Generalized Lanczos method for systematic optimization of tensor network states*

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11190024 and 11474331).

Huang Rui-Zhen1, 2, Liao Hai-Jun1, Liu Zhi-Yuan2, 3, Xie Hai-Dong1, 2, Xie Zhi-Yuan4, Zhao Hui-Hai5, 6, 7, Chen Jing1, 2, Xiang Tao1, 2, 8, †

(color online) Comparison of the correlation function ⟨SiSj⟩ and the entanglement entropy S(n) obtained by the TNS-Lanczos with those obtained by the DMRG method for the open antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain with L = 98. (a) ⟨SiSj⟩ versus distance rij = |rirj|, where ri is at site 20, rj runs from site 20 to site 98. (b) Entanglement entropy S(n) versus n.