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This study investigated dissolution processes of cavitation bubbles generated during in vivo shock wave (SW)-induced treatments. Both active cavitation detection (ACD) and the B-mode imaging technique were applied to measure the dissolution procedure of biSpheres contrast agent bubbles by in vitro experiments. Besides, the simulation of SW-induced cavitation bubbles dissolution behaviors detected by the B-mode imaging system during in vivo SW treatments, including extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), were carried out based on calculating the integrated scattering cross-section of dissolving gas bubbles with employing gas bubble dissolution equations and Gaussian bubble size distribution. The results showed that (i) B-mode imaging technology is an effective tool to monitor the temporal evolution of cavitation bubbles dissolution procedures after the SW pulses ceased, which is important for evaluation and controlling the cavitation activity generated during subsequent SW treatments within a treatment period; (ii) the characteristics of the bubbles, such as the bubble size distribution and gas diffusion, can be estimated by simulating the experimental data properly.
High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is widely applied as a non-invasive technique in clinical diagnose and therapy, including hemostasis, thrombolysis, shock wave (SW) treatments, ultrasonic drug delivery, and lately in treatment for painful conditions.[1–5] Taking advantage of the non-invasive, small, well-circumscribed thermal lesion, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) has been widely applied for stone disease treatments in the past few decades.[3,6–8] Despite these impressive therapeutic effects, there is non-ignorable evidence that ESWL causes tissue injury, such as hematomas, hematuria, renal and perirenal hemorrhage, and kidney enlargement.[9,10] Including the above tissue damage caused by cavitation, bubbles formed in the propagation path scatter and absorb much of the acoustical energy before it reaches the target area. Furthermore, it also changes the focal zone location in the target tissue.[11] Many efforts have been made to control the cavitation in SW-induced treatments.[6,12–15] It is reported that the bubble cavitation could be suppressed by a small overpressure or slow pulse repetition frequency during ESWL.[12,13] Evan et al. pointed out that kidney damage and renal functional changes could be minimized by waveform control that reduces cavitation in shock wave lithotripsy (SWL).[6] Zhong and Zhou developed an in-situ pulse superposition technique to suppress large intraluminal bubble expansion without weakening the curative effect.[14,15]
Although primary cavitation excited by SWs is crucial to the stone comminution, the residual daughter bubbles accompanying the collapse of cavitation bubbles also play an important role.[7,16–19] These residual daughter bubbles can persist from one shock to the next, in the order of one second.[18] On one hand, these bubbles will attenuate the amplitude of the next SW and delay the time for the SW to reach the stone,[13,19] which leads to weakening stone comminution efficiency. The influence is more significant at higher pulse-repetition frequency (PRF), as less time is available for residual daughter bubbles to passively dissolve between sequent SWs. In order to enhance the comminution efficiency, Duryea et al. developed an active residual bubble removal method.[20,21] They suggested that adjusting the cavitation environment can improve comminution efficiency when PRF is at a high rate. On the other hand, residual bubbles may also act as nuclei that can be excited by subsequent pulses. Therefore, the residual bubbles may improve the therapeutic effect,[7] or cause further tissue damage. Therefore, it may be favorable to achieve an optimal SW treatment[7,13, 22] by adjusting the dissolving process of residual cavitation bubbles between two sequent SWs.
