† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11190024 and 11474331).
We propose a generalized Lanczos method to generate the many-body basis states of quantum lattice models using tensor-network states (TNS). The ground-state wave function is represented as a linear superposition composed from a set of TNS generated by Lanczos iteration. This method improves significantly the accuracy of the tensor-network algorithm and provides an effective way to enlarge the maximal bond dimension of TNS. The ground state such obtained contains significantly more entanglement than each individual TNS, reproducing correctly the logarithmic size dependence of the entanglement entropy in a critical system. The method can be generalized to non-Hamiltonian systems and to the calculation of low-lying excited states, dynamical correlation functions, and other physical properties of strongly correlated systems.
One of the biggest challenges and unsolved problems in condensed matter and quantum field theory is the study of quantum many-body systems, whose state space is exponentially large. This has severely delayed our understanding of many fascinating strongly correlated phenomena, including high temperature superconductivity and quantum spin liquids. Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulation is one of the most successful methods in simulating quantum many-body systems, but fails in the simulation of interacting fermions and frustrated spin models due to the infamous minus sign problem. In recent years, tremendous progress has been achieved in the development of numerical renormalization-group methods based on tensor-network states (TNS),[1–11] which have emerged as a powerful theoretical tool for investigating low-dimensional quantum lattice models.
The TNS formulation is a variational ansatz for the ground state. It reduces the dimension of the Hilbert space, which grows exponentially with the system size, to a polynomial growth. Commonly used TNS include the one-dimensional matrix product state (MPS),[12] which is a class of states underlying the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG),[13] and the two-dimensional projected entangled pair state (PEPS).[3] The accuracy of TNS is controlled by the virtual bond dimension of the local tensors, D. The larger the bond dimension is, the more accurate a TNS is. However, the cost for computing a TNS, especially a PEPS or a projected entangled simplex state (PESS),[11] rises rapidly with increasing D. For example, the minimal cost scales as D12 for PEPS. This has limited the bond dimension that can be handled to be generally less than 13 in two dimensions.[6,10,11] Furthermore, although both MPS and PEPS satisfy the area law of entanglement entropy,[14] in a critical or interacting fermion system with a finite Fermi surface, there is a logarithmic correction to the entropy. To describe correctly this logarithmic behavior, a more complex TNS structure is required, namely, the multi-scale entanglement renormalization ansatz (MERA) in one dimension[5] or the branching MERA in two dimensions.[15] The cost for handling these MERA-type wavefunctions is even higher. Resolving this difficulty requires a new approach that can improve significantly the accuracy of TNS without relying on the increase of the bond dimension.
In this work, we propose a generalized Lanczos method to solve quantum lattice models using TNS. This method is an adaptation of the Lanczos method for the tensor network algorithm, which generates a set of orthonormal many-body basis states (i.e., the Krylov subspace), represented using TNS, by applying the Hamiltonian to the iteratively generated basis states. At each iteration step, a new TNS is generated by minimizing a cost function. However, as a TNS is only an approximate representation of a quantum state, the Hamiltonian is not tri-diagonalized unlike in the standard Lanczos method. By diagonalizing the Hamiltonian in this set of basis states, a better ground state is obtained and represented as a linear superposition of all the generated TNS.
This paper is organized as follows. We first introduce the TNS-Lanczos method in Section
The TNS-Lanczos method starts from a TNS, |ψ1⟩, that is determined by variationally minimizing the energy functional
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Similarly, from |Ψ1⟩ and |Ψ2⟩, we can generate another TNS, |ψ3⟩, by minimizing a cost function similar to Eq. (
In general, to find the basis state |Ψα+1⟩, we first generate a TNS, |ψα+1⟩, by minimizing the cost function
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The cost function defined in Eq. (
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|Φα⟩ is a linear superposition of α TNS. The cost for contracting ⟨ψα+1|Φα⟩ scales linearly with α. Thus to generate n orthonormal TNS basis states, the total computational time needed increases roughly quadratically with n. But the contraction of ⟨ψα+1|Φα⟩ can be readily parallelized, which can reduce the total computational time from n2 to n.
From the above iteration, we find k TNS {|ψ1⟩, |ψ2⟩, . . ., ψk⟩} and k orthonormal basis states {|Ψ1⟩, Ψ2⟩, . . ., Ψk⟩} in one round of Lanczos iterations. In this basis space, the Hamiltonian can be represented as a k × k matrix whose matrix elements are defined by Eq. (
A LTNS can be generally expressed as
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The memory space needed for storing a LTNS scales linearly with N. The computational time required for generating these basis states scales as n2(k − 1)2 = (N − 1)2. The converged ground-state energy in the large-N limit depends on the total number of TNS generated, but does not depend much on the value of k. In the case that only the ground state is studied, it is sufficient to take k = 2. For a larger k, the ground state energy can converge faster than the k = 2 case during the first tens of iterations, but the entire cost is higher. The results presented below are all obtained with k = 2.
