† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Program of China (Grant No. 2013GB109002).
Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to study the diffusion behavior of hydrogen isotopes in single-crystal tungsten in the temperature range of 300–2000 K. The simulations show that the diffusion coefficient of H isotopes exhibits non-Arrhenius behavior, though this deviation from Arrhenius behavior is slight. Many-body and anharmonic effects of the potential surface may induce slight isotope-dependence by the activation energy; however, the dependence of the pre-factor of the diffusion coefficient on the isotope mass is diminished. The simulation results for H-atom migration near W surfaces suggest that no trap mutations occur for H atoms diffusing near either W{100} or W{111} surfaces, in contrast to the findings for He diffusion near W surfaces. Based on the H behavior obtained by our MD simulations, the time evolution of the concentration distribution of interstitial H atoms in a semi-infinite W single crystal irradiated by energetic H projectiles was calculated. The effect of H concentration on H diffusion is discussed, and the applicability of the diffusion coefficients obtained for dilute H in W is assessed.
As a plasma-facing material in nuclear fusion reactors, tungsten suffers bombardment by high-flux hydrogen and helium isotopes (H, D, T, He) in the fusion environment.[1–3] The implantation of large numbers of hydrogen and helium isotopes into the W lining could induce changes in its structural and thermomechanical properties. Moreover, high-dose radioactive T, which is a fusion fuel, could pose a crucial safety issue in the event of lining failure.[4] Thus, the retention of hydrogen isotopes in W is an important research subject that has attracted intensive experimental and theoretical attention, as reviewed in Refs. [5]–[8].
Nuclear reaction analysis (NRA), which detects the concentration profile of H in bulk W,[9] and thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS),[10,11] which measures the rate of H released from W, are two major experimental techniques used to study the mechanism of H retention in W (we shall use the chemical symbol H to refer to any hydrogen isotope, if not otherwise specified). To analyze and extract the underlying H-retention mechanism, rate-equation-based modelling of the experimental observations can be performed.[10–12] The models for diffusion, trapping, surface effects, and so on adopted in this rate-equation-based modelling significantly impact the explanation of experimental observations.[10,11,13–17] However, rate-equation-based modelling itself is phenomenological. The establishment of the models requires a detailed understanding of the relevant atomistic processes, in which atomistic simulation plays an indispensable role.[18] The purpose of the present work is to study the diffusion behavior of interstitial H atoms in the bulk and near-surface of W, which is a basic atomistic process involved in the time evolution of H retention in W.
The diffusion behavior of interstitial H atoms in bulk W has been studied by a number of authors using density functional theory (DFT).[19–23] All the DFT calculations concluded that the tetrahedral sites in single-crystal W are the most preferable for occupation by interstitial H atoms. This conclusion is consistent with experimental observations.[24] However, the calculated activation energies for the diffusion of H between two adjacent tetrahedral sites can vary widely: 0.20 eV,[19,23] 0.21 eV,[22] 0.332 eV,[20] and 0.38 eV.[21] Among these results, the last activation energy, obtained by Johnson et al.,[21] best agrees with that experimentally obtained by Frauenfelder,[12] which is considered to be the most reliable experimental result to date.[5] Nevertheless, it should be noted that Frauenfelder conducted his measurements of the diffusion coefficient of D in W at high temperature (> 1100 K) and deduced the activation energy according to the Arrhenius relationship. Several recent studies on the diffusion of He in W have shown that the diffusion behavior of interstitial He tends to be non-Arrhenius at high temperature (> 650 K).[25–27] These results for He diffusion in W suggest that it would be worthwhile to examine whether the diffusion of H in W also tends to be non-Arrhenius at high temperature. Because the DFT method is applicable to calculating the static energy states of atomic systems and the temperature-dependence of the diffusion coefficient for H in W presuming Arrhenius behavior, this examination can be performed only by using the molecular dynamics (MD) approach. Another issue worthy of investigation is the isotopic effect of H diffusion. The isotopic effect is usually considered in terms of the harmonic transition state theory (HTST). If the thermal vibrations of H isotopes dominantly contribute to the pre-factor of the diffusion coefficient, the pre-factor would be inversely proportional to the square root of the atomic mass. However, with increasing temperature, the anharmonic properties of the potential surface and nonlinear multiphononic contributions could exert effects.
