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CuO added Pb0.92Sr0.06Ba0.02(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.25(Ti0.53Zr0.47)0.75O3 ceramics were studied to prepare high-quality multilayer piezoelectric actuators with pure Ag electrodes at 900°C. CuO addition not only reduced the sintering temperature significantly from 1260°C to 900 °C but also improved the ceramic density to 7.742 g/cm3. The 0.7 wt.% CuO added ceramic sintered at 900 °C shows the remnant polarization (Pr) of 40 µC/cm2, 0.28% strain at 40 kV/cm, and the piezoelectric coefficient (d33) of 630 pC/N. This ceramic shows a strong relaxor characteristic with a Curie temperature of 200 °C. Furthermore, the 0.7 wt.% CuO added ceramic and pure Ag electrodes were co-fired at 900 °C to prepare a high-quality multilayer piezoelectric actuator with a d33 of over 450 pC/N per ceramic layer.
Piezoelectric actuators convert electrical energy directly into linear motion with high speed, force, and virtually unlimited resolution. These actuators are used in every modern high technology field from semiconductor test and inspection to super-resolution microscopy, bio-nanotechnology, and astronomy/aerospace technology.[1,2] The actuators require highquality piezoelectric ceramics which possess a high piezoelectric constant (d33) and a large strain under an external electric field.[3] Extensive theoretical and practical interest has been taken in Pb-based complex perovskite solid solutions consisting of ferroelectric and relaxor materials, due to their excellent electrical and piezoelectric properties.[4] Researchers have tried immensely hard to discover Pb-free materials with good piezoelectric property comparable to that of Pb-based ones but have failed.[5–7] Among these Pb-based materials, the (1− x)PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3–xPbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 (PMN-PZT) system has been extensively studied for actuators because of its high piezoelectricity and large strain. 0.25PMN-0.75PZT exhibits a morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) with better dielectric and piezoelectric properties than the single-phase.[8,9] The MPB of Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O3 and ferroelectric relaxation characteristics of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 (PMN) are the reasons for their excellent properties, such as a large dielectric constant and a broad diffuse transition.[10] Wang et al.[8] reported that Pb0.92Sr0.06Ba0.02(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.25(Ti0.53Zr0.47)0.75O3 ceramic sintered at 1260 °C shows excellent piezoelectric and dielectric properties. Such phase boundary-induced enhancements in a material’s properties have also been observed in other systems such as BiFeO3.[11,12]
Generally, multilayer piezoelectric actuators require cofiring with an internal electrode such as Ag–Pd. However, the sintering temperature of PZT-based ceramic materials is at about 1200 °C.[7] Mostly Ag–Pd alloy is used in multilayered actuators as the inner electrodes, but Pd is expensive, which increases the fabrication cost.[13,14] Another disadvantage of the high sintering temperature is the volatility of PbO during sintering, which pollutes the environment. In addition, the decrease of the sintering temperature can reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution. The multilayer piezoelectric actuator with pure Ag electrodes should be prepared at∼900 °C, since Ag evaporates rapidly above 930 °C. Therefore, low-temperature processing is one of the most important techniques for the fabrication of multilayer piezoelectric actuators.
A lot of attempts have been made to attain low temperature sintering including the fine powder approach, hot pressing and similar approaches. One such technique is the addition of materials with low melting point, such as metal oxides, for liquid-phase sintering.[15–17] Some of the oxides and compounds are employed in assisting the liquid-phase sintering to reduce the sintering temperature of PZT-based materials. Hayashi et al.[18] reported the addition of LiBiO2 in Pb0.95Ba0.05(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.125Zr0.445Ti0.43O3 ceramics sintered at 950 °C and calculated a d33 value of 467 pm/V. Chao et al.[19] reported that PMN-PZN-PZT ceramics sintered at 995 °C with 0. 01 wt.% ZnO-Li2CO3 and 0.10 wt.% Pb3O4 contents showed d33 = 256 pC/N. Similarly, Gio et al.[20] reported d31 = 112 pC/N and a density of 7.91 g/cm3 with CuO additive in 0.8Pb(Zr0.48Ti0.52)O3-0.125Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3- 0.075Pb(Mn1/3Nb2/3)O3 ceramics sintered at 930 °C. The CuO component has shown a promising influence for the densification compared to many other additives.
Here 0.7 wt.% CuO added Pb0.92Sr0.06Ba0.02 (Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.25 (Ti0.53Zr0.47)0.75O3 ceramic was prepared at 900 °C and it shows the remnant polarization of 40 µC/cm2, 0.28% strain at 40 kV/cm, and d33 of 630 pC/N. Furthermore, its multilayer piezoelectric actuator with pure Ag inner electrodes was sintered at 900 °C and each 60 µm layer shows d33 of over 450 pC/N.
The specimens were manufactured using a conventional mixed oxide process. The compositions used in this study are as follow: Pb0.92Sr0.06Ba0.02 (Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.25 (Ti0.53Zr0.47)0.75O3 + xCuO (x = 0.1–0.9 wt.%). The raw materials such as PbO, ZrO2, TiO2, Nb2O5, MgO, SrCO3, and BaCO3 for the given composition were weighted by molar ratio and the powders were ball-milled for 12 h. After drying, they were calcined at 800 °C for 3 h. Thereafter, x CuO was added, ball-milled, and dried again. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA: 5 wt.% aqueous solution) was added to the dried powders. The powders were molded by the pressure of 1000 kg/cm2 in a mold, which has a diameter of 13 mm, burned out at 600 °C for 3 h, and then sintered at 850–1050 °C for 2 h. Here, the x CuO added ceramics sintered at y temperature is named as x–y ceramic in the following.
