Project supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11704294 and 11504281), the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China (Grant No. 2016CFB586), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. 2017IVA078, 2018IVB017, 2017IB013, 2018IB009, and 2018IB011).
Project supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11704294 and 11504281), the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China (Grant No. 2016CFB586), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. 2017IVA078, 2018IVB017, 2017IB013, 2018IB009, and 2018IB011).
† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11704294 and 11504281), the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China (Grant No. 2016CFB586), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. 2017IVA078, 2018IVB017, 2017IB013, 2018IB009, and 2018IB011).
Two-dimensional materials with Dirac cones have significant applications in photoelectric technology. The origin and manipulation of multiple Dirac cones need to be better understood. By first-principle calculations, we study the influence of external fields on the electronic structure of the hexagonal CrB4 sheet with double nonequivalent Dirac cones. Our results show that the two cones are not sensitive to tensile strain and out-of-plane electric field, but present obviously different behaviors under the in-plane external electric field (along the B–B direction), i.e., one cone holds while the other vanishes with a gap opening. More interestingly, a new nonequivalent cone emerges under a proper in-plane electric field. We also discuss the origin of the cones in CrB4 sheet. Our study provides a new method on how to obtain Dirac cones by the external field manipulation, which may motivate potential applications in nanoelectronics.
Atomically thick two-dimensional (2D) materials have increasingly attracted great interest since the successful preparation of graphene.[1–3] Group IV, V, and VI elements-based 2D structures also have some similar and even novel properties to graphene.[4–8] In the past few years, boron has attracted enormous attention since the orthorhombic monolayer borophene has been synthesized.[9] Researchers are widely exploring, both theoretically[10–12] and experimentally,[13–16] in constructing borophene with the honeycomb structure like graphene. Due to the problem that one boron atom has only three valence electrons distributed in four available orbitals, it is necessary to introduce some transition metal atoms with extra electrons to form a stable hexagonal lattice.[17,18] Just like most 2D materials, this structure with monolayer boron honeycombs possesses single equivalent Dirac cone in the first Brillouin zone. To date, as far as we know, electric structures with multiple nonequivalent Dirac cones have been found only in stable boron bilayers with sandwiched group VI–B elements (molybdenum,[19] chromium,[20] or wolfram[21]).
The fascinating features and potential applications of 2D materials with Dirac cones have led to further explorations on manipulating the electronic, magnetic, and transport properties of these Dirac materials by applying external fields.[22,23] The electric field, usually applied in the out-of-plane direction, may open band gaps at the Dirac points and cause other effects.[24–26] Tensile strain can also adjust the behaviors of the Dirac materials by shifting the Dirac cone to a higher energy,[27,28] tuning the Fermion velocity,[29] or opening an observable band gap.[30,31] Remarkably, in large in-plane tensile strains (> 10%), a Dirac cone-like crossing at the Γ point in the band structure emerges in arsenene[32] and graphdiyne.[33] Seeing that the various effects of in-plane tensile strains result essentially from adjusting the position of the atoms on lattice, while in-plane electric fields may also do the same thing,[34] we wonder whether the sandwiched borophene with two nonequivalent Dirac cones has diverse effects under the in-plane electric field, such as the gap opening at Dirac points or the emergence of a new cone.
In this paper, using first-principle calculation method, we study the influence of in-plane electric field, with tensile strain as a comparison, on the crystal and electronic structures of the CrB4 sheet with two nonequivalent Dirac cones. Our results show that the band structure of this 2D CrB4 is not sensitive to tensile strains, but presents some novel properties when the external electronic fields are applied along some specific directions. We are interested in finding out the essence of this phenomenon, which can help us deeply understand the origin of massless quasi-particles and inspire us in manipulating Dirac states artificially.
The calculations were based on the density functional theory (DFT), and the geometry relaxations and electronic properties were carried out with the Castep package.[35] The exchange–correlation energy was described by the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) using the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) functional.[36,37] A vacuum layer about 36.9 Å was used to decouple the interactions of the neighboring slabs. A Monkhorst-Pack 13 × 13 × 1 k-point mesh for hexagonal cells and a 9 × 9 × 1 k-point mesh for orthorhombic ones were taken for geometry optimization with a 500 eV plane-wave cutoff energy until all forces were smaller than 0.005 eV/Å and the energy converged within 2.5 × 10−6 eV. As for the calculations of the electronic properties, the k-points and the cutoff energy were consistent with that for geometry optimization. In order to study the external electric field effect, we set a series of electric fields along the out-of-plane direction and the in-plane direction, respectively, and allowed atoms to freely relax in space without symmetry constrains. The normal electric field is applied along the Z-axis, which is (001) direction. Since the directions of the B–B bond and the Cr–Cr bond are respectively equal to the directions of the X-axis and the Y-axis in Cartesian coordinate, the in-plane electric field was applied along the (100) direction and (010) direction, respectively.
