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We investigate the XY control and manipulation of the superconducting qubit state using direct digital synthesis (DDS) for the microwave pulse signal generation. The decoherence time, gate fidelity, and other qubit properties are measured and carefully characterized, and compared with the results obtained by using the traditional mixing technique for the microwave pulse generation. In particular, the qubit performance in the state manipulation with respect to the sampling rate of DDS is studied. Our results demonstrate that the present technique provides a simple and effective method for the XY control and manipulation of the superconducting qubit state. Realistic applications of the technique for the possible future scalable superconducting quantum computation are discussed.
Quantum computing, which requires controlling highly complex and entangled quantum states, holds the promise for applications in various aspects like cryptography,[1–3] big data searching,[4,5] quantum artificial intelligence,[6,7] and quantum chemistry.[8,9] Among many of its implementation schemes, the superconducting quantum computing (SQC) has attracted much attention and becomes one of the most promising solutions to the practical quantum computing. With further development of SQC in recent years, intense researches on the superconducting qubits have been carried out to achieve the quantum error correction,[10–12] simulation of many-body physics,[13,14] and quantum supremacy,[15,16] which lead to the so-called noisy intermediate scale quantum computing with 50–100 qubits possibly able to perform tasks that surpass the capabilities of todayʼs classical computers.[17,18]
In the SQC, as the number of qubits increases, more and more controlling and characterization instruments such as arbitrary waveform generator (AWG), microwave source, and some other microwave devices are used to realize the manipulation of the qubit state. Synchronization and phase lock between these instruments, and the calibration of some microwave components will become challenging since they will indeed affect the performance of qubit and gate fidelity,[19–21] both of which are essential in the SQC. Therefore, the simplification and optimization of the measurement instruments will be crucial for the scalable SQC.
In the SQC experiment, the XY positional control of a superconducting qubit (rotation around X/Y-axis of Bloch sphere) is usually realized by the combination of a microwave source, two channels of a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with sampling rate of about 1 GSa/s, an in-phase quadrature (IQ) mixer, and corresponding amplifiers of intermediate frequency (IF) and microwave frequency. The continuous wave generated from the microwave source is put into the local oscillation (LO) terminal of the IQ mixer, modulated by the IF signals at the I/Q terminals which are output from DACs, and then applied to the qubit from the RF terminal (Here we name this approach as mixing technique). In this technique, it is known that there exist a series of shortcomings from the IQ mixer such as the presence of mirror frequency, microwave leakage, and imbalance of IQ arms. Although these negative influences can be largely eliminated by deliberate and careful design of the pulse shape, some noises and uncertainties can hardly be avoided effectively for the IQ mixer.
In order to avoid these shortcomings, it is natural to use direct digital synthesis (DDS) to define and output the microwave pulse signals directly so that the above described complex mixing processes are not required. This technique is much simpler and straightforward and could be useful in the SQC experiment, especially considering the increasing number of qubits employed in the future. However, unlike the analog signal produced by the microwave source, the microwave produced by DDS is a digital signal with its quality limited by the sampling rate, etc. and their influence on the qubit performance is unknown. In the previous studies,[22] Raftery et al. have used DDS to control superconducting qubits and carefully studied the phase noise of DDS. Although the method of DDS is feasible, some problems remain unclear. Does the DDS method affect the decoherence time and fidelity of the sample? And how high of the sampling rate can meet the measurement needs of the sample? It is well known that high sampling rate (over 65 GSa/s) DDS is very expensive. In practical applications, due to the price factor, the sampling rate is not as high as possible, and should balance the performance and price.
In this paper, we present an experimental study of achieving the XY control and manipulating the superconducting transmon qubit by DDS with a super-high frequency AWG (SHF-AWG, sampling rate 25 GSa/s) for the microwave pulse generation, instead of the traditional mixing technique using chain instruments. Signal noise, gate fidelity, and qubit performance are measured and compared with the results obtained from the mixing technique. Our results demonstrate that the DDS technique is a simple and effective way for the superconducting qubit manipulation with the sampling rate as low as 7 GSa/s while having a good qubit performance at the same time. The realistic applications of the DDS technique for the qubit state manipulation in the future scalable SQC will be discussed.
