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Spatial memory is a critical navigation support tool for disoriented evacuees during evacuation under adverse environmental conditions such as dark or smoky conditions. Owing to the complexity of memory, it is challenging to understand the effect of spatial memory on pedestrian evacuation quantitatively. In this study, we propose a simple method to quantitatively represent the evacueeʼs spatial memory about the emergency exit, model the evacuation of pedestrians under the guidance of the spatial memory, and investigate the effect of the evacueeʼs spatial memory on the evacuation from theoretical and physical perspectives. The result shows that (i) a good memory can significantly assist the evacuation of pedestrians under poor visibility conditions, and the evacuation can always succeed when the degree of the memory exceeds a threshold (
Crowd evacuation is an intriguing but important issue; previous studies on this issue can be roughly categorized into two types: empirical study and modeling and simulation study. Many empirical studies such as post-accident survey,[1] controlled laboratory experiment,[2–7] and evacuation drill[8] have been carried out to understand individual and collective behaviors, self-organized phenomena, and dynamical features of evacuees during the evacuation. Many mathematical models, such as the social force model,[9,10] cellular automaton model,[11,12] lattice gas model,[13,14] agent-based model,[15] and various hybrid models[16–19] were developed to simulate crowd evacuations in different scenarios.
In recent years, the study of pedestrian evacuation under adverse environmental conditions such as dark or smoky conditions has attracted considerable attention. Helbing et al.[10] simulated pedestrian evacuation under the smoky context based on the social force model. Isobe et al.[20] studied the evacuation process from a room with a single exit for the case of no visibility through both controlled experiments and simulations. Nagai et al.[21] surveyed the effect of the configuration of exits in the dark room on the evacuation process through experiments and simulations. Shi et al.[22] developed an agent-based model coupling fire expansion to simulate 6-pedestrian evacuation in large public buildings under fire conditions. Guo et al.[23] conducted experimental and simulation studies to investigate the route-choice behavior of pedestrians during an evacuation from a classroom in the cases of good and zero visibility. Guo and Huang[24] presented a theoretical analysis to estimate the moving distance of evacuees for leaving the rooms in the case of no visibility. Xia et al.[25] pointed out the importance of memory on the pedestrian flow in an environment with diminished visibility. Furthermore, Nguyen et al.,[26] Ma and Wang,[27] and Yue et al.[28] developed different simulation models to investigate the crowd evacuation under various adverse environmental conditions. Further, evacuation guidance under the dark or smoky environmental condition has been a popular topic of study.[29–31]
In most of these previous studies, it was assumed that evacuees often become disoriented under the dark or smoky environmental condition. However, this is often not the case; in many cases, evacuees are not fully disoriented. They may discern the approximate exit direction based on their memory, especially when they are very familiar with the building layout. For example, a person who usually patronizes a shopping mall may memorize the location of the emergency exit of the shopping mall, and thus, he/she can promptly find the emergency exit during evacuation even if under dark or smoky environmental conditions. Thus, it is particularly necessary to investigate and understand the effect of spatial memory on pedestrian evacuation under the poor visibility condition.
In this study, we propose a simple method to represent the evacueeʼs spatial memory about the emergency exit, model the evacuation of pedestrians under the guidance of the spatial memory, and investigate the effect of the evacueeʼs spatial memory on the evacuation under poor visibility conditions from the theoretical and the physical perspectives. In particular, we address the following questions: (i) how does the degree of memory affect the evacuation of pedestrians under poor visibility conditions, (ii) which among “memory” and “follow-the-crowd,” is a more effective approach for evacuation of pedestrians under poor visibility conditions, (iii) in the case of multiple exits, how does the memory difference between evacuees affect the evacuation of pedestrians under poor visibility conditions?
