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The application of high pressure can fundamentally modify the crystalline and electronic structures of elements as well as their chemical reactivity, which could lead to the formation of novel materials. Here, we explore the reactivity of lithium with sodium under high pressure, using a swarm structure searching techniques combined with first-principles calculations, which identify a thermodynamically stable Li–Na compound adopting an orthorhombic oP8 phase at pressure above 355 GPa. The formation of Li–Na may be a consequence of strong concentration of electrons transfering from the lithium and the sodium atoms into the interstitial sites, which also leads to open a relatively wide band gap for LiNa-oP8. This is substantially different from atoms sharing or exchanging electrons in common compounds and alloys. In addition, lattice-dynamic calculations indicate that LiNa-oP8 remains dynamically stable when pressure decompresses down to 70 GPa.
Alkali metals are widely studied for the primary understanding of the physics of interelectronic interactions between simple s electrons in the field of simple geometric ionic lattices. At ambient conditions, all the alkali metals crystallize in the bcc structure[1,2] and display a free-electron-like metallic character.[3,4] Application of pressure on these systems results in more complex structures[5,6] and remarkable physical phenomena, such as unusual melting behavior,[7,8] Fermi-surface nesting,[9] phonon instabilities,[10] superconductivities,[11–14] and transformations into poor metals or even insulators.[15–19]
At ambient conditions, the ionic radius of Li has large disparity with respect to the other alkali metals.[20] Therefore, only Li interalkalies (Li–Na, Li–K, Li–Rb, and Li–Cs) exhibit phase-separation behavior between different alkali metal elements.[21] The formation enthalpies of these Li interalkalies were calculated to be positive and rapidly increased with the size mismatch, wherein the Li–Cs system has the highest positive formation enthalpies and the most immiscibility. Pressure, as an efficient thermodynamic parameter, can easily convert the state of Li–Cs from strongly phase separating to strongly long-range ordering. Due to increasing charge transfer from Cs to Li at high pressures, Zhang et al.[21] predicted that the stable phases in Li–Cs mixture are Li–Cs at 160 GPa, and Li7Cs at 80 and 160 GPa within the density-functional theory (DFT). Subsequent experimental study by in situ synchrotron powder x-ray diffraction[22] demonstrated that the Li–Cs alloy could be synthesized at very low pressure (> 0.1 GPa), and the analysis of the valence charge density also showed that electrons are donated from Cs to Li, resulting in a charge state of −1 for Li. Interestingly, Cs can also obtain electrons from Li and become anionic with a formal charge much beyond − 1 at high pressures, as Botana et al.[23] reported in the stable LinCs (n = 2–5) compounds under pressures above 100 GPa using a first principles method within the DFT scheme. This phenomenon can be partially explained by tracking the variation of electronegativity between Li and Cs with pressure.[24] At 0 GPa, the electronegativity of Li (3.17) is much higher than that in Cs (1.76). Whereas at 200 GPa, the case is on the contrary (1.22 in Li lower than 1.59 in Cs).
All of these interalkalies are metallic, however, there is even a strong charge transfer. A spectacular behavior of pure alkalies is that under compression some of them can form electride and become an insulator.[15,16] Thus one might wonder whether such an intriguing phase can occur in other interalkalies or not. Among the Li interalkalies, Li and Na have similar ionic radius[20] and the size mismatch between them is the smallest. On the other hand, they have similar electronegativity,[24] which leads to the positive formation enthalpies in Li–Na.[21] Taking into account both the effects, the extent of Li–Na immiscibility is still considered to be the least at ambient pressure in comparison with those in Li–K,[25] Li–Rb,[26] and Li–Cs[27] systems. The phase separation curve observed experimentally in the Li–Na mixture showed a consolute point at 576 ± 2 K and composition
In this paper, we systematically investigate the stable crystalline phases in LimNan (m = 1, n = 2–5 and n = 1, m = 2–5). It is found that the unmixable Li and Na at low pressures become mixable and Li–Na is the only stable compound in Li–Na mixture at high pressures. The formation pressure in Li–Na (at 355 GPa) is substantially higher than that in Li–Cs, in other words, the volume of Li–Na is much smaller than that in Li–Cs, which means that the core–core overlapping between atoms in Li–Na is larger than that in Li–Cs. This will make it more easy to transfer electrons from Li and Na atoms into the interstitial sites of Li–Na, whereas Li–Cs has enough space to make electrons transfer between Li and Cs atoms, and is more difficult to form interstitial electrons. Remarkably, the structure of Li–Na with orthorhombic oP8 symmetry is similar to that of pure Na,[16] which also contains interstitial electrons that makes the material insulating.
