Study on shock wave-induced cavitation bubbles dissolution process
Xu Huan1, 2, Fan Peng-Fei1, Ma Yong3, Guo Xia-Sheng1, Yang Ping2, Tu Juan1, ‡, Zhang Dong1, §

Experimental data and simulation result for the dissolution of cavitation bubbles generated during an ESWL pig experiment with the lithotripter charging voltage = 24 kV and using a PRF of 0.5 Hz. (a) The experimental bubble dissolution curve and the simulation results. The experimental data could be best fitted with the selected parameter sets: the mean diameter of bubbles R 0 = 20 µm, the standard deviation of bubbles distribution SD = 8 µm, and the diffusion constant D A = 2.5 × 10–7 m2/s. (b) The bubble size distribution.