In this study, the social force model is used as the basic crowd dynamical model.[9,10] The social force model is a typical continual crowd dynamical model. In the model, the evacuee i is represented as an entity with body radius ri and mass mi. The motion of evacuee i is determined by the following acceleration equations:
Similarly, the interaction force
The memory about the location of the emergency exit is very important for the disoriented evacuees in an evacuation under dark or smoky environmental conditions. However, it is still challenging to represent the degree of memory with a quantitative method, given that human memory is a very complex psychological process. Nonetheless, it is not difficult to represent the best memory with quantitative terms in the social force model.
The best memory corresponds to the one in which the evacuee can accurately remember and know the location of the emergency exit. Therefore, the escaping direction of evacuee and points to the emergency exit (this behavioral rule is also suitable to those evacuees who can directly see the emergency exit) are known. In modeling terms
We introduce memory noise (θ) to represent general memory quantitatively, as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) (a) Representation of evacueeʼs memory about the location of the emergency exit. (b) Best memory. (c) Worst memory |
The more the memory noise θ, the larger is the uncertainty of the exit direction. The maximal value of memory noise is π. When
Based on memory noise, we define the evacueeʼs spatial memory about the emergency exit as
The degree of the worst memory φ = 0 corresponds to the memory noise θ = π (see Fig.
It is worth noting that, under dark or smoky evacuation conditions, the motion of neighbors within the visual field may exert influence on that of the evacuee. Normally, if the neighbors’ direction (ND) is in the memory range, as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) (a) Choice of the desired direction ![]() ![]() |
When the ND is out of the memory range, as shown in Fig.
The movement rules of evacuees in the model can be generalized by the flow chart shown in Fig.
Parameters selection is one of the keys of the social force model. Strictly speaking, the parameters should be calibrated; however, the calibration process is very complex and the available calibration data are scarce. Many previous studies reported their choices on the parameter values. By referring to these studies,[10,27,33–35] we specify the parameters values for the social force model as follows: body radius r = 0.3 m, mass m = 80 kg, desired speed
We simulate the evacuation of a crowd in the scenario shown in Fig.
The simulation under each treatment is repeated for 1000 runs, given that the evacuees’ initial positions and directions are randomly generated. We record the probability that all evacuees can evacuate from the room successfully within the time limit. Here, the probability is defined as the runs of successful evacuation divided by total runs (1000). Figure
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) Plots of probability H against the degree of memory φ for different visibilities (η = 2 m, 4 m, 6 m, 8 m, and 10 m) in the cases of different crowd sizes (N = 50 and 250). |
It is possible that an escaping evacuee may meet other escaping evacuees during evacuation. The exit direction in the memory may be conflicted with the escaping direction of these neighbors, as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) Evacuee chooses to trust their neighbors and follow them when the exit direction in memory is conflicted with the neighbors’ direction (ND). |
The reason for this interesting result is that, when an evacuee chooses to fully trust their memory, the evacuee can constantly approach the exit and not be away from the exit, as we analyzed in the last section. However, when an evacuee chooses to fully trust their neighbors, the evacuee may be away from the exit, because the direction of the neighbors may not be the direction approaching the exit. Further, it is possible that the direction of the neighbors can be very close to and even equal to the direction of the exit when the visibility is good enough. At this time, the selected direction by memory will be equivalent to that by “follow-the-crowd” as illustrated in Fig.
In the case of multiple exits, it is possible that an evacuee may only have memory for the exit he/she is familiar with and evacuate from that exit in an emergency. Thus, in the crowd, evacuees’ memories may be different from each other and point to different exits. How does the difference in the memory between evacuees affect the evacuation of pedestrians under poor visibility conditions? To address this question, we design a double-exit scenario by adding a symmetrical exit (4 m) on the left in the previous scenario (see Fig.
We conduct the simulations in the new scenario with different proportions pr, different φl vs. φr, different visibilities η, and different crowd sizes N. Figure
The most interesting result is that for most cases (other than η = 2 m, N = 50), the time peak often appears at “0.5 vs. 0.5” while the time bottom often appears at “0.1 vs. 0.9” or “0.9 vs. 0.1” (i.e., the disparity in the degree of memory between the right- and left-evacuees is very high). This result indicates that the higher the disparity in the degree of memory, the faster the evacuation.
