1. IntroductionThe current diffusion issue and its related current crowding effect (CCE) are important for the optoelectrical devices, such as laser diode (LD) and light emitting diodes (LEDs).[1–3] The theory of current spreading under a linear stripe top contact geometry has been reported by Thompson.[4] They claimed that the current density is inversely square dependent on the distance from the metal electrode edge.[4] Guo and Schubert[5–7] found in a lateral p-side-up mesa LED, the current exponentially decays from the metal electrode with a characteristic current diffusion length (Ls). For a lateral current-injection scheme, Joyce,[8] Rattier,[9] and Schubert[7] also claimed an exponential decay of the current density over distance. Yet the Ls is related with J(0), current density at the edge of the contact. Some experiments have been set up to evaluate the Ls, such as through the high-resolution mapping of near-field electroluminescence (EL), thermal radiation from optical and infra-red (IR) microscopes,[10,11] specially designed pattern,[12] device, and circuit model.[13] Current diffusion status obviously influences the ultimate efficiency of LEDs. The variation of the lateral carrier's density arising from different current diffusion status obviously correlates with the internal quantum efficiency (IQE). Moreover, as the carriers tend to crowd under the metal electrode, a large percentage of the generated photons will be absorbed by the metal electrode instead of being extracted out. This reduces the light extraction efficiency (LEE). As EQE is related with IQE and LEE, the CCE could significantly affect the IQE, LEE, and thus ultimately the EQE droop level. LEE droop inherited from the CCE has been revealed by Cao,[14] Li,[15] and our group.[16] Various countermeasures have been adopted to increase the Ls to boost the EQE, such as plasma treatment of the p-type GaN region underneath the bonding pad of the electrode,[17] the geometrical parameter optimization,[18–20] special chip design (such as interdigitated multipixel array (IMPA) chip design,[21] interdigitated mesa geometry design,[22]) by incorporating transparent conductive layer (TCL),[23,26] tunnel junction,[27,28] or current blocking layer (CBL).[29,30]
However, there is still a lack of direct and theoretical correlation linking CCE and EQE droop in these reports, and to date there are no reports to single out the relevant contribution of CCE to IQE, LEE, and ultimate EQE droop. The original ABC model,[31] which is widely adopted to explain the efficiency droop, does not take into account the CCE due to the variation of current distribution (carrier density) versus position. The variation of LEE as function of the injected current is also not available in this model. Therefore, the average IQE, LEE, and EQE have to be adopted to account for the variation of current distribution in the real devices. By incorporating the CCE into the conventional ABC model, we have theoretically correlated the relationship between the CCE and the IQE, LEE and EQE droop for conventional lateral LEDs.[32] We can accurately and vividly examine the influence of specific current diffusion parameters to the ultimate IQE, LEE, and EQE. Schemes including CBL, TCL, and series resistance (Rs) engineering for addressing the CCE, have also been investigated with this approach.
2. Results and discussion2.1. Current diffusion model for V-LEDsGenerally, the current would flow vertically across the diode junction, or laterally to area away from the electrode area, with the resistance to be named vertical resistance (Rv) and lateral resistance (Rl), respectively. Rv consists of n-GaN and p-GaN bulk resistances (Rn, Rp), metal contact resistance (Rc), and junction resistance (Rd). Rd dynamically varies with the current injection magnitude with Rd = ∂ V/∂I from the typical diode I–V characteristics. Instead of vertical resistance, we adopted vertical resistivity ρv with unit of Ω·cm2, whereas the unit of resistance is Ω. For the lateral current path, the conventionally adopted transparent current electrodes (TCEs) (i.e., ITO, Ni/Au) on p-GaN and n-GaN act as the major current diffusion layer, whose lateral resistance represents the lateral resistance Rl for LED device.
A general formula for Ls has also been derived,[32] to be the ratio of the vertical resistivity (ρv, Ω·cm2) to the lateral resistance (Rl, Ω),
The V-LEDs chip and its equivalent circuit model is shown in Figs.
1(a) and
1(b), respectively. The vertical resistivity
ρv (Ω ·cm
2) in V-LEDs includes: metal/p-GaN contact resistivity
ρc,p, p-GaN bulk resistivity
ρptp, junction resistivity
RJ, n-GaN bulk resistivity
ρntn, and metal/n-GaN contact resistivity
ρntn and
ρc,n are comparatively small and thus can be neglected.