It is known that free gas bubbles present in a liquid are usually unstable, which means they will tend to dissolve due to the external pressure generated by surface tension that will force the gas out of the bubble into solution in the liquid. Epstein and Plesset developed equations that can be used to calculate the expected lifetime of an air bubble in an unbounded liquid.[23] Effects have been done to observe the UCA dissolution process by the ACD system during in vitro experiments.[24] However, the dissolution process of gas bubbles generated in vivo is not yet well known. Therefore, we intended to investigate the dissolution processes of cavitation bubbles generated during in vivo SW treatments. The general hypotheses tested in this study were: (i) B-mode imaging is an effective technique to monitor the dissolution procedure of cavitation bubbles; and (ii) the cavitation bubble dissolution procedure detected by B-mode ultrasound can be simulated based on the calculation of scattering cross-section with employing gas bubble dissolution equations and Gaussian bubble size distribution. Firstly, in vitro experiments were conducted to monitor the dissolution process of biSpheres contrast agent bubbles using both the single-transducer ACD system and B-mode ultrasound imaging system. To verify the efficiency of the B-mode imaging system, its collected signals were compared with the signals detected by the ACD system, which had been proved to be capable of detecting microbubbles destruction and the subsequent dissolution process.[24] Furthermore, the normalized decay curves of hyperechoic regions measured by the B-mode imaging system[25] during both in vivo ESWL treatments of pig kidneys and in vivo ESWT treatments of plantar fasciitis. The results showed that monitoring bubble dissolution procedures using B-mode imaging could provide a better understanding of the temporal evolution of cavitation bubbles after SW pulses ceased in vivo. In addition, the characteristics of cavitation bubbles, such as the bubble size distribution and gas diffusion, can be estimated by simulating the experimental data properly.
The purpose of this paper was to simulate the cavitation bubble dissolution process detected after SW treatments in ESWL and ESWT. Because the experimental data were collected using B-mode ultrasound, the simulation should be based on the calculation of the backscattering cross-section. Furthermore, the simulation should also include the effects of bubble size distribution, because the detected signals involved the scattering from a distribution of bubbles. Therefore, the final simulation should incorporate the changing radius of the dissolving bubbles, R(t), into the scattering cross-section equations, taking into account the bubble size distribution. Chen et al. [24] performed just this type of analysis using standard ACD in an in vitro setting by monitoring the destruction of ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) microbubbles. The results were quite good, and thus we will use their simulation and analysis techniques for our purposes.
It is known in an in vivo setting, bubble dissolution is complicated because they can be stabilized by other surfaces or coatings, or they might move because of blood flow, or there might be bubble-bubble interactions. We will simplify the process by assuming that the dissolution is from an unbounded liquid, without interactions. We hypothesize that discrepancies between the simulations and data are most probably due to the effects mentioned. The dissolution rate of a gas bubble in liquid can be calculated by the following equation:[23]
![]() | (1) |
Other parameters are defined in Table
![]() | Table 1.
Notations used for bubble dissolution calculation. . |
Once we know the size of a bubble at any time, we can then calculate its scattering cross section as a function of time based on the assumption of the scattering from small particles with the wavelength λ ≫ R:[27]
Thermal damping constant:
Radiation resistance damping constant
Viscosity damping constant
![]() | (7) |
With a scaling factor, the square root of the scattering cross section can be used to simulate the expected scattering amplitude vs. time that we would see on a B-mode image.
During ESWL or ESWT treatment, bubble ‘clusters’ are generated by shock wave pulses, rather than single bubbles. The size distribution of these bubbles is not homogeneous. For simplicity, a Gaussian function[24] with mean radius of R 0 and standard deviation of SD will be employed to cavitation bubble size distribution W (R 0)
![]() | (8) |
The bubble size distribution was considered as a weighting factor when the scattering cross section was calculated. Thus, the final simulated scattering cross-section for a distribution of bubbles is given by:
We hypothesized that the measured bubble dissolution curves could be simulated by calculating the backscattering cross-sections, while employing the bubble dissolution equation and assuming a Gaussian size distribution. Three unknown parameters were chosen for the simulation: R
0, SD, and D
A, while assuming other parameters to be constant (See Table
For the in vitro experiments, we used ultrasound contrast agents as the starting point because they have a well-defined size distribution. That is, we know a priori pretty much what the initial bubble size distribution will be. The ultrasound contrast agent used in this study was biSpheres (Point Biomedical, San Carlos, CA). BiSpheres is an experimental contrast agent with air enclosed by an inner polymer and an outer albumin shell. The biSpheres preparations were provided in powder form, and were reconstituted with distilled water before use according to the manufacturer’s recommended protocol. According to the manufacturer’s data, the mean diameter of biSpheres is 40 µm, and there are approximately 5 × 108 microbubbles/ml for biSpheres.