When no external field is applied, the CrB4 crystal with double boron honeycomb layers, as shown in Figs.
To further analyze the characteristics of the two nonequivalent cones, we draw the energy contour maps in the first BZ for both the valence (Fig.
When electric fields are applied to the CrB4 sheet, if the direction of the fields is out-of-plane, there is no observable change of the band structure (not shown here); meanwhile, if the direction of the electric fields is in-plane, the electronic structure shows rich phenomena.
The band structures of CrB4 under different in-plane electric fields along the Cr–Cr bond direction are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) The band structures of CrB4 crystal under external electric fields in the direction of Cr–Cr bonds. |
In the case that the electric fields are along the B–B bond direction, the band structures (shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) The band structures of CrB4 crystal under external electric fields in the direction of B–B bonds. |
The lattice parameter a and the length of B–B bonds in the CrB4 sheet are both stretched by nearly 2% under 0.25 V/Å electric field along the direction of B–B bonds. Noticing that in-plane uniaxial tensile strains could also stretch the crystal and result in the emergence of Dirac cones in other systems,[32,33] we wonder whether the behaviors of the two Dirac cones in CrB4 are homologous to the results of tensile strains; so we tried to apply in-plane tensile stains as a verification method. Generally, an orthorhombic cell is easier to apply strains in two normal directions than a hexagonal cell.[38,39] Thus, we chose the orthorhombic cell (see the yellow frame in Fig.
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Seeing that, in the case of orthorhombic cell, the directions of X-axis and Y-axis are just along the directions of B–B bonds and Cr–Cr bonds, respectively, we apply uniaxial tensile strains for above 2% and 4% in both X-axis and Y-axis directions. The uniaxial stain is defined as ε = Δa/a0, where a0 is the lattice parameter of the unstrained cell and Δa + a0 is that of the strained cell. According to the calculation results, as shown in Fig.
In our CrB4 crystal, the boron atoms are electronegative while the chromium atoms are electropositive. When the in-plane electric fields are applied, besides the crystal stretching and expansion, the chromium atoms and boron atoms shift to opposite directions. A reasonable hypothesis to explain the band structure variation phenomenon of CrB4 in electric fields is that the chromium atoms no longer stay at the center of the boron hexagon, and thus lead a remarkable change in the electronic structure; this indicates that the behaviors of the band structure under electric field are not homologous to the results of tensile strains. To quantitatively describe the relative shift of atoms, we define an offset parameter, δ = 1 − x/r, as shown in the inset of Fig.
In Ref. [40], a model based on the tight bonding approximate (TBA) shows that the double Dirac cones in triangular-lattice metamaterials are originated from the hopping energies between different atoms. As we know, the electric fields can change the distance between atoms and then lead to a change of the hopping energy. Our work shows that a proper in-plane electric field can cause the disappearance and occurrence of Dirac cones, which might be hard to be explained by this simple model. We believe that the dominant factors for the phenomena of both the vanishing and emergence of Dirac cones in one system may be buried in some specific combinations of the hopping energies between boron and chromium atoms. Detailed theoretical model will be published elsewhere.
In summary, we have performed a study on the electronic structures of the hexagonal CrB4 sheet with multiple nonequivalent Dirac cones under external electric fields and tensile strains. Our results show that the in-plane electric field can obviously change the band structure of the CrB4 system, while the out-of-plane electric fields bring no obvious influence on it. When the in-plane electric fields are along the Cr–Cr bonds, the two Dirac cones vanish with gap opening. When the electric fields are along the B–B bonds, the cone located at the K point holds while the other cone located at J vanishes. More fascinating is that under a proper electric field along the B–B bonds, a new Dirac cone with tunable gap occurs between J and Γ. When the in-plane tensile strains are applied, the two original Dirac cones always hold and no new cone emerges, which means that the behaviors of the band structure under different in-plane electric fields are not homologous to the results of in-plane tensile strains. Finally, by analyzing the indirect correlation between the electrically dependent band gap of the new cone and the atomic relative offset, we find that the reason of the occurrence and disappearance of a Dirac cone is the change of the interatomic interaction, which is caused by the relative shift between the boron and chromium atoms.
From this work we realize that (i) in addition to the out-plane electric field often studied in the literature, the in-plane electric field may also have an observable effect on the band structure of 2D materials with multiple Dirac cones, and the effect depends on the direction of the field; (ii) the in-plane electric field not only lead to the vanishing of Dirac cones (by opening band gaps), but can also cause the emergence of new Dirac cones under a proper direction and intensity of the field. Hereby we would propose a new method to manipulate 2D Dirac materials, especially to create new Dirac cones, by applying an in-plane electric field, and we expect our study could stir new inspiration in artificially manipulating Dirac states in 2D systems.
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