Our structural prediction approach is based on a global minimization of ab inito total-energy calculations as implemented in the CALYPSO (crystal structure analysis by particle swarm optimization) code,[35,36] which has been successfully applied to the prediction of high-pressure structures of many systems.[15,16,37–41] Ab inito electronic structure calculations and structural relaxations are carried out by using the Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP)[42] with the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) generalized gradient approximation (GGA) functional.[43] 1s22s1 of Li and 2s22p63s1 of Na are treated as valence electrons for projected-augmented-wave pseudopotentials. The cut-off energy for the expansion of wavefunctions into plane waves is set to 650–900 eV in all calculations, and the Monkhorst–Pack grid with a maximum spacing of 0.03 Å−1 is individually adjusted in reciprocal space to the size of each computational cell, which usually give total energies converged to ∼ 1 meV per atom. Lattice dynamics is calculated by the small displacement method as implemented in the PHONOPY package.[44]
The formation enthalpy (
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It is known that the crystal structure is the basis for the deep understanding of any physical properties. To explore the possibility of stable Li–Na compounds, we first perform systematic crystal-structure prediction to determine the lowest-enthalpy structures of Li–Na at a pressure range of 100–400 GPa. Our structure searches show that the most energetically favorable structure of Li–Na adopts the orthorhombic oP8 symmetry (space group Pnma, 4 formula units per cell, see the inset of Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) (a) Pressure dependent formation enthalpy of Li–Na calculated by PBE functional. Inset: the crystal structure of LiNa-oP8. (b) Enthalpies of formation of LimNan (m = 1, n = 2–5 and n = 1, m = 2–5) with respect to decomposition into elemental Li and Na at 400 GPa. The abscissa x is the fraction of Na in the structures. For elemental Li, the cmca-24 (80 GPa–185 GPa), cmca-56 (185 GPa–269 GPa) and p42mbc (> 269 GPa) structures[15] are considered, and for Na, the fcc (65 GPa–103 GPa), oP8 (103 GPa–260 GPa) and hP4 (> 260 GPa) phases[16] are used. |
![]() | Fig. 2. Phonon dispersions of Li–Na under different pressures: (a)70 GPa, (b) 150 GPa, (c) 280 GPa, (d) 400 GPa. |
In the structure of LiNa-oP8 at 200 GPa, the distances of neighboring Na–Na, Na–Li, and Li–Li atoms are 1.99 Å, 1.80 Å, and 2.65 Å, respectively. Given that the atomic radii of Na and Li are, respectively, 1.16 Å and 1.09 Å,[45] it is conceivable that the core–core overlap in Na–Na and Na–Li is very strong. It is known that this overlap can cause their valence electrons to be repulsed by core electrons into the lattice interstices.[16] In Fig.
To get further insight into the nature of electride LiNa-oP8 structure, we analyzed the electron density of the ISQs with the help of Bader’s effective charges.[49–51] In this method, an atom is defined as a basin that can share electron density, and a concentration of electron density in a void is attributed to ISQs. Our Bader charge analysis reveals that the ISQs are indeed negatively charged, behaving as anions. The Bader charges on Li and Na atoms are positive, indicating a charge transfer from Li and Na to the ISQs. Comparison of the Bader charges of Li and Na in electride Li–Na shows that the charge of Li is a bit larger in magnitude than that of Na, e.g., at 100 GPa, the Bader charges are +0.65, +0.45, and −1.10 for Li, Na, and the ISQs, respectively. This is anomalous since Li has a smaller atomic core and a resultant larger Pauling electronegativity than Na.[24] As pressure increases, the charge of ISQs also increases (+0.64, +0.53, and −1.17 for Li, Na, and the ISQs at 400 GPa), indicating the increased electron localization in the voids with compression. This charge increment of ISQs originates from the charge transfer from Na rather than Li (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Structures and electron localization functions (isosurface = 0.85) of LimNan (m = 1, n = 2–5 and n = 1, m = 2–5) at 400 GPa. |
Metallization is presumed to be the general trend of all materials under sufficiently strong compression. However, pressure-induced metal–insulator transitions in elemental Na and Li as well as other materials (such as Ca, Mg, and Al) have received a lot of attention recently.[15,16,52–55] We have calculated the electronic band structures for Li–Na at different pressures, as illustrated in Figs.
In addition, figure
We have explored the possibility of stable Li–Na compounds in LimNan (m = 1, n = 2–5 and n = 1, m = 2–5) using the first principles calculations and a swarm structure search technique. A novel stoichiometric Li–Na compound is predicted to be stable up to 400 GPa. Calculations of the electronic properties reveal that Li–Na is not a metallic alloy but an insulating electride compound. Further analysis indicates that the stabilization of this compound is due to the localized interstitial electrons. Since Li–Na is metastable down to 70 GPa and all other structures lie high above in energy, the insulating phase might be synthesizable in a diamond-anvil cell (DAC) with thermal annealing. We believe that this study will extend the understanding of high-pressure alkali alloys and electrides.
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