The 5-MHz transducer was driven by a pulse-receiver (5072, Panametrics, Waltham, MA, USA) whose output signal was triggered by the function generator (33120A, Hewlett Packard, Loveland, CO). The ACD interrogating pulses (10 cycles, 5 MHz, PRF = 5 kHz) with low amplitude were sent to detect the bubble dissolution. Relative high PRF (5 kHz) and low amplitude (about 20 kPa) which was definitely lower than the cavitation threshold were applied to ensure that the bubbles remained relatively stationary over short time scales. Then the echoes scattering by bubbles were recorded continuously using the sequence mode of the oscilloscope (LC 334 AM, Lecroy, Chestnut Ridge, NY). The detected waveforms were digitized by the oscilloscope at a resolution of 40 ns/pt. The hold-off interval of the interrogating pulses was adjusted to ensure the data collecting time was long enough to observe the entire bubble dissolution process. The whole process for recording one ACD waveform lasted about 0.029 s, including sending interrogating pulses, receiving scattering signals, and recording and saving them into the computer. A total of 1452 20-µs-long ACD waveforms were detected and stored for every sample.
The bubble dissolution processes were also imaged using the B-mode system at a frame rate of 30 frames/s. The B-mode movies were digitized through a digital video converter (Px-AV100U, Plextor Inc., Fremont, CA), before being transferred to the computer. All the recorded ACD signals and B-mode movies were stored in PC computers, subsequently processed offline by the MatLab program (Math Works, Natick, MA).
The areas of the hyperechoic regions in the B-mode images were quantified after image processing had been done by MatLab programs (Mathworks, Natick, MA). The image processing method is the same as the one described in our previous work.[16] Briefly, the area of the hyperechoic region was detected and quantified in terms of pixels by an image binarization method. Then, the images were processed frame by frame to observe the temporal evolution of the hyperechoic regions.
This in vitro study was designed to verify the feasibility of monitoring the bubble dissolution process with B-mode ultrasound, by comparing the signals detected using B-model ultrasound with that obtained from ACD system.
Before the experiments, 1 ml of biSpheres bubbles was withdrawn and diluted immediately in 1000 ml of distilled water. For every study, only 1 ml of diluted suspension was injected to the pipette bulb using a syringe with an 18-gauge needle. Because the original concentration of biSpheres is about 5 × 108 microbubbles/ml, ~ 5 × 105 microbubbles were therefore presented in the pipette bulb.
Interrogating pulses were sent by the 5-MHz ACD transducer to detect the presence of UCA microbubbles. The amount of bubbles was quantified according to the amplitude of the backscattered interrogating signal. Meanwhile, the bubble dissolution process was also monitored using B-mode ultrasound. The time-varying bubble numbers were assumed to be proportional to the area quantification of the hyperechoic spots recorded in the B-mode movies. Both the ACD and B-mode data collection were stopped simultaneously, when almost all the bright bubble echoes disappeared in the B-mode image. Five replicate experiments were performed and the data were averaged. In order to compare the results obtained with these two systems, all the signals were normalized to the corresponding maximum value. Then, the experimental data were simulated according to the scattering cross-section calculation with 3 fitting parameters (e.g., mean radius of bubbles R 0, standard deviation of bubble size distribution SD and gas diffusion constant D A). The best fitting standard was applied to achieve the minimum standard deviation of error.
The results were shown in Fig.
The in vitro studies demonstrated that bubble dissolution processes could be quantitatively detected using B-mode imaging, because the measurements of bubble numbers should be proportional to the area quantification of the hyperechoic regions in the B-mode images. In our previous work, we demonstrated in vivo that SW-induced cavitation bubbles indicated by echogenic regions in B-mode images would dissipate gradually after ceasing the SW pulses, which indicated the dissolution of cavitation bubbles.[16] In the present work, these dissolution procedures observed during in vivo ESWL studies were further investigated by adopting the decay portions of the temporal evolution curves in Figs.
The B-mode images shown in Fig.
The B-mode movies taken during the ESWT treatments were analyzed using the same method that was applied to the in vivo ESWL data. The areas of hyperechoic regions were quantified in terms of pixels, then, were plotted as a function of time in Fig.
