Project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant Nos. 2015CB921303 and 2017YFA0303103), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474332 and 11774404), and the Chinese Academy of Sciences through the Strategic Priority Research Program (Grant No. XDB07020200).
Project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant Nos. 2015CB921303 and 2017YFA0303103), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474332 and 11774404), and the Chinese Academy of Sciences through the Strategic Priority Research Program (Grant No. XDB07020200).
† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant Nos. 2015CB921303 and 2017YFA0303103), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474332 and 11774404), and the Chinese Academy of Sciences through the Strategic Priority Research Program (Grant No. XDB07020200).
Kondo semimetal CeRu4Sn6 is attracting renewed attention due to the theoretically predicted nontrivial topology in its electronic band structure. We report hydrostatic and chemical pressure effects on the transport properties of single- and poly-crystalline samples. The electrical resistivity ρ(T) is gradually enhanced by applying pressure over a wide temperature range from room temperature down to 25 mK. Two thermal activation gaps estimated from high- and low-temperature windows are found to increase with pressure. A flat ρ(T) observed at the lowest temperatures below 300 mK appears to be robust against both pressure and field. This feature as well as the increase of the energy gaps calls for more intensive investigations with respect to electron correlations and band topology.
Kondo insulators are a class of Kondo lattice compounds in which the localized, mostly f-electron band hybridizes with the dispersive conduction band, resulting in a small energy gap of a few meV in both spin and charge excitation channels at the Fermi level.[1] These materials have been attracting interest due to their highly renormalized energy gap by electronic correlations, giving rise to unusual physical properties as observed in optical conductivity,[1] thermoelectric transports,[2] etc. Prototypical examples of Kondo insulators are SmB6,[3] Ce3Bi4Pt3,[4] and so on. In some cases, the energy gap is highly anisotropic or only a pseudogap, such as in the title compound and CeNiSn,[5] which are more appropriate to be classified as Kondo semimetals. Compared to their metallic counterparts known as heavy-fermion metals, investigations on Kondo insulators/semimetals are highly insufficient due to their rareness.
CeRu4Sn6 is a relatively new member in the Kondo insulators/semimetals family. It crystallizes in a body-centered tetragonal, non-centrosymmetric lattice with space group I4̄2m. A monotonic increase of the electrical resistivity ρ(T) upon cooling from room temperature (RT) down to at least T ≈ 20 K was first observed on a polycrystalline sample by Das and Sampathkumaran.[6] By contrast, its nonmagnetic homolog LaRu4Sn6 without f electron is a normal metal. Recent band structure calculations by a combination of density functional theory (DFT) and dynamical mean field theory[7,8] or Gutzwiller method[9] have shown a finite direct hybridization gap between Ce-4f and Ru-4d conduction bands, with however considerable residual electronic density of states at the Fermi level.
Subsequent investigations on magnetic, transport, and thermodynamic properties have revealed further details on this compound.[10,11] The magnetic susceptibility χ(T) is of Curie–Weiss behavior due to localized Ce3+ moments down to at least T = 100 K, followed by an unusual upturn at lower temperatures.[11] The χ(T) maximum, which signifies the opening of a spin gap in typical Kondo insulators,[1] has not been observed in CeRu4Sn6. This is most probably due to the substantial residual in-gap states. Such inference is supported by the specific heat C(T) measurements, where the value of C/T reaches as high as 600 mJ/mol·K2 when approaching absolute zero.[11] This is a large value even for a typical heavy-fermion metal,[12] relative to the high Kondo temperature TK ≈ 170 K as determined from x-ray absorption spectroscopy.[13]
Recently, there appears a revived interest in Kondo insulators/semimetals because of their nontrivial band topology originated from the inherently strong spin–orbit coupling, as observed in SmB6[14] and CeNiSn.[15] Along this line, CeRu4Sn6 was also found to fulfill the criteria for nontrivial topology due to the band inversion between 4f and 5d bands;[9,13] because of the lack of inversion center, two types of Weyl nodes in the quasiparticle band structure near the Fermi level were theoretically predicted.[9] In agreement with the notion of Kondo semimetal, topologically trivial bulk states at the Fermi level were also predicted due to a negative indirect Kondo gap. This makes it difficult for transport probes to detect the excitations of Weyl fermions. As the quasiparticle bands in heavy-fermion systems are sensitive to external conditions like pressure and field, how the physical properties evolve with external parameters is of great interest in view of the band topology in correlated systems.