The presence of the time peak at “0.5 vs. 0.5” can be ascribed to the interaction between the left- and right-evacuees. Consider the example of a left-evacuee at the middle of the room, under the conditions of large crowd size and visibility. He/she has a high probability of meeting many right-evacuees within the visual field. If the number of right evacuees within the visual field is higher than that of left evacuees, the approximate direction of the neighboring crowd within the visual field will incline to the right exit. At this point, if his/her memory φl = 0.5 (i.e., the memory noise θ = π/2), the direction of the neighboring crowd will conflict with the direction of the exit identified by his/her memory. Given that the memory is dominant, he/she will choose the direction closest to the direction of the neighboring crowd, namely, the +MD (cos(π/2), sin(π/2)) or –MD (cos(−π/2), sin(
It is unexpected that the time bottom does not appear at “0.9 vs. 0.9”, but at “0.1 vs. 0.9” or “0.9 vs. 0.1” in many cases (e.g., η = 2 m, N = 250). Intuitively, the evacuation time at “0.9 vs. 0.9” should be shorter than that at “0.1 vs. 0.9” or “0.9 vs. 0.1”, because “0.9 vs. 0.9” means that nearly all evacuees have full memory and can thus move toward the respective exit directly. The main reason for this unexpected result is that, although both the left- and right-evacuees can move toward the respective exit in the case of “0.9 vs. 0.9”, the counter-flow of evacuees (i.e., left-evacuees at the right side of the room escaping toward the left exit, and right-evacuees at the left side of the room escaping toward the right exit, as shown in Fig.
In this study, we have proposed a simple method to quantitatively represent the evacueeʼs spatial memory about the emergency exit, modeled the evacuation of pedestrians under the guidance of their spatial memory, and investigated the effect of the evacueeʼs spatial memory on evacuation under poor visibility conditions from the theoretical and the physical perspectives. Specifically, we have found that (i) a good memory can significantly assist the evacuation of pedestrians under poor visibility conditions, and the evacuation always succeeds when the degree of memory exceeds a threshold (
Our study has provided an extended social force model to simulate the evacuation of pedestrians under the guidance of spatial memory. Compared with the original social force model, the virtual evacuees are given the spatial memory property, representing the evacuees’ knowledge about the location of the emergency exit. This new feature enables us to obtain new quantitative insights into the effects of the evacuees’ spatial memory on the evacuation under poor visibility conditions. The result of our study also has an important complementary significance for the understanding of the evacuation mechanism of a crowd under dark or smoky environmental conditions.
The following problems will be considered in future work. First, for simplicity, we have not considered the temporal effect of memory (e.g., a pedestrian may forget the exit position as time elapses) in the current model. In future work, we will further consider this important factor and address its effects on the evacuation. Second, in the simulation, we have compared the effectiveness of spatial memory with the behavior of follow-the-crowd. However, we have not considered the compromise between these two effects. Setting a tradeoff or compromise coefficient between these two effects to further analyze the evacuation efficiency will be very meaningful. Third, many important findings can be revealed in the current simulation scenarios. However, these scenarios are relatively simple. More complex scenarios, such as rooms having multiple routes or obstacles should be considered in future work. Fourth, the extended social force model was not calibrated using empirical data, given that available calibration data is scarce. Thus, collecting appropriate empirical data to calibrate the model will be a focus in future works. Finally, it should be noted that the extended social force model was not validated, as it is considerably difficult to measure the memory of actual people and guarantee that it stays static and consistent. Thus, the results and conclusions are only valid for the current model and suitable to “virtual pedestrians” or agent systems. The model must be carefully examined before applying it to real systems. We will conduct further research to validate the model in future work.
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