In detail, the dissolution procedure of induced cavitation bubbles during ESWT was investigated after normalizing the decay portion of the temporal evolution curve of the hyperechoic region measurements for the ESWT studies, as described in the ESWL studies. The time origin (t = 0s) was defined as the point at which the SW pulses stopped (viz., marked by the dash line in Fig.
It was proved that the single-transducer ACD system was capable of detecting UCA microbubble destruction and the subsequent dissolution process.[24] Here, the dissolution of biSpheres bubbles was observed in vitro using both ACD and B-mode imaging. The comparison result (Fig.
Although the results showed that the experimental results could be simulated very well with appropriate fitting parameters, it was of interest to determine if the simulation result was or was not unique, because there were so many parameters involved in the simulation. Figure
![]() | Fig. 8. The dissolution curve measured by B-mode ultrasound. Similar simulation results can be obtained while using different parameter sets. |
The above discussion suggests that it is possible to estimate the bubble size distribution and gas diffusion constant by simulating the experimental data properly. Thus, we would like to estimate the size distribution of the cavitation bubbles generated during in vivo SW studies by applying this method to the in vivo ESWL and ESWT data. Figure
The best fitting results for the ESWL pig kidney studies (see Figs.
Another interesting point we want to point out here is that, for the experimental data of in vivo ESWL at 2-Hz-PRF and ESWT, the tails of the experimental dissolution curves do not follow the simulation results that trend downward continuously. Previous researchers have reported that cavitation bubble nuclei can be stabilized in tissue against dissolution.[31–34] The main possible mechanisms of bubble stabilization have been proposed as: (i) small spherical gas bubbles could be stabilized by a layer of surface-active materials; essentially shrinking bubbles might be stabilized by a continuous surface formed by molecules;[33] and (ii) cavitation bubble nuclei could be prevented from dissolution if they form inside a crevice.[34] The experimental data tends to approach some stationary minimum values finally, which implied that some forms of “bubble stabilization” might be involved in the dissolution procedure, especially close to the end of the process. However, the experimental data of in vivo ESWL at 0.5-Hz-PRF met the simulation result pretty well. As mentioned in the researches of Postema et al.,[29,30] sound pressure could drive two bubbles into each other, furthermore, if the distance between two bubbles gets shorter, they may come into contact with each other faster. Meanwhile, larger and more densely populated cavitation bubble clouds were observed in SWL at higher PRF,[22] which in turn had shorter distance between bubbles. By their studies, one could conclude that there were less cavitation events and little residual bubbles at slower PRF. Therefore, the dissolution process at slower PRF (e.g., 0.5 Hz) followed the simulation results better than higher PRF (e.g., 2 Hz).
This study investigated dissolution processes of cavitation bubbles generated during in vivo SW -induced treatments. Firstly, the feasibility of detecting the bubble dissolution process based on the B-mode imaging technique was confirmed by comparing with the ACD system in the in vitro experiments. Secondly, the SW-induced cavitation bubbles dissolution processes were detected by the B-mode imaging system during in vivo SW treatments (ESWL and ESWT). Finally, the dissolution processes were simulated to study the characteristics and behaviors of the residual bubbles. The results showed that (I) B-mode imaging technology is an effective tool to monitor the temporal evolution of cavitation bubbles dissolution procedures after the SW pulses ceased, which is important for evaluation and controlling the cavitation activity generated during subsequent SW treatments within a treatment period; (II) the cavitation bubble dissolution procedure detected by B-mode ultrasound can be simulated based on the calculation of the scattering cross-section with employing gas bubble dissolution equations and Gaussian bubble size distribution; (III) the characteristics of the bubbles, such as the bubble size distribution and gas diffusion, can be estimated by simulating the experimental data properly. In summary, this study showed the promising future of estimating the size distribution of SW-induced cavitation bubbles and other involved coefficients, by simulating the bubble dissolution procedures. This work should be helpful for understanding the time-varying SW-induced cavitation activity, which is important for controlling the effects of SW treatments. Furthermore, it may provide a possible method to achieve an optimal SW treatment of minimizing tissue injury without compromising the therapeutic effect by adjusting the dissolving process of residual cavitation bubbles between two sequent SWs.
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