To manipulate the qubit state, we need to use a series of microwave pulse signals with particular parameters required for the experiment. As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (a) A sine wave modulated by Gaussian pulse shape (the black dashed line) into a wavepacket (the blue full line). Such a wavepacket is determined by four properties: frequency, phase, amplitude, and envelope shape. (b) The Bloch sphere. Quantum states can be represented by the vectors at the Bloch sphere (drawn with QuTiP[23]), and the modulated microwave wavepacket decides the quantum state trajectory of a qubit in the Bloch sphere. (c) Mixing technique schematic diagram. Continuous microwave generated by a microwave source (MW) is input into the LO terminal, and I/Q signals respectively generated by two channels of AWG are sent into the I and Q terminals, then the modulated microwave wavepacket is obtained from the RF terminal. (d) DDS technique schematic diagram. The microwave wavepacket is directly generated by SHF-AWG. |
For the mixing technique, we use an AWG (Tektronix 5014C), whose sampling rate can be as high as 1.2 GSa/s, a microwave source (Rohde&Schwarz SGS100A), and an IQ mixer (MARKI 4509 LXP). Figure
For the present DDS technique, as shown in Fig.
![]() | Table 1.
Comparison of background noise intensity and SNR between the two techniques. . |
The superconducting qubit used in our experiment is a transmon with its transition frequency of 7.129 GHz embedded in a three-dimensional aluminium cavity. The transmon with a single Josephson junction is patterned using standard E-beam lithography, followed by double-angle evaporation of aluminium on a 0.5 mm silicon substrate with high resistivity (
Firstly, we test the performance characterization of the superconducting qubit. The modulated microwave pulse with the frequency of 7.129 GHz is defined and output directly from the SHF-AWG. Rabi oscillation, energy relaxation decay, and Ramsey oscillation experiments are carried out to get T1 and
Gate fidelity, which is the standard measurement of agreement between an ideal operation and its experimental realization, is a crucial characterization for qubit state operation. In order to test whether there are other hidden negative effects of the DDS technique, we measure the fidelity by using randomized benchmarking technique.[30–32] In this technique, the qubit is initialized in the ground state
After the above comparison between mixing and DDS techniques, we find that the latter technique is simpler than the former one especially in instrument connection. It does not need to calibrate the IQ mixer and other microwave devices, and is more convenient for the qubit scalability.
Although the DDS technique can replace the mixing technique to achieve microwave manipulation of qubit, there still exists a disadvantage. As the sampling rate increases, the price of each channel increases. The price of a channel with 25 GSa/s sampling rate is about three times that of the devices and instruments used in the mixing technique. For transmon qubit, its usual transition frequency is around 3–7 GHz. To explore the needed sampling rate, we simulate the waveforms generated by the DDS technique with different sampling rates by rubuilding the waveforms with the nearest interpolation method and resampling them with a higher rate. Then we numerically calculate their equivalent amplitudes at the transition frequency by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) method. As can be seen from Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. FFT data of rebuilding waveforms to simulate that generated by DDS technique. The amplitude at 7.129 GHz decreases as the sampling rate decreases. |
According to Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem,[33] to restore the analog signal without distortion, the sampling frequency should be greater than twice the maximum component frequency f of the analog signal. If the sampling rate is less than 2f, some of the highest frequency components in the defined signal will not be correctly represented in the digitized output. Therefore, in order to ensure accurate control of qubit, the DDS sampling rate should at least double the transition frequency of the qubit. In general, it is better to be more than 2.5 times.
We have systematically explored the XY control and manipulation of the superconducting qubit state using DDS for the microwave pulse signal generation. Decoherence time, gate fidelity, and other qubit properties were measured and carefully compared with the results obtained by using the traditional mixing technique. The required sampling rate of DDS and the relationship between Rabi frequency and sampling rate were discussed in detail. Our results show that with the development of technology, the DDS technique can provide a new and simple approach for the qubit state manipulation in superconducting scalable quantum computing in future as the price of SHF-AWG with sampling rate exceeding 10 GSa/s reaches an acceptable level.
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