In this work, we have succeeded in growing single crystals of CeRu4Sn6 from Pb flux and studied their hydrostatic pressure effects. As a complement, chemical pressure effects on polycrystalline samples were also studied. Gapped behaviors in ρ(T) were found in two temperature ranges that are separated by a hump at around 10 K. The corresponding energy gaps were found to expand with pressure, clearly pointing to their correlated nature. Following the opening of the smaller energy gap below T ≈ 2 K, a flat ρ(T) appears at the lowest temperatures below about 0.3 K. Interestingly, this behavior was found to be robust against both pressure and field. With the larger energy gap properly captured by theoretical calculations, an understanding of the much smaller gap and the flat resistivity toward zero temperature remains a challenge.
Single crystals of CeRu4Sn6 were grown from molten flux of Pb. High-purity starting materials of Ce, Ru, Sn, and Pb were mixed in a molar ratio of 1:4:6:80 and loaded into an alumina crucible, which was further sealed under vacuum in a quartz tube. The quartz tube was then heated in a furnace from RT up to 1150 °C over 20 h, and dwelled at this temperature for 24 h before being cooled down to 600 °C at a rate of 2 °C/h. The tube was then inverted, and quickly put into a centrifuge to remove the excess flux.
The obtained single crystals are small but well faceted, with the longest dimension of roughly 0.5 mm, see inset of Fig.
The electrical resistivity ρ(T, B) was measured with a four-probe technique down to T = 2 K in the physical properties measurement system (PPMS, Quantum Design), and down to T = 25 mK by using a 3He–4He dilution refrigerator in a magnetic field up to 14 T. A self-clamped piston-cylinder pressure cell made of nonmagnetic CuBe and NiCrAl was employed to produce hydrostatic pressures, with glycerol as the pressure-transmitting medium. The generated pressure was monitored by the superconducting transition temperature of a small piece of Sn mounted together with the sample. Thermoelectric properties were measured in PPMS by using the arc-melted polycrystalline samples.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Electrical resistivity ρ(T) measured with current applied along c axis at various pressures from P = 1 bar to 22.9 kbar. |
Band structure calculations predicted a direct hybridization gap, albeit considerable residual states at the Fermi level.[7,9,13] This explains the semiconductor-like behavior at high temperatures. The upturn below T ≈ 2 K is already visible in ambient pressure (Fig.
Following the previous interpretation of the high-T resistivity as thermally-activated behavior,[16] we use the Arrhenius equation, ρ(T) = ρ0exp[Eg/(2kBT)], to describe the resistivity at T > 120 K. The energy gap obtained in this temperature range is denoted as Eg1 and shown in Fig.
The ρ(T) upturn below 2 K as well as the flat resistivity at T < 0.3 K are robust against pressure. These further corroborate that the enhancement of the overall resistivity with pressure is due to an increase of the energy gaps, rather than a reduction of the in-gap states. Increase of hybridization gap with pressure is not unusual and has been observed in, e.g., Ce3Bi4Pt3.[4] There, the hybridization gap was found to be well traced by the single-ion Kondo temperature, the latter being enhanced by pressure through strengthened hybridization. This is a remarkable feature of Kondo insulators distinct from ordinary band insulators without significant electron correlations.
The transverse magnetoresistance (MR) measured at T = 0.08 K as a function of field is shown in Fig.
To shed further light on the low-temperature resistivity, in Figs.
We now turn to the Ge substituted polycrystalline samples CeRu4(Sn1 − xGex)6. Here, our motivation is to study the thermoelectric properties, which are not accessible by the single crystals due to their small dimensions. As shown in Fig.
A combination of electronic correlations and small energy gap in Kondo insulators/semimetals has long been pursued for superior thermoelectric properties.[2] The thermopower S(T) of unsubstituted poly- and single-crystalline CeRu4Sn6 has already been reported.[10,17] As shown in Fig.
We have successfully grown single crystals of the Kondo semimetal CeRu4Sn6 from Pb flux. Besides the larger hybridization gap Eg1 ∼ 130 K, a resistivity upturn at below 2 K was also observed, reflecting a tiny energy gap (Eg2) that is less than 1 K. An increase of the energy gaps by applying chemical and hydrostatic pressures was observed and is a clear manifestation of enhanced electronic correlations in the hybridized bands. Tunability of the energy gaps will bring about better opportunities to approach the topological properties of this compound. The flat resistivity at the lowest temperatures was found to be a robust feature against both pressure and field. Whether the topologically nontrivial electronic structure plays a role in the low-temperature ρ(T) and how it evolves at even higher pressures appear to be interesting topics for future investigations.
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