We test the method using the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with open boundary conditions in both one and two dimensions. The Hamiltonian of the Heisenberg model reads
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We first carry out the calculation based on the MPS representation of the basis states. Figure
The entanglement entropy grows very rapidly with n in the first tens of iterations and converges to a constant in the limit n → ∞. The ground-state energy is strongly anti-correlated with the entanglement entropy, dropping quickly with increasing n. For example, the relative error in the ground-state energy for L = 20 is reduced by nearly two orders of magnitude for D = 8 and three orders of magnitude for D = 12 at n = 300. The ground-state energy keeps descending with increasing n, but with a smaller slope when the entanglement entropy becomes saturated.
By directly comparing the entanglement entropy of the initial MPS |Ψ1⟩ to that of the converged LTNS, shown in Fig.
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The entanglement entropy of the LTNS, as revealed in Fig.
The correlation function is an important indicator of low energy properties of the ground state. From its long-range behavior, one can judge whether the system is gapped or gapless. However, the long-range correlation function is generally difficult to determine accurately. Figure
We have also calculated the ground state energy E(n) as a function of n for the two-dimensional Heisenberg model on the 10 × 10 lattice using the MPS-based Lanczos method. The results are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Ground-state energy E(n) versus the restart Lanczos step n obtained using the MPS-based Lanczos method for the Heisenberg model on the 10 × 10 lattice. The DMRG and QMC[16] results are also shown for comparison. |
For the ground state represented using the PEPS or other two-dimensional TNS, the improvement of our method over the conventional tensor-network algorithm is even more pronounced. Figure
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The TNS-Lanczos method also works very well in a system with larger lattice size or with larger bond dimensions, in which the overlap between two PEPS wave functions is calculated approximately using the boundary MPS or TEBD method.[7,19,20] As shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) Ground-state energy E(n) versus n obtained using the PEPS-based Lanczos method for the Heisenberg model on the 10 × 10 lattice. The boundary MPS method is adopted to contract the PEPS. For the PEPS with D = 2 and 3, the number of states retained for the boundary MPS is 50 and 80, respectively. The results (horizontal lines) obtained from the full-update calculation of PEPS[17] and the QMC[16] are shown for comparison. |
![]() | Fig. 8. (color online) Ground-state energy per site for the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the L × L lattice obtained using the PEPS-based Lanczos method: (a) L = 6, (b) L = 8, (c) L = 10, (d) L = 12, (e) L = 14, (f) L = 16. The boundary MPS method is used to contract the PEPS. For the PEPS with bond dimension D = 2 and 3, the number of states retained in the boundary MPS calculation is 50 and 80, respectively. The results obtained by the quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulation are also shown for comparison.[16] |
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Our proposed generalized Lanczos method provides a powerful numerical tool to solve quantum lattice models using TNS. It improves significantly the existing tensor-network algorithm and allows the ground state to be more accurately calculated using TNS. At each step of Lanczos iteration, the bond dimension of each newly added TNS is unchanged, but the number of parameters is increased, which allows us to obtain a lower, hence better, ground state energy. This implies that the TNS-Lanczos method can effectively enlarge the maximal bond dimension of TNS that can be handled, especially for PEPS or other TNS in two dimensions. Moreover, the ground state wave function obtained with this method contains more entanglement than a single TNS. It can describe correctly the logarithmic correction to the area law of entanglement entropy in a critical system without invoking a mulitscale entangled TNS, such as MERA.
In a DMRG calculation (similarly in other TNS-based calculations), there is always an upper bound on the maximal bond dimension or the number of states retained, Dmax, that can be handled due to the fast growth of both the computational time and the memory space with Dmax. However, we can effectively enlarge the maximal bond dimension by taking a number of TNS-Lanczos iterations, starting from the DMRG ground state wave function by keeping Dmax basis states. The cost for carrying out this Lanczos calculation is small, because it can be controlled just to grow linearly with the number of iterations. It indicates that in a DMRG or other TNS calculation where the bond dimension already reaches its maximal value, we can still significantly improve the results by taking the Lanczos iterations. This is an advantage of this method in comparison with other TNS methods, especially in the calculation of two-dimensional quantum lattice models with PEPS or PESS where the bond dimension that can be treated is very small.
In Refs. [23] and [24], a set of Lanczos-generated MPS were used to compute dynamic correlation functions in one dimension. In those works, each quantum many-body basis state is approximately represented by a single MPS that is
determined simply by using the standard Lanczos tridiagonal formulism. More explicitly, |ψα+1⟩ is obtained by truncating a higher-dimensional MPS constructed from (H − hαα)|ψα⟩ and |ψα−1⟩, rather than by minimizing the cost function defined by Eq. (
The TNS-Lanczos approach can in principle be applied to the MPS, PEPS, or other kind of TNS with any kind of boundary conditions. It can be extended to calculate the second or even higher excitation states and the energy gap by targeting two or more basis states at each Lanczos iteration. This can be regarded as a generalization of the block Lanczos method. It can be extended to finite temperature[25] and to a non-Hamiltonian system to compute, for example, thermodynamic quantities using quantum transfer matrices.[26,27] Other kind of Krylov subspace methods similar to the Lanczos method, for example, the Arnoldi[28] and the conjugate-gradient[29] methods, can also be used to generate the Krylov basis states.
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