR of AZO by inserting ZrCu TFMG as buffer are strongly improved. This allows us to produce high-quality AZO thin film for transparent electrode applications in infrared techniques and solar cells.
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