Recent studies on the diffusion behavior of He near W surfaces[28–30] inspired us to consider the analogous diffusion behavior of H atoms. MD simulations have shown that He atoms near W{100} and {110} surfaces can quickly escape from the substrate, while trap mutations most likely occur when the He atoms migrate to the W{111} surface. The trap mutations may impede the release of He atoms from the substrate and would impact the analysis in TDS experiments. Thus, whether trap mutations occur in the case of H-atom migration near W surfaces also merits further investigation.
In the present paper, MD simulations were conducted to study the diffusion behavior of H in W. The surface and isotopic effects, as well as the impact of H concentration, on H diffusion will be discussed. A general description of this method is presented in Section
Our MD simulations were performed using the graphics processing unit (GPU)-based MD package MDPSCU.[31] For the inter-atomic potentials, we implemented the embedded-atom-method (EAM) potentials developed by Bonny et al.[32] for the W–H–He system on the basis of the W–W potential of Marinica et al.[33] Only the potential denoted as EAM1 in Ref. [32] was used. All the simulations were performed in the temperature range of 300–2000 K. For W, the lattice constant a0 = 3.14 Å was adopted, which is consistent with that used by Marinica et al.[33]
In calculating the H diffusion coefficient, 1000 independent simulation boxes were generated for body-centered-cubic (bcc) W. Each box has a size of 10a0 × 10a0 × 10a0 and contains 2000 W atoms. Periodic boundary conditions were applied in the x-, y-, and z-directions. In the simulation procedure, we initially added one H atom to every simulation box, and then thermalized them to a given temperature by the Monte Carlo sampling of the Maxwell distribution for the velocities of the atoms. After achieving thermal equilibrium, the boxes were then allowed to freely relax for 40 ps with the integral time step of 0.25 fs. The time step is small enough to guarantee the energy conservation. Since the energies of the boxes follow the Boltzmann distribution at the given temperature, an NVT ensemble is simulated. The displacement R(t) of the H atom was recorded. The diffusion coefficient D at a given temperature was then calculated by linear fitting the equation
To study the diffusion behavior of H atoms near surfaces, we constructed W{100} and W{111} surfaces with bcc W box sizes of 10a0 × 10a0 × 30a0 and 8.5a0 × 9.8a0 × 27.7a0, respectively. Generally, the simulation procedure consisted of two phases. In the first phase, one H atom was randomly introduced into the constructed bcc W box, and periodic boundary conditions were used in all directions. For each of the box sizes, we generated 500 independent replicas that were subsequently thermalized to a given temperature. In the second phase, the periodic boundary condition in the z-direction was discarded, which is defined as the (100) and (111) crystal orientations. The length of the box side in the z-direction was sufficient to eliminate possible interactions between the two surfaces. In this phase, all the boxes were evolved for 1000 ps, during which the states of the boxes were recorded every 20 ps.
Using the methods described above, the diffusion coefficients D of H, D, and T in W were calculated in the temperature range of 300–2000 K and fitted to the Arrhenius relationship
![]() | Table 1.
Fitted pre-exponential factors and activation energies for H, D, and T and a comparison with literature data. . |
For comparison with experimental results, the activation energies obtained by separately fitting the Arrhenius relationship to Frauenfelder’s experimental data in the temperature ranges of 1100–2500 K and 1500–2500 K are 0.39 eV and 0.25 eV, respectively.[22] The observation that the Ea at higher temperatures is smaller than that at lower temperatures is similar to our results shown above. However, the effect of non-Arrhenius diffusion on the experimental observations remains ambiguous because of the large discrepancies between Ea values obtained through experiments and simulations.
According to the HTST of Vineyard,[40] Ea is independent of isotopic mass, and the pre-factor in Eq. (
First, from Table
MD simulations were performed for temperatures from 600–1600 K with the simulation boxes having two free surfaces. Two surface orientations, {100} and {111}, were considered.