For measuring the piezoelectric characteristics, the specimens were polished to 1 mm thickness and then electrodes were pasted with Ag paste. Poling was carried out at 120 °C in a silicon oil bath by 30 kV/cm for 30 min. All samples were aged for 24 h prior to measuring the piezoelectric and dielectric properties. The crystal structure and microstructure of the specimens were analyzed through x-ray diffraction (XRD, Brucker advanced D8) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM, FEI Quanta 250F), respectively. For investigating the dielectric properties, the capacitance was measured at 1 kHz using an impedance analyzer (Agilent 4294A), and the dielectric constant was calculated. Then, the piezoelectric coefficient d33 was measured by a piezo-d33 meter (IAAS ZJ– 30), the resonant and anti-resonant frequencies were measured by the impedance analyzer, and then the planar electromechanical coupling factor kP and its mechanical quality factor Qm were calculated according to IEEE standard. Polarization versus electric field (P–E) and longitudinal strain versus electric field (S–E) loops were measured at 1 Hz with a Radiant multiferroic tester.
The XRD patterns of the x-850 ceramics (x = 0.3 wt.%, 0.5 wt.%, 0.7 wt.%, and 0.9 wt.%) show perovskite structure without pyrochlore phase (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) XRD pattern of x CuO added ceramics (x = 0.1 wt.%, 0.3 wt.%, 0.5 wt.%, 0.7 wt.%, and 0.9 wt.%) sintered at 850 °C. |
The x CuO added specimens can be sintered at a lower temperature and the 0.7 wt.%–900 ceramic owns a density of 7.742 g/cm3, which is 98% of the common specimen sintered at 1200 °C.[22] The density of 0.1 wt.%-850 ceramic is just 6.5 g/cm3, however it increases linearly with the sinter temperature and reaches 7.1 g/cm3 at the sinter temperature of 1050 °C (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) Density of x CuO added ceramics (x = 0.1 wt.%, 0.3 wt.%, 0.5 wt.%, 0.7 wt.%, and 0.9 wt.%) sintered at 850 °C, 900 °C, 950 °C, 1000 °C, and 1050 °C, respectively. |
Excess CuO addition not only accelerates the chemical reaction of raw materials but also suppresses holes and cracks according to the SEM images. Figures
The 0.7 wt.%-900 ceramic shows the highest saturated and remnant polarizations (PS, Pr) of 53.4 µC/cm2 and 40 µC/cm2, respectively. Figure
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) P–E loops of x CuO added ceramics with x = 03 wt.% (a), 0.5 wt.% (b), 0.7 wt.% (c), 0.9 wt.% (d) sintered at 850 °C, 900 °C, 950 °C, 1000 °C, and 1050 °C. |
The strain of 0.28% under 40 kV/cm has been observed in 0.7 wt.%-900 ceramic (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) S–E loops of x CuO added ceramics with x = 0.3 wt.% (a), 0.5 wt.% (b), 0.7 wt.% (c), 0.9 wt.% (d) sintered at 850 °C, 900 °C, 950 °C, 1000 °C, 1050 °C. |
The dependencies of piezoelectric d33, kP, and Qm of x CuO added ceramics on the sintering temperature are presented in Figs.
The dependence of relative dielectric constant εr on temperature suggests the dielectric relaxor characteristic and a Curie temperature (TC) of∼ 200 °C. Here, the maximum εr (εm) occurs at a temperature (Tm) closer to TC in the εr versus temperature curves (Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. (color online) The dependence of relative dielectric permittivity ϵr on temperature for 0.7 wt.%-900 ceramic, where the inset shows the modified Curie–Weiss law fitting. |
Finally, we fabricated the multilayer piezoelectric actuator with 0.7 wt.% CuO added ceramic sheets and pure Ag electrodes at 900 °C. The piezoelectric sheets were obtained by tape-casting ceramic slurry containing a mixture of piezoelectric powders, organic binders, a plasticizer, and solvents. The piezoelectric ceramic sheets were cut into 6 cm×6 cm square pieces by a knife cutting machine. The Ag paste was screen-printed on the ceramic sheet, and then laminated with 20 layers. After soaking at 500 °C for 6 h in air to remove the organic additives within the ceramic sheets, the laminated composites were co-fired at 900 °C for 10 h in air. The thicknesses of the ceramic layer and the Ag layer are 60–65 µm and 6–8 µm, respectively. Figures
The dependencies of the ceramic sintering temperature, density, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties on excess CuO addition were systematically studied in x CuO added Pb0.92Sr0.06Ba0.02(Mg1/3Nb2/3)0.25(Ti0.53Zr0.47)0.75O3 ceramics (x = 0.1–0.9 wt.%). 0.7 wt.% CuO addition has effectively reduced the sintering temperature from 1260 °C to 900 °C and the corresponding ceramic has a density of 7.742 g/cm3. Furthermore, it shows PS of 53.4 µC/cm2, Pr of 40 µC/cm2, 0.28% strain at 40 kV/cm, d33 of 630 pC/N, kP of 0.61, Qm of > 80, and TC of 200 °C. Finally, we prepared a multilayer piezoelectric actuator with 0.7 wt.% CuO ceramic sheets and pure Ag at 900 °C, where each 60–65 µm piezoelectric layer shows d33 of over 450 pC/N.
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