Rl is dominated by
Rl,n. For typical V-LEDs, n-GaN functions as the current spreading layer, so
Rl =
ρv is uncertain, and different
Ls are adopted by different groups
ρc is the metal/p-GaN contact resistivity,
ρn and
ρp are the n-GaN and p-GaN resistivity, and
tn and
tp are the thickness of n-GaN and p-GaN.
nideal is the diode ideality factor.
The circuit in Fig. 1(b) shows several nodes separated by a distance dx. Assuming that V(x) is the voltage in the n-GaN along the x-direction, then V(x) is the voltage drop across the n-GaN resistance of length dx. Calculating the difference in voltage drop between two adjacent resistors and applying Kirchhoff's current law to the node located between the two resistors yield the differential equation and the current diffusion length equation can be simplified into the following two cases. We omit the detail derivation process which can be referred to Schubert's book.[7]
i) When
ii) When
Note that J(0) is the current at the edge of the metal contact. It is revealed from the derivation process that: whether choose Ls(I) or Ls(II) in V-LEDs is determined by the relative magnitude of the bulk resistivity ρc,p + ρp tp and the junction resistivity (nidealkT/e)/J(x). Equally speaking, for V-LEDs with relatively higher operation voltage (ρc,p + ρptp dominates in ρv during operation), Ls(I) dominates over Ls(II); for V-LEDs with a much lower operation voltage ((nideal kT/e)/(J(x)) dominates), Ls(II) should be adopted instead. Note that the value of Ls(I) is a constant and Ls(II) is dynamically varied in terms of J.
Since the influence of CCE on V-LEDs for case II has been investigated in Ref. [29], here we concentrate on case I and compare the results obtained between case I and II. The calculation model is similar to that described in Ref. [29], by incorporating the current diffusion length Ls(I) and Ls(II) into the widely used ABC model. Ls(II) is simplified to be
Take our typical V-LED with size of 1 × 1 mm as a reference, the spacing between the neighboring electrodes is around 200 μm. Hence, we choose Ls(I) = 24.5, 50, 100, and 200 μm, which are equal to Ls(II) with kv = 6 × 10−4, 2.5 × 10−3, 1 × 10−2, 4 × 10−2 at J(0) = 100 A/cm2, respectively. Ls(I) = 200 μm suggests that the current well diffused status and Ls(I) = 24.5 μm suggests the poor current diffused status.
2.2. Influence of CCE on V-LEDs' efficiency based on Ls(I): a fixed current diffusion lengthFor V-LED, due to much larger thermal conductivity of Cu (∼ 400 W·m−1·°C−1) compared with that of sapphire (∼ 40 W·m−1·°C−1),[38] the thermal effect is not considered in our model. Figure 2(a) shows the lateral carrier's distribution n(x) under various Ls (24.5, 50, 100, and 200 μm) and J (10,100 A/cm2). n(x) remains to be constant under the shadow area (the metal contact area) and decays out of the shadow area. When Ls is fixed, n(x) line curves are parallel with each other at different J. A higher J certainly leads to a larger n(x). A larger Ls causes the n(x) curve to decay slowly. Figure 2(b) shows the position dependant IQE, i.e., IQE(x) curves. Refer to the ABC model (Eq. (S1)), we know that IQE(x) reaches its maximum when
cm−3. So when n(x) approaches n(x) = 5.5 × 1018 cm−3, IQE(x) increases, and vice versa. From the n(x) curves in Fig. 2(a), we know that in all the diffusion status, n(x) is larger than n′(x), and decreases when x increases. Thus, IQE(x) monotonically increases. IQE(x) for J = 10 A/cm2 is undoubtedly larger than IQE(x) for J = 100 A/cm2 due to higher n(x) at larger J. The average EQE can be obtained by integrating the IQE(x), LEE(x), and n(x) (Eq. (S7)), the average IQE can be obtained by integrating the IQE(x) and n(x) (Eq. (S8)). Figure 2(c) shows the EQE-I(J) curves. Some trends can be clearly observed: i) all the EQE-I(J) curves show typical