For the case of the W{100} surface, figure
Because the time scale for the escape of subsurface H atoms from the substrate is much smaller than the time scale considered in continuous-diffusion-theory (CDT)-based simulations (e.g., the size of the time grid in rate theory), we can establish a model for continuous diffusion for W surfaces. In this model, the W surface is treated as an absorber. The H atoms can be considered to migrate through the bulk tungsten until arriving at the absorber, where they are absorbed instantly with probability R. According to Wang et al.,[30] R can be determined by fitting the MD data and the following formula
The absorbing probabilities R determined for the W{100} and W{111} surfaces are summarized in Table
![]() | Table 2.
R values obtained by fitting Eq. (10) to simulation data. The diffusion coefficient used in Eq. (10) is calculated in the present work. . |
We note that the W–H potential used in this paper is repulsive if H atoms are on the top of the W surfaces. No H adatoms, and thus, no H2 molecules, which are thought to be detected in TDS experiments, are observed on the top of the W surfaces in our MD simulations. The study of the diffusion, recombination, and desorption of H adatoms on W surfaces likely needs a H–W potential that can correctly describe the interaction between H adatoms and W surface atoms. However, the model established here can be applied to modelling the production rate of H adatoms on W surfaces produced by diffusing in-bulk H atoms. The behavior of H adatoms on W surfaces can be considered as an independent subsequent process and beyond the scope of the present paper.
We performed MD simulations to study the diffusion behavior of H isotopes in single-crystal W. Several concepts were clarified by the MD simulation results. First, in the considered temperature range, the slight non-Arrhenius behavior of the diffusion coefficient of H isotopes in W indeed exists. Second, many-body effects reduce the sensitivity of the dependence of the pre-factor of the diffusion coefficient on the isotope mass, although the anharmonic effect of the potential surface induces a very slight dependence of the activation energy on isotope mass. Third, no trap mutations occur for H atoms diffusing near either the W{100} or W{111} surfaces, in contrast to the analogous cases for He atoms.
These conclusions were obtained for dilute interstitial H atoms in single W crystals. According to previous DFT and MD results,[19,42] H–H interactions at short distances in the W lattice are repulsive. The diffusion path of an interstitial H atom can be obstructed by neighboring H atoms. Based on this picture, a kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) method was used by Yang et al.[43] to study the concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient of H in single-crystal W. The concentration effects on D diffusion in W have also been studied by Ahlgren and Bukonte[44] based on MD simulations. They showed that the diffusion coefficient deviated significantly from the low concentration limit when the D/W ratio was above 0.01. We have also conducted MD simulations with various H/W ratios in the simulation boxes, arriving at a conclusion similar to that of Ahlgren and Bukonte. To assess the applicability of the diffusion coefficient obtained in the case of dilute interstitial H isotopes in single-crystal W, we calculated the time evolution of the concentration distribution of interstitial H atoms in a semi-infinite W substrate irradiated by energetic H projectiles. Assuming the concentration distribution at time t is n(z,t), based on the model established in subsection
As an example, we considered 200 eV D projectiles irradiated on W at 400 K with Γ = 3.6 × 1021 m−2 · s−1. The reflection coefficient is 0.606. Figure
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) Retention of D as a function of time. The D atoms are implanted in perfect W at 400 K with an incident flux of 3.6 × 1021 m−2·s−1. |
From the calculation results, the concentration of interstitial D atoms in single-crystal W irradiated by low-energy H isotopes is clearly much lower than that when the concentration effects of interstitial D atoms on diffusion must be considered. Additionally, we should note that the influence of defects, such as vacancies and grain boundaries which usually exist in experimental samples and form trapping sites for H isotopes, on the diffusion of H isotopes was not considered in the foregoing calculations. Trapping sites may block the diffusion of H isotopes and build up their concentration in the shallow region of the substrate. However, the immobile, trapped H isotopes would contribute the principal portion of the concentration. The concentration of interstitial H isotopes should be reduced by the presence of trapping sites. Thus, unless the concentration of trapping sites is high, the diffusion coefficient obtained for dilute interstitial H isotopes should be applicable to, for example, rate-equation-based modelling in which trapping of H isotopes is included.
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