droop characteristics, which is caused by the superimposed effects of CCE and other effects; ii) both of EQE-Ipeak and droop length Ld increase with Ls. The droop length is defined as the current range between the current density for the peak EQEpeak and that for the EQEpeak/e; iii) EQE saturates at larger Ls. For example, at J = 60 A/cm2, EQE-I = 0.34 for Ls = 100 is close to EQE-I = 0.35 for Ls = 200 μm. Figure 2(d) shows the IQE-I(J) curves. IQE-I also increases and IQE-I(J) droop relieves with an increased Ls, which is quite similar to that of EQE-I. The difference between the EQE-I(J) and IQE-I(J) curves is that IQE-Ipeak keeps almost invariant, whereas EQE-Ipeak increases obviously with Ls. This indicates that the LEE-I effect cannot be neglected and it plays a role in determining the average EQE-I. Figure 2(e) demonstrates average LEE-I(J) in terms of different Ls. At fixed Ls, the LEE-I first increases rapidly at relatively small J region and then slowly increase when J further increases. At a fixed J (e.g., 40 A/cm2), the average LEE-I also firstly increases rapidly at a lower Ls value (increases from LEE-I = 0.50 for Ls = 24.5 μm to LEE-I = 0.534 for Ls = 50 μm), and then almost saturates at larger Ls value (LEE = 0.547 and 0.553 for Ls = 100 and 200 μm, respectively). If Ls is large enough, for example at Ls = 1000 μm, LEE-I should reach its limit of LEE-Imax = (0.1 × d + 0.6 × 9d)/10d = 0.56. Figures 2(f) and 2(g) show the concentration of n0-I and n1-I as a function of J for different Ls. At fixed Ls, both n0-I and n1-I increase monotonically with J. n1-I increases rapidly at the small J region and slowly increases at larger J region, which resembles the trend of LEE-I(J) in Fig. 2(e). At fixed J, n0-I decreases and nl-I increases when Ls increases. nl-I becomes closest to n0-I when Ls is large enough at Ls = 200 μm, indicating that the carriers are distributed almost uniformly.
All these phenomenon can be easily understood in terms of CCE: at fixed J (fixed total injected carriers within unit time), an increased Ls indicates that more carriers are diffused out of the shadow area, resulting in decreased n0−I, increased n1−I, and thus improved LEE−I; an improved uniform distribution of carriers leads to improved IQE−I; the unambiguous improved IQE−I and LEE−I lead to an ultimately improved EQE−I.
2.3. Compare the influence of CCE on V-LEDs' efficiency based on Ls(I) and Ls(II)We next compare the influence of CCE on V-LEDs' efficiency based on Ls(I) and Ls(II). Figure 3(a) shows the carrier distribution for case I and II at J = 10 A/cm2 and J = 100 A/cm2. At a comparable carrier diffusion level, n(x)-II (e.g., kv = 6 × 10−4) is higher than n(x)-I (e.g., Ls(I) = 24.5 μm) outside the shadow region at J = 10 A/cm2. Oppositely, n(x)-II (e.g., kv = 6 × 10−4) is lower than n(x)-I (e.g., Ls(I) = 24.5 μm) outside the shadow region at large J = 100 A/cm2. This is due to the inherent characteristics of Ls(I) and Ls(II): Ls(I) keeps constant whereas Ls(II) is extremely large (small) at low (high) J. With the increase of current diffusion capability, e.g., Ls(I) = 100 μm and kv = 1 × 10−2 for Ls(II), n(x)-I and n(x)-II curves are almost overlapped. Figure 3(b) shows the corresponding IQE(x) curves for case I and II at J = 10 A/cm2 and J = 100 A/cm2. Similarly, IQE(x) increases when n(x) approaches n′(x). From n(x) distribution in Fig. 3(a), at low Ls, i.e., Ls(I) = 24.5 μm and kv = 6 × 10−4, it is easy to understand that the IQE(x) curve shows a more parabola characteristics. For kv = 6 × 10−4 and J = 100 A/cm2, the carriers are severely crowded near the shadow area and n(x) approaches n′(x) in the area far from the shadow. Therefore the IQE(x) is quite low under and near the shadow area and high in the area far from the shadow (the green dashed line in Fig. 3(b)). This is reasonable as the Ls is extremely low in this situation (
). Note that this asymmetric distribution of IQE(x) and n(x) leads to a low average IQE, LEE, and thus EQE. Figures 3(c), 3(d), and 3(e) plot the IQE(J), LEE(J), and EQE(J) curves, respectively. It can be observed that there is an intersection between EQE(J) curves of these two cases, with the trend becoming more obvious when kv or Ls is small (e.g., Ls = 24.5 μm and kv = 6 × 10−4) and disappears when kv or Ls grow larger (e.g., Ls = 100 μm and kv = 1 × 10−2). When Ls = 24.5 μm or kv = 6 × 10−4, EQE-Ipeak is much lower ( = 0.47) than EQE-IIpeak ( = 0.54), and EQE-I is higher ( = 0.21) than EQE-II ( = 0.14) when J reaches 100 A/cm2. EQE-I(J) droop length Ld (over 100 A/cm2 for Ls = 24.5 μm) is obviously larger than that of EQE-II (J) ( = 70 A/cm2 for kv = 6 × 10−4). IQE(J) curves show similar intersection characteristics, as shown in Fig. 3(c). LEE(J) curves in Fig. 3(d) show that LEE-I rapidly increases initially and then slowly increases with the increase of J, while LEE-II exhibits almost the opposite trend: rapidly decreases initially and then slowly decreases. The reasons have been discussed above and in Ref. [29]. This tells us that the opposite variation trend of LEE is the notable reason accounting for the EQE(J) discrepancy between case I and II. At the intersection points (α, β, γ, as shown in Fig. 3(e)), Ls(I) is equal to Ls(II). For example, at intersection point α (33.3 A/cm2, 0.33), Ls(I) = 24.5
, where J(0) is set to be 100 A/cm2. This means when kv = 6 × 10−4, to reach the shadow edge current J(0) = 100 A/cm2, the inject current is as low as Jα = 33.3 A/cm2 for case II. This indicates that the current is severely crowded. When kv increases to 2.5 × 10−3 and 1 × 10−2, the corresponding Jβ and Jγ are 50 A/cm2 and 100 A/cm2, respectively. Similarly, this means that, in order to reach J(0) = 100 A/cm2, the inject current should be 50 A/cm2 and 100 A/cm2 at kv = 1 × 10−2 and 4 × 10−2, respectively. Jγ = 100 A/cm2 means that the current is sufficiently diffused. This comparison gives a more qualitative understanding of the CCE effect on the final efficiency based on diffusion case I and II.
We further listed the EQE, IQE, and LEE values with certain J and Ls (kv) values in Table 1 to single out the major contributing components accounting for EQE droop for case I and II. Here kv = 6 × 10−4, 1 × 10−2, and Ls = 24.5, 100 μm were chosen for case I and II, corresponding to carrier ``crowded” (kv = 6 × 10−4, Ls = 24.5 μm) and “diffused” (kv = 1 × 10−2, Ls = 100 μm) status, respectively. It can be observed from Table 1 that, at low J = 10 A/cm2, the increment 7% for IQE-I and 10% for LEE-I together contribute to the ultimate EQE-I enhancement when Ls is increased from 24.5 μm to 100 μm. However, at J = 100 A/cm2, IQE-I enhancement takes the major responsibility for the EQE enhancement, i.e., IQE is increased by about 24.4% and LEE is increased by only 6% while Ls is increased from 24.5 μm to 100 μm. For fixed Ls, we found IQE-I decrease while LEE-I increases both at the “crowded” state and at the “diffused” state. As listed in Table 1, IQE-I decrease to 48.2% (56%) and LEE-I increases to 106% (101.5%) of the original values when J increases from 10 A/cm2 to 100 A/cm2 at Ls = 24.5 μm (100 μm), respectively. The increased LEE-I counteracts the degradation of IQE-I, which is different from case II. In case II, LEE-II decreases to 90.5% (kv = 6 × 10−4) and 99.3% (kv = 1 × 10−2) when J increases from 10 A/cm2 to 100 A/cm2. Nonetheless, we can conclude that for a real chip (fixed kv or Ls), the EQE droop is mainly ascribed to the degradation of IQE, instead of LEE, for both case I and II.
Table 1.
Table 1.
 Table 1. Specific EQE, IQE, and LEE under certain J and kv for case I and II. .
Case I: Ls = 24.5 μm |
Ls = 100 μm |
Increment/% |
Case II: kv = 6 × 10−4 |
kv = 1 × 10−2 |
Increment/% |
J = 10 A/cm2 |
0.85 |
0.49 |
0.91 |
0.54 |
7% |
10% |
0.89 |
0.53 |
0.91 |
0.554 |
2% |
4.5% |
J = 100 A/cm2 |
0.41 |
0.52 |
0.51 |
0.55 |
24.4% |
6% |
0.30 |
0.48 |
0.51 |
0.55 |
70% |
14.6% |
γ1% |
48.2% |
106% |
56% |
101% |
33.7% |
90.5% |
56% |
99.3% |
| Table 1. Specific EQE, IQE, and LEE under certain J and kv for case I and II. . |
2.4. CBL scheme for V-LEDsFor the CBL scheme, the carrier concentration under the shadow could be set to zero ideally. The CBL effects on EQE, IQE, and LEE for case I are shown in Figs. 4(a), 4(b), and 4(c), respectively. EQE-Ipeak (= 0.586, 0.588, 0.589 for Ls = 24.5, 50, 100 μm, respectively) is increased and almost saturated with CBL design compared with that of non-CBL design (= 0.47, 0.51, 0.53). Ld for EQE-I(J) is actually decreased. While the corresponding Ld is over 100 μm for non-CBL scheme. We found that IQE is actually decreased after incorporating CBL, as shown in Fig. 4(b). For example, IQE= 0.52 decreases to be 0.49 in CBL scheme when Ls = 24.5 μm and J = 60 A/cm2. Ideally, LEE-I for CBL is kept constant to be 0.6 for the CBL case, higher than the non-CBL case, as shown in Fig. 3(d). We can see that for the CBL scheme, it is the improvement of the LEE, instead of the IQE, that contributes to the ultimate improvement of EQE. The n0-I and nl-I were also monotonically increased due to the fact that the carriers are push into the unshadow region by CBL, as shown in Fig. 4(d) and 4(e). Compared with the CBL scheme for case II (Fig. 5 in Ref. [29]), some obvious distinctions can be observed. We also plotted IQE-II curves with and without CBL in Fig. 4(f). As shown in Fig. 4(a), it can be observed that both IQE-I and IQE-II decrease with CBL incorporation. This is due to the increased carrier concentration in the area out of the shadow by the CBL. EQE-II shows intersection characteristics, i.e., it is increased at low J and decreased at large J. EQE-I is unambiguously increased with CBL. Both Ld for EQE-I and EQE-II are decreased. LEE-II is 0.6 for both cases, higher than that of the non-CBL scheme. The enhancement of LEE, instead of IQE, is the root reason and motivation for incorporating CBL for both cases. The difference is that LEE-I increases while LEE-II decreases with J for the non-CBL scheme (Fig. 4(c), and Fig. 2(c) in Ref. [29]). The distinctions of CBL effect on V-LEDs for case I and II result from different features of the defined Ls : Ls(I) is kept constant while Ls(II) is decreased with CBL scheme at fixed kv. The decreased Ls(II) is attributed to the increase of J(0) (or n0), as can be seen from Fig. 4(d) and the formula of Ls(II). This indicates that the CBL approach is not effective for case II, but can be very effective for case I.
2.5. A short summary: influence of CCE for V-LEDsA short summary can be made here regarding the influence of CCE on EQE, IQE, LEE of V-LEDs: all EQE(J), IQE(J) show typical droop characteristics; EQE-I is lower than EQE-II before the intersection point, yet higher than EQE-II after the intersection point, thus EQE-I(J) curve has a larger Ld; IQE(J) trend is similar to EQE, except that IQE-I and IQE-II have comparable peak values; both LEE increases with an improved current spreading (larger kv or Ls), yet LEE-I decreases and LEE-II increases with J; both n0 increases monotonically with increased J, and decreases with an improved current spreading (larger kv or Ls); both nl increases monotonically with an increased kv or Ls; nl-I increases monotonically at all current spreading level, while at low kv status, nl-II increases first at low J region and then decreases when J further increases (Figs. 2(e) and 2(f) in Ref. [29]); CBL incorporation can improve both LEE, which is the root reason and motivation for both cases. IQE-I and IQE-II will be decreased for both cases.
2.6. Analysis of current diffusion and efficiency droop and wall-plug efficiency (WPE) in our typical V-LEDs deviceNow we are to figure out the current diffusion status in our typical V-LEDs device. From above analysis, we know that Ls(II) and Ls(I) actually corresponds to high and low resistive V-LEDs, respectively. However, note that the discussion in Section 2 is actually theoretical prediction for a device when Ls(I) and Ls(II) is adopted. It should be clarified that for real devices, Ls is dynamically varied and actually is the sum of Ls(I) and Ls(II). Refer to Fig. 3(e), when Ls (I) = 24.5 μm and kv = 6 × 10−4, Ls(II) is dominate over Ls(I) at J lower than Jα and vice versa, Ls(I) is dominate over Ls(II) at J larger than Jα. Hence, Ls in the real device actually is the sum of Ls(I) and Ls(II). Specifically to our real V-LEDs chips, ρc,p + ρptp = 3.7 × 10−3 Ω·cm2 and ρptp = 1.25 × 10−4 Ω·cm2, according to the I–V and CTLM (circular transmission line method) test results.[34,35] For nitride-based devices, nideal actually is abnormally high,[36] to be 2–10. We chose a moderate nideal = 5, then the dynamical junction resistivity
is comparable to the constant bulk resistivity ρc,p + ρptp. For example, when kv = 4 × 10−2, at J = 100 A/cm2, it is reasonable to assume J(0) ∼ 100 A/cm2, as current is sufficiently diffused. Hence, we have
 | |
Both the bulk resistivity and the junction resistivity of the V-LEDs should be incorporated. Refer to
Ls(I) and
Ls(II) formulas, this should yield a
Ls to be the ratio of the total
ρv to the total
Rl. Therefore,


, and
δ is calculated to be 2.85 × 10
−2 A
2 here.
Assuming the sheet resistance ρn/tn of the TCL (usually ITO) is 80 Ω/□, the kv is calculated to be ∼ 1.6 × 10−3. By using the Ls(III), we can get the EQE-III(J), IQE-III(J), and LEE-III(J) curves in Figs. 5(a)–5(c). We can see that all EQE-III(J) share similar characteristics with EQE-I(J) and EQE-II(J): typical droop trend; the EQE-III(J) droop relieves and Ld increases as the kv increases. IQE-III shows the droop characteristics in the similar manner, except that IQE-IIIpeak keeps almost invariant. EQE-III and IQE-III saturates with a finite kv = 1 × 10−2 since both Ls(I) (
μm) and
μm) contribute to the total Ls ( = 270 μm). The finite bulk resistivity ρc,p + ρptp also helps to boost the Ls(II) as the J(0) is reduced. Combining cases I and II, LEE-III shows obvious trend. With the increase of J, LEE-III first decreases and then increases. We also investigate the EQE(J) results with varied δ. As shown in Fig. 5(d), when kv is low, e.g., kv = 6 × 10−4, EQE(J) increases significantly when δ increases, with EQE(J) = 0.256, 0.32, and 0.35 when δ = 2.85 × 10−3, 2.85 × 10−2, 2.85 × 10−1 A−1 ·cm2, respectively at J = 60 A/cm2. Instead, when kv is high, e.g., kv = 1 × 10−2, EQE(J) tends to be more saturated, with EQE(J) = 0.33, 0.35, and 0.36 at δ = 2.85 × 10−3, 2.85 × 10−2, 2.85 × 10−1 A−1·cm2, respectively, when J = 60 A/cm2. The EQE(J) enhancement is brought by the increased kv or δ, equally speaking, reduced lateral resistance (
) or increased bulk resistivity (ρv = ρptp + ρc). Hence, the physics scenario for current diffusion in V-LEDs is simple: ρv acts as “current blocker” and Rl,n relates with lateral spreading capability. If ρv is comparatively extremely low that current would straight flow vertically under the shadow (case II) area and vice versa (case I). For our typical V-LEDs device without TCL or CBL (Fig. 1(b)), Ls is calculated to be ∼ 79 μm (
μm), smaller that the metal finger spacer length l (∼ 100 μm). Ls can be increased by increasing ρv (e.g., by using high resistive and even Schottky contact metal to p-GaN), decreasing the lateral resistance,[32] or adding more current flow channels (equally speaking, to incorporate TCL). The various laterally flow channels work parallelly to enhance the Ls. For example, we can derivate the Ls in V-LEDs with TCL adopted. For adoption of conventional ITO (∼ 40 Ω/□) onto n-GaN, Ls is estimated to be 302 μm,
 | |
Our approach here provides a feasible and convenient way for
Ls derivation.
Now let us proceed to discuss on Wall-plug efficiency (WPE). For all the three cases, high resistive (case I), low resistive (case II), and moderate resistive (case III) V-LEDs, Ls and thus EQE always increases monotonically with ρv or kv according to Eqs. (3), (5), and (8), providing that the high ρv-induced heat (case I and III) has a negligible effect. However, this cannot be applied to the WPE. For case II, WPE increases monotonically with kv, as the ρv and thus the dissipated heat power can be neglected due to its inherent extremely low resistance. However, for case I and III, at fixed kv (or Rl), both Wop (the optical power output) and the Wconsumed (the total consumed electrical power) increase with ρv. This cannot guarantee a monotonical increase of WPE = Wop/Wconsumed. Hence, an optimized ρv should exist to maximize WPE = Wop/Wconsumed. We have discussed this for case I in Ref. [29]. The total power consumed can be divided into two parts: voltage drop across the inherent potential (∼ 2.6 eV) and heat generated by the Rs. Hence, the WPE can be specifically expressed as follows:
 | |
ħω is equal to be 2.6 eV, and
Rs is the total vertical resistance. By integrating Eqs. S2, S3, 8, S5, S6, and 11, we plot the WPE(
δ) curves for case III in Fig.
5(e) at
J = 35 A/cm
2 and Fig.
5(f) at
J = 100 A/cm
2, respectively. We purposely chose these
J values since for the typical operation currents for the 1 mm square sized V-LEDs chip are 350 mA and 1000 mA. We mark
δmax as the value when WPE reaches its maximum and

Ls is defined as
which is based on
Ls(III). At
J = 35 A/cm
2 (100 A/cm
δmax = 1.17 × 10
−2 (1.15 × 10
−2), 1.50 × 10
−2 (1.4 × 10
−2), 2.8 × 10
−2 (2.15 × 10
−2), and 5.08 × 10
−2 (3.56 × 10
−2) when the lateral resistance
Rl = 80, 100, 200, and 500 Ω/□.
δmax exists for each
Rl indicates that no matter how small
Rl is,
δ is not the lower, the larger in terms of WPE. When
J is fixed, the increased
δmax with an increased
Rl lies in that
Ls needs to be boosted for compensating the
Ls loss brought by the increase of
Rl, to enhance
Wop. When
Rl is fixed, we found
δmax almost decreases at the higher
J. For example,
δmax = 2.15 × 10
−2 for
Rl = 200 Ω/□,
J = 100A/cm
2 is lower than
δmax = 2.8 × 10
−2 for
Rl = 100 Ω/□,
J = 35 A/cm
2. This is due to
Wconsumed increases much faster than
Wop when
J increases. This analysis here provides a rational design guide for V-LEDs working at different rating current. For example, in our V-LEDs device
[34] (without ITO), there is only n-GaN to act as the current spreading layer, with its
Rl being ∼ 80 Ω/□. According to the calculated results in Fig.
5(f), maximum WPE can be achieved at
δ = 1.4 × 10
−2(100 A/cm
2), which corresponds to
ρv =
ρc,p +
ρptp = 1.82 × 10
−3 Ω ·cm
2. Actually, the experimentally obtained
ρv value for our V-LEDs device is 3.7 × 10
−3 Ω ·cm
2, which is close to the ideal
ρv value. To further reduce the
ρv can ensure the maximum
Wop and low forward voltage (
VF) can be achieved simultaneously. However, this will reduce the EQE. Our experimental results also verified the feasibility of our discussion above.
[34]We have carried out many experiments on current diffusion and transparent conductive electrodes in VLEDs. InGaN-based vertical structure light emitting diodes (VLEDs) with multi-layer graphene transparent electrodes with higher optical output have been fabricated and tested, whereas the increased optical output is attributed to the boost diffusion of current by the graphene and also the “block” effect on the vertical direction due to larger contact resistivity between graphene and u-GaN also contributes to this.[24] This is consistent with the theoretical estimation in this article. We used high reflective membrane current blocking layer (CBL) combined with graphene transparent electrodes in V-LEDs, which shows 60% increase in light output power and relieved EQE droop compared with regular V-LEDs.[37] All these results verified the theoretical evaluation and analysis in this article and also